Gear regrets (possibly)

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

So I've been playing a little while now and was told from the beginning "OMG Wolver gear go go go!" So I followed that advice and have worked my way up to the following:

Leviathan blade
Ash Tail Cap
Ash Tail Coat
Dark Thorn Shield
Magnus (not important)

Using this I walked in to tier 3, promptly caught on fire, and died horribly. Most likely due to the fact I have no real elemental resist to speak of, being entirely in Ash Tail. Now I don't want to make it sound like I'm bashing the awesome guys in my New Player thread. Their advice got me this far and helped me to be a better player without a doubt. I'm just a little concerned at this point for a few reasons.

1.) I have to hope and pray I don't find anything to do with fire right now.
2.) While I'm aware I can build in to Vog and get elemental/fire resist, I'm confident that the future of this game will not revolve around those resistances forever.
3.) I see the wisdom in getting Vog gear to do t3, and am very aware that the game revolves around the philosophy of "dress for success." I just don't know if Vog is my thing. I shield and dodge as much as possible, however even my shield doesn't seem to be up to par at the moment and breaks if a monster looks at it the wrong way.

I suppose I'm basically asking if there is any decent alternative armors I can start using that offer a more broad range of defenses. I like the defense types on the platemail and drake set but can find very little feedback on either. If Vog really is just the way to go however, I can always save up for that set before I go back to tier 3 as well.

Thank you for any and all assistance. I hope I explained my dilemma well enough, but feel free to ask for clarification if it sounds murky.

Legacy Username
oh yay shields >>

As far as shields go... there are four damage types and most shields block only one or two of those. The other two damage types break your shield in a heartbeat. That's how shields work on Spiral Knights.

Legacy Username
You don't need to replace ALL

You don't need to replace ALL of your gear. Magic Hood and its upgrades will do wonders for your elemental, fire, and shock resistances. Losing 1 notch of weapon boost from Ash Tail won't be the end of all things.

Legacy Username
Where do you want to go?

If you're going to Firestorm Citadel, make Vog. If you're going to go to other places, make one into skolver and one into vog. I'd work up a Grey Owlite Shield too - your shield is great for beast and slime levels, not so good for anything else, and particularly unsuitable for FSC. I do all right with Grey Owlite, but I really need to work up the thorn shield myself for beast and slime heavy areas.

For an 'all purpose set', I'd be inclined to Divine Veil / Skolver Coat, switching shields between owlite and thorn as needed, but there are other ways to get all 4 types in 2 pieces of armor.

Plan to get used to looking at gate maps and switching gear, and remember that the -right- 4* gear is better than the -wrong- 5* gear.

Legacy Username
If you're dying too easily,

If you're dying too easily, replace your armor with the defenses and resistances that are hurting you. If your shield is breaking too easily, replace your shield with the defenses and resistances that you usually block.

You are *supposed* to have different gear to use based on the monsters you will be encountering.

T3 is a huge step up; it takes practice (and probably a shivermist to slow things down) to see some progress. You have the 5* weapon covered; that's good. To learn, you should play solo or with better skilled players, anything else is simply increasing the difficulty. Enemy health scales with party size.

When learning, you see how different types of mobs attack, move, and dodge. You use this information to decide when YOU should attack, shield, or dodge. Having extra players adds more variables and makes learning this information more difficult.

Legacy Username
Thank you all very much for

Thank you all very much for the replies so far. I love how willing to help the community here is. :-)

So I decided to get a better idea of what I'm focusing on. Looking at the Almire rewards, I cannot find a single thing to get excited about. Eventually getting a Crest of Almire looks sort of fun, but I don't see myself falling head over heels to achieve it. That in mind, I guess I'm just looking for generalized gear to run T3 and farm up mats/crowns for the time being till the next boss is released.

Again, I recognize that there probably isn't a combination that will solve every problem I might encounter, but is there at least something I can try to aim for to get me started? So far I'm looking at the Seraphic armor/Wyvern helm with Wise Owlite shield since it seems to offer a wide variety of resistances. I know that I'd eventually have to get a bit more specialized to do well, but does this sound like it would at least let me start farming my way through?