Shenanigans by: Echo of Silence

Stories By Eos (Echo of Silence):
Well myself and a lot of members of Echo of Silence felt we should share some of our stories to the public, so you guys can just lol irl or just look at us and be like wow these guys are total idiots I want to kill them in real.
So, I will open up with how Echo of Silence got made:
Dogrock and myself were in a guild called Shneaky Knights. It was a great guild, but ubber inactive only myself and Dogrock were really active in the guild. During Beta, I got bored of this, and asked Dogrock I really want to make our own guild, but I don’t want a bunch of random kids in the guild I want to be apart of a guild which is pretty much a great community filled with players on similar boat of playing skills as well. So, we decided to make Echo of Silence the name was just well it was hard too pick took us about 2 hours just to figure out a name, but we ended up with Eos, and never regret it at all. (So, I wont be getting into the people who joined after since that’s just boring).
Random Stories in Echo of Silence: Playing With Your Feet:
Well when the game was launched we had some great UK players join Echo of Silence. Soltanis, and his friend Shoeshine (Yes his name was not shoeshine or even Shushi, but that’s what we called him) joined Echo of Silence they quickly became T3 players, and got bored I mean lets be honest doing runs with myself Dogrock and others we just make the game go faster with our bromance.. So myself, Shoeshine, and two other players got on mumble and decided to do some runs, but we kept getting bored since well Sk gets boring unless you spice it up. We made up stupid rules such as these:
1. We did a map with guns only Problem was only one person had a gun in our party, so the rest of us kept just shield bumping monsters (jellies) into the only gunner to make it hard.
2. We decided to have fun with Arena’s we made a rule which was pretty STUPID, but in the last room of the arena all of us must stay in the middle, excluding one person who must take care of the gun puppies. The three people in the middle at this point cant shield at all we must BE ATTACKING. So we did this whole room without shielding, and the four of us stayed in the middle call about getting our rear kicked around.
3. Shoeshine the one of the greatest players ever in Sk history attempted to play Spiral Knights with his feet, and as usual me being myself joined him. So the other two kids in our party helped us out by telling us over mumble if we were killing stuff or not. We did about 2 to 3 maps like this, but well let me be honest playing Spiral Knights with your feet is pretty dam hard.
The Money SUIT:
Well a few of us were chilling on mumble and moaning about the cash we waste in this game, and well we wanted to get something special for this money suit, so we decided to make up the official Spiral Knights Money Suit: Black Top Hat with Money Sign with a green suit and a cane (golden cane with a money emblem on it) Now this idea was made up while Moon was drinking I think I was eating pickles and Dogrock was making fun of us….we did post a suggestion (I think we actually e-mail the staff about this), but to this day it hasn’t happen yet.
Wow Stories about Tantarian is just Omg. This guy is easily the quietest player in our guild, but boy does he have so many stories. Most players don’t really know the real Tantarian like we do in Eos. We all know Tan is talented smart and just a greek god in this game, but we don’t know his hidden troll. So, let me fill you in on stories about Tantarian:
The Mic:
This is easily the best story in Eos. Tantarian has been using mumble ever since we got it, but he just too dam lazy to plug in his dam mic. He keeps telling Rep and I he broke it or he just lazy to move the back of his desktop to plug it in etc. Now, Rep and I we are not allowed to be together in Eos there some unwritten rule when Rep and myself team up all hell breaks loose in Eos. Rep is the reason I get in trouble in Eos he such a bad influence. So, going on poor Tantarian was searching for a Ironmight Shield Recipe, and ask the guild if anyone had one laying around we said no. So, I say in guild chat Tan I will get you one free of charge if you just talk on your mic he like no. So Rep and myself tell Tan we will buy all the Ironmight shield recipes from the Ah, and Tantarian laughs at us lol you guys wouldn’t do that. Poor naïve Tantarian was so wrong, Rep left our run went and bought out all the Ironmight shield recipes that day, and Tantarian says in guild chat Dam someone outbid me. Tan checks the Ah, and to his surprise all the recipes are GONE. Rep and myself are like hey Tan if you want a recipe you need to plug-in your mic and talk. Tantarian finally, talked on mumble with us, and cursed at us for doing that.
The Muppet Dance:
Well boys and girls reading this I hope your enjoying these small short stories this story is called the Muppet Dance it takes place in Shadow Lair Snarby: Now, lets be honest Shadow Lair Snarby is pretty easy, but when you have a Mup Mup in your party well your basically F’ded. So it was Redsg, Muppet, Repartee, and Myself if I am not mistaken doing this run. Now, Rep had a little boo boo on his thumb, and hasn’t done a run in ages Red was pretty new to SL, and well myself I am just a noob, and Muppet likes to troll. So, throughout the run I was just making fun of Muppet on Mumble everytime she died, and Rep would join in, but Red was always nice to Muppet saying guys stop it (He such a sweet heart). So, we end up in this one room in the run, and all 3 of us die, but Red cant be reved since he has blocks covering his body or something. Muppet is the only one alive, and she just starts dancing around our bodies trolling us laughing hahaha you guys died and I didn’t. So we are begging muppet to rev us, but she like nope I don’t know how 2 teach me etc. Finally, after Muppet is dancing around and wolvers are attacking her she kills them off, and I tell Muppet don’t touch the key rev us before, and she like nope you don’t tell me what to do, and she dies. So, Rep and myself are like Muppet your rev what is her reply? Nope I got 9 minutes to waste do you? LOL then I ended up rev’ing myself and we cleared the run. Welcome to Eos with Muppet.
Snarby = Evil:
