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Best Gun for Jelly King

37 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

What would you say is best gun for jelly king. I'm thinking either volcanic pepperbox or biohazard. Pepperbox is more reliable for keeping jelly on fire while the poison from biohazard doesn't stay on constantly. Not sure which does more damage. Any suggestions?

Portrait de Scottish-Archer
not autogun line.

i dont suggest going with anything on the autogun line, the fast rate of fire is attractive, but the damage is as good as useless, i may suggest something along the polaris line or the setenza. the fact that you would keep jellies on fire is nice, but that effect would take a long time to kill anything, getting something with high damage is a better bet in my opinion.

Portrait de Metagenic

It does shadow damage, so it's inherently better against the Jelly King, and the poison is useful. If you want to keep him on fire just use the Combuster or Ash of Agni (sword and bomb respectively).

Autogun is useless on RJP.

Portrait de Nattss
Magma driver is great all

Magma driver is great all through the Jelly Palace and great for keeping the Royal Jelly on fire. I've also used biohazard, which is great, but not quite as good in the Palace levels as it's slow and not as good on the Puppies and Lumbers.

Portrait de Bopp
um, um, Umbra?

People are recommending Biohazard because it does shadow. But there is one other pure shadow gun, that no one has mentioned: Umbra Driver.

Portrait de Rangerwillx

The Umbra Driver's charge is great for jelly king, but you probably can't solo him without vials.
The Biohazard line, however, can annihilate him without any vials needed.
Poison him with the charge, then use regular until the poison wears off. Do charge, hit him with the regular.

Portrait de Bopp
I've never done either

I've never killed RJ with either shadow gun, whereas Rangerwill apparently has, so anybody reading this thread should value his advice over mine. :)

Portrait de Fradow
Some days ago, I did a JK run

Some days ago, I did a JK run with only guns (the whole party, not just me), and we used mainly Biohazard on pretty much everything. It was very fast.

As for RJ, it was even faster than most random runs with swords, due to the fast RJ was poisonned all the time and you can shoot all the time without stopping.

I personnally don't like Alchemers because of 2 bullets per clip, but they make good guns otherwise.

As for Pepperbox, well, the problem lies within the autogun attack pattern : it's not practical at all. It'll probably outdps Biohazard or Umbra Driver (but i'm not sure, if someone have some figures), but at the cost of increased risks.

Portrait de Dark-Flare
I think soloing with a

I think soloing with a biohazard takes a while, no matter how good you are, just cuz theres so many jellies. However, as in Fradow's case, a party of biohazards would destroy RJP

Portrait de Myllakka

I ran a party with 2 Biohazards one time, and it's gratifying to see JK and the surrounding jellies go boom once we both charged up a few shots. I'll go with everyone and cast a vote for Biohaz. JK is so huge that the slow shot would hit, and the poison is indeed very useful. After the JK nerf where he'd slap you with almost no warning (they might've changed this, I haven't ran JK in a while), I switched to using Biohaz on him exclusively and haven't looked back. 3 Biohaz + 1 GF might be the best JK party set up ever, if everyone stocks up on fire vials.

Portrait de Metagenic
Try this out

Acheron + Leviathan/Combuster + Graviton Vortex + Biohazard

Portrait de Scottish-Archer
my JK setup= deadly virulisk

my JK setup= deadly virulisk helm and armor, volc plate shield, DA, AP, Acheron (no fourth weapon)

Portrait de Lukehandkooler
In my humble opinion,

In my humble opinion, Biohazard.

Another question to consider is, does the poison effect of Bio not only prevent Jelly King from healing, but incur damage from his source of incomeing heals in as much as they are not traditional healers?

Some Bio pros to consider; the weapon takes a guesstimated 1/2 to 1/4 the time it takes Umbra to charge, therefore you are not penalized as heavily if it misses, (also it is widely regarded that the charge procs poison at a substantially higher rate than the single shots,

Also in 97% of situations the slower projectiles from Biohazard have very little effect on your gameplay as long as you plan your work and work your plan. Its also worthwhile to note that Biohazard has the longest rang of any single firearm in the game. The only place I have seen Umbra shime over Bio is one shottying gremlins @ range. TBH I prefer useing my Blitz on them anyhow.

