🎄The Annual SK Secret Santa Art Trade 2024🎄

Coming in late this year, but it's time for the yearly Secret Santa Art Trade! Last year, we've experimented with using aggie.io as a collaborative canvas so people that weren't able to sign up in time were able to work on something creative in a group. If there's enough popular votes to run another aggie.io canvas, I'll post one as soon as possible. Otherwise, this event will be the same as any previous years. 👍
How does this work?
In this event, you'll be submitting a form where you describe what you'd like your secret Santa to draw for you as well as any extra details. Once the registration period ends, I'll run the names of all the participants through a scrambler then I'll send a private message to everyone (Sunday, December 1st) of their recipient and what they have to draw. You will have until the midnight of Tuesday, December 24th to finish and submit your artwork. To submit your work, DM me the link of your artwork through Discord where I will safely store the image until Christmas Day. Noon of Christmas Day is when I will be uploading all artworks of participants in an imgur album and posting them here as well as the Discord servers 'Arcade' and the 'Snipe Garden'. I also highly encourage to contact your recipient on Christmas Day to personally hand the gift, as it deserves loving attention for all your work put into it <3
(You can contact your recipient at any time on Christmas Day, Wednesday December 25th MST.
Please fill out your application using this form:
In-Game Name:
Discord Username and ID#:
Art Samples:
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N):
1. Your in-game name is the name of your SK character.
2. Discord will be the main hub of where I will be contacting participants for news and updates. Feel free to join the public SK servers such as the Arcade or the Snipe Garden to keep up with the news. Joining these servers are not required!
3. Description should have as much detail into what you want as you can. Reference pictures are highly recommended! You can host your images on imgur for the reference pictures. You don't have to worry about making an account, just upload them.
*If you don't remember your login information to access the forums, DM me your application form on discord and I will post it for you*
4. Art Samples will show if you've done anything creative. Samples can include 2D or 3D traditional or digital artworks.
Registration closes on Saturday, November 30th, at 11:59PM MST (Mountain Standard Time).
- Exchanges must be followed through by January 1st, at which point a participant will need to explain why they have failed to complete their end of the exchange. Failure to do so will result in repercussions such as disqualification from future events, should they be hosted.
- Due to popular demand, we will be restricting the art exchange to involve ONLY SPIRAL KNIGHTS CONTENT. Please make sure to adjust your request and description accordingly!
- To ensure each participant will receive a well thought-out gift, I will determine which participants will be included in the art trade based on the Art Samples in the registration details, to avoid situations of people who only join for free art but give little effort on their secret santa recipient.
Feel free to ask any questions that you may have down below!
Credit to Hexlash for base forum thread

In-Game Name: Fighting-Polygon
Discord Username and ID#: Fighting Polygon (drawingpolygon)
Description: Pick one of these options and their prompts, or roll a die if you too also can't make up your mind, OR anything that strikes your fancy/inspiration
1. Spectral Mage - A scene with participants of this year's SK SSAT having a Christmas-themed potluck, and everyone chowing down on food and drinks 🥳🍗
2. Frozen Mage - Me and your knight walking down an alleyway in the Bazaar with small stalls on each side of the pathway, and the alleyway is lit up in Christmas decorations.
3. Assassin - Stealthily raiding Impostoclause's cookies 'n milk pantry while he's sleeping or busy working in the background
4. Azazel - Using arcane powers to assemble a freaky-looking snowman creature (and maybe a shocked bystander or two looking from afar)
5. Earthsky - Me posed inside a snow globe with a Winterfest setting
6. Frozen Samurai - Insert cool epic scene in snow scene
Art Samples: My Deviantart gallery
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): I host the event lmao

In-Game Name: Ainogommon
Discord Username: ainogommon
Description: I am just SSOOOO EXCITED to NUKE you with My Ever-Growing Wardrobe (over 40+ costumes).
The Prompt is simple: Choose one of my costume from above and doing the pose and in a scene of this Meme format. You can leave the tomb stone blank or insert it with Mr.Vanaduke.
Art Samples: Deviantart.

In-Game Name: Paradoxrevolver
Discord Username and ID#: rubic (id: paradoxrevolver)
Description: i just have one knight! draw him with your knight, whether it be in a cozy holiday setting or in combat together. he's the gentle guild master type, if that helps!
Art Samples: a lot of my work is furry art, so that's most of the examples you'll find in the album below:
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): yes, keep me in the loop for next year!
In-game name: Solotron
Discord Username: Serjinxable
Description: I'm getting old, age my knight up to a noticeable degree as he has retired from his knightly duties just in time for Christmas (or make him Santa, whichever works).
You can find my costume template here.
Art Samples: Right here.

In-Game Name: Aferron
Discord Username and ID#: Aferron#6120
Description: go wild!! draw whatever you want, to your heart's content. If you need a prompt this is me knight: https://imgur.com/a/GIbMd5a
Do with him as you will.
Art Samples: https://imgur.com/a/art-samples-Lwfizbw
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): Y

In-Game Name: Arcula
Discord Username and ID#: Rkay2days and rkay0931
Description: Drinking hot chocolate or opening gifts at Haven.
Reference Photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/spiral-knights-reference-photos-np6lgTD
Art Samples: https://imgur.com/a/he9kjlZ
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): Yes!

In-Game Name: Icy-Shivery
Discord Username and ID#: Faido (faidosan)
Description: draw my knight https://i.imgur.com/RZpc4d3.png like in this format, https://imgur.com/a/QqEvMDq
Art Samples: https://www.deviantart.com/faidosan
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): yes

In-Game Uesrname: Starlamb
Discord Username and ID#: Captain (starlamb)
Description: Knight Pic Sk knight sitting in starlight cradle (with stars on the floor) snuggling sk dust bunnies/snow bunnies
Art Samples: none of them are coloured i sowy ;w;
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): yems
In-Game Name: Misuno
Discord Username and ID#: 00XD1
Description: Misuno is sitting in a small tent during a snowy night trying to enjoy a small meal. Not very fancy, but it's good enough for her.
Art Sample: https://imgur.com/a/u2lkyOU
Misuno: https://imgur.com/RdVQXYH

Closing up registration, will send out name pairings soon 📨

In-Game Name: Hammoi
Discord Username and ID#: aham73 #1070
Description: Snarbolax with a santa hat next to a campfire
Art Samples: https://imgur.com/a/VfrcZAk
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): y

In-Game Name: ErrorLL
Discord Username and ID#: error404_765 #4405
Description: https://imgur.com/a/WEvXL4b here this will do my knight
Art Samples: https://imgur.com/a/1r5p9Or
Add to pinglist for future events? (Y/N): Yes
Current Participants
[Click here to see all the artworks in one place]
Total participants: 11!
Deadline for exchanges: Tuesday, December 24th, 11:59PM MST.
Check out previously hosted events:
Pinglist for next year's event: