Echo of Silence
1) About a month.
2)5-10 runs.
4)Yes, Exum, Splinter, and I believe I know you from a different game.
6)I just want an active guild that is good and i believe i can get that experience in Echo Of Silence.
Gear: Glacius,Silversix,Divine Veil, Divine Mantle, Ash Tail Coat.
(I Have much more planned)
1. I first started playing Spiral Knights during the first day of Early Access Weekend, before the original release.
2. Usually, I do 3 to 5 (or more) T3 runs daily. Mostly interested in Vanaduke nowadays.
3. I got back from about a month's vacation, but now I play Spiral Knights most of the day, every day.
4. Vlad, Silverfire, Nearo, and a few others I don't remember...
5. IGN: Techpriest
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
about 1.5 months
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
as many as i can before and after work
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
all the time on the weekends and mon-friday before 9 and after 4 pm pst
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
i'm a 30 yr old male from canada .... i'm a long time mmo player (raided WoW for 5 years but don't have the time for that anymore) fell in love with this game .... have all 5* gear looking for a teir 3 guild .... my last guild just didn't progress .... in this game i enjoy running tier 3 , lvling new gear , and soloing JK .... just so you know i did apply resently to another guild, Legends, but didn't hear back from them so hence my application here :)

We will most likely accept new applicants in a day or two currently in the progress of doing some spring cleaning again in the guild kicking a few inactives and so on. Since the inactive sweep already took place and will end Tuesday I will let you guys know most likely Tuesday or Wed. or Thursday latest =)
Hope you guys can wait until then.

1. Since my join date.
2.LOTS. Normally as much time as I have.
3.Normally every other day or two.
4.Freezingflame, silverfire, Dirt, Poul, njthug, and splinter.
5. Bigfootm
NUMBER SIX- Not the right way but...
I'm all 5* just leveling some stuff right now, Tier 3, am Guild Master of my own guild, and my stuff is...
Vog Cub Cap
UV'd Vog Cub Coat
Argent Peacemaker
Gran Faust
Divine Avenger
Heart Pendant
Silver Amulet
UV'd Shivermist Buster
Graviton Vortex
Grey Owlite Shield
UV'd Volcanic Plate Shield
Yet I still feel like I'm missing something...
Greetings, my name is Zervantes (in game) And i am interested in joining Echo Of Silence, as ive heard great things about this guild, i thought id make an application to join. So here we go.
1. My joining date, and i have the experience of killing all bosses.
2. i play about 4-5 runs a day, More if im in a glad mood.
3. Everyday, but i log off from time to time.
4. Njthug, Martinsen, Nearo, Xerox, Cobalt, Dogrock.
5. Zervantes.
6. I am 13 years old, im a muslim, And i enjoy gaming just as much as i enjoy talking to people, i am totally against racism, And Im often playing alone since i dont have many friends. and i like History and The technique of peoples minds. Thats pretty much all, Thank you for reading. *bows*

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since Mid-April
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
About 2 per day. More on the weekends. Access to all tiers.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Unfortunately, no.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Currently running 4*, working on finding 5* recipes. I'm in CST and typically on at night. Advanced player in most MMO's and have led my fair share of guilds both large and 'elite', to small and 'close-knit'. Respectful and aware of standard MMO etiquette. I consider myself fairly advanced in gameplay technique (mostly out of necessity since I run with a Swiftstrike)
1. Started playing early April.
2. Depends on if I have people to run with. If so, usually 1-2, in the higher tiers.
3. I go on daily to see if any of my friends are on, and if so, then I run with them ect.
4. No, I do not.
5. Redten
6. All 5 star equipment. I enjoy running the higher tiers and a mostly casual playing experience. I am on usually at night or in the morning. I am looking for a guild of experienced players like myself to go on runs with/ just talk about the game or other things.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since June 11th.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Anywhere from 1 run to up to 8 runs
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No one atm.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well, not much to say 'cept I'm a 20 Y.O college student who's looking at a major in Informatics.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? I have been playing for 3 and a half weeks now.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? The only time i do T1 anymore is if I'm leveling up an item, I do Jelly King runs with friends every so often
and i try to do at least 2 or three FSC runs a day
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? I play alot.. probably too much. for a perspective i linked my account up with steam 2 weeks ago and i already have 100 hours logged since then.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) Yes Nearo I have played with him quite a few times hes a cool dude! :)
5. What is your in-game-name? Mike-Pwnz
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) I'm in all 5* gear with a leviathan blade and a divine avenger, (vog cub armor) And i'm looking for a group of players similar to where i am at, to do T3 runs and FSC runs with! :)

