Echo of Silence

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Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Welcome to Echo of Silence Guild Page
Never Heard Never Forgotten

About Echo of Silence

Echo of Silence is one of the oldest active guilds in this game. We have some of the more prestigious members, and well our guild history is pretty hefty. We were founded during preview and the towel wearing Dogrock remade EoS within the first half hour of the Spiral Knights Early Access Weekend.

Echo of Silence was founded by Dogrock, Tantarian, and myself overtime we managed to steal, recruit, blackmail, and bribe some of the coolest kids in this game to join EoS. It was a hard task, but we somehow got done; having naked pictures of people does help out.
As a guild we are more on-line with your casual Spiral Knight player we care more about personality and not your gear or your skill in this game. Unlike most guilds that desire amazing players, or view is simple the best player in this game is one you can have a friendly conversation with and just have fun trolling each other. When Echo of Silence was found Dog and myself really wanted to focus on creating a nice community, so this goal of ours trickled down to our members, and due to this we are one of the hardest guilds to get into since if we don’t feel you are the right fit for us we will easily decline you.

More about us so you can stalk us

Stability I know it sounds a bit odd, since you would think that most guilds can provide this, but sadly that isn’t the case with Spiral Knight Guilds. Every day about 6 guilds are created, but 9 other guilds die, so stability is a big factor in Spiral Knight guilds, but lucky for you Eos has this! Echo of Silence prides itself in really picking the best of the best during the application process due to this we only had about 10 to 15 members leave Echo of Silence on their own terms.

Echo of Silence Community Out-Reach Program

In Echo of Silence we pride ourselves to be the good Samaritans of Spiral Knights we help out the Spiral Knights Community in many ways, and we do ask you to take part in our community out-reach-program if you do decide to join. So what do we do for the Spiral Knights Community? The real question is “what don’t we do?”

  • Eos enjoys making sure the Future Auctions are filled up with confetti or other sexy useable items
  • Eos brings great entertainment to Spiral Knights by allowing Eurythug to always be a mystery!
  • Eos chases Cootiecakes around so she gets some exercise and most importantly does not spread her cooties to the rest of the world of Spiral Knights.
  • We introduce new knights and current knights to bromance it’s a very fun to go up to random knights and just show them what real bromance is.
  • We hold random zone chat sessions allowing the community to talk to each other in this non-social game, and usually show public affection during these meetings.
  • We help keep the Spiral Knights economy by buying and selling some of the sexiest items in this game
  • We introduced Shenanigans to the community of Spiral Knights; to bring great laughter and joy (Feel Free to Check it out: Shenanigans!
  • We Provide Three Rings with delicious sweets Cookies + Cakes + Boswick's BUSH!!
  • We help shine light on other guilds who do not respect ladies or little children ( Children + Lady beaters =(*Wow such heartless monsters*
  • We introduced <69 to the community of Sk
  • Provide the community with one of the sexiest guild halls to chill in
  • We love to make havens lag to! Lag!
  • Eos and its members love to host Art Contests, Food contests, and yo mama contests for the Spiral Knights Community

What Goes on in Eos?

On your typical day in Echo of Silence we enjoy many guild activities such as:

  • Lockbox Dueling each other (I swear its better then yu-gi-oh)!
  • trolling each other until 1 of us rage quits Eos
  • Making fun of each other…since why not?
  • Sending people to our application managers
  • Getting yelled at by Miso for eating her cookies
  • Wondering why Eos is a dead guild

Now What Does Echo of Silence do in terms of gameplay?

  • Make Vana exercise on a daily basis since well he gained a few pounds.
  • Play Lockdown together in Randoms and just have a blast!
  • Troll players and tell each other about these trolling adventures
  • Sitting down relaxing and talking to each other over Discord or guild chat
  • We read erotic poetry, sing to each other, and well have a lot of orgasmic conversations over Discord
  • We help make kids rage in Lockdown
  • Drunk Shadow Lairs
  • We yell out BUTT to each other!
  • Create new drinking games for Spiral Knights

Does Eos do anything else besides what is listed?

