The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Softhead

I have now got the 4* HoH and I am in a pickle.

What 4* sword should I upgrade, Cali or Iceburst?

Cali is the support wep for bombers and Iceburst is a usefull thing with Vortexes.

Next, what would I upgrade next? My fused demo set, My horned owlite. brute jelly shield, Skelly to scary, then its upgrade, my hazes(Minus my fiery and the haze I don't own), My Blast bomb to super, then master, TSC(going into basil), or my graviton?

Here is my idea to upgrade for my 4* Clearnce. Is this good?:

Sword: Ascended Cali or Blizzbrand(?)

Set Heavy demo

Shield: Wise Owlite

Bombs: Freezing/Fiery Atominizer, Spike Shower, Graviton charge and RSS

Also, should I wait until I do the great escape to get Plasma Capacitor?

As well, should I upgrade Blast bomb to master(going through super as well) if I own RSS and TSC?

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
Iceburst. As well, should I


As well, should I upgrade Blast bomb to master(going through super as well) if I own RSS and TSC?

No reason not to.

Imagen de Margle

I'd personally rather use a sidearm such as polaris, but I'd have to say the brandish. The only 2 mobs that are weak against elemental are wolvers and gremlins, both are easily dispatched with DBB.

One thing I found through experimenting is that unless you have ctr max on your brandish, using GV or EV is not really that good of a dps increase, or even worth the time over, as gremlins are good with DBB. The only time youd use GV over another damage bomb would be on slimes, and even then a good AoA or VT is great. For an example, RJP. I've had many people use EV GV in there, attracting lumbers. This makes lumber movements hard to predict and can kill party members. Lumbers are very common with slimes and getting a lumber caught in a vortex is not a very good thing.

Normally (even though you picked a very good shield as your upgrade) I find with the massive elemental defense from bombing gear, using a shield other than that (E.G Skelly, CoA, Plate shield, etc) is a good balance for the defense that you don't have. I normally use omega shell, mostly because my PC is violet and it matches (hehe.) but plate shields can work fairly well. Remember, shields with status bonus only affect the shield, not your outfit.

Nitro is a good alternative to using GV for slimes. Personally I'd never use GV because the shock status on EV is useful, AND it traps spookats (FUUUUUU t3 spookats as bomber). It may not do as much damage, but it helps you keep them away, and interrupts gremlins healers (for when you have gremmies + constructs) or when you have t3 gremlins that have the shields, and you can't always knock them down.

Remember, you only need a helm, shield, armor, and 1 weapon to gain 4* clearance. Because of this, upgrade your armor and shield first.
With plasma capacitor. It is able to be bought through HoH, for only 10k. Therefore if you have the extra cash/just feel like making it, go ahead. VT is very useful in many situations (FSC for example) where AoA is unable to be used, or if you want a bit of CC with the damage.

The set I usually use (more weapons for different situations) is:

Volcanic Demo Helm
Mad Bomber Suit

Omega Shell

Ironmight Plate Shield
Crest of Almire
Volcanic Plate Shield
Grey Owlite Shield
Swift Strike Buckler (If using sidearm and confident)

Dark Briar Barrage
Radiant Sun Shards
Dark Retribution
Ash of Agni
Voltaic Tempest
Shivermist Buster

Argent Peacemaker
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Divine Avenger
Final Flourish
Gran Faust

NOTE: Brandish series may be used instead of sealed sword series, however less knockback.

Feel free to message in game with any questions.

TL;DR Read the post.

Imagen de Softhead

I don't really play LD. As well, I was planning on getting mad bomber for the bonuses.

