Why is The Third Troika not released and what is the best troika?
Lun, 08/26/2019 - 04:49
Anyone have any suggestions as to why the devs could be holding off on releasing The Third Troika to the players?
Also, between the Suda and Triglav, which one do you prefer?
Dom, 09/22/2019 - 08:05
I saw weapon icons thrown
i'm embarassed, i didn't know or would ever assumed it was a dev weapon so i'm editing my post
never heard or seen of it despite people i know knowing how much i like the troika line
if you'd want to look at my worthless post, it was this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334513160528592907/62534683961222...
Dom, 09/22/2019 - 07:54
rip then
that's dull, guess not much we can do about it then, never seen others point it out s a dev weapon
Sudaruska vs. Triglav is one of the many comparisons in my detailed sword guide:
These swords are great fun. So slow. Such an epic charge attack.
I don't know anything about the developer's schedule. Cheers.