Yes, but why ruin the surprise!

Meet Echo of Silence:

The Guild Masters:

So as you can imagine this Guild has gone through a bit of Guild Masters since we are the oldest guild in this game it happens sadly people do retire. So in this new era of Eos we have three Guild Masters myself (njthug), Miso (my butt), and Dutchy (If you play Ld you know this guy!). So I have to be honest the three of us are super different from one another, but somehow we make it all work out! I guess opposites do attract. Miso is our first ever female Guild Master Woot!! She is one of the sweetest people in this game I swear…the things she says and does super adorable, but if you get on her bad side oh dear god literally write a letter to god since you are %#%#!! Dutch on the other hand is a feared gunner in Spiral Knights this guy loves in PvP along with his PvE he is the more calm one out of the three of us, and most likely the genius of the group! Dutch joined Eos I want to say forever ago…at times I forget he was in another guild besides Eos, but ever since he joined he always stayed loyal to Eos, and that meant a lot! This guy is probably 1 of the most talented players in Sk in terms of pure PvP skill, and I know many guilds attempted to well steal him from us, and he said F that I am staying with Eos since its my family….He also makes a mean chicken vindaloo just saying! The secrets of Dutch-Oven!

The Officers:

So we have a lot of Officers in Eos, so it would honestly turn into a novel if I wrote about each and everyone of them, so I will try to keep this as short as possible. Our officers range from an Italian Pizza Chef who lives in Italy and is gorgeous….to a Black college kid who studies like crazy to get those great grades….then we have a lovely Mother who honestly is 18 year old which is great! Lets see we have an Aussie who has a wicked sick tan, a pair of shoes, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, and a yummy Oreo….yet I am missing so many more officers. Our officers are pretty different from one another, but the one trait they all have is they are loyal to Eos and a bunch of crazy people!!! Our officers honestly keep the guild running they let us know if anyone is stirring up trouble, and then usually smack the person around in a secret room in our GH! I can honestly say a lot about these people, but if you haven’t ran into any of our officers in Sk…you really don’t play Sk at all!

Some of our Veterans:

Welp our veterans honestly we have 2many of these, and it sucks that SK still never created a new ranking system within the guild, since Eos has players in the guild which have been with us for over 3 years!!! Yes crazy right? Who plays this game for that long jk. We have some loyal players as vets in Eos they are the people we rely on to well give us a hand when everything is getting a bit crazy, or just be like psst Nj get that person in Eos because I like them! The Vet rank in Eos does mean a bit to us only because once you achieve this rank we do truly trust you in Eos and have accepted you as part of our family!

Forever Recruit:

Sexy People Only!!! Need to be a 69 on a hotness scale of 10!

Echo of Discord Server

Yes, currently we do have our own Discord chat server (Crazy not really). Friends of Echo of Silence and our members will be able to use this service. EoS members who don’t know the details need only to ask in guild chat. We just ask that you respect one another, and do not go too crazy.

Applications Are Currently OPEN for Eos

Current (Guild Masters, Officers, Veterans, Members, Recruits)

