Should i turn back now while i have the chance?
I have a Vile Striker but I am starting to regret getting it. I seem to be taking A LOT more damage than I ever did when I had the Brandish line. Plus I find it harder to shield after an attack.
I've it found only really effective against large enemies, slow ones, Gun Puppies, and cornered enemies. Other than that I can only get the first hit and rarely the second ghost hit (the glowing second hit that's kinda transparent). What I want to know is if I should trade it for another weapon, keep it and get another weapon, or don't worry about another weapon.
If I should get another weapon please say which one.
Spent 10 minutes correcting my grammar just for fun! :D
Brandish offers one of the only two sword shadow attack lines and 2 elemental lines, not a piercing line. Glacius is pretty good from what I've heard, and the Nightblade line is totally useful for slime runs if you're not aiming for a Gran Faust. The Flourish line offers the piercing sword lines, and they're pretty good too, so is the Snarble Barb for that matter.
Before something is recommended, do tell, what are you aiming for? Do you want fast attacks? Do you want slow, but powerful attacks? Also, what monsters are you having problems with? What armor line are you aiming for too?

It depends on your style. If you like fast swords, the elemental and shadow lines of the Brandish will serve you well. If you like the way the heavy swords handle, Faust and Avenger will be your weapon of choice.
That said, the Divine Avenger is almost always strictly better than the Combustor or Glacius, given its fantastic charge attack, so you may want to take that into consideration. Also, you will want a fast, preferably piercing sword for Fiends (heavy swords tend to fare poorly against fast enemies like Devilites and Greavers).
I would set aside your Vile Striker for Jelly King runs only; it makes a decent support sword, but the lack of knockback or a good charge attack really kills it everywhere else.
Not really a fan of the cutter swords. They can do great damage, but leave you very vulnerable if you try to combo or use a charge attack. Personally I prefer
Normal - Calibur. Can never go wrong with a calibur, especially early when you really only have 1 good weapon.
Elemental - DA. It absolutely dominates zombie hordes, kats, and constructs with it's range and charge attack.
Shadow - Faust is a good choice, but Ach is superior IMO. Mainly because it's much eaiser to get a Gremlin damage UV, has superior sustained damage, and is faster. Gremlins, especially the healers, are a huge pain later on. Being able to get in there and down a healer makes them almost painless. Also you can use the charge attack to damage groups of them to force the menders to stay still and heal.
Piercing - Flourish line with a fiend damage UV.
The goal is to gear up for what you have problems with. If you can get swords for all occasions then do that, until then I'd stick with the Calibur and a DA. You have a nice balanced sword in the calibur and a keep away elemental powerhouse with DA.
thnx for the info. i got the calibur and i am loving every minute of it. plus i dont die as much :D! but the question still is should i sell the vile striker or keep it for something? i checked the price from the normal venders sense i cant auction it cuz its bond and its worth 10,000cr
Since you already have the vile striker, keep it and use it for JK runs. The high DPS and poison will come in handy for the king.
Striker isn't bad to have on the side, but if you don't want it, definitely go for the brandish line. Best piercing weapons in the game imo.