So one day we are all just chilling in guildhall about 8 of us, and I see Muppet wearing her ugly snarby set, so I yell at her take that crap off Muppet its ugly just like you <3. All of the sudden Rep yells everyone wear snarby suits now (funny part is I helped rep get his snarby suit dam me)…Suddendly about 5 or 6 of them are wearing full snarby and chasing me all around the guild hall…I was so scared. Thus snarby = ugly and evil.
The Story about Sketti aka Skeet Skeet:
Sketti is no longer active in this game, and it is all due to one evil person Cootiecakes. Cootiecakes told Sketti that she loves her, and will one day be apart of Eos just for her. Sketti was so happy to hear this since Sketti trusted Cooteicakes she never understood why Cootiecakes broke her heart, and due to that she quit this game, but before I get too ahead of myself. Cootie and Sketti were a cute couple even though all of us warned Sketti about Cootiecakes. Sketti was all nice, and said no guys this is different Cootie loves me she even makes out with me while I am killing Vanna for laughs. Skeet skeet did not know that the end of this relationship was coming soon, but when she found out her poor little heart was crushed. One day Cootie tells Sketti and all of Eos guys I will join you if I ever leave Active (her guild at that time), and suddenly two weeks later she left Active for this guild called Unity. Poor Sketti went up to Cootie and asked “Cootie my sexy sexy cootie why aren’t you Eos?” Cootie replied because I am Unity now, and poor skeet skeet said, but you promised you be Eos once your not active, and cootie turned to her and said I lied to you and laughed. Poor Sketti was so sad, she ran to the Eos guild hall and was crying so many tears were running down her face, and two boxes of tissues were gone along with some ice cream. I asked Sketti what was wrong, and she said Nj she lied I asked Sketti who? What? She replied Cootiecakes she lied to me she not Eos she not even Active. I looked to Sketti and try to calm her down, and explained to her Cootie is just a liar, but she didn’t want to hear it she said Nj no…she said she loved me she touched me in the no no parts…..I turned to Sketti, and said this is how my parents taught me about people, and Sketti looked up teach me nj. I said Sketti there are two types of people in this world good people and bad people. You and I are good people we don’t lie, and we don’t break peoples heart, but Sketti that Cootiecakes lied to all of us, and broke your heart she a bad person. Sketti looked up with tears and said, but Nj she use to be good, I looked at Sketti and said she changed into a bad person nothing we can do about that. Sketti cry some more, and said nj my heart still hurts what can fix it? I replied time will heal all wounds, and till this very day Sketti has not logged into Spiral Knights since her heart is still broken.
Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi:
Now, most kids in Echo of Silence never knew what a Kiwi was until we meet Fallout and Milkman these two taught us the ways of the Kiwi’s, and this is why Eos loves them. Fallout actually manages a whole sweater company in Australia, and Milkman provides Fallout with the labor and wool from his sheep farm back in NZ. From this day we all look at Milkman and feel sorry for him being a kiwi =(.
Static Flash:
So a few of us got bored playing Spiral Knights, and decided to try a t3 run with only a static Flash I have to be honest this is one of the best runs you can ever try in the game builds great endurance for sure.
Bring a Noob to Fsc:
So, Aedium, Ahly, and myself were doing FSC with an anti-social person, but luckly that person Dc’ed now, Aedium was like Nj how can we make this run HARD, I was sitting there wondering I mean FSC and Vanna is just a joke, but why don’t we bring a NOOB in our party. It wont make the run as hard (Ahly was lagging bad), we had 1 blitz, and well 1 shiver, but the person who had the blitz also had the shiver lol. So, this guy joins our party none of us know him I asked my guildies to give us random names of people in proto gear , so they did. He joined the party and asked why me? We replied you’re the chosen one, and took him into the last depth before vanna, and he died a bit, but was epic with his vials of pain he also killed a skele with his proto sword. After, we decided to do vanna with him we headed down, and Vanna did take awhile for us to beat not going to lie. I got bored mid-way since the first two stages took us about 3 minutes to beat I started making vanna charge into people in my party, but ended up dying like 2 times due to that, but got some nice kills as well Ahly and Aedium got owned <3. So, I think we will ruin endgame material for new players on and off when we are bored. We told him to take screenies so he can brag to all his friends as well.
Vanna Dodgeball?
Dodgeball class is so much fun when you’re a little kid, but since Three Rings cant provide us with mini-games I guess we need to get creative and make our own mini-games up right? So, Mup Mup and myself created Vanna dodgeball while Xerox (I think it was Xerox) poorly was that unfit guy who cant dodge at all. We would make vanna target us and do his charge attack and point him over in Xerox’s direction for giggles. You can also do this with Trojans, but its not as fun since Trojans are pretty easy to dodge (Even though Aedium almost killed me with two Trojans dam him).
Boswick Kidnap:
Boswick is such a fine specimen Eos wanted to kidnap him for our own amusement. So, Tantarian and I found Boswick with his cool minner hat on with a giant B on it, so we wanted his hat for ourselves, and Boswick to be our pet. So, my logic was if I tell Boswick in public we are going to kidnap him he will be ready for it, but wont be certain when it will happen (its kinda like a slap bet you don’t know when you will get slapped, but you know it can happen anytime). So, we end up taking Boswick to a corner in the arcade and beat him up, but sadly he owned Tantarian and myself with his god-dam charm…The next day we found rocks in the corner we attempted to kidnap Boswick in….forever those boulders in the arcade will be a spot of mourning our failure to steal Boswick.
Eos Presents Peta:
(Peta thread has been removed from the forums due to flames)