Never Ever Skipped Leg Day!
Dogrock, Dutch-Oven,Fangel, Hadn, Janica, Misoz, Njthug, & Tantarian.
The PoPo!
Ham-And-Eggs, Miabot, Momofuku, Rey-Demonio, & Toilet-Bowl.
I Almost Have Lime Green Chat!
Abcdz, Aranvu, Babyice, Bilstone, Biscotti, Bladky, Blazingfirenight, Bobxlowblaw, Bomml, Chloette, Codiix, Coffe-Mug, Cookiezrulez, Corend, Danisam, Drdrj, Eclaium, Flowchart, Furynator, Gurpinder, Habbu, Ibluesurge, Icegill, Jade-Rabbit, Jonnys, Keena, Lady-Daniella, Landios, Lendios, Lev-Oh, Mephro, Miishih, Moonsoon, Namasaquensis, Purple-Color-Juice, Rating, Rendep, Saturnknight, Shadowcookiez, Shibop, Sigle, Son-Of-Hades, Stelli, Shushipaypay, Tenuity, Thighself, Tiuby, Toilet-Machine, Tomato-Salad, TomTomSatNav, Uncosung, Vallhalla, Vbunny, Vhansy, Viva-Neon, Voofi, Will-Chong, Wolf-The-Gangstar, Xedma, & Yamicss
The Help!
Gamefreakingmad, Imanity, Jimbosliced, King-Ishzark, Rune-Mage, , & Vencilpester.
Let the Hazing Start!
Bloody-Hands, Daring-Hunter, Damage-Per-Second, Mako-Maya, & Salty-Peaches
We Put the 69 in Eos!
Biscotti, Ewbte, Repartee, Scone!, Providence, Monsoon, Pastelette, Mookie-Cookie, Soltanis, Mochissimo, Aedium, Becs, Bradondasilva, Chloette, Cobalt, Dravor, Eclaium, El-Springer, Fallout, Furynator, Graphotism, Pepperonius, Gwenyvier, Jade-Rabbit, Spookeasy, Laylla, Lemonjello, Maple-Syrupine, Mr-Mini-Dwarf, Opod, Muppet aka Parked-Car, Reto-Da-Liz, Saphy (yes SAPHY!!), Stelli (You Fat!), Thengel (never change bby!), Th-Urret, Thephoenix (Feebee!), Vhansy (Shoes), Zlushy (Slush-Puppy!).... And So many more I forgot to mention!

So what we look for in our future applicants:

Honestly, I cant really describe to you in so many words what we want from future applicants. We would like a loyal person who knows how to have a great time while playing Spiral Knights. We don’t want someone who annoys all of us and think they are god in this game since Tantarian already is the only real god in Spiral Knights. We look for social-players who are a 7 or above on the hotness scale.

Some Rules About Applying to Eos:

  • You are only allowed to apply to Eos 3 times if you do apply more than 3 times you will be moved to our auto-decline list ( If you already applied to Eos more than 3 times and did not receive an invite you are moved to the auto-decline list =0)t
  • You must wait 3 weeks before re-applying to Eos (If you are declined)
  • You can pay us 16,969,696mil Crowns to be accepted into Eos, but keep in mind we can still kick you.

So NJTHUG just how do I join Echo of Silence (Eos)?
Applications Are Currently OPEN for Eos

Well the process is simple answer a few questions and post your application here on our guild topic. If we accept your application you will then have to simply just participate in a short-interview with a few members from Eos, and if that goes well you will then be officially part of Eos (Echo of Silence not Echo of Sausage). Now we ask that all our new recruits will be in a 30 day trial process in Eos. What does this mean? Well simply if you get accepted into Eos we will have 1 month to decide if you truly belong in this guild, but Nj why? We are a community guild and we rather see members who wish to be in Eos for the community instead of attempting to use us for the name and the other hidden privileges which one receives once they are in Eos.

Eos will only process applications about every two weeks *give or take*, so once you post an application you will have to wait about two weeks or more to get a response back. <69.

Future Applicant Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)

  1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
  2. What do you mostly do on Spiral Knights? (PVE? Vana runs? Lockdown? etc)
  3. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
  4. What guilds have you been a part of?
  5. What is your ign *List all names your previous names if you used name-change pass*? Why?
  6. Why do you want to join Eos?
  7. How Old are you (Optional)?
  8. Eos does have Discord would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
  9. What do you do if we don't respond to your app within a few days?
  10. Tell us how you would troll someone in Eos?
  11. Are you anti-social?
  12. How many (regular) black snipes are in Sk?
  13. What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
  14. Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
  15. Are Echoes really silent?
  16. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

Thank You For Reading and Hope To See You Soon!

Bild des Benutzers Vlad
My Application

1- Since 12/20/10, of course
2- Meh about once a day
3- 0-2, sometimes I do tier 2 to level my 1*-3* items
4- You, Tantarian, and Cobalt
5- Errr...

