WTB Firestrom Skeggox
Sáb, 07/27/2019 - 07:54
I'm interested in buying a Firestorm Skeggox and anyone that has one or knows anyone that does, contact me on my steam
Steam : Cynargos
I too post in the wrong subforum for attention. I just really want to talk about how healthcare is a human right in the arsenal sometimes,, or the time I ate a sandwhich. But the other one, yes. I want to talk to you here, right now, about healthcare.
Here's Bernie, walking around the street- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm9B0MHqRzQ
He wants healthcare, and he talks to people from various countries. You! Griff Dullahan! What country are you from and what are your experiences with YOUR healthcare system? This is important arsenal work. It's why you posted here.