Ancient plate: A revelation of Dreams and Nightmares

I'm here to report on my positive experience with the Ancient plate set and encourage others to try it with D&N on their radiant farms.
Sure, Normally I would just roll with chaos+gun-dmg perk+Swiftstrike buck; but I found that the run was incredibly easier and without stress with the ancient plate+health bonus+Swiftstrike buck. You can get hit a dozen times and just continue shooting and mop everything up no problem. Barely any need to dodge stuff. I don't think you will be hit by non-normal attacks if you use your head.
I have noticed that many people avoid that run, but I think even a novice player can easily clear it with this set. Worth a try.

No worries Bopp i totally get what you mean.
The void lichen's spikes are random and thus hard to predict for sure. I just stay out of their range. But that's because i only use guns it is an option. If i were using swords they would undoubtedly be a huge hassle and prioritize removal.

Trust me dude. As much as I can shoot and swing I KNOW NOTHING about bombs lol.
Which ones do you use in DAN?

Dark Retribution is easy and safe (meaning that it has no knockback). The only shadow-resistant enemy in that fight is also the easiest: zombies. So I circle counterclockwise around the edge of the room, dropping DRs to kill everything but the zombies. Then I clean up the zombies using my other weapon.
Ash of Agni might work about as well. I don't know the fire vulnerabilities of the monsters off the top of my head.

I think I used ash of agni the few times that I solod it. It's slow, but it's very safe.

I posted this on the other thread but I'll do so here as well, since it belongs in both places.
The new promissory note grants more normal defense the less health you have. Perhaps this would make an ancient plate bomber setup work well for the likes of dreams and nightmares-
Full Ancient
2x promissory note
HP sprite perk
Bombs with ctr high+
This could also open up the possibility of using ash of agni + salt bomb lmao. Someone needs to go try this when they can. I will if no one else, I just need the promissory notes XD
The poison spikes would be a huge menace to this setup but (assuming this setup works the way it ought to, which it may not for all I know) everything else would be a joke lol
I like to see knights trying unpopular gear. So thanks for posting.
The only thing that ever hits me in D&N is projectiles from void lichens. And the wiki says that they are piercing+poison. Do you not consider them one of the more serious threats?
(To clarify, I am not saying that I find D&N hard. Actually I've never understood its reputation. I usually speed-run until the last fight, which I bomb. But the void lichens do sometimes hit me.)