Brandish vs. Calibur

Once again, me and my bro are having an argument about which line is better; the Brandish or Calibur. Please post your opinions on which is best.
BTW, if there is aready a thread on this topic, sorry.
Cool story, bro, but check out my cutter. ;P
The Calibur series is a great all around sword that has a great charge attack and has no weakness. The brandish however is a great line, as it offers fire, ice, and shadow paths. I especially like Glacius as you can easily freadow, or freeze a mass quantity, deal damage after the freeze and get ready for another charge attack as well. The brandish series will deal out much more damage if u use it properly. If you are new to the game, you may want to start of with the Calibur as it no weakness to elemental, shadow, or piercing. The Brandish series is the way to go in my opinion, as it just offers more option when you are crafting. The Brandish is like a calibur if you dont want to use a charge attack, it is only the charge attack that causes elemental, or shadow, meaning it is a great allround weapon, with added perks.

HAHA! Iknew I was right. The Brandish is better! Thanks for your feedback, guys =).
"Better" is a little subjective, if you ask me. Saying the Brandish lines are better than the Calibur does depend on you having weapons on hand to deal with targets that your particular brandish line sword is weak against. (Granted, often that could just as easily be another Brandish.) Sometimes there are other situational factors.
If you're like me, and swords aren't your primary weapon, the Calibur is a much better fallback because it is still highly effective without being specialised. The charge attack is also 31 different flavors of awesome, whereas the brandish charge attack isn't perhaps as universally useful. I know the knockback on the Calibur's charge attack has saved my bacon on occasions too numerous to count. You do have to be somewhat careful with it though, as it's a very easy way to really inconvenience team mates if you use it too indiscriminately.
I generally only carry 1 sword at a time, but even I have 2 different Brandishes and a Calibur in my armory, alongside a number of others. The only swords I've pretty much dismissed as being unsuitable for me so far have been the Spur and Cutter lines. My personal favorites are the heavy Troika/Sealed sword lines, but there are certain enemies I hate facing with them, so I keep other options on hand if I'm expecting them to turn up.

I actually have a Kamarin,which I use most of the time next to my Snarble Barb. I need a Brandish so I can upgrade it to a Nightblade, which I need to do Jelly Runs. I guess the Calibur is good for gunners, but the Brandishis better for swordsmen (like me).

Hi I am N3cR0m4nS1r's brother and just wanted to say I don't really care which one is better now cuz I have both. Personlly, I still like my Tempered Calibur better. Just got my brandish and it is pretty decent. I need the brandish so I can get Nightblade for Jelly runs like my brother. And for gremlins. I have a cutter too which I actually don't use a lot anymore. I am thinking of selling it(you can sell weapons and stuff to the strangers in Bazaar). I am actually more of a swordsman than a gunner cuz I like useing my swords better then my guns and I usuall only use my gun to hit switches and to ht my enemy from a range. But I still like m calibur so I woudn't really agree it is only for gunners.
I actually got a Nightblade myself for JK runs, and right now I feel like the Calibur is actually a better sword for the boss. I love having the Nightblade for the palace levels, but the Calibur's charge attack is just so good for JK, it's almost not worth using a shadow damage sword. I pretty much stick to the Calibur now for JK runs. I don't miss the shadow damage either, because I use a Shadow and Cryo Driver to clear the palace.
On the other hand, one of the gates I run right now has a Gremlin tier. The Nightblade is very, very useful there.
Calibur is great on everything.
Brandish can go shadow/elemental and deal massive damage to 4/6 and normal damage to the rest.
Big fan of Brandish weaponry.