Peta has been around in Spiral Knights for ages, we did make a thread about it. Eos is a proud supporter of PETA we do not support Sega or Three Rings with there cruel nature to allow Npc’s to have snipe shoes on, to allow us to kill the poor defenseless wolvers, fiends, chroma’s, and most importantly MAKE ARMORS and weapons out of them. This is disgusting, and I blame this all on Three Rings to not care about these poor defenseless creatures they did nothing but live on this planet in peace, but us being the horrible knights we are enter this planet, and caused havoc to this peaceful place. So shame on us, PETA is the only protest that has been doing well in this game, and will live on forever.
Changing-Rooms: ← Thread
Now this whole thing happened when Dogrock and myself were changing infront of each other in Spiral Knights getting ready for our run together. All of the sudden a Saphy appeared and laugh at our man parts (by man parts I mean our legs). She was like omg guys your legs are so gross you need to shave them. I was like Saphy go away, and stop looking at our man-parts (this story might of never happened, but might of happened in beta so we will never know).
The Adventures of Njthug and Repartee:
The adventures of Repartee and Njthug or Njthug and Repartee started when Repartee joined Echo of Silence this young knight was such a nice player, but eventually we realized both of us together causes heinous amount of trouble. With that in mind, we got bored one night and decided that we have way too much Ce, and have to make an account for the ultimate troll, so we created Heinous the official Eos mascot. He is the best account ever has an ancient set with uv’s and a Fov and argent peacemaker with uv’s as well. He just chills and rescue camp because he has no clue how to get out of there.
The next adventure or shenanigan Rep and I did is called Operation Cootiecakes:
This plan was one of the best plans ever. In the world today we have walks to cure breast cancer and much more which is well lets be honest a horrible disease, and I hope one day a cure is found, but in Spiral Knights we have an evil virus which kills, brainwashes, and attacks the heart called the Cootie Virus. Rep, and myself run laps all the time in Spiral Knights around the fountain just to raise money to find a cure for the Cootie Virus. Whenever we do see Cootiecakes (the reason most knights are infected with this virus) we chase her until she goes down and does a run, and harass her until she feels the pain she causes to poor naïve knights in Spiral Knights. Repartee and myself sworn to each other we will remove the Cootie Virus from Spiral Knights we fight hard by making fun of the cootie cakes, running laps, chasing her until she gives up, and most importantly by trolling her. To any fellow knight who suffers from the Cootie or wishes to stop the cooties from spreading join this mighty cause.
Christina Love <3:
Rep logged on one day I haven’t seen him in about a month now, so I wanted to well cause havoc and heinous amount of destruction with him, so we started doing what we do best making fun of Xerox, recruiting only 7’s on the hotness scale in Eos (must be girls), and ridding the world of Spiral Knights from Cootiecakes, but we found our biggest fan Christina sleeping in the middle of the AH. Now, boys and girls Christina is a great person, and an amazing lovemaker, but you always have to watch out what you say in public. I have a tendency to type up song lyrics and stand behind someone while doing that, so I paid the price that day by getting the BEST WARNING EVER. Rep and I started standing behind Christina while she was sleeping and well made love to her like no other man has ever made. Milkman joined in later, and rubbed his rear on Christina’s face since he kinky like that. All and all its was a fun time since people joined in we had a giant group of people (idk if I can say the real word) making love to each other and the center piece of this whole lovefest was Christina.
Oh due to this lovefest I got my first ever warning in this game which well I have to admit might be the best warning ever:
Rep cures Njthug of his OCD:
So guys sadly, I have OCD in Spiral Knights before whenever I saw a ironlock box (prize wheel gave me one) I would have to open it up. So, this got me to waste bit of ce in this game, but what Repartee would do for fun was collect a bunch of those iron lockboxes and then mail them 2 me, and LAUGH. Since he knew I would have to open them all up due to my OCD. Due to rep I wasted over 20k Ce since he a mean friend to have, and would laugh every time I would rage and be like dam you Rep. Eventually he sent me so many I just gave up.
Random Convo’s in Eos:
Ret joins Eos and walks in on this convo:
Njthug: So Aedium don’t you hate when you got to shave?
Aedium: Yes, man especially manscaping.
Njthug, and a few others: Dude manscaping is brutal at times so scared I will hurt something down there.
Ret: Dude I remember one time my gf waxed my legs painful.
Njthug: Use nair its good its foamy and dosent hurt I use it on my chest.
Muppet Presents why we don’t have pets in Sk:
Noobowns: I want a pet in spiral Knights
Muppet: Why?
Noobowns: I really want like a wolver or something
Muppet: ….
Noobowns: Omg having a fiend will be so cool…
Muppet: Do you really want pets in sk?
Njthug: We shouldn’t have pets in sk be useless
Noobowns: Yes muppet I really want a pet..
Muppet: Go get a dog irl stop complaining
Njthug: Lmao <3 Mup Mup
Moonsoon is my hero (Takes place in officer chat):
Moonsoon: Dam nj I am broke again
Njthug: Didn’t you have like 80k ce yesterday?
Moonsoon: Ya…
Njthug: Wtf did you waste it on you don’t even have any max uv’s or anything…
Moonsoon: I wanted to buy ancient plate sets for all my noob accounts
Njthug: Lmao wow you so would do that…
Moonsoon: I regret nothing
Provi and Rep Love:
Providence: Wtf I cant kick or demote Repartee wtf nj
Njthug: Yes you been abusing him so much
Provi: Fu Nj now I have no reason to be in Eos.
Rep: Lmao
Provi: Nj demote Rep or I hurt you
Nj: Crap got the provi mad demotes rep.
Provi: Demotes Rep to recruit =)
We need a noob to join us in Vanna:
Njthug: Guys I need a noob to join us in vanna proto gear plz
Retro: Robthedestroyer
Retro: Some other names I cant remember
Ahly: Xerox
Xerox: Hey….
Nj: This is why you’re an officer Ahly.
Well I will be adding more stories to come honestly, there so many stories about Eos I can go on and on about, but I rather have the rest of Eos tell you stories as well so if your Eos feel free to post your little adventures or as we call them in Eos shenanigans.