Imagen de Michaelb
the original spiral hipster(see no caps! :o)

WHAHAHAHA(he-witch-like cackle) nice thread :o

Imagen de Darkzerefs-Alt
Need some advice

I mainly use swords, but I sometimes use guns and rarely bombs; I kind of like bombs actually, but I've used them so rarely that I suck at using them and that makes me not wanting to use them anymore. Anyways, I'm looking for a normal-damage bomb that I can use as a sidearm, and I was thinking of using the Big Angry Bomb, but many people just straight-out disagree and says that it either sucks/it's a main weapon for bombers, not a sidearm for sworders, so I'm not quite sure now. Are these people right? If so which normal-damaged bomb should I use as a sidearm?

Thanks for any help!

Imagen de Halandin
I generally hear on the

I generally hear on the forums and on the wiki that only the nitronome is good bomb from the whole blast bomb line, since the rest have problems like longer charge times, smaller blast radiuses, and/or slower walk speeds while charging.

As a sidearm bomb, I would suggest a mist bomb, instead of or in addition to a knockback bomb, such as the Ash of Agni and/or the Voltaic Tempest. They are very useful for arenas, and are easy to use without CT bonuses from armor or trinkets, since you do not have to get very close to enemies since the monsters can just walk into the mist cloud to take damage, instead of having to be hit by the initial blast.

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
As Halandin already

As Halandin already suggested, Ash and Tempest make fine support bombs for primary sword/gun users to carry along, although the best bomb for 'side-arm' purposes in undoubtedly vortex since it gives you the ability to manipulate the positioning of huge groups of mobs for both offensive and defensive purposes, and more to the point is tremendously useful at concentrating foes for highly damaging charge attacks or combos.

Imagen de Softhead

Would a Bombastic/Volcanic Fusion be a good fusion? I have trouble with freeze areas(even with others) and the CTR from volcanic would be a good combo.

I use dmg bombs as well.

Imagen de Culture

Bombastic + Volcanic works well. If your bombs don't have CTR UVs, you can always grab an Elite Bomb Focus trinket to bring your bombs up to CTR Max.

Imagen de Softhead
What happens if i can't

What happens if i can't affort the bomber trinks?

Would the heat CTR be a good subitute?

Imagen de Halandin
Heat CTR is assumed in any

Heat CTR is assumed in any loadout where you are trying to max CTR, so no. I get the expense thing, besides the CE costs of 4* and 5* gear, you have to get 2 mod calibrators, one for each star level, which are 75 Krogmo coins. That's either a lot of PvP play, or a high price on the AH (I'm assuming they are tradable.)

I'm thinking of going to go for a volc+mad set, which has all negative resistances except for a low fire rez, but which gives some more CTR than bombastic+volc.


I have no idea if anyone is still taking care of this thread, but I'm going to ask here for the sake of not opening another thread.

I am in the process of creating two bomber setups just for kicks, but not really sure what kind of bombs to use and what 5* armour and helm to craft in the end that suit both setups. The setups are:

(a) Support (just supporting party members when adventuring in a PuG, more likely swordies)
(b) Offensive (setup that can deal damage when going solo, maybe in PuGs if it's OK)

I have 3 weapon slots, and one slot will be taken up by a sword. The weapons that I have are as follows (other suggestions are also good, but I'd rather just work/craft up with what I already have):

- Wild Hunting Blade
- Combuster
- Acheron
- Avenger

- 3* Haze bomb
- 4* Shock bomb
- 4* Freeze bomb
- Radiant Sun Shards
- Dark Briar Barrage
- Nitronome

Also, as a bomber, which is more important: Higher damage bonus or higher CTR? I do plan to get one 5* bomb trinket eventually, and I wanna know which one to craft.

Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!

P/s: I'm not doing Vana himself, so there's no need to consider him in the setup.

Imagen de Vagueabond
I'd go with at least one

I'd go with at least one piece of Mad gear, and probably the other as either Mad or Volcanic, your choice (with Volcanic especially useful if you feel like doing FSC at all).

With bombs, y'have to remember that an increase in CTR leads to a higher DPS than an increase in bomb damage does. Of course, if you've already got max CTR, then by all means grab a Boom trinket.

