ASI or Sword Damage Increase?

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

So im still new (been playing about a week) and qualified for Tier3. I'm one of those players who went wolver line. My question will be on armor but here are my weapons/shield(i'll be listing the 5 star version but I have the 4 star versions).

1. Leviathan Blade
2. Barbarous Thorn Shield
3. Dread Venom Striker
4. Hail Driver

My question; based on the above information, should I be going Vog, Skolver, or a Split (by split i mean 1 of each)?
I tend to use the Leviathan Blade a lot more than the Dread Striker, but i know tier three fire resist is very important (with vana and all).

Any advice would be much appreciated,

Legacy Username
The ASI from Vog helps slow

The ASI from Vog helps slow 2-swing swords much more than 3-swing and the cutter series. Damage bonus is useful no matter what sword you use, each medium is going to add 8-10% to ever hit. That is why Vog with its very useful elemental and fire defenses gets stuck with ASI and Skolver gets the Damage bonus.

If you want to have an easier time in FSC, go all Vog, at least until you are really good at it. Not catching on fire as often will be a lot more useful than damage bonuses.

If your goal is to max out your sword damage, go full Skolver. The sacrifice will be lacking elemental defense and no fire resist. (Better get good at dodging!)

If your goal is somewhere in between, mix it up, perfectly viable choice. You'll have a good spectrum of defenses, lacking only shadow, and have some resistance to fire/freeze. Also, after playing a while longer you'll be able to get the other half of whichever you like better.

Legacy Username
So atm I think i may go Split

So atm I think i may go Split 1 Skolver and 1 Vog. After i get my sealed sword and upto DA, would full Vog in FSC be as felpfull. ::NOTE: speaking stricly from the ASI side of this, i know the resistance would be awesome in there:: On the wiki it states that DA is pretty fast for a 2-striker would the ASI still be really good for it?

Legacy Username
That is curious. I looked

That is curious. I looked through the wiki history, and it seems that description might have been the ingame description of the avenger at some point, then it was copied over? Not really sure. I'm going to remove that phrase for now as all the two swing swords are relatively slow compared to the rest of the arsenal.

So, yeah, DA would be one of the swords that has a noticeable benefit from ASI.

Legacy Username

Culture i do appreciate you time with this. =D It was very informative and I truely am thankful.

Hapy Spiral-ing =P

Legacy Username
Dmg = More damage.IAS = More

Dmg = More damage.
IAS = More mobility.

IAS hardly ever contributes significantly to damage in swords, but can save you from a few enemy hits and animation delays, etc.