@ Natss, I dont see how you can tout an elemental firearm as being superior to one that causes an equally if not moreso valuable status effect *with* the added bonus of doing the proper school of damage. At all.

@ Dark-Flare In theory one person with a Biohazard should be able to kill him in nearly the same time as four because the difficulty is on a sliding scale determined by the size of your group, i.e (this is an arbritary example mind you) If when I solo Royal Jelly it takes me a total of 35 shots from my Biohazard to vanquish him, it now takes 140 shots to kill him collectively from a party of four Biohazard users (trinkets aside).

Portrait de Bopp
monster health scaling

Lukehandkooler, it's true that monsters have more health when facing a larger party, but it doesn't seem to be simply proportional. I mean, a 4-person party doesn't face 4 times the monster health that a 1-person party faces. It's more like 1.5 or 2 times the health, in my experience.

Portrait de Nattss
@Lukehandkooler faster shots,

@Lukehandkooler faster shots, easier to use while kiting, better performance against lumbers and the the puppies. But hell, these days I carry both and use accordingly, but if I have to pick one, it's the Magma.

Portrait de Leafchime
Jelly king is easy.

Jelly king isent that hard if you can outdamage his healing, if you cant do that, just kill the polyps that spawns the mini jellies, that stops his healing.

The jelly king can even be killed with a valiance if you have two elite damage trinkets, and this is one of the weakest guns. It deals around 60 damage per shot.

Note: The damage numbers are for damage on slime.
The Umbra driver is like a slot machine, you can be lucky and deal over 1200 damage on a single charge attack on depth 16, or you can be unlucky and hit for 160 damage. and the normal shots normally deal around 103-309 damage depending how many times it hits. The umbra driver gets ALOT better with charge time reduction. Normally it has a charge time of 4 seconds or so. with max CTR it has a charge time of roughly 1.4 seconds.
If you can afford the high/Vh CTR UV, i would say that the umbra is better then the biohazard, however this is just my own opinion.

The Biohazard is a really reliable gun, on depth 16 the shots deals around 85 damage, and it deals around 170~ splash damage with the charge attack. (remember that you can stack charges on an enemy). A Lv 10 Biohazard has a charge time or roughly a second. Of course the hits will be 10% higher if you poison the target.

However, they are both really good guns. It is mainly a matter of preference. I just prefer the randomness of the Umbra driver, nothing is more awesome then to kill 1-3 big jelly cubes with one charge attack :P (you can do this in 3 man parties as well).

PS: If you are a swordsman and dont want to bother with getting good UVs/damage trinkets for your guns, just grab a Biohazard.

Hope this helps!

Portrait de Dirty-Harry

I solo'd JK with the Umbra and Biohazard, without any vials Biohazard is a clear winner, the poison cuts away a ton of health that could have been healed, and I'm fairly sure that JK takes damage from the minis when poisoned. The pepperbox may be interesting if you have max CTR, it's DPS from the charge is nice, but depending on how often he gets healed the fire status won't be doing much at all. The Umbra may be a little more efficient if he's always poisoned by vials or another person, since the ricochet tends to work on the king a lot from the miniatures surrounding.

Also, JK is much easier with a full party since there are more chances for the big guy to get poisoned, and the minis + turrets are going after 4 people instead of all focusing on one person.

Portrait de Round-Shinigami
Best gun for JK is...

Best gun for JK is... Leviathan blade. Its second best weapon for killing the big fat jelly, right after fang of vog (which burns you together with the king).
Thanks to jelly's healing no gun is good vs JK, swords are preferred because they're able to outdo jelly's regeneration rate (rate at which JK consumes minis). I just happen to have a Calibur UV CTR High on sale here: and its really cheap, don't miss it.

If you absolutely want to use a gun, I recommend burn gun (2 shots, sets on fire) as its the only thing capable of doing constant damage to JK. But it will still be significantly easier to just chop the jello with a sword.

Portrait de Tedme
just wondering...