(a) Support:
Voltaic Tempest/Shivermist
Dark Briar Barrage
Sword of your choice (but I'd got Acheron)

Reasoning: VT and Shivermist are the archetypical 'let me stop the enemies from doing things' bombs. Great to have as support. The DBB is especially useful in Wolver Dens or against large numbers of Devilites, since it's got a large radius and can cause flinching. And the Acheron will cover your behind with slimes.

(b) Offense:

Radiant Sun Shards
Dark Briar Barrage

Reasoning: The RSS has the potential to be one of the highest-damaging things you own. Learn to use it in mixed scenarios, and you'll fall in love. The DBB is, again, a great damage bomb that can cause flinching. And once again, grab your Acheron, since neither of your other two bombs do anything to slimes.

Hope that helps!

Imagen de Procorus
I'm no "Elite Bomber" just so you know...

For your support Loadout, you generally specialize in your alchemical haze-type Bombs: the Haze Bomb MK II, Plasma Capacitator, and Freezing Atomizer. With those three you can then use your fourth Weapon Slot for the appropriate Sword in your Arsenal. The Volcanic Demo Set with its Very High CTR is recommended for this Loadout as CTR is important as these haze-type Bombs tend to have longer Charge Times than most other Bombs. The lack of Damage Bonus is not important in this Loadout as these Bombs specialize in Status spreading and less on the Damage of the initial explosion (where the Damage Bonus would be applied).

For your offensive Loadout, you'll generally want to use your other Bombs: the Radiant Sun Shards, Dark Briar Barrage, and Nitronome. For these, Damage Bonus is more useful though CTR is still important. The Mad Bomber Set gives both of these though it will render you more vulnerable to multiple Status Effects so you probably won't want the full set unless you can dodge well and handle all those defensive weaknesses. Mixing Mad Bomber with Volcanic Demo, Mercurial, or even Bombastic are efficient and safer alternatives.

For bombers, Charge Time Reduction tends to be more important as it increases the safety of the bomber and allows them to set Bombs faster resulting in higher damage per second, even more than an equivalent Damage Bonus. Of course, both is even better if you can afford it.

Hope that helps. You can find more information here and more specifically here.

Imagen de Softhead
I need to ask stuff....

Does VV stop Vana from spawning fireballs?

Is VT a good subsitute for Shiv?

Do other mist bombs have an effect on Darkfire Vana?

Why do People bring VV to Vana and use it on the boss?!

Is it possible to do Vana with bombs?

Here's my wep loadout.

VV(Is it viable?)/Graviton
Shiv/VT(If I have PUGs, shiv or people who don't prefere Shiv, VT)
Nitromone/DBB(which ever is preferable)/Glacius/Levi(If I use a sword)



EDIT: Sorry, I meant is VT a subsitute.
EDIT 2: Remembered an older loadout....
Added some more Questions

Imagen de Trying
NoNo for Vana. Yes for the

No for Vana. Yes for the level before it.
Do more damage to him. Take less damage from him


Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
Venom Veiler is absolutely

Venom Veiler is absolutely viable, although people are often quick to dismiss the damage bonus poison provides as negligible, it really does add up when you can keep it consistently applied on enemies over time. The only thing to note is that as a general rule I only carry two status bombs as a bomber, and Venom Veiler is a terrible "primary" bomb. Or rather, you'll want to have a different status bomb alongside it for VV to compliment rather than just using VV on its own. A good example of this is in arenas, AoA can obviously single-handedly tear down any non-Fire themed arena with relative ease, but tier 3 Gremlin Menders can really counteract it to a certain extent in larger parties, and just generally slow the dot down. Using AoA and VV in conjunction with one another will tear any non-Fire or Poison arena apart in less than a minute. Obviously in FSC you're using VV to compliment Vortex and Shiver, which it does quite well.

