Greavers: A strategy discussion

2 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Crazy-Horse

~Imagine that you have just fallen asleep and a nightmare hits your soul. Yes, as you feared, all the zombies of FSC, all the gremlins and slimes of D&N, they are replaced by Shock Greavers. As you know, their dives are homing, so they wont fly past you like a kat if you dodge. They dive immune to bullets and sword charges, faster than you can run, emit a status aura, and eat you alive. So, You die and click return to haven. Only to realize they are there too, blocking the auction house from access!

So, in preparation for the upcoming Greaver apocalypse, I invite you all to discuss your personal approach to defeating these little pests.

I suppose my personal strategy has always been the Dark briar barrage, although that still could leave you somewhat vulnerable to the status interrupt.
Otherwise i just switch fire hundreds of bullets, but their bullet immunity while diving makes this option very inefficient and taxing to hands.
Shield canceling the toothpick seems to work as well.

All of these involve getting hit, and so there's room for improvement. What techniques do you guys use?


Any hit will interrupt them, and they don't get knocked back by DVS slashes so they die really quickly. They do me a favor by dashing towards me with a long wind-up attack that I can easily interrupt with a strike. Then they do me another favor by basically gluing themselves to my sword and taking every hit I throw at them. They really aren't difficult to kill with DVS, just click your attack button until they are all dead.

Imagen de Bopp
bombs, corner

As you mentioned, bombs work really well --- if you start the chain of bombs well. If your first bomb is mis-timed, then you get shocked, your next bomb fails to drop as planned, and things get worse until you die. But if you time the chain well, then you can kill many greavers easily. It's not just DBB. I've used Nitronome many times.

Swords interrupt them well, as Zincmania-Forum mentioned. If you stand with your back in a corner, then they can attack you only from the front. Stroke, shield cancel, stroke, shield cancel, and so on until they die. It works especially well with swords that have wide strokes: Flourishes, Sealeds, Troikas, and WRH. It works less well when there is another enemy with a ranged attack --- devilites or kats, for example.