I see my name in there a lot. It doesn't look good.

Repartee's snack time
Repartee once contracted zombinism one day in a haven's bazaar. We had just finished up a guild meeting about how punch's anvil looks like a toilet and we were dispersing. I happened to be standing right next to him at the time and did not last long. Many other guild members came back to help but we bit all their tooshies and turned those punks in no time. I guess punch must have been having a sale that day because a lot of people ended up coming into our realm and being turned, production line style.
After amassing a hoard of 25ish we took our stand on haven. Demanding zombies have equal rights as all knights. That protest has been written in all history books as the first right step in Sk's moral grounding. PETA thread was all talk. Action happened this day.

You guys sound like such a nice guild :D . Its just like a massive group of friends together who can have a joke and a laugh. Keep going xD. Some of those stories are hilarious.
This is how guilds should be and make you feel :D

@Embo --- Yes, our core group of members is most likely 30 to 40 of us who know each other close to a year if not longer, but our community is always open new people like Repartee, Redsg, and many others are always involved in the community all you need to do is be social. Dogrock and myself shoot for Eos being a community base guild, meh anyone can solo vanna in this game, but most people can't play with their feet.
@Fallconn --- Thxs for reading sir I hope we made you lol irl.
Story Time: Muppet vs Sunless
So, one day we were doing FSC it was Aedium, Muppet, Sunless (who is not Eos), and myself. Muppet and myself decided to do this run with totems, so we would bring all the totems (Skele totems) to rooms just to make it a bit more harder *But its not that hard to be honest*. So, Sunless is like wtf are you guys doing, and Aedium already knows the plan since he on mumble just following along cracking up at Muppet and Sunless. Half-way through the fight all you see is Sunless and Muppet fighting over where the dam totem belongs. Aedium stats shouting at me on mumble....Nj look Sunless and Muppet are fighting over the totem and all you see Muppet placing it in the middle, then sunless running up and moving it, and then Muppet moving it back in the middle and is shouting No don't touch it belongs here. While Aedium and myself are trying to kill those zombies and trojans.....

I remember a few that happened recently like the vana noob run. Tha guy was in full Proto :P
ANYways, I just did this when was bored :P
not really a story but it's something.

We were doing FSC Sword only run no shields with totems....and myself being a moving totem:
Xerox is Hard
Muppet: Wow that was pretty tough without any shield
Njthug: Yes
Xerox: Its always hard with you around muppet....
Ahly: Lol
Muppet: What is hard?
Njthug: Are you talking about your no-no parts Xerox?
Ahly: Lmao
What to do about Muppet
Xerox: When life gives you a muppet RUN
Njthug: Wtf so true
Ahly: Lmao

The conversation in Kora's pic is a whole story in and of itself.

Wow, I didn't even notice that convo, and I just looked at the pic lmao....I love how Red the only one who defends Muppet, but Muppet looks at me as her partner in crime when she needs a run to become hard. Demon, if I could of showed you guys the chat logs of our run you would of understood why Xerox got demoted he wouldn't put down the totem since he a totem.
@Rep --- Thats an epic story you should tell us what happened since you guys got me writing every story =(

She was like omg guys your legs are so gross you need to shave them.
I SAID SHAVE YOUR BACK!!! Geez, men these days!
<3 This is why EoS is awesome.

Magnus in the Box
Me and another EoS were doing a RT run, and at one part where there are tresure boxes we cut them open and bam there a Magnus in one. It was a green box so we're both totally surprised and when we see it we both start fighting over who would get it :P eventually we agreed that whoever got it when we picked it up would get to keep it. The other EoS got it and then gave it to me :)
Same thing happened on a JK run except it was with Fallout (I think) and some one else. We killed JK super easy and it says Korakc obtains weapon Prismatech Alchemer MK11. We all were like OMG :P I'm wondering if that happens alot.

@Saphy --- I love you Saphy best friend forever for sure lol. You need to write some stories you know Dogrock and myself the longest (In the sense you did so many runs with us back in beta and well Dogrock introduced me to you and OKS which was godly). Our great 4 sum did get ruin though Kitty, Dogrock, Saphy, and Njthug great times.
@Korakc --- Ya most people are nice like that we don't really split drops, and if someone really needs the item we don't mind throwing it in their direction if needed. I easily gave out over 15k+ worth of Ce (in items etc.) to the guild usually spot people for Shadow Lair runs etc. We a family no need for all of us to be greedy.

Here are some old old stories from me. They might not technically be EoS, but they involve it's current members.
A Wild Njthug Appears!
This happened sometime around December 2010 when I was still running the guild Shneaky Knights as an officer. It's technically not an EoS story, but without it there would be no EoS.
I was soloing around in FSC as I almost exclusively did in those days when I see "guild member Njthug has loged on" - oh the other officer, Jerrard, is back and active again. I say hello and he introduces himself as practically brand new to the game. What followed was a discussion of guns since Nj wanted a really good one. In the end he decided the Antigua family gun would be perfect, but at that point they were only a rare drop. I warn him of this and he's going on about how he'll have to collect a pair really quickly cause he hates his Proto Gun. I'm of course thinking "yeah right, good luck kid."
A day or two later we see each other online again and he's got like five of the darned things! I was all WTF, since I had never seen one drop. Apparently he traded people for them at some ungodly price. That was the start of a glorious SK career for him.
Blackhat Watches
Some time in early January 2011 Acea, Lemon and I took Nj on his first Vana attempt. With the exception of Nj pew-pewing away on his Antigua, we were all fighting the hard fight with a pile of Wild Hunting Blades. After a slog-and-a-half through the old 7-stage Vanaduke victory was ours. Blackhat happened to be spying on us and gave us the best reward ever for defeating Vanaduke, Giant Snipes! Good times were had.

