Piercing Path: Flourish or Snarble

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Legacy Username

Ok I've been contemplating getting a piercing sword because I like the fact that it can tear through fiends (mostly those healing butterflies) and has the plus of doing damage to beasts as well.

The issue I'm having, is I'm not sure which is the best path, mostly because I don't know much about the flourish alchemy paths at all. The first thing I'd like to know is, With the flamberg and rigadoon paths, do their status effects trigger ONLY with the charged attack, or do they have a small chance of effecting on the third swing of each combo. Secondly, The charge attack, the Wiki describes The flourish has as lunging attacks, but that doesn't really help, I'd like to know how effective and powerful they are compared to the snarble's Ranged attack, which seems like it could be useful for groups of enemies coming at you.

It mostly boils down to this: If the flamberg and rigadoon inflict status without the need of charge, I'll go with them. If not, I'll go with the pure damage fencing swords, but I'm not sure if the Final Flourish's charge is more helpful than the Thorn blades.

Any input would be appreciated, I just don't wanna waste energy to find out I could have gone a more effective path for my play style.

Imagen de Icee
No charge

Flamberge and Rigadoon do inflict status without charging, but they do less base damage than the Flourish or Snarble Barb. I'm pretty happy with my Fierce Flamberge so far, but I also intend to work up the Snarble Barb line.

Snarble Barb has, in my opinion, a better charge attack than flourish, which is the only difference in the lines.

Legacy Username
The main choice is really

The main choice is really between final flourish or snarly barb if you want a pure damage weapon. And the difference between those two is the charge attack. There's really no way to properly describe how each is suitable, so the best thing to do is to grab a flourish (2*) and buy a 2* barb and play with both, using the charge attack heavily. I have found people who swear by either of them. Personally I prefer the flourish line charge attack.

I do not recommend the flamberge, as extra damage from the fire is moderated by the fact it does less damage overall than the flourish. However the Rigadoon is debatable since stun is one of the best statuses in the game to inflict on enemies such as bosses like vanaduke or trojans. It does do less damage, so that is the trade-off. (I use the rigadoon currently, mostly for the looks as it has a gold blade).

Imagen de Raspberry
Either path is great

I do love the charge attack of the Snarb blade. Best blade to take into Wolver Den and Jade Tangle floors. However, the flourish line is easier to UV or get a desired UV. If you can get an increased attack speed of high or very high, the Final Flourish will strike so fast against beasts, greavers, devilites and gremlins, that they are usually dead faster than you can charge up the weapon itself. The best way to use the Final Flourish charged attack is kitting a horde of gremlins, such as in a Deconstruction Zone, into a narrow path than turn and let loose the attack. Watch several gremlins die in succession as your character lunges incredibly fast forward leaving a path of death behind him. Fun stuff.