Bomb Attack Speed?

3 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Storm-Crow

My Swiftstrike Buckler got me wondering if Bomb Attack Speed actually meant anything.. Does the attack speed determine the charge speed or detonation time for bombs? Even though it added a high attack speed bonus to it, I couldn’t see much of a difference with or without the shield – at most, it finished charging half a second earlier than normal.

Imagen de Fallout
swiftstrike does nothing for

swiftstrike does nothing for bombs. at all.

for speed bar purposes:
Theres three things relating to speed on a bomb

CTR, Movement speed while charging the bomb, The time in which the bombs explodes from its placement time...

Imagen de Storm-Crow
Yeah, thought so..

Thanks for answering. Guess I better stick to my gun and sword then.

Legacy Username
I tried recording myself

I tried recording myself bombing with swiftstrike... no portion of the bombing experience seemed to change speed. Whereas swinging a Divine Avenger it was really easy to consistently record the difference in swing speed. If there was any difference then the difference was small enough that my recording software couldn't pick it up despite repeated attempts.

The things I looked at was the lift animation, charge time, dropping animation and recovery, both chaining to the next bomb and shielding. Nothing changed despite getting ASI High from Swiftstrike according to the character panel.

I remember someone was selling a bomb that somehow got UV ASI: Low. It was being sold as a bugged novelty item since ASI: Low shouldn't have any effect on a bomb.