I know that everyone has said biohazard, no autoguns. but is the toxic needle fine? im going to be running it soon, and was wondering. also...... does the arc razor work well? please answer soon.

Portrait de Playerman
What I use

I use a gigawatt pulsar for the boss. Shoot, shoot, stop, shoot, shoot, stop. I do a good amount of constant damage and shock him, which I find pretty helpful. If you've been in a jelly king run with me I think you know what I mean.

Portrait de Traevelliath

@Tedme: Simply put, no. It does pierce damage.

Yes poison is nice, but shadow or even normal/elemental damage will do far better. Also, any competent player will have 3 Poison Vials, which provides most of the poison necessary. If they run out, they should be able to out-damage the JK healing (my Shadowtech Alchemer MKII on its own can counter the JK healing if I do the shoot-pause-shoot pattern, albeit it doesn't do much damage ontop of that). If you are soloing with it, you have a really low chance IMO. With a team it may work, because it does poison, but other weapons do far more damage.

Portrait de Trying
A 4* or higher pepperbox

A 4* or higher pepperbox would not work well on JK since using the charge will make you suck up the minis and hit them instead which would force you to use the regular attack. Using the regular attack would mean that you are rooted to the ground more often increasing the chances of getting hit.

Portrait de Memento

You shouldn't be using guns against jelly king in the first place. But if you really really have to, the best options are:

--Umbra Driver

I wouldn't recommend volcanic pepperbox, I'ts uneffective, if not suicidal, in there.

Portrait de Kalaina-Elderfall
I use my Umbra Driver in the

I use my Umbra Driver in the fight and I can solo it without too much trouble even if I don't use any status vials. It's not exactly a difficult fight, especially for a gunner who doesn't even need to get into the minis. In groups I find that I can do my proper share of damage to end the battle before he gets to the second spin-up after tossing in my vials. What more could I want?

Also, anyone who goes into the battle without ample poison, fire, and shock/curse vials either joined late or doesn't know how to manage their vial inventory.

Royal Jelly is all about damage, though, and the best way to maximize damage is to use the right weapon type, i.e. Shadow. So Biohazard and Umbra are your picks. Status helps a lot, but it's not everything, and you have vials if you're actually concerned about the fight. And poison is by far the best status, anyway, because of the gratuitous healing, so if you want status from your gun, Biohazard is your pick, no question.

Portrait de Tedme

Thanks!......but still...does anyone know about the arc razor?

Portrait de Scottish-Archer


1. Biohazard-Works great on

1. Biohazard-Works great on lichens and stronger jellies, also well on lumbers. Poison is a MUST for JK
2. Voltaic Tempest(bomb)-Shock is much better for JK than fire. Trust me on this, you will not regret it ever.
3. XSentenzaX=DO NOT USE SENTENZA UNTIL DAMAGE CHANGE TAKES PLACE. It wont work with its piercing damage atm.
4. Arc razor(for Tedme) is actually ok in RJP, but other weapons are better
5. Umbra Driver_ I have no expirience with alchemers, and never will.
6. Volcanic Pepperbox_ No expirience, but not reccommended due to what others say about it.
7. Gigawatt Pulsar_ No Expirience, but I've seen people use it well, pushing away mini jellys and shocking.
8. Firo Driver_ No expirience, but shock is probably better imo.
9. Shock Driver(idk name)_ No expirience, Voltaic is better for shock status.
10. Argent Peacemaker- Weak to jellys, not reccommended.
11.Gran Faust- Good sword, probably the best for jk, and arguably a good gun too
12. Divine Avegener- Good sword, no curse risk at cost for less dps
13. Poison status bomb_(idk name)- Good, but biohazard is probably a bit better, especially in dps addition
14. Blast bombs_ Could work for pushing mini jellies away, but idk

That's just my two cents
=:Sentenza risk
_:dont know

Portrait de Tedme


Portrait de Fradow
Just a note on what

Just a note on what Project-Ray said concerning DA vs GF : if you consider the charge attack, actually, i'm pretty sure DA will outdps GF.

First, DA is way faster to charge up than GF, it's not even close.