Xerox's opinion on recons
Xerox: recons are like girlfriends they hurt u, go away then come back to hurt u
Muppet: LOL
Lufte: win
Demonicsothe: you, sir, have just won the internet

/e looks around....picks up filled water balloon...grins evily >:D...drops it on the EoS members...THE BATTLE WILL NOW COMMENCE!

Lmao wow...Xerox has been saying some good things as of later little Xerox might be growing up =0 Idk if we should be scared or not.

So I don't forget this is a memo:
Write About Xerox's Green Rose Set

About The Story about Sketti aka Skeet Skeet:
This is all a gigantic pile of lies LOL xD I'm innocent!
(And the big secret is Sketti joined me in Unity with a new nickname, she's now an officer here ^^)
(Die Njthug <3)

Shut your Front Door your not innocent you broke her heart, and she not in Unity keep dreaming. Btw, I did not appreciate you putting your hand down my pants even if you wanted to put a squirrel in my pants I felt like you just went to far, I know you love me hun, but I don't feel the same <3.
The EPIC STORY of Xerox's Green Rose Set:
So, the day of my wedding with Jen (we got a divorce she beats Milkman with bags of oranges, and sadly milkman is allergic to oranges as well) I noticed that there was a twinkle aura on the Ah. I wanted this aura, so much the buyout was about 560k Crowns, but I wanted to get it for less than the buyout, so the aura went to very short the start of my wedding. So, I asked Xerox if he can just stay in the Ah and win it for me, and I paid him the cash to win it. During the wedding Xerox would give me updates etc. So, Xerox was about to lose the aura for me, and I slowly went to the Ah and just did the buyout on the aura. Everyone on the mumble server knew, but Xerox did not. Xerox was so sad he told me Nj I lost the aura, and as a good friend would do I yelled at him. Xerox was like I am so sorry Nj I lost it, and I just kept telling him wow man I give you one simple task you can't do it for me I really wanted that aura (At the same time I am standing next to him with the aura equipped to me). About 5 mins later Xerox realizes I have the aura on, and is like Wtf you liar and he felt so bad, everyone in Eos at that point was like wow nj you trolled the ____ out of xerox, but I felt bad for trolling him like that, and I asked Xerox which color he likes: Blue, Gold, or Green. Xerox, picked green and I gave him a green rose set. Sadly, Xerox does not wear this green rose set much since he scared he will make it dirty.
<3 Xerox forever.

*Memory Tab*
Pills --- Dogrock
Ice Queen Run --- Fire Pots
Recruitment --- Girls ---- Multi-spamming ---- Being 2 active get a life*

Pills ---
Well guys I hate to break it to you, but Dogrock is a pill popping animal he is addicted to pills in Spiral Knights, and we try to prevent him from taking pills, but he just dosent stop he like a crack ho-ho-ho. So, one day myself, Dogrock, Rep, and Tantarian were doing a run all of us were on mumble trolling each other like always. So, we are doing some skelle levels in T3, and Rep and I start hogging on the pills, and poor Dogrock has barely no hp left and is begging us for pills, but we refuse to give it to him. Rep, finally gives in, and says here Dogrock I feel bad I will drop a pill for you...automatically I use my pill to heal myself and run and grab the pill rep just dropped for Dogrock. Omg, boy Dogrock was so mad at me he was yelling Nj really I need the pill Rep is laughing up he like OMG dude I can't believe Nj just did that, and then I walk over on some spikes lose hp and use the pill, and say sorry to Dogrock I needed it more. Poor Dogrock is like hey Nj you remember how your not the creator of Eos anymore I was like yes, and boom kicks me from the guild. We do a few more waves, and we ended up feeling bad for Dogrock so we finally gave him some pills <3 Dogrock.
Fire Pots and Mr-Mini-Dwarf:
Well, most kids in Eos end up joining and don't really get trolled much, but certain kids come join Eos with a target on their back Dwarf is one of them. Dwarf a friend of Fallout's irl joined Eos knowing he was joining to get trolled. One day, we end up doing a run its myself, Rep, Jen, and Dwarf we end up in a room with about 6 auto-spawning fire pots, so we all end up picking them up and throwing them at each other killing each other. We did this for about a hour or two. Anyways, Dwarf died about 20 times to us that night (Rep and myself) and after that any type of vial or pot like item thrown in his direction makes him shout and run for his life. The other day we did a few runs I was throwing fire vials at him for giggles he started spazzing on the Mumble like a tortured soul telling me the torment it causes him. Poor guy like god-dam you guys first time doing a run with you kill me 20 times in fire pot dodgeball....poor Mr-Mini-Dwarf I feel sorry for him at times mostly since he a kiwi <3.
Cobalt a Mother:
Well most of you guys don't know it, but Cobalt is a mother in this game. Cobalt had over 20 kids in the game of Spiral Knights whenever you see a regular pot laying around thats one of Cobalt's kids. Cobalt will always do runs with Eos, and just carry a pot and tell us he can't kill monsters since he carrying his daughter, due to this we would have to do the whole room without him, but we aren't really nice at all we usually shield bump monsters into him and such so his child will die. Cobalt, is known for doing whole dangers rooms just holding a pot running around, and if the pot does die....omg you are in for some serious death. Cobalt then will find anyway to kill you even if it means he has to make all the auto-gun puppies free in a danger room or just sit in the corner shouting at you.
How Cobalt treats his child?
When cobalt is in fear of his life he does not protect his child he actually will throw his child at a monster to save his own life. <--- Great mother right?
More Stories to come

