Restrict costume slots to level 10 armor?

8 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

It would be a big flashy reward for maxing out armor, something that feels missing at the moment. It also feels intuitive to me. If you want the right to have armor represent your avatar, you have to really make it yours.

Imagen de Cherub
Ooo... I like that idea.

Ooo... I like that idea.

Imagen de Coriolis
Game Master
I thought this sounded neat

I thought this sounded neat at first, but at further consideration I'm not sure. The point of a costume slot is you like the look, but not the stats. This change would require you to wear something you didn't like just to be able to get the privilege of costume slotting it. It kinda runs counter to the purpose.

That said, it is ridiculously easy to level up equipment, so this may not be a big deal at all :P

Legacy Username
Well, I suspect in the future

Well, I suspect in the future it won't be so easy to level up the equipment. Nevertheless I like it. If you want something to wear as a costume it would be neat to have to pay your dues with it.

Legacy Username
I don't enjoy this idea...

I don't enjoy this idea... But this coming from someone who thinks alot of the armor looks butt ugly.

This feature is one of the things that's making me enjoy the game, I don't wanna work for something so trivial... This kinda counters the whole "no grind", doesn't it?

Imagen de Cake
Another option...

Another option would be to require people purchase an costume slot upgrade with energy that lasts 30 days. Then you can wear what you'd like provided to pay for the privilege.

Legacy Username
I think that there should be

I think that there should be more armor made for the sole purpose of it being a costume/vanity item, that players could buy for money or with energy, like the vanity stores in games like Maplestory.

That being said... yeah im not a big fan of this idea...

Legacy Username
I'm with Zard. Leave the

I'm with Zard. Leave the costume feature as it is (because quite frankly, I like my default knight armor look right now), and simply include fantastic energy/money earned costume slot items.

Legacy Username
I agree with Zardica. Some

I agree with Zardica. Some vanity armor would be nice, just make sure to leave room that there's a chance you can still buy/make the armor. That way the people who don't have energy can work to earn the vanity armor.

I would not be thrilled with paying energy for the costume slot feature. I like it as is because at the moment all it is is a visual change. Now, if you could use maybe 50% of the stats from the costume armor via paying for the slot, I'd be interested!

That and while some may say leveling armor is "easy", it seems silly to level an armor you're only going to use for aesthetics instead of stats.