Has Neutralizer's damage been fixed?
I know Neutralizer and Biohazard are bad guns, but I love using them and I just wanted to know if their bugs have been fixed. Also, on the topic of those guns... Neutralizer or Biohazard???

I did some testing on the guns several months ago. Will summarize since you enjoy the guns.
It appears that the bullets orbit for about 20 seconds before vanishing. If you can switch fast enough you can get about 32 bullets on a target maximum by yourself before they start resetting (purely for comedic effect).
Based on the damage of explosions you probably need 5-6 of them to kill an average target with gun damage max.
You can have some fun with swarms of enemies by firing off a dozen bullets over a few targets, then stacking them with a vortex bomb and detonating them at once. It is actually viable dps vise; although far from the optimal farming technique.
I am not sure how the bullets interact with trojans it seems i forgot to test that, but considering they do not interact with an immune snarbolax they probably dont attach to trojans facing you. The charge should detonate orbiting bullets regardless of firing direction though.
Love the passion for a non meta weapon we need more players like you.
I honestly cannot answer which one to take since both are not really viable. Considering the neutralizer can be used vs shadow resistant enemies like bats, i would vote for it. They are ideal targets for a vortex combo.

Unfortunately it hasn't been fixed yet, it's still a meme on the Arcade discord.
I'm not aware of any recent change to these weapons since the Gunner Update. For a curated history of updates to Spiral Knights, see this wiki page:
I don't have an opinion about your other question. While you're waiting for players to chime in, here are some old threads about it:
neutralizer biohazard site:forums.spiralknights.com at Google