Combuster vs. Voltedge for FSC

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Microbolt

I was trying to look for some recent comparison topics for these swords but couldn't find any.

Which weapon is better to use in FSC? Combuster or Voltedge?

Imagen de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Voltedge is going to be better at dealing damage when they're all stuck against a wall clumped up or whatever because they can't move and shock does damage whereas not shock doesn't do damage.

Combuster is going to be better at destroying a couple of stray zombies who get pushed back by each explosion.

But honestly it's just preference and they're mostly the same sword so get whichever one you think is cooler, can afford, whatever. Get them both. Try it for yourself. Or don't. And just for the record-

Glacius is going to be better at dealing with trojans, but really you'd want blitz with damage boosts for those, maybe shiver/torpor for added utility and failing that most of the time your team mates will just KO them instantly... really if you're using glacius on them (or in fsc at all) it's just for style points or something. You can also do the thing where you freeze the zombies and then spam charges till they die but really voltedge can do it too and it's not that amazing.

Divine Avenger is also a thing you can use for FSC, and it functions pretty well if you prefer it. The bigger swing arc on the normal hits is useful for hitting like 3-5 zombies at once but the charge gets stuck on stuff and takes longer to shoot out, making it a bit worse IMO.

Still these are marginal differences at most and it's more a preference thing. Below are the less honorable mentions that might be crossing your mind...

Warmaster Rocket Hammer really really shines at taking down deadnauts and turrets. FSC contains no deadnauts, but some turrets, but they're red rovers with like, less health for some reason? So like... you shouldn't be having problems with the turrets lol. Rocket Hammer is a good weapon but ultimately it's not a good fit for FSC, where murdering large numbers of zombies repeatedly is all you do.

Flourishes are fine for FSC if you already have one and are trying to grind for an elemental sword or something. They won't hit heavy numbers but they're good for the beasts, trojans, etc. and can get you out of being stuck pretty well. Since you probably have some form of blitz noodle you can just use that for damage and then pull out the flourish whenever you need to hit crowds or want to use a sword or whatever.

Normal swords aren't winning any awards but do kill stuff. Sudaruska, winmillion and DVS are flat out bad weapons for FSC and in general but I'm not going to stop you from using them or anything. Leviathan blade is... underwhelming at best, but still something here? If you're going for FSC farming you should probably go brandish over any of the normal swords. Do keep in mind that vana's mask is weak to normal for whatever reason so you can totally do some OK damage with your normal damage sword there... just, you know.... those elemental swords are also half normal so... and blitz is probably still better for the mask anyway lol.

Imagen de Microbolt
Thanks for replying

I have both and I've used both quite a lot but never knew which one was "better"

I usually EV a bunch of slags together and go at them with whatever sword I have on

Imagen de Bopp

I have a detailed sword guide that compares elemental swords:

For FSC specifically, both of these swords work well, as Promos-Are-Content said. The Combuster's better knockback (monsters riding the entire charge attack) is somewhat balanced by the uselessness of the fire. All else being equal, I would still go with Combuster. Here are two ways in which all else might not be equal:

If one of your swords has greater CTR, ASI, etc., then use it.

If you're playing in a party that uses vortex bombs, then that helps Voltedge more than Combuster. The shock does area damage and helps the monsters not spread out too much.

Imagen de Traevelliath

You can sorta make any sword with CTR work when combined with a Vortex. Heck, I used to swing around a Triglav, and was able to outdo most of my pub teammates.

That said, Zombies always slowly walk towards you. So, in FSC, the most valuable CC is reliable knockback IMO. Thus, I tend to use my Combuster over my Voltedge.

Imagen de Nuclear-Lynx
Its preference but...

It really comes down to your preference but there are certain things that give the combuster an edge and certain things that give voltedge an edge.

For a party that doesn't have crowd control like vortex bombs or mist bombs the combuster is a decent amount better purely because it will be doing more damage most of the time.

For a party that does have vortex bombs or mist bombs, the voltedge comes out on top by a bit since most crowd control bombs don't allow the zombies to ride the charge of the combuster to its full length which puts its dmg on the same level as the voltedge. What gives the voltedge the advantage is the shock damage,which thrives when the zombies are close together as a result of the crowd control.

In solo the combuster is imo the best one to use since it is the only brandish that can consistently kill the zombies in one charge.

Once again it comes down to preference, both have areas where they are better than the other. I personally use combuster because I mostly run solo or with only one other person.

Imagen de Pyrosparker
"The age old debate"

Saw the topic and felt obligated to post a link to my video on the topic, and I see that Nuclear-Lynx already did. Small world, eh?

If you want to go into detail about comparing the two, I pinned a comment on that video that looks at the pros/cons of each, unique usage cases, etc.

...Or if you just want another opinion, my vote goes to Combuster.