Applications Just Closed For Eos We Will Open Them Up Sooner Or Later =) Thanks For Applying
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since the launch on steam (june 14)
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? been playin alot running t2 t3, I have mostly 5* for my main set.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? nearly everyday lol
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) nope
5. What is your in-game-name? jappyx
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) Im 24yrs on the west coast looking for a fun active guild that likes a challenge.

Whether the apps are open or not, I'll just leave mine here for whenever someone has the time to review it.
1.) I can't recall an exact date but, I've been playing since the start of the final preview.
2.) Depending on my energy resources from 1-10 runs a day.
3.) I play everyday.
4.) Using the wiki as a resource:
Sort of know Njthug, Poul, Nearo, Xerox (Don't know If he'll remember me xD), Alee, Devastator, Kennys-Knight, Techpriest and Thunderchunks (First person I met on Spiral Knights, so I don't know if he'll remember me xD)
5.) "Razorlined"
6.) 15, huge nerd, was part of one of the best guilds of SK imo, "Knightmare", UK and I'm just looking for a guild to reminisce about the preview, do some FSC runs, I like helping others out as best I can while trying to be the best guild member that I can possibly be.

So yesterday I realized that our guild needs a wtf guys? Lol <3

Dogrock never fake bumps anything for me this may lead to a mini-break up for sure btw updated the list
1. 2 weeks.
2. 1-2 runs
3. 5 times a week or something.
4. Nope.
5. Brickbone.
6. I like having much crowns (a)

1. I started playing about midway through the rose regalia event, about threeish months ago.
2. Ususally at least two runs a day in T2, more if there's a good party with me, or JK is up.
3. Pretty much daily, though work and school may make me busier for periods of time.
4. I'm new to this guild.
5. "AgAzide"
6. Dedicated, skilled player who does disproportionate amounts of research to actually playing the game. Looking for a guild with other skilled characters. Unlikely to ever buy CE, and enjoys danger rooms and arenas. I'm one of those guys who gives mats to newbs so they can craft their precious caliburs or such at the end of T1 runs.

1. Since shortly after it came out of beta.
2. Depends, sometimes 4-5 runs, sometimes just crafting/selling.
3. Every day.
4. I only know OF some (from the forums, listening to their words of wisdom).
5. Tom-Awsm
6. I'm a 22 years old student from Norway who will be studying in Kingston outside London in september, always looking to receive or give tips for getting better (applies both in-game and in life in general). I'm fairly introverted, but I enjoy the occasional in-game conversation with other upstanding gamers.
Okay, since I have that little competition going on I felt that it be cool to have another prize added for Eos members only. So if 5+ Eos members participate in the contest (Following all the rules) you guys will also have a chance to win a Max Uv item or even a DEMOTION =). The max uv wont be anything special like max ele on a wolver coat (eww wolver), but its still a max uv.
So post your joke NOW. =)
1. About a month, give or take a few days.
2. Depends on my free time, usually 4-5 T2 runs. I've been farming Jelly Runs to get my 4* gear, just missing my helm and armour. I mostly go solo, much faster than in PUG groups.
3. Normally about 3-4 hours a day. At the moment, however, I'm visiting family abroad and the connection is very shoddy here. I will be back home in 2 days.
4. Not on a personal IRL basis, nope.
5. Mecc
6. Ex-wow player, loved the transition from tank'n'spank to... whatever playstyle SK is "dodging/shielding". Used to be in the top 5 guild of my WoW server, Friendly Fire of Spinebreaker. I was an officer in the guild, but I quit as the game was getting too easy. I also occasionally play this game with my girlfriend. I'm just looking for a guild that would supply members that know how to... not die within 2 seconds after I rez them :P

Major Updates Added in Ranks and kicks

Updated List
Applications are now officially open again =) Good luck to anyone that wishes to join Eos.