Anyhow your load out is fine as is, although it would be significantly improved if you fit a vortex in there. The vortex bombs are probably the single most powerful tool at a bomber's disposal once you understand how to maximize their effectiveness, and Firestorm Citadel in particular is a completely cakewalk for even inexperienced players if a good vortex bomber is carrying them. I'd personally drop your fourth weapon, since RSS/Vortex will cover just about any solo situation you're likely to find yourself in.

Edit: New patch notes;

- All bombs have had their damage output increased by 15%

- Proto Bomb: now has a chance HIGH to Stun MODERATE.

Damage area increased:
- Twisted Spine Cone
- Proto Bomb
- Firecracker
- Cold Snap
- Static Flash
- Spine Cone

Fuse time decreased:
- Super Blast Bomb
- Twisted Spine Cone
- Dark Briar Barrage
- Proto Bomb
- Firecracker
- Cold Snap
- Static Flash
- Blast Bomb
- Spine Cone

Fuse time increased:
- Master Blast Bomb
- Spike Shower

The era of bomber has dawn, take up your arms my comrades and may us blow up many a Gremlin!

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
So following the patch I did

So following the patch I did this

I believe this is the first bomb only solo run since the Royal Jelly was redesigned that's actually faster than Eek's old RSS run on the original RJ.

Imagen de Bromon
So the question is, with the

So the question is, with the recent update, has the DR line become much more viable of a bomb? can anyone compare the new one with the prevoius?

Imagen de Negimasonic
I would've commented in the

I would've commented in the main thread, but it seems like it's complaining time over there so I guess I'll post here. Overall, seems like a great patch for bombs. But someone did mention the other blast bomb lines got no love, I can't say I feel sympathy though. They're the least recommended bombs for a reason and unless their damage became off the charts, they'd always feel situational compared to Nitronome with those movement speed and fuse delays.

However, I'm wondering why a few got an increased fuse time. And how does the reduced DBB change things? Because I think a lot of people liked it since they could lead enemies into the slower fuse.

Lastly, with all the improvements to the lower bombs. Anyone think, maybe, just maybe they'll create future versions of them? I don't know about anyone else but when I started out, I loved Cold Snap. I always wanted an expansion of that line. I won't say SMB isn't more useful, but it was definitely not what I was looking for initially.

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
So the question is, with the

So the question is, with the recent update, has the DR line become much more viable of a bomb? can anyone compare the new one with the prevoius?

Not as good as its original incarnation, but it's definately viable now.

However, I'm wondering why a few got an increased fuse time. And how does the reduced DBB change things? Because I think a lot of people liked it since they could lead enemies into the slower fuse.

DBB is a lot better at chaining gremlins and the like now, they simply have no window to attack if you're doing it correctly. It's more or less the same against everything else, higher immediate dps but less effective leading. The only enemies I've noticed it against really are Greavers, but you should be using RSS to dispatch them anyway.

Any recommendations for a

Any recommendations for a swordie that wants to switch to bombing?

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
Make bombs. In all

Make bombs.

In all seriousness, practice just using charge attacks with swords, since the single most difficult hurdle to overcome when you transition to bombing initially is dealing with the lack of immediate damage and knockback, you have to learn to shield cancel out of situations you could've otherwise used your sword to get out of. Honestly the best advice is just get some bombs, demo gear and then practice. Devilish Drudgeries are particuarly good for this purpose; you learn to dodge and shield effectively pretty fast when it's that or being bombarded by chairs. Arenas are pretty good too.

On an entirely irrelevent note here's some more post-buff videos;

Shock/Gremlin Arena
Shock/Construct Arena

Imagen de Lunaice

Can you solo RJP with these?...

Full volcanic demo

2 Pentapends(Penta-heart pendant, that term must be popularized...)
or 1 Elite Bomb focus module and 1 pentapend

Royal Jelly Shield/Grey Owlite Shield (Help me pick a choice..)

