Sprites... what's good and what needs to be improved (Maskeraith)

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Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

Much like my last one I'll be going over the Maskeraith base and ults...


When you start out the Maskeraith is immediately useful... the Quills make killing key targets like turrets fast and the poison gives an offense and defense perk since it cuts enemy damage and defense...

The Cloak is useful immediately too since it gives a knight breathing room to escape and re-position or more safely use HP capsules...

The Haze too is useful though by the time you gain access it only proves really useful when dealing with masses of enemies, otherwise the quills are better

The only buff I'd give is giving it the ability to deal poison to enemies that are immune to poison.... perhaps make a unique status called "Maskeraith poison" functionally identical to the existing poison but is not affected by status resist and immunity


Both Quill ultimates seem to be quite useful on first glance but the Virulent suffers from terribly short range while Vengeful is good but not the best it could be...
Give the Virulent quill explosion something along the lines of a 2 Star Blast bomb radius of effect to help
Give the Vengeful quills targeting to try and affect the nearest enemies... not the ones across the room

Both Cloak ultimates also seem useful... but even after the flash charge nerf the Deadly Cloak is still better than the Vengeful one
To improve the Vengeful cloak you could improve the Stun Blast radius size and perhaps even give enemies afflicted a defense drop making it a good support and revenge options

Again like before both seem like powerful options... however Haunted haze has the caveat that the enemies have to die by the haze to activate the effect... on top of that the ability is currently bugged and doesn't scale to depth...

Buff Haunted Haze's ability to go off when any enemy in it's influence dies in any ways (just like Violent heart attack) and fix the issue with it's damage scaling.... I'm figuring that even dealing a third of the damage with the ghost that the Haze can deal with itself can turn into a useful KO chaining skill
Chaotic haze is just useful... the only buff I'd give is that it doesn't attempt to apply a status to an enemy that is immune

Imagen de Jcyrano
A lot of fixing rather

A lot of fixing rather improving, you also explained why some options are viable at his core, but perhaps not in practise, as of now.

I'm not sure about giving: "...Virulent quill explosion something along the lines of a 2 Star Blast bomb radius of effect to help", a little bit better than now, would be really useful and helpful

P.D.: looking for the review on the flying Lizard

Imagen de Number-One-God
It's important to note that

It's important to note that Virulent Explosion is actually bigger than it looks, it looks like a small demo gremlin bomb, but it's actually a 3* haze bomb, and deals Strong Poison instead of Moderate Poison, which Strong Poison has the benefit to make it so enemies don't deal as much damage as you, and you deal significantly more damage.

Base Cloak is also really good because you can abuse the Barriers, and kill enemies like they are nothing.

Haze is insanely good if you use the right harness at the right spot, which can also flinch enemies and create openings.


Quills do not need a buff. They are good enough to warrant frequent use, which is a pretty big deal considering they also put deadly shadow cloak on cooldown... I prefer vengeful quills because the maskeraith arms are ugly and I guess they spread poison a bit better. The difference in poison strength is small.

Haunted Haze needs a fix, chaotic haze is ok. Almost never actually worth using though because Quills and Deadly shadow cloak exist.

Imagen de Holy-Nightmare

I could see the Virulent quills being the best option if the user always has a Vortex bomb on them and knows how to use it, otherwise it's a gamble on whether you deal poison to more than one enemy while the Vengeful quills are 100% going to affect another enemy if there's more than one on the field...

My issue with the Vengeful quills is that you may use the ability on a nearby enemy and the quills don't affect another enemy within your current reach which forces you to waste time to try and capitalize on the potential damage of the Split quills.... putting the Split quills on the nearest enemy to the one hit with Vengeful quills would just help optimize the ability...