Saved by a noob
Sad to say that we don't have many screenshots and I regret this a lot, but in my defense we were all too busy laughing our butts off last night. In all honesty I would totally do this again with EoS, even as a member of OKS.
After waiting an hour on Mumble for Njthug to get on so we could chat (he didn't come back until 1AM, that jerk), Cavalries and Moonsoon decide to do a Shadow Lair run and asked if I'd like to join. I said sure, but I never ever ever went on a Shadow Lair run (except IMF, but I had to leave for work so I couldn't finish it), so I was new to it all. We were short one person, then Rodox came on after a long hiatus. Cavalries and Moonsoon ask if he'd like to join us on a Shadow Lair Snarby run.
Rodox: What's that?
We decide to invite him anyway, and just to make sure, I inspected him to see if he had the right gear and stuff.
Everything he was wearing was 2* and at level 1, except for his Firecracker (which was also level 1).
And it didn't help that he forgot how to shield and attack. Naturally, as soon as we got to the first room in the lairs, he died.
Rodox was pretty much dead about 1/3 of the time, BUT he pulled off a few shenanigans of his own. Such as taking down a Lumber with his Calibur while all of us were dead. Dropping Firecracker bombs like a boss. Dying A LOT less than Moonsoon.
Granted, Rodox chose to stay dead, but Rodox death count < Moonsoon death count. true story
After cussing out Snarby, we get into the Unknown Passage. It wasn't a deathfest like the Snarby boss fight, but all of us still managed to die in the final room, but the timer wasn't up. Cavalries and Moonsoon just went down, I was too far to be revived by someone else, leaving one person who could take us to Sanctuary...
Which was Rodox, a player barely complete with 2* gear, dragging all of us with 5* gear to the elevator to Sanctuary. >_>
And this is his inventory. Seriously. Isn't that awesome? XD
Notable quotes
"How do I shield? How do I attack?" - Rodox, after coming back from a long hiatus from Spiral Knights and forgetting the controls
"Yup, we're %*#%ed" - Saphy, upon inspecting Rodox's loadout
"I don't care how much CE I'm wasting on revives, I am getting to Sanctuary no matter what!" - Moonsoon, after his nth death against Snarby
"Yaaaaaay I did something right" - Rodox, upon getting onto the elevator to Sanctuary
Moonsoon (to Rodox): On the bright side, you got all your stuff to level 10.
Rodox: Well, I think my Firecracker got up to level 10 after we finished the first level...
tl;dr Rodox is likely the first person to ever attempt and successfully complete a Shadow Lairs run as someone who *just* got Tier 2 clearance. XD

Moonsoon: Im going to tab Rodox!
Cava: No, I want to
Rodox: Guys guys don't fight over who has to tab me there enough of me to go around
Only in Eos we fight over tabbing each other if needed lol.

Shoebox: I don't even know half the people in this guild...
Shoebox: But I have been inside most of them
Njthug: Wow this is why your so epic Shoebox
Moonsoon: They have to change hall of heroes name to Hall of Shoebox
Shoebox: Well I asked them to build a statue in haven in my honor
Shoebox: with me surrounded by mechaknights with pigtails
Shoebox: they didn't say yes or no
Shoebox: so its probably in the next update
The mighty shoebox has spoken can't wait for the new update.

this thread just blatantly says why I joined you guys.............

wtf guys, how this is not EoS recruitment page? so hilarious. Glad to see NJ havent been nerfed so far (unlike christina), hats off!

The Ecto Drop Plan
It's a well known fact that provi loves her ecto drops.
Nj was looking for ideas on how to get some of the less talkative members to get their rears in gear & socialize. My suggestion was to simply send an ecto drop to them & let rumor get around that this is a bad bad sign. Provi always will come to collect her ecto drops, with vengeance, on those holding out. So we give her a list of names of ecto holders and let her do her thing.
This was ruled too cryptic...
Dunno why, this was totally a perfect plan. O_o
Thanks for writing that up for my lazy ass. That run was epic & rodox saving the day was even more so.
Firecracker power prevails

@Moonsoon you suck I will tell them how it went down:
Okay, so we realized we had about 8 active members, but they just weren't talking at all in the guild, and this got us sad since we hate anti-social people. So, I suggest we just send them a message (Mail) telling them to talk more etc. if you don't you may possibly get kicked from Eos. So, Moonsoon was like Nj let me do this I know what we can do. Im like okay Moon what will you send them in the mail? Moonsoon, replies an ecto drop....I reply back sounds great what else? No, just an ecto drop....Im like, Moon you understand know one will understand what an ecto drop means right? Moonsoon, says but Nj its an ecto drop they will understand....Dogrock is here laughing at this idea, saying only in Eos we argue on making the mail so cryptic no one understands it. So, I try to explain to Moonsoon for like 10 minutes how no one will understand the mail, and will think getting an ecto drop is a cool thing....Moon like no they will be asking in guild chat did you get an ecto drop etc. rumors will spread Nj it will be epic.....I try to point out the anti-social kids won't start talking in guild chat due to a ecto drop....well in conclusion we all felt Moon's plan was epic, but was just 2 complicated for sure <3 Moonsoon the ecto drop idea would of caused chaos and havoc in Eos....Why did I get kick? You got mailed an ecto drop and didn't comply with being social....Wtf? Man How am I suppose to know an ecto drop means I'm anti-social? Its an Ecto drop what else does it suppose to mean....
@Jaroche --- It will be I haven't edit up our main page in awhile

