Vog Cub Set w/ Barbarous Thorn Shield for Acheron viable? Plus other random stuff.

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Legacy Username

I'm still using 2-3 star equipment, but I like to plan ahead, specially in games like this. So I've been thinking, Vog Cub set would increase my atk speed to Very High while the BTS would increase the sword damage up by about... 13%, assuming low=6.5%, but I can't remember right now. Seems good, but I don't want to just run FSC in the future, so I was thinking of replacing the Vog Cub Cap for the Skolver Cap. Balances Piercing/Frost defense with Elemental/Fire defense. Plus, it would add another 13% sword damage, which amounts to 26%. Is this a viable idea? And, obviously, does it look pleasing, aesthetically-wise?

Oh, and right, I'll be gunning for an Acheron, Divine Avenger/Glacius, Blitz Needle/Venom Veiler, and Leviathan/Some other alternative. Are these good weapons with that armor/shield set?

Legacy Username

I'd really appreciate some input on whether those weapons and armors are fine. Like, really really appreciated.

Legacy Username
I don't really know much

I don't really know much about those things but there is a limit as to how high the bonus can go, like maximum for the armor. It would be very high or maybe ultr for the weapons, juste make sure you don't go over that or it will just go to waste ( low + low damage increase = medium damage increase, but after that I'm lost XD just look on the character screen you should be able to make out how the bonus goes )
For the gun, I would say to take another one, the Valiance and Iron Slug are good to go anywhere and can help greatly when you only have swords against far away targets. Or take an Argent Peacemaker for the FSC. The Blitz Neddle is slow and you can't even move while firing, even worse if you use both shots, enough to get you nearly killed even with full health if there isn't anyone watching for you. Plus even if the doge rate has been decreased, both the fiends and beasts who are weak to piercing should be quick enough to dodge ...
Oh and if you aren't going solo, I don't think you even need a gun when you have those 3 swords, even more so if you get one of those sets lol you will do really high damage anywhere and with a party, there should always be someone with a gun.
Now it's just my advice lol i'm the same as you and I'm still with a full 4* stuff, should be getting my 1st 5* piece today ( yay ! ) but I've been reading a lot of various threads for the 5* :p
P.S. : I don't know how the look would be with a mix, but if you don't like it there is always the costume slot x)

Legacy Username

That's currently what I do. I have both Skolver items, both Vog Cub items, and the Barb Shield. I typically mix the Skolver and Vog items unless I need one type of defense more, such as Vog for FSC. If you have nice UVs, that may affect your gearing decision, otherwise a mix will do just fine.

Abilities cap at 6.

Skolver Cap: 2
Skolver Coat: 2
Barb Shield: 2

Vog: 2
Vog: 2

Legacy Username
Mixed it is for now then

Probably going with mixed then, until I get enough funds/mats to actually make the whole alchemy chain. And I'll change the Blitz Needle with something else that has Piercing, like... a Flourish I guess? I could get the Snarble Barb because of all the Snarby tokens I have...

Anyway, thanks for the info, I appreciate it, and I see now how the enemies vulnerable to Piercing could totally evade my shots.