Polaris is a pretty rad cat

The bullets get bigger man it's nuts but
Tonight I was on Reddit and I saw a picture of a sandwhich so I went to make myself one but I didn't have bread and I was so sad but then. I thought if I have money I can buy a sandwhich but it's 2 am. So I looked up a sandwhich on the internet and then I drove to subway and I got one. I did have money.
Honey Mustard
American Cheese
The man was sleepy but his motions were beautiful.
He made me a sandwhich. I paid seven dollars. I drove home.
I ate the sandwhich watching Mario Maker 2 Videos
And. It was the best sandwhich of my life.
But now I'm sad because I ate it and there will never be another one that tasttes as good. It was amazing.
I'm crying. I just. That sandwich
The charge on polaris should get bigger too imo. It's such a weird weapon hahahaha I can't stop laughing

I think the charge should be made kind of like iron slug's, where it can sort of carry through things. That way, the charge would be kind of ok in lockdown but very decent in pve.

So it would be similar to iron slug's charge attack? larger hitbox but projectile is slower and has no powerful knockback after reaching the maxumum range.
It would be nice for the Polaris to have a more interesting charge attack. Something that plays off the strengths that Polaris already has, while maintaining some kind of balance, of course.
Here's my idea: The charge shot does huge knockback (think Nitronome, BAB, etc.) but no damage.