Valkyrie Vs. Fallen

7 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

I currently have a level 8 Seraphic Mail with a high poison Uv, I have no idea which path to choose. ;___;

Legacy Username
Armor of the fallen will be

Armor of the fallen will be better for Firestorm Citadel. Valkyrie will be better for fiend levels :D Either way you will end up with nearly max poison resist on your chest plate, so you can pick a head piece based on whatever stats you desire to combine with a high poison resist set.

Personally I like the fallen for the utility and the valkyrie for the looks and would probably end up going with fallen simply because the fire resist and swing speed increase.

Imagen de Bigfootm
valk is better for FSC.

valk is better for FSC. fallen is used for costume. i highly recommend valkryie.

Imagen de Bigfootm
this is of course if you are

this is of course if you are going to end up having a volcanic plate shield or grey owlite. (I have both and almost NEVER get burned.)

Imagen de Orangeo
Try mixing valkyrie with

Try mixing valkyrie with dragon scale (angelic with drake). Drake has strength against fire, and that cancels out the fire weakness, and it gives you a beast damage bonus. then you have a medium bouns against feind's and beast's, whom ae both weak to peircing. Now you have less of a need for a peircing weapon, so you can use the two slot's for a shadow and elemental item. Plus, valkyrie has defense against normal and shadow, and the dragon scale has defense against peircing and elemental, so you have all four fourms of defense. It's the most well-rounded setup I can think up.

Legacy Username
Valkyrie on FSC?

How come valkyrie is better for FSC? It has a NEGATIVE fire status resistance. Do enlighten us, sir.

Imagen de Sunless
He's clearly drunk.

He's clearly drunk.

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