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A question about Faust

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

So, i've made this uber blade but as all of you know it has one huge negetive effect which is cursing the user himself while performing charged attacks.

Now my question is, what exactly curse resist gear does? And is it even worth spending money in Anti-Curse trinkets??

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Curse gear

Curse gear, UVs and trinkets are going to reduce the amount of time and the number of weapons/vials cursed. Because the Gran Faust causes Strong curse, it is impossible to become completely immune. However, while you still have the Fause... it casts low curse which is overcomeable though with the right gear. These threads discuss the topic some:

Not being able to make yourself immune isn't as big of a problem as it seems. The normal attack of the sword has a chance of cursing enemies but not you, so that is pretty awesome as curse is the best status effect in the game. Only the charge has a chance of self-curse. But the charge takes a long time to build up so you aren't going to use it often, only when it would be really useful like at the end of an arena, the Jelly King, or when you meet a Lichen Colony. And if you do happen to curse yourself then just wait around or use weapons that aren't cursed until it wears off.

Portrait de Fraxur
Also, normally curse won't

Also, normally curse won't disable (let's say) all of your weapons and vials. I've been cursed by Phantoms loads of times before and I found that I could use the other weapon I equipped.

Portrait de Bigfootm
Yup. And you only get cursed

Yup. And you only get cursed when you use the charge attack which takes 5 seconds so I don't use it unless needed and I rarely get cursed even without curse resist.