Should I demote Xerox for failing to do his task? (I think I should)
What do you guys think?

I think we wait until PVP comes out and then we have a 1 v 1 fight vs Xerox, if he loses...demotion.

Lol. Even though I'm not in this guild I'm friends with many of them. How about splinter, dogrock, njthug, me, freezingflame, lowercase, and lots more against Xerox? He loses? Demotion. Wins? Let's see that first. XD

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I've been playing spiral knights for about three months now.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Depends on what I'm going for that day. When I was getting my Fang of Vog, I did around 3-4 FSC runs a day as well as basil runs.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I play pretty much every day. I currently have: Vog cub coat and cap, both level 10. Mercurial helm, level 9. Valkyrie mail, level 7. Leviathan Blade, level 10. Argent Pie-maker (xD) level 10 (If you didn't get it, or your just a stale person, it's a play on "Argent Peacemaker", which is the weapon that I am stating that I have). I had a FoV and Crest of Almire, both level 10. I got 70 tokens and bought them with TOKENS, but I recently sold them. I can provide references if you wish to make sure that I actually worked for them. Divine avenger, level 10. Gran Faust, level 1. And, finally, a Barbarous thorn shield, level 10. Oh, I also have a swiftstrike buckler.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I know Splinter pretty well. I've known Wfawwer for a while, we're friends. I've known Strudul for some time, we were in the same guild. Njthug is on my FL, but I don't know if that counts because I've never done any runs with him xD. I've fought vanaduke with Freezingflame once. I've done a couple of basil runs with Cobalt. I know Techpriest in real life (we go to the same school). I've seen Xerox on occasion and talked with him a couple of times. Met Dogrock a couple of times.
5. What is your in-game-name?
Laserbam ;)
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I get straight-A's in school. I love to have fun and make people laugh :). I'm currently learning the computer language Java because I love videogames and would love to be able to write them. I play the guitar and have been for about 5-6 years now. I've been in two bands (Techpriest can confirm that, as he played bass for one of them). The band that I'm currently in is named "Outnumbered". I love Metallica and Iron Maiden. I also like AC/DC, Rolling Stones, and other classic rock bands. Oh, I'm currently in the guild "Active", if that helps, because they're one of the bigger/more elite guilds (but not elite as you :D).
Hopefully I get in :D I posted an app around a month (IDK, but it was a while ago) ago, and I didn't get in :/
But, I've gotten a lot better and have much better gear now :D
I have been playing Spiral Knights for a little less then 3 months.
If i am online and have the energy I usually do 1-3 runs.
I am usually online every day.
I know quite a few people in your guild. I know Cobalt,Poul,Techpriest and Thunderchuncks.
My in-game-name is postfan and postfans (2nd account)
Well I always have a new idea about how to make money ingame. I like to trade a lot at the Auction House. I hate scammers and noobs who to try to access T3. And I enjoy playing FSC with friends and strangers alike.

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 1-2 weeks.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
3-5 sometimes more if i have nothing better to do and i have energy.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?

All Applications will be looked at most likely by Friday or Saturday sorry for the delay guys I have read over all the app's so far, and will talk to my officers/gm's ASAP, but Saturday or Friday is the latest we will get back to you.
Again thanks again for applying =)

Lowercase told me he joining Eos now since I am demoting Xerox =)

I would like to encourage all you bombermen out there to apply, I'm looking for a solid team to bring EoS into the the top 10. Xerox is not pulling his weight. I need someone to compliment my Starry Bombhead Mask!

