Kat Set Requirements

4 respuestas [Último envío]

Hello Dear Game Developers, I am a happy and cheerful player who dearly and deeply enjoys playing Spiral Knights but there was 1 thing that always bothered me for quite a while.. Why does all the other Kat lines (3, 4, and 5 star) except for and understandably the Black Kat lines require Wicked Whiskers in order to upgrade them? Not only have I expressed such unnecessary and pretty frustrating requirement, but many others have expressed this problem as well. Arca, another player I am dear friends with have also expressed frustrations about this with me and I agreed heavily on it because it really doesn't make sense for the armors of the sets to require Wicked Whiskers whereas the helms don't. The 3 Kat sets aren't even overpowered like how the Black Kat set is and that is understandable to make Wicked Whiskers a requirement for that specific set but nobody really sees the need for that same requirement for the other armor sets. not ONCE have I encountered anyone with such unique Kat armors and I, among others, would like to me the first people to use and ACTUALLY put use to the armors to fit their respective Kat helmets without the need of a ridiculously hard task just to make even the lowest star armor. Overall, as a loyal and supportive player of this wonderful game that I've grew up with since I was a little girl in middle school, I do not ask for much but others, as well as myself, would love to see a change about this and have the other 3 Kat line armors craftable without the need of a hard-to-obtain Item (Wicked Whiskers). Please make this request a reality as it would finally put a use to these armors and it also isn't a big request to ask compared to some obvious Spiral Knights requests that other players have longed for. If you have read this and agree with me on the matter or would even like to make the request something worth making, I would be deeply happy and appreciative that you have taken the time to hear me out and agree to make this change possible so the gear can be put to good use while also making a wider appearance! >^w^<

Yours Truly, Sexy-Spiral-girl
A.K.A., Cassie :) <3

Imagen de Thats-Rough-Buddy

you're wasting your time.


This is a great idea! it's just not worth taking the time to grind so many Wicked Whiskers for the other armors. I agree with Sexy-Spiral-Girl

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

Of all the reason I do not play this game any more, this is the reason I do not play the game the most.

The whole Kataclysm event is

The whole Kataclysm event is awful. The grind, the reward pool, everything. Sadly, it's never going to be changed...