Fully heated...
Voltaic Tempest
Shivermist Buster
Ash of Agni
Venom Veiler

If not... How bout this?
Shiver, AoA, VV, Polaris.

Jus askin' Might be a Status specialist in T3...

We need a new forum section "Games" to make GC barren... -SIG=H

Imagen de Eeks
Status Only

With curse pots, probably but it would take a long time.

Look how long it took me to beat the old JK with only AoA and Nitronome. I can't imagine only relying on shock and fire status to kill him. If your poison ever slipped you'd barely counter his heal rate. It'd basically come down to if you could survive long enough for him to bleed out.

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
Better still; Judge for

Better still; Judge for yourself (Credit to mysteryzx)

You can do it, but it really isn't worth the time. RSS and DR both handle RJ with ease, and although pure-status isn't a bad loadout, there's rarely a reason not carry at least one dps bomb and a vortex.

Also; you're back Eeks?

Imagen de Michaelb
Is this a good loadout???

Here goes.

Mercurial Demo Helm
Mad Bomber Suit

Elite Boom Module
Elite Bomb Focus Module

BAB/Spike Shower
Plasma Capacitor/Freezing Atomizer/Fiery Atomizer
Graviton Bomb/Dark Retribution
Radiant Sun Shards

...Yeah. Obviously, the ones with "/" are the ones I need help with, but other constructive criticism would be great, also.


Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
*DBB/DR *AoA/VT/Shiver *EV/GV


Status bombs are dependent on stratum and you should really own multiple, Vortex is more a less a staple in any loadout although Electron is generally better than Graviton even though either will do, DBB and DR should probably occupy the same spot since they're good against the enemies the other isn't (Overlap being Gremlins, which DBB is better against) and RSS can generally fit into any loadout, although a second status bomb can replace it need be.

Don't bother with Big Angry Bomb, it's fun for if you're messing around with niche weapons, but it's not something you really want in a primary loadout.

Imagen de Coatl
Ok so stun mist bombs are out

Ok so stun mist bombs are out of the question right?
I might just stick with voltaic tempest, shivermist and vortex as support.

Imagen de Eeks
Echoez Also; you're back
    Also; you're back Eeks?

Just checking stuff out casually.

    Ok so stun mist bombs are out of the question right?
    I might just stick with voltaic tempest, shivermist and vortex as support.

I never found the stun haze to be very good. The way stun affects enemy animations makes things unpredictable which is not good for a bomber since you will be shielding a lot less than other playstyles. When stun ends and an enemy is mid-attack, they'll go full speed and skip some of the animation to hit you. Things that do ranged attacks like jelly cubes will shoot thorns up but the animation will be all messed up.

As far as mist bombs go, I'd rate them as AoA > Shiv > VT > VV > Stagger. It all comes down to personal preference though.

Imagen de Alice-In-Pyroland
Eeks more or less summarized

Eeks more or less summarized what's wrong Stagger, the only enemies it really has positive effects on like Mecha-Knights and Greavers are all easily afflicted with different status effects instead. In terms of "support" all the other status bombs work in their own ways, AoA is by far the best generally speaking since it's entirely non-disruptive short of Oilers or graphical lag which any bomb can cause. Shiver and VT are both useful if you need to restrain enemy movement, although it depends a lot on your party set-up. They're a lot better if your party is primarily bombers and gunners, with swordsman in your group you generally want to avoid using them as much as possible since taking away their knockback is a massive downside and in many cases make you a detriment to the team more than anything else. Venom Veiler is probably the most unique in that it's the least important if you can only carry one status bomb, but it's easily the best secondary status since it stacks with anything, is entirely non-disruptive and it provides a general benefit regardless of what weapons your team has.

Vortex is better than all of them though when it comes to support, being able to manipulate the position of mobs is one of the single most powerful abilities you can have in SK, the bomb is incredibly versatile regardless of whether you're playing offensively, defensively, whether you're soloing or in a group and so forth. There's rarely ever a situation where you'll want to be in the Clockworks without a vortex equipped.

