alchemer=brandish? complain
so as a gunner main its pretty obvious that alchemers are op (almost as the brandish line). they are easy to use and give you so much for so littel downside (you have to charge your shoots) the only other downside may be the lose in dps compared to arcana and blitz (clockworks). you can one shots most enemies in the game, have high crowd control probability with the charge bounces (pve and pvp) have a lot of statuses to choose from wich contains the best ones from the game (shock and freeze). if spiral knights gets attention again i hope to see a balance (nerf) to alchemers as well as brandishes and maybe bring other guns as viable to both pvp and pve
losing dps when you cant charge shoots isn't a big downside since that happends 2/10 times as a gunner and most of the time it happends againts fiends (so you switch to the callahan) or when trying to dodge . yeah lost of dps is massive but since you're applying statuses and one shooting things then the downside is pretty minimal. also the weapons that do more dps have generally a bigger downside blitz being stationary and arcana cant one shoot with the charge atack. i know how to switch shoot but use it rarely since i mastered the bounce on alchemers and can hit generally 3-4 people at the same time with bounces (charged and not)

Your goal is to switch shoot and land the alchemer ricochets at the same time.
I confess I don't understand your argument in this thread, but maybe that's okay. Cheers.

Brandishes are OP, that's very true, but Alchemers are just fine (I think it even needs some slight nerf) but gimmicky as a primary weapon, esp on party runs. Also, the charge attack of alchs are overrated imo... and at the same time, underrated for some.
Larger parties also decreases alchemers' effectiveness for several reasons (scattered aggros, random knockbacks, laggier gameplay, and tankier targets), it's hard to keep up with well-geared and speedy ppls on larger parties tbh.
the only other downside may be the lose in dps compared to arcana
Alchemers has higher potential DPS than blasters though.
Yes, alchemers have powerful charge attacks. So do Magnus-style and Autogun-style guns. How do they compare, in your opinion?
Do you know how to switch-shoot alchemers? Because that can yield even more damage than charging.
But this part of your post makes no sense to me:
the only other downside may be the lose in dps compared to arcana and blitz (clockworks)
Isn't a loss of DPS a pretty big downside? I mean, if you think that alchemers are overpowered, and these other guns do even more damage, then aren't these other guns worrisome too?