@Moonsoon you suck I will tell them how it went down:
Okay, so we realized we had about 8 active members, but they just weren't talking at all in the guild, and this got us sad since we hate anti-social people. So, I suggest we just send them a message (Mail) telling them to talk more etc. if you don't you may possibly get kicked from Eos. So, Moonsoon was like Nj let me do this I know what we can do. Im like okay Moon what will you send them in the mail? Moonsoon, replies an ecto drop....I reply back sounds great what else? No, just an ecto drop....Im like, Moon you understand know one will understand what an ecto drop means right? Moonsoon, says but Nj its an ecto drop they will understand....Dogrock is here laughing at this idea, saying only in Eos we argue on making the mail so cryptic no one understands it. So, I try to explain to Moonsoon for like 10 minutes how no one will understand the mail, and will think getting an ecto drop is a cool thing....Moon like no they will be asking in guild chat did you get an ecto drop etc. rumors will spread Nj it will be epic.....I try to point out the anti-social kids won't start talking in guild chat due to a ecto drop....well in conclusion we all felt Moon's plan was epic, but was just 2 complicated for sure <3 Moonsoon the ecto drop idea would of caused chaos and havoc in Eos....Why did I get kick? You got mailed an ecto drop and didn't comply with being social....Wtf? Man How am I suppose to know an ecto drop means I'm anti-social? Its an Ecto drop what else does it suppose to mean....
@Jaroche --- It will be I haven't edit up our main page in awhile

I still sent people ecto drops anyway :P
I did attach a message though. Something along the lines of "start talking or provi's coming for you". Ill post exactly what I sent when I log in next since the majority of the mails got returned haha

Here's a story I won't forget, because I was the one at fault with this incident.
This all happened a few nights ago, when I innocently asked some of the guild members to go to a Shadow Lair with me. I wanted to complete my Heavenly Iron set at this time. While I made my way there, quite a few people were keenly interested in my challenge that they were immediately eager to go to their different shadow lairs. This enthusiasm came to a dead stop when one of the members uttered this phrase.
"It's your key, so its your call."
It turns out that when someone says: "Let's go to a SL", They mean to say: "I have a Shadow Key! Let's go to a Shadow Lair."
As I told everyone that I DID NOT HAVE A KEY OF THIS NATURE, I could feel the seething hatred of the knights that I pissed off to no end (Espicially Gzilla, who desperately wanted to acquire a nightmare mane).
The only reason I post this is to say that I'm a MAJOR idiot to forget this rule, and that I will personally owe Gzilla a chance to take on Rabid Snarby, at some point when I acquire a Shadow Key. Also, I'm very sorry to the knights that I offend for breaking this rule of courtesy. It won't happen again, I swear.

Grilled Bananas and the birth of Fiona
If you ever drop into our Mumble server in EoS, you will hear us discuss some of the most random things. Just tonight, about 12 of us were arguing over how to pronounce one of our newest member's in-game name, 'Epochfailbot'. Some were saying eee-pock, others eee-poch - they're all just PLAIN WRONG, because it's 'epic' as in 'epic fail' but no one in this guild ever listens to me. So amongst all this kerfuffle, we decided as a collective that we would call him Two-poch™ (copyright Nj 2012) or Bob, an affectionate pet name given by Mr-Mini-Dwarf. Nj also decided that Failbot was a suitable nickname except I misheard him and thought he was going to say Fiona, so we all laughed and thus, this gave birth to Fiona as Epochfailbot's nickname. It suits his knight anyway since he prances around in a pink dress and pigtails with a love aura and a flower that sometimes I even question myself if he really is a guy <3
But in the background, something even bigger was happening. You see, Epochfailbot is yet another Australian who has recently joined EoS. The number of Aussies seems to be growing daily as more and more of the southern hemisphere get sucked in by Nj's sexiness and irresistible charm--I mean, the poor guy has to hide in the bushes to avoid people from coming up to him and talking to him nonstop! Anyway, it's been a longstanding joke within EoS, that us Aussies need entertainment so today Nj went on a huge hunt to find us some Kiwis. He was /zonechatting in Haven 15 about how more NZs absolutely have to join EoS right now - poor New Zealanders, little do they know what they're getting themselves into - that he even started an Aus vs. NZ fight.
But I'm going on a tangent. I really meant to segue into the story of grilled bananas and how it's a devastatingly obvious Australian icon. I mean, when most people think of Australia, they think of the outback, kangaroos or 'g'day mate'. Nope, not Nj. Apparently grilled bananas is the epitome of Australianism. This all started when we were talking about food and Moonsoon asked Shoebox to make him a prawn on the barbie. Shoebox was like, 'you mean shrimp on the barbie' and Nj cut in, telling us the story of how Disney Channel taught him everything and that grilled bananas were a really Australian thing to cook. All of the Australians on Mumble at the time like Fallout, Shoebox and Mr-Mini-Dwarf were like 'WTF? That's not true.' But Nj insisted that if it came from Disney Channel it was 100% pure fact. He was so sure of it, he even dug out the youtube video to show all of us. Even after watching this, we were still not convinced... however, Shoebox was determined to try it.
Today, Shoebox was hanging around in Haven when he was asked to prove how Australian he was by Razzy (from In the Jelly). Remembering Nj's unfailing confidence and how he is the beacon of truth, Shoebox replied 'grilled bananas' and her response? 'WTF.'
So if you ever come across an Australian on Spiral Knights, ask them to prove that they're truly Aussie. If they reply with 'grilled bananas', then you will know they've been blessed by Nj's world of wisdom (which he obtains from completely reliable sources such as Disney Channel).

Lmao those stories were epic, and I do feel bad for tupac he has so many names in this guild already he dosent really know which one to respond back to. Dam, I really think he a kiwi bird since he gets abused a lot.
Grilled Bannas are a real Aussie treat ---- Your just not Aussie enough to know it the Disney Channel will never lie to me.

Okay, I burst out laughing at that. I was in a public area - everyone is staring at me now. Disney Channel Nj? I should have expected that by now, but just like Shoebox you always manage to catch me off-guard.