As far as mist bombs go, I'd rate them as AoA > Shiv > VT > VV > Stagger. It all comes down to personal preference though.

I'd personally say AoA > VT > Shiver > VV > Stagger when soloing, and AoA > VV > VT > Shiver > Stagger in groups generally speaking. Although this also depends a lot on what stratums you run. if you basically do FSC/UFSC all the time then Shiver becomes the most important and AoA is neglible and such.

Edit: Ten days since the last post? That's just not acceptable.

Imagen de Quolophite
I need help!

Just entered the 5* world, and was wondering what bomb I should use to accompany my combuster.

I have Skolver, Dark Thorn Shield, Combuster.

I was thinking the gravity bomb line, but suggestions are welcome. I'm steering towards avoiding elemental bombs however, since combuster is elemental damage.

Imagen de Doctorspacebar

The Vortexes, of course, are excellent for that Combuster, and for many things besides. Shivermist may also help, by keeping enemies frozen while you charge up your sword, and people will love you on Vana runs if you get it. But the Freeze will cancel any previously-laid Fire, and you said you didn't want an elemental bomb, so i'd just go with a Vortex.

Also, you could pick up an Acheron later, so you have a nice sword to launch into a Vortex should you want to. Graviton's damage is okay, but it's not great.

Imagen de Idko
5* armor help

I am currently doing mainly FSC runs with my shiver mist, I also do some lock down for my vortex recipes. But, I seem to do the least damage in lockdown even with the RSS. So i'm wondering if I should get half volcanic half mad bomber for more damage.

Imagen de Trying

What class and armor are you currently using?

Imagen de Idko
5* armor help

I'm currently a full heavy demo bomber that have 3 weapon slots, I have a calibur for switches etc. The other 2 slots are used for my fire, vortex, shiver mist, RSS or twisted spine cone.

Imagen de Sirenblue

How much difference is between CTR Ultra and CTR Maximum?
If I had a CTR high UV on a bomb, should I keep going for a VH or just use it?
(I know the wiki has the charge time table there, but all I'm asking is is the 175ms reduction really needed?)

Imagen de Aquajag
@Idko So, to clarify, in LD

So, to clarify, in LD you're using full Heavy Demo, and that's it? Well, I think that's probably why you are getting low damage. First, be Recon. If you go Guardian, I think you still won't have full CTR boost. You need that! Then, yes, you need Mad Bomber, and a damage trinket. Or, Bombastic demo and a damage trinket (I use that, and go Recon). Either way, you'll have max damage. Then you should see a boost in your numbers.

Out of curiosity, what kind of damage numbers were you seeing in LD?

Also, to get the most damage, do nothing but RSS. Don't try using haze bombs. You can of course use haze bombs for support, but your damage will be less.

Imagen de Softhead
I've been thinking.....

For my Bomber FSC loadout, what should I get?

1: RSS, DBB, VT, VV(my most propsed one).

2. RSS, VT, Glacs, G-Vortex

3 VT, VV, Shiv, Glacs.

4. RSS, Nitro, DBB, VT?

Also, what Bomber set should I get?






Is Volc/Bomba useful in most situations?

Is merc useful as a all use bomber set?

Can merc be comboed with other demo sets and would they be more versatile\\\\/

Imagen de Dinosrwar
LD Bombing

Really, the role of a bomber isn't damage, but area control with Staggerstorm/VT. Sure, damage-wise, I can get 10k+ with a ctr high RSS and full mad + 1 boom trinket, 1 heart trinket ... but that only works for randoms. Ideally, you want to go guardian with one piece of ctr bomber gear and one skolver. Bring a Stagger/VT and stick with a striker. Don't worry about damage. If there are dead bodies around you and your team has won, you've done well.

Imagen de Michaelb

BAB is colourful.

And pretty.

