wtb 2* uv stuff {MUST HAVE-wolver coat shadow med/high}

@justin box a shield which does not go above 3 star even tho it has max uv obviously not worth 6kce, and poison max uv wouldnt sell that much on any other shield anyway lol

looking for wolver coat w/ a shadow uv (min. med)
got an owlite

you should not be looking for uvs on the forums if you can't afford even 2k ce. Most med and low uvs go on the ah as they aren't worth shopping around for a buyer please stop saying our prices are too high you are shopping in the mall when you should be in a flee market.

thanks for your unwelcome input. The thread asked for 2* gear with UVs. I simply gave my input.
wolver/dusker with high/v.high uv's sell for much more ,but that's only because they are very common gear.
@Irokwe -I will agree with Mustado.... high UV's and better will cost nothing less that 60K CR or 1K CE.

yet i got a sealed sword with dmg vs slime high for 1kce.........
now please stop trolling my thread

sold a bunch of stuff
i now have 1.5kce:)
Why you still didn't send me ce?
I sent you demo suit high freeze + low shadow

omfg stuff gets bumped out fast........,

ur welcome? wot did u sell me again?
EDIT: oh whoops lol nvm np
mwahahahaha 1st page 2 post^^
i posted on ur thread, tersa. srry i cant offer more, the ce is 2 xpensive.....:(
@justin -_-
no ty