It's guild wars only right? I think it is. I haven't played on my account yet but I played on my buds and didn't die. If it were only not for the guild I couldhelp ya guys... I got it! I'll use my dude in Tge rescue camp. Invite me in IGN team-winning
I'll help ya. You can remove me after.
Hey so. NJ, you need to move Repartee back down to Recruit. He's been bad.

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 3 months
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
1-2. I think.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
At least 30 minutes a day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I am the author of the popularish stories on the English Language General Forums (Let the Flames Begin, The Spiral Empire: Rise of Necropolis), I like PVP a lot, I enjoy doing arenas and danger rooms, I am currently busting all of my crowns leveling up my Khorovod and getting enough tokens and mats and cr and ce to make the Grintovec. And I like Lego. Especially Bionicle. I hate using guns but love swords and bombs. Sowrds more.

@Provi --- Repartee does nothing but good your just so mean to he told me he had to see a doctor and talk about his feelings and such....due to you....
@Poul --- When is Xerox ever good?
@NewApp (Lordofnecromancers) --- Nice app, I hope to talk to my guild mates and we will see what happens.

This is definitely not a bump.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I have been playing since the early access weekend event, so I have been playing for almost half a year now.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3
I normally go through either one until my mist energy ran out. Nowadays, I do more runs in T2 and T3.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Every Day. There were times when I couldn't get to the computer due to family events, but other then that, I play every day.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No I do not. I have seen some of the guild in the clockworks, but not enough time to know them.
5. What is your in-game name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I am a wanna be comic book artist and I have been drawing since I was a wee lad. I have been practicing for long time and I hope to write a comic book or webcomic in the future. I like to challenge myself every now and then and I am known to be very friendly. As a Knight, I prefer to use heavy swords (IE Divine Avenger) and bombs, hence the fact that I have a Volcanic Demo set as my first 5* equipment. I do carry a gun, but I am not as keen to use it constantly in a fight. I would like to be in an active guild because I would like to put my experience from playing this game to good use by helping others or sharing memories of success.
I hope that you consider me as an eligible candidate for the guild. Thank You.
I here by declare that MrSmiley shall and will be invited to the guild! As a veteran they have to!
I want a comic artist in the guild! I'm also an animator so it would be swell... And he likes bombs!
Lol anyways really nice app, if you ain't in I'm joining "My little ponies" guild!
Il bribe njthug to get you in and xerox is my slave, so don't worry... This little veteran has power!

His app looks nice I will talk it over tonight with an officer if we have any online and then once we come up with a decision I will send him an invite =)
Oh and Hini I will make sure he gets in 150% if you just buy me a mask jk jk <3

I am sorry to say that I am withdrawing my application. Please don't ask why. don't worry, I'm not quitting the game.

@general public:
Updated Application
@N3cr0m4ns1r --- Okay man np

Updated Guild topic with new members etc. cleared out people who aren't Eos anymore etc.
Also....I can't make friends they end up being guild masters in other guilds =( so sad.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Uhhhh....4 days XD
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? T1 - 0, T2 - Alot, T3 - Too Afraid
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? Pvp does interest me, but I am new. Haven't tried yet.
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? In the past 4 days. At least once a day.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) I had a nice chat with Moonsoon. Does that count?
6. What is your in-game-name? Kyonchop - For those anime fans, ya'll know where my name is from.
7. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well I'm a social gamer. Never was serious about big time progression, but never stopped me from going for good loots :) Looking for a guild so I got peeps to talk and chat with. I'm not a beggar and detest begging. I hate drama and will be the last, if at all, to cause it. Only 4 days playing and I'm already in 4 star gear. That's good I think...right? Only thing I'll ever beg for is information. I hate playing a game blind. Nothing stinks more then wasting resources. Other then that, I'm a cool guy. I like to chat and socialize. I play mostly at night cause of work... well I always play at night actually (9pm EST or later). Well hit me up. I always like getting in game mail. Makes me feel special :D
I have no clue who he is or how such a rumor came about, but we only give out one thing for free in Eos and thats Bromance we give it out for breakfast, brunch,lunch, dinner, and mid-night snack.