A couple of questions

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

1. My first question is on the DA's ( Divine Avenger) charge attack.

It's possible for the 3 sword from DA's charge to all hit one target ( ex. Royal Jelly )?

2. I have a Tempered Calibur with CTR: Med

Should I go with Levi or CIV?

3. Rate my equipments for Duke

Helm: Vog Cub UV : Shock Med (acquired)
Armor: Vog Cub UV : Shock Med (acquired)
Shield: Grey Owlite Shield UV: Possibly Med - VH Piercing/Shadow ( WTB )
1st Weapon: Divine Avenger (acquired)
2nd Weapon: Archeron UV: Med Gremlin (Silent Nightblade) or Levi/CIV UV: CTR Med (Tempered Calibur)
3rd Weapon: Argent Peacemaker (Silver Six)
4th Weapon: Shivermist Buster UV: High Undead (Freezing Atomizer)
Trinket: Dread Skelly Charm
Trinket: Dread Skelly Charm ( 61 token away)

Imagen de Fraxur
1. if you are really close to

1. if you are really close to it and it is a big one.
2. Levi
3. no idea, i am not there yet

Legacy Username
Thanks for the reply

Thanks for the reply

Imagen de Velcro
You pretty much have the

You pretty much have the optimal gear for Duke, excluding UVs.

You should have absolutely no problem whatsoever as long as you're not with idiots.

Legacy Username
Is my UV ideal for Duke and

Is my UV ideal for Duke and T3 dungeon run? Because I wants to use my Vog Cub set as my main set.

Imagen de Mohandar
Vog is fine. I'd get CTR on

Vog is fine. I'd get CTR on the bomb, since the elemental blast radius is tiny. I'd opt for some shadow defense UV or fire, the latter if you want to tailor to FSC, former if you want better defensive coverage. I basically ignore piercing cause it's the easiest to dodge; my high shadow Volcanic Demo Helm does double duty in fiend and undead levels.

Legacy Username
I got Owlite shield with med

I got Owlite shield with med elemental UV. Cause I could dodge Zombie pretty well.