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Vlad if you want to join Eos

Vlad if you want to join Eos you can =) your application has been accepted hope to see you soon.

Legacy Username

Will this be after the preview?
btw im joining my name is Xelor ingame you know me.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Yes we will be alive after the preview, and hope to grow bigger since many of our old friends will be returning to the game along with many new faces =). Xelor I do hope to see you join Eos since your OWNAGE =).

Legacy Username
Hiya =)

1. something 12.10 - 20 can't remember (have been on over 19days atm)
2. i cant really find any1 who wants to go t3, but usually if some1 wants to go, i go too.
3. everyday! depends what day, mon - fri i have school so 2-5hours, weekends &vacations i might be on over 10hours, mostly chilling.
4. Nj have been my friend when i started, dunno why i deleted :D Jmbo, Cobby, Tantarian and Alyda are in my friendlist, i have seen d0gr0ck in-game.
5. just youngish, addicted SK player, using mostly 4* items, suckish english 'cus Im finnish. i like to chill at arcade with my friends, and ofc go lot jelly runs for money

Legacy Username
1. How long have you been

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Well as of today But i signed up for the game awhile back I guess that's why I'm here in the preview.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T3? Will I just started today but I'm sure when I get there I can run a lot.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? New as of today. But I plan to play often as I can
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Nope
5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) Well I like a good community and a good guild leader.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

List of current members before wipe have been updated

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
I hope to see all our current

I hope to see all our current members return on Friday. If not, no hard feelings. You guys are a pretty sweet bunch.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Added Clan Slogan:

Echo of Silence never heard never forgotten

Legacy Username

Hard feelings for Nj if he doesnt play for 2 weeks :o

Legacy Username
Interested in joining will

Interested in joining will contact you in game

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
@jmbo and @Soltains

@Jmbo - I will most likely be on Saturday, but dont worry the guild should be covered by either Dogrock, or I will be on after my exam just to make the guild....then off-line to party lol

@Soltanis - Yup feel free to contact myself, Dogrock, or Tantarian in-game. Dogrock and I are usually on more than Tantarian, but he is on late at night so we have you covered all time-zones lol.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Read your e-mail ASAP very important thanks =)

Legacy Username

Hey! I'm going with Yoshimutu after 15mins, so change it, and reinvite me in-game!

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
Gotcha. I'll be recreating

Gotcha. I'll be recreating everything the moment I have the Crowns.

One small query...

Would this Echo of Silence be the same one as that who are also a Runescape clan? I recall seeing your name on other forums somewhere.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Well Eos in Rs and Eos in Sk have nothing in common we do not have skittles and we cant allow people to taste the rainbow due to having no capes ftl. Yes, most old skool Rs clan players know me, but I am not affiliated with Eos, and our guild is not related to Eos in any way....even though Eos is a pretty sexy clan in Rs I have to admit.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Added a few new updates to the main page

We have just launched our own audio this should be pretty fun. =)

Legacy Username
Think my group of friends

Think my group of friends have their invite snow thank you.

Legacy Username
Hello, recently started

Hello, recently started playing and I'm looking for a friendly guild of like-minded ppl so I'd like to post my app =)

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-I just started a few days ago, but I'm really liking the game so far

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
-As many as I can, currently gearing up for T2

3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
-Every day or almost

4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
-Not yet!

5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
-I'm a pretty hardcore gamer, I've played most MMOs out there (raided for 3 years in WoW) and now I'm forced to be more casual in my gaming so I'm looking for something more relaxing. I love hack 'n slash games (chomping at the bit to get my hands on D3) and this looks like a fairly good one, all things considered.


Legacy Username
1. How Long have you been

1. How Long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-I have played right before the early access in the late hours of the preview event.

