Kozma gear vs. Basil's Stuff
Jue, 06/23/2011 - 18:03

I've been trapped in my 2 star stuff FOREVER, simply because I can't find the recipes from basil. So I was wondering, instead of using fun stuff like Wolver set, Brandish upgrades, Alchemers, should I go for Cobalt and Defender just so I can get to tier 3 sooner? What do you think.
Vie, 06/24/2011 - 06:24
Legacy Username
Search for the recipes on the
Search for the recipes on the Auction House, too. If it's been as long as you say it has, then you should definitely have more than enough crowns to spend on some.
Don't be in a rush to get to tier 3, because you'll die VERY quickly there if you're not prepared both equipment-wise and skill-wise. Practice some more and maybe you'll find the recipes you want.