If you had to pick 1 gun?

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Dymlus

This is my first post, and it's inspired by the 2 page and ongoing thread about gun balance.

The previous post in question has basically pushed me toward being a bomber, since guns don't seem viable (or at least not viable enough according to many.)

I'm a new player, and I'm very interested in playing a gunner, but since I'm now basically set on bombing, i was wondering which gun(s) would be best as a side arm when I'm not bombing (note that i have zero interest in being yet another melee knight)

I'm interested in maybe going for a Freezing Atomizer for a 4* bomb, and was wondering what gun could supplement that the best

So my question is simple: If you had to pick 1 gun for 3*, 4*, and 5* what would it be? Feel free to give as much explanation of your choice as possible.

I just started the game a few days ago, and am currently running:
1st: Super Blast Bomb (normal damage)
2nd: Cryotech Alchemer Mk II (elemental ice damage)

I basically spam my bombs and use the knock-back to blast masses into the corner to be massacred by the melee knights, or single or menders from their massive attack squads so the party isn't helplessly smashing things for 10 minutes in the same room. I use my gun for clean up, mainly on stationary turret puppies, undead, and constucts for the bonus damage when there are only a few targets remaining.

Imagen de Mohandar
The lineup

You will find it very difficult to solo without more weapon slots. I recommend a damage dealer (Nitronome or Dark Briar Barrage, depending on the strata), Shivermist (for crowd control), and then a Magma or Storm Driver. If you get an Ash of Agni, you could even run all-bombs. Keep in mind the Alchemers and Haze Bomb lines are all a little underpowered until you reach 4*; the Haze line especially get a huge area boost at 5*. Achieving Maximum! CTR will be very important, so get Med CTR where possible (super expensive for the Nitronome, and basically luck of the draw for DBB). The alternative is to run full Mad Bomber, which gives med CTR and damage bonuses with each piece. You'll lose copious amounts of health each time you get set on fire, but if you're good, enemies will be in a perpetual state of knockdown or knockback.

As for guns, they are viable. You just need to be patient, and pick the right guns. I do agree that all-guns is far less viable than all bombs, or all swords though.

Legacy Username
Given that you'll only be

Given that you'll only be running two weapon slots and one will be filled by the freezing atomizer, you will probably want a gun that deals normal damage. That leaves you with the blaster series and the Iron Slug:


The iron slug is only normal damage at 5* so you'd be running with a piercing weapon for a while.

If you go two guns (or a gun and a damage bomb) then there are many more recommended combinations out there. Or if you have a dedicated group you play with, then you can specialize more.

Imagen de Dymlus
I'm not completely opposed

I'm not completely opposed to using 3 or 4 weapons slots, but is there a way to permanently unlock them, or do they only last for so long? If they are only temporary, I'd rather use my CE for other uses if at all possible, especially since it seems like 1 bomb and 1 gun can be pretty viable, provided you are primarily using bombs most of the time.

Legacy Username
The weapon slot lasts for 30

The weapon slot lasts for 30 days, so it's a luxury if you have the spare CE but not a necessity. You can do very well with two weapons only.

The freezing atomizer is great for support, but if your primary damage will be coming from bombs then I suggest you stick with the blast bomb (or another heavy damage bomb) and choose a gun to help you kill those targets that you're not comfortable bombing. I have some trouble with turrets and constructs in general when using bombs, so a good choice for me is an elemental gun since it does extra damage versus constructs. Cryotech and Voltech alchemers are both great and versatile weapons. They will also be handy when you start running firestorm citadel in the 4-5* range.

Imagen de Dymlus
for some reason

For some reason i thought the weapon slot upgrades were a shorter period of time. Thanks for the correction.