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Ash of Agni vs. Shivermist Buster

7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

Which one, and why?

Bild des Benutzers Sunless
Depends on your play-style. I

Depends on your play-style. I would go with Shivermist because of its support capabilities as Ash of Agni won't get you out of any tight spots.

Legacy Username
DPS or CC, personal

DPS or CC, personal preference.

Legacy Username

Get both, you won't be sorry. But get a Shivermist first, useful in more places. Also, are you a swordie or bomber? What is your current/planned equipment?

Further reading with lots of in-depth analysis:

Legacy Username
Thanks for the replies guys

Currently I'm a full vog with grey owlite, sporting a DA, Levi, Peacemaker, and hopefully one bomb. I'm trying to decide between the fire and ice effects -- mostly swordie though, and I feel like a haze will be better than a nitro. Any other suggestions?

Legacy Username
The preference depends on

The preference depends on your style of gameplay and experience. If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of mobs on the screen, get shivermist, which is a most excellect bomb. If you like being overwhelmed by mobs and just want to kill them faster, go with ash, which is a most excellent bomb.

PS: Shivermist will be of use in FSC whereas Ash will not. I believe shivermist may be a better starting bomb.

Bild des Benutzers Mohandar
Shivermist first.

Definitely Shivermist first. Unless you're in an ice-themed level (where most of the monsters are immune to freeze), it will save your hide plenty of times. I would say get the Ash only if you decide to become a bomber knight or have already maxed out your other weaponry.

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
I crafted my shivermist

I crafted my shivermist buster yesterday and it is SOOOO worth it. Also, read my topic about: Pure Amazing. I couldn't believe this

To find out more. AoA is much worse.