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1-T3?
-I do as many runs as I can until I run out of energy but I'm getting close to gearing up for T2

3. How often do you play?
-Almost every day but most activity is on the weekends.

4. Do I know anyone from the Guild?
-Unfortunately, No.

5. About myself (Optional)
-I'm mainly a FPS gamer but I do love to play some RPGs but mainly on console.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Nice to see your application, but I have to go with a decline only due for you applying to Eos then about 2 hours later applying to another guild. We dont like players leaving our guild if they do choose to join us. Thank you for your time.

Legacy Username

Hey Nj, today I got asked to invite some people. I did invite them since I was there, but it's up to you and Dog if we keep them.
So interview/talk to them or something later I dunno.
Shushei friends: Pingus, Cyraxator
Martinsen friend: Meggy

Legacy Username
Want to join EOS

My Game name is Lavio

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
4 days

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I have only been to T2 and not T3.
Saw and tried the Jelly King yesterday, fail though. =(
So far averaging 10+ run a day.

3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Alot. I like this game.

4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Nope, but I saw people with your guild tag around

5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
hmmm, I like sushi.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

All good man =) and a hello to all of the newcomers in our guild I will update the topic in a day or two to add your name down on the list of current members.

Legacy Username
1. How long have you been

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
since the 4th of march 11
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I mostly do T2 but occansionaly go to t1 and t3
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Most days.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I've played with Yoshimutu and talked with Jmbo. Oh and with Xelor
5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Not much to say, but umm I'm jumping guilds and I like this one.

Legacy Username
Joinage :P

My game name is Dominicwild. I'm usually refereed to as Dom

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
4 or 5 days (I think :S)
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Normally as much as I can. Im working my way to T2 Almost there but not quite
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I try to play everyday, and I mostly do, but on some occasions I forget or am doing something more important
4. Do you know anyone from our guild?
I know no one in your guild as of yet
5. Finally, tell us about yourself
Im looking for a guild like how this one looks and from the responces and the introduction seem's like a fun guild who's goal is just to have fun and thats mostly What I want to do :). I usually play a lot of platformers but I like any genre of game. I don't tend to be angered easily and always take a calm approach to things too (I don't tend to check forums often so if you get a late reply thats why also)

I hope you will accept me into your guild and thank you for your consideration and time :P

Bild des Benutzers Riodaisho
Just saying, join them if Nj

Just saying, join them if Nj gives you the oppertunity, these guys are really awesome ;)

Legacy Username
My Application

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 2 Days
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 2-3 Tier One's (Have my Full T2 now)
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Each day, if possible.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? Nope:|
5. I like to play this game but some of the further down stuff is really hard, hope that I can help/be helped by this guild.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Dogrock should contact you in-game or I will asap when we see you on make sure you have us both added =).

Legacy Username
Mike's application

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? A few months in total ;)
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? Very random schedule! Sometimes I'm busy sometimes
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Same as above!
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) I think Cobalt. very familiar name he might know biznasty and others from the guild.
5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I'm a 20 year old psychology major. I love and practice martial arts - karate chito-ryu. I'm a big fan of chess, and whenever I'm home doing absolutely no work and nothing to do i'd be this dude busting out loud itunes music playing spiralknights or something :)

In game name: Mikey

Bild des Benutzers Martinsen
Lol ...

I love this guild :3

Legacy Username
Olly's Application

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-=- I believe I joined 2 or 3 days after it officially opened. I was not one of the Alpha/Beta testers.

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
-=- I usually log on and do one big run, all the way from start to the first Terminal past Moorcroft. I don't do Tier 3 often, but I think I can handle it well enough... working on getting all of my equipment up to par, which is part of why I'm seeking guild membership: for the assistance.

3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
-=- I do my best log on every day for at least an hour or so, usually more than once if I can afford the Ce (the cost of which is rising drastically).

4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
-=- Not that I know of.

5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
-=- I go by Olothontor or Olly, either one works. I'm a sprite artist and a musician, first and foremost, and I dabble in lots of other things (I've been known to write, for example). I'm not the BEST gamer ever, but I do my best to hold the status quo.

