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Ironmight or volcanic?

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

So the time has come to upgrade my heavy plate shield, I currently have ash tail armour but plan on getting vog cub (which has no piercing defence) so I was thinking ironmight would be a good complement to it, whereas volcanic would give resistance to the same status condition as the armour... But lots of people are saying that volcanic is the better shield...

Help :P

Any input woul be greatly appreciated :)

Legacy Username
Unless you like living dangerously

For Fire Storm Citadel you will want a shield with fire resistance. Period.

For everywhere else, it's possible that ironmight could be better. I wouldn't know, as I've not tried it.

Legacy Username
Piercing is fairly common now

Piercing is fairly common now that Slimes and Wolvers have it. In fact, since every Danger room in the game has either Slimes or Wolvers, you will be a lot safer with Piercing defenses.

Outside Firestorm Citadel, Ironmight willl be more useful. Plus it looks cool.

Inside Firestorm Citadel (and especially against the endboss inside), a Fire-resistant shield is very valuable.