WTS Recipes (cheaper than Basil/HoH)
Fr, 01/06/2023 - 11:51
Hi Folks,
I returned to the game after about 10 years and set off hunting for some recipes to sell. Totally had forgotten about the Hall of Heroes (even though it existed before I left!)
So, I did a little woopsie and bought some recipes that can't really be sold for profit. I am selling these cheaper than the in-game npc price to recoup some of the crowns I have spent - am thinking it might be useful to a new player. Message me in-game if you want to buy one of the following recipes (1 of each available):
Final flourish (5*)
Grey feather cowl (5*)
Shivermist buster (5*)
All 20k cr each (usual price is 25k)
IGN: Myrtle