My in-game name is the same as you see here. Thanks for reading, I hope I didn't waste your time.

Legacy Username
might join

Might join after exploring a bit more this game.
"can't judge me for the color of my cape"

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Mcasx - cool to know hope to see you soon

@Members - Sent out mail hope you respond back =)

Legacy Username


Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Inactive Sweep

Inactive Sweep time is almost done hope you all replied back =)

Will update list soon =)

Legacy Username
1. How long have you been

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

Since official launch

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

About 5 tier3 runs. Got myself a vog cub set now, so I would love to find a group that I can do the fire citadel with.

3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?

About 3 hours a day

4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

I just saw this ad.

5. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I'm 23, a European guy living in Osaka, Japan.
My job is translating manga from Japanese to English.
I'm a pretty chill guy overall.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

I updated the guild page.

@Renaissance - just add me or dogrock or tantarian in game or all 3 of us so we can chat, or just post your in-game-name =)

Legacy Username

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?... 3 days
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?... T1
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?... an hour a day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)... No
5. What is your in-game-name?... Xasper
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)... I'm from south-east asia so that's +8GMT

Legacy Username
1.How long have you been

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 4days
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? t2
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? five or six hours within a day
4.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) no
5. What is your in-game-name? xiang

Bild des Benutzers Njthug
Hi to the new members

Just wanted to say hi to the new members in the guild welcome to Eos hope you like your stay.

Legacy Username

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
4 weeks.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
About 5.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
3 hours a day, more or less.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm 19, living in California. I'm talkative, energetic, and most would say funny. I'm always willing to help others.


1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
A couple of days after the official launch.

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I'm a helm away from T2 so.. 0 OTZ.

3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
2 hours a day, before I figure out an efficient way of getting crowns for CE at least.

4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No, but looking forward to getting to know you guys!

5. What is your in-game-name?
Gravel if I'm not mistaken..

6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm pretty much an "average" 17 years old asian guy (I'm Vietnamese, yay :>?) who is rather bad at Math and Chemistry (not that anyone cares anyway - with the exception of my parents and possibly my teachers). I've been playing online games since I was in middle school, my first online game was Ragnarok Online (still playing it, on private servers however since my country's official server sucks). When I play something, I enjoy the company of other people / strangers who doesn't drop lots of F bombs and curses. I'm also very talkactive and apparently very bad at writing introductions OTZ.

P.S: I also love to draw and I absolutely love dogs - or furry animals in general, preferably dogs of some certain breeds which will probably make a very long list if I actually list them all here.

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock

What about dogs bred with rocks? :P

Bild des Benutzers Variel

1. 2nd week playing, hooked, and just finished spring college semester :D. Summer time couldn't happen a more perfect time to start a new MMORPG
2. Can only do T1 and T2, at least 3-4 a day
3. At least 5 hours, but been known to binge longer (MMORPGS are my crux in life hahaha)
4. Repartee, he helped me with a lot of my 3* gear, ^^ much respect to him.
5. Variel
6. A proud well-rounded geek that knows (or wants to know) his way of the marvels of technology, rocking a rooted/custom rom Android phone, jailbreaking apple products, learning linux/programing, redditing when down on SK energy (been fighting the temptation to buy CE), and playing SC2/Portal 2 (was a plat/diamond rank).

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
BreakinRanh Come into my

Come into my "office" why don't you...

"Gravel" doesn't exist according to the game.

Legacy Username
1. about 3 weeks 2. about

1. about 3 weeks
2. about 5-10 in Tier 1/Tier 2
3. everyday
4. no
5. Ahora
6. I used to play WoW but it got too expensive! :)

Whoops! I mistaken my

Whoops! I mistaken my knight's name with one of my other nicknames OTZ.. It's Gratus, I sent you a friend request!

P.S: Rock dogs are tough O:! I like tough dogs '3'


1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 3 weeks
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 2-3 runs
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? all the time on the weekends and friday
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)no
5. What is your in-game-name?afrodude
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) i am amazing