Second, DA fire 3 projectiles instead of 1. You loose some damage due to damage type, but those 2 additional projectiles do massive additional damage. I'll crunch some numbers on that issue tomorrow :)

Obviously, for general slimes slaugther, you don't charge your sword, so GF is going to be better than DA.

Also, you forgot brandish series. Acheron has a very good dps if you use normal swings. The elemental brandishs are probably usable, but someone who know more will probably have better arguments (i don't like brandish series).

Also, Fang of Vog is the ultimate weapon for the boss. Although by the point you get it, you can probably already do it with whatever you feel like...

Gun thread

that's why I left brandish and fov out,
DA and GF were left in because some consider them partial gun
Arc Razor was in for Ted

Double Post

It's my first >.<

Portrait de Slayzz
Best gun for jelly king is

Best gun for jelly king is Callahan. Duh!
But seriously, if you want a really good gun, and you have superb dodging and aiming skills, go for Biohazard. I have a toxic catalyzer, and it is excellent against JK. The bullets speed does cause the charge shots to latch onto mini jellies, but this can be overcome by skill. If you have a Umbra Driver/Magma Driver with CTR medium or more, then use that.
As for the VP, the charge attack will probably suck in jellies in mid attack (of course), and I don't know if the bullets cancel the jelly attack. From order best -> worst:
Biohazard -> Umbra Driver -> Magma Driver -> Volcanic Pepperbox -> Callahan
@Project-Ray Poison isn't necessarily a must, unless you are going for a speedrun. I have allied JK when I had a Combuster before. (if you count your team dying and rage-quitting in the first 34 seconds, then you reviving and beating JK as soloing)

Portrait de Regalya
Biohazard mops the floor with

Biohazard mops the floor with jelly king mostlikely the best weapon to kill it
for me with 2x elite trueshot trinket it does 100~ dmg per shot with poison up (which is allways up;) )
so it's 3x shot every 1.4-1.5 sec = 150+ DPS
Don't worry about slow bullets or adds, you'll allways have open area arround him because adds tend to chase you.Just get in melee/close to melee range to maximise the dps and then unleash the fury :>


yes but you didn't consider that combuster is 5* >.<

Portrait de Lukehandkooler
To anyone in this thread that

To anyone in this thread that is still under the impression that;

a) Royal Jelly still doesnt share proper damage weakness along with the slime family
b) Guns still arent viable against Royal Jelly

I ask you to think twice.


Portrait de Nade-The-Retired
This seems High ranked.

How about those cant get the Biohazard, for example:
A Rank 5-2 cant get the Biohazard (I mean Umbra driver its from Shadowtech alchemer, so it can get it.).
Why cant?
Because they 5-2 so cant reach to Twins.
Getting the Catalyzer its from Twins.
How to 5-2 get to Twins Mission?
You cant.
You need to be 6-2 to have Twins mission
so you can get the farm the token to get the Catalyzer.
Please, Don't be high ranked gun.
I really sad by reading those post to the 5-2.

Portrait de Bopp
please don't necro

This is the second thread I've read today, in which you resurrect a long-dead discussion. Much has changed since the preceding 2011 comment. For example, missions and ranks didn't even exist in 2011. So please start a new thread, if you want to have a new discussion. Cheers.

Portrait de Traevelliath

Wow this is such a nostalgic post for me...

1) It's been YEARS since I've used a Shadowtech MKII Alchemer. And the fact that I brought up shoot-pause-shoot means this was before the discovery of switch shooting!
2) People mentioning the Pepperbox but not the Grim Repeater? This thread was WAAAY before the Gunner update.
3) Sentenza pre-rework got brought up. This was back when the Sentenza did half-pierce/half-shadow damage, while the Argent Peacemaker did half-pierce/half-elemental damage.
4) Brandishes are being completely disregarded in this thread. People are like "Yeah the Acheron exists, but it's not really the best."
5) DA vs GF debates... Of man it's been years since that was relevant. EVERYONE used to be swinging around sealed swords.
6) Nade-The-Retired seems to think it's impossible for a Rank 5-2 to get to the Ironclaw Munitions Factory. Without missions, everyone used to be in the Arcade.