Good Skelly armour combo
Jue, 06/23/2011 - 16:23
Legacy Username
I was wondering what is a good weapon (preferably sword and gun) and shield combo for skelly armour. Right now i have scary skelly armour (3star) a regular brandish(2star) and a stun gun (hoping to get rid of) and would prefer some weapons that i can upgrade by crafting.
Please respond and thnx for your imput.
Your choice of weapons will be determined by what you are trying to kill, particularly with skelly armor since it is neutral toward weapon type. (Unlike demo gear, which is geared toward bombers.) Try out different weapons to see which style you like as the styles vary wildly by weapon line - you'll need something that fits your unique play style.
Also, your shield only provides defense when the shield is up. So your shield choice needs to mostly be based on what you are trying to block rather than what armor you are wearing. I'd suggest going with something that provides Normal and Elemental defense. Alternatively, the Bristling Buckler from Snarbolax tokens is useful for Tier 2's Royal Jelly Palace and it gives you a sword damage bonus too!
Picking weapons and armors that upgrade all the way to 5* is a great idea. Some really wonderful weapons don't yet have 5* versions like winmillion, khorovod and the crystal bomb series... hopefully some day they will but for right now their use diminishes slightly in Tier 3 compared to weapons that do reach 5*.