Imagen de Zolb

I doubt most people could really detect the > 2/10ths of a second difference. Especially not for the price of what it would cost you to re-punch it.
I say keep the CTR High.

Imagen de Softhead
I've been thinking.....

I've been thinking.....
For my Bomber FSC loadout, what should I get?

1: RSS, DBB, VT, VV(my most propsed one).

2. RSS, VT, Glacs, G-Vortex

3 VT, VV, Shiv, Glacs.

4. RSS, Nitro, DBB, VT?

Also, what Bomber set should I get?






Is Volc/Bomba useful in most situations?

Is merc useful as a all use bomber set?

Can merc be comboed with other demo sets and would they be more versatile\\\\/

Imagen de Tohru-Adachi

I've got a question,

Since there are rare amounts of snarby and Vog(Skolver in these LD situations are overall better and eaiser to get), would AoA and VV be a good thing to get in LD(No pills, rmedy, no fire of poison defence, ect)?

Imagen de Zolb
I've got almost all the bombs and

Voltaic tempest is sort of useful - but good players will avoid the cloud.

For best results, I've found to simply spam RSS in crowds (CTR:Max and DAM:max).

When I've tried VV and AoA in LD, they simply weren't very good.

Imagen de Swolenator
So what do you guys recommend

So what do you guys recommend doing defense wise for say legion of almire or shadow lairs. More for legion of almire atm. I have a mad bomber suit and about to make a volcanic demo soon so probably won't have any armor uv's. I have lots of spare sparks that I could use for say shadow protection trinkets if they help at all or I could consdier buying heart trinkets.

I could also combine a piece with snarby gear btw shield is crest of almire. I thought about picking up and making a shiver or electron vortex also. Would it be better to get either a med ctr on bomb or a trinket for shiver or electron then use full snarb? And lastly has anyone tried electron vortex on legion of almire is it better to just use a shiver? Just curious how guys account for say shadow damage as a bomber.

Imagen de Poopsie

Legion of Almire...
I think you should bring venom veiler (anti-healer), ash of agni, and voltaic tempest (combination of fire + shock is just amazing). Then always switch bomb after detonation so the monsters got all three status effect.
but on solo you'll definitely something for knock back-ing monsters away. (or may be shiver?)
And the only fastest way to kill slag guards is to bring Radiant Sun Shards. (and this is going to change, nick opens a discussion)
you must get as close as possible to slag guard when detonating RSS. Then he could get all 3 bullets at once. it's possible to hit slag guards all 8 bullets at once if there are zombies near slag guards. Just assume the bullets of radiant sun shard is 8 small tiny radius bombs.
Defense protection trinket won't get you anywhere far, you can just ignore them.
And try to abuse the last immunity when you got more damage than your health left, but you are still alive with one health bar.
Don't try to hoard hearts at once, but take one-two at a time, leave it some when you got hit and left one health bar again.
Legion of almire is too cramp for electron vortex. I don't know I am just skeptic about it.
But the silly thing about electron vortex is you can drag those explosion zombie away from totem range, well you could also shield cancel too but it's a bit dangerous if you ignore all your teammates positions.
All of these are my opinion, not based on experience.
And uh, just be careful on exploding zombies, they have stun chance. And slag guard (cursed deadnaught) on the last wave can curse you.

Shadow lair... I don't know. All 4 are kinda different.
I can say dark retribution is a good bomb, but not really that great.
Shiver is a good bomb to start but once you can avoid everything at any depths, you just want to kill quickly and noticed shiver is just slowing you down. And, don't bring ash of agni when you spam shiver since they both cancel each other.

Gear improvement... always try to get ctr on status effect or vortex bombs, you can free up your equipment choices or become a swordie or gunner and can charge as fast as bomber.

Imagen de Sybrm
good bombs

can any 1 tell me good but inixspensive bombs (5000 cr-)

Imagen de Sybrm
good bombs

can any 1 tell me good but inixspensive bombs (5000 cr-)