Stories about the legendary Dogrock:
First Scammer in Spiral Knights History:
So, a young Dogrock was playing this mighty game called Spiral Knights, but sadly he was broke it was no joke at all. So, he needed to find away to make some cash, so Dogrock attempted to trade some 4* item at the time to a person for 4,000 crowns, and the guy lagged a bit and typed in 40,000 crowns Dogrock quickly accepted this trade, but the guy declined they did the initial trade for 4,000 crowns a few minutes later, but folks Dogrock was known to be the first scammer in Spiral Knights to this very day he attempted to scam an individual for 36,000 crowns. Life lesson: Don't trust a Dogrock they seem so cute and cuddly, but their farts and scamming powers is what Dogrock is good at.
Drunkness on Spiral Knights:
So, Xerox and Cobalt decided to take Dogrock on a Fsc run while Dogrock was drunk, looking back at this decision well it wasn't the best idea, but well then again trying to make love to your sofa while drunk isn't a good idea either. So, they took Dogrock into FSC, this was his third time doing FSC since the game launched, so he ran around with a callahan shooting stuff, died in fire about every 20 seconds and blamed Xerox for not putting the fire out obviously. So, once they finally got to Vanna Dogrock kept throwing water at the mask so it would exploded this made Cobby n Xerox die about a good 20 times....while Dogrock was laughing in the corner. We learned that day that Dogrock can not be trusted while drunk.
Towel Dogrock:
Dogrock in beta was known to have this name: TowelDogrock, and many kids ask now a days why was he name this? What does this mean? Does he carry a towel around all the time for good luck? No, Dogrock would tell people that he plays Spiral Knights only wearing a towel, now to some this might be like eww, but if you seen Dogrocks' rock hard abs along with his skinniness you would totally be turned on its a true story he once made a straight guy turn man-loving. I always, admire Dogrock and his towel, since he would yell at us being like omg my dorm is too could I'm freezing...Dogrock then wear some clothes? No, I want to wear my towel etc. So, with that said it turned into a new story since we found out that Dogrock does not like to wear any type of pants he just rather let his package hang around with the fresh air, so how do we satisfy this need in Spiral Knights? Dogrock proclaimed that Haven 3 is the official pant less haven in Beta, so my fellow knights, kittens, and dogrock's when ever you are in haven 3 make sure you have no pants on or Dogrock will be very upset.
More Stories to come about Dogrock n more just got to go for the moment <3 you all

O GAWD!!!!!!?????!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!

i get to be the narrator then!
Atrumvindex: you people are sick!
Choobski: i regret nothing.
Falcon: said the liar
Next poster: Falc get the !@#$ off of forums and SK just go the !@$% away and quit trolling...

And there went my lunch hour.
A much better read than DLC rage.

Sir-Didymus: And there went my lunch hour.
Falcon: he then went and sat on a spike trap and fell into a vat of poison.
Next poster: i'm hating Falc more and more every day....

I'm hating Falc more and more every day....

Sir-Didymus: I'm hating Falc more and more every day....
Falcon: he then tried to kill Falcon with a board with a nail in it.
Next poster watches with a can of soda and a box of popcorn.

Not popcorn, chips.
Anyways, gotta love EoS.

Isisdelltion: chips not popcorn, chips. anyways, gotta hate on EoS
Falcon: said the noobish nub

Hookers vs Lady-Friends
Shoebox: Should I spend all my money on hookers?
Ret: Yes, its a great investment, what do you think Cava?
Shoebox: Don't ask her ask Nj
Ret: You don't need to spend money on hookers if you are your doing something wrong.
Njthug: Well, you do have to spend money on lady-friends (Drinks etc.)
Ret: Yes, but they don't have to be your drink
Shoebox: Roofies cost a lot of money
Everyone: Lmao...Shoebox your a legend above all.
Hookers = + only because Roofies cost too much.
Aussie Jokes Must Come Soon Along with Kiwi-Bird. (Side-Note).
Delver Dramas
I remember a time when noobowns was trying to get his Dauntless Delver achievement.
Mupp and I decided to go help him out. T2 - EZPEAZY. So we get to T3 and hit a graveyard. mupp and I really needed to get some stuff leveled and graveyards give good heat. Just so happens that all of those items were shadow weapons. Weird coincidence. So after flawlessly destroying everything we head down a few more levels and hit an arena. Now we were trying to save noobowns from attacks by shield bumping everything. He ran low on health so mupps like I GOT CHUUUUUu and shield bumps a lumber out of the way just in time. Just then, noob walks himself into another lumber attack that i was slacking on bumping.... He died. He raged. He hated. To this day he blames us for his failure and I believe it's the reason he quit the game.
We were just trying to help the poor guy.
OCD cure part 2
Since rep has been a busy boy njthug has implemented the same type of OCD training rep did to him on me. After receiving and opening about 30+ lockboxes in one or two days, i learned my lesson and have not opened a single one since. If there's anyone else out there suffering from lockbox fever please let an EoS member know and we will be sure to help you get over your addiction. We're here to help
We invented Featured Auctions
During the discussion with nj over the money suit i was getting my spending limit increased. So in one of the emails I had mentioned this idea to them of having some items just for us big ballin' moneybaggers such as this money suit. IMO they took this and skewed it into a horrible monster that are the featured auctions. I still don't have my damn suit.
lol i can't believe this thread was taken down. Main reason being because at the very bottom of the FIRST POST it said "THIS IS A JOKE FYI" Still the flames came like Pompeii on volcano day.
I'm very upset about the snipe shoes though. I think they're still alive while attached to the strangers feet!
I am totally against this. Unless i can have a pair..... then i'm all for it....