๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

Merry Christmas to you guys. You have all done very well and earned the tags that bind us. Not an easy task, so Congratulations. Happy Holidays and know that you have earned some Respect in the world, by somebody who works hard for a Living, that's Real.
- Jumpy
I am 14 years old my name in the game is pukha, I am friendly, I am good gamer too.I want to be in your guild.

i'm 11 yrs.
nickname: Divine or Rail
armor: ash tail
helm: dusker helm(working on ash tail)
weaps: needle shot, (gonna have avenger.)
I'm a kind, gentle, and generous player.
left old guild: Guildmates are getting mean.................
Gender: Girl
i love doing JK and RT runs......
mostly Jk because easy.

hello...thanks for checking out our Guild. is this your in-game name? i will try a friend request to contact you for some dungeon runs. be forewarned..this is not an easy Guild to join. i invite you to join me and my fellow Iron Dragons, in our quest to delve into the depths of this game, but...i am looking for exceptional gamers to wear the same Guild tags as i wear. you must have a natural gaming affinity..such as playing Halo, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six, Zelda, Diablo, Doom, World of Warcraft, etc....to be considered in the Iron Dragon Guild. i hope ye are of worthy blood. - Jumpy

i guess it's about time i started trying to get that horse icon next to my name. y'all are invited if ye so choose.
btw...Compound 42 = pain in the butt with a party that is not fire or poison proof!! >:D

not many are born, or can call themselves, Iron Dragon. as i have always known.
what are your Goals in this game? (what items or gear do you still want / desire, or what accomplishments do you hope to achieve by playing Spiral Knights?)
me? : Stagger Storm bomb and Prestige horse icon. you? muahhahhaha
here is some of the goals / achievements i have completed while playing Spiral Knights:
- Chaos set
- Dragon scale set
- Vog cub set
- Skolver set
- Azure guardian set not including aegis shield
- Ancient plate set
- Snarby set not including BTS or DBB
- finished all 'achievements' on the in-game Player profile page ('P') achievements tab
- finished all Rank Missions
some notable weapons and other items obtained while playing Spiral Knights:
- Divine Avenger
- Combuster
- Gran Faust
- Final Flourish
- Barberous Thorn Blade
- Voltedge x2 (1 w/ctr med.....1 w/asi med)
- Fang of Vog x4 (i currently carry 4 FoV's in my arsenal to fill each weapon slot)
- Valiance
- Polaris
- Sentenza
- Blitz Needle
- Plague Needle
- Ash of Agni
- Electron Vortex
- Voltaic Tempest
- Shivermist Buster
- Crest of Almire
- Blackened Crest
- Dragon Scale Shield
- Ironmight Plate Shield
- Volcanic Plate Shield
- Black Kat Cowl
- Divine Veil
- Mercurial Helm
- Mercurial Demo Suit
- Valkyrie Helm
- Dragon wings (heavy)
- Flame aura
- Haunted aura x4
- Penta heart pendant x2
- Elite trueshot module x2
- Authentic Phantom mask 2011
- Shogun helm
This is not a complete list of my full Inventory, just some of my favorite stuff. These were all obtained while playing for free, except for 1 purchase of the Dragon Pack(3500 CE) for the dragon wings.....couldn't pass that up! xD
so yes, this game does have a lot to offer for the 'free' player....and personally there is still a bunch of things on my wishlist which keeps me busy....as well as the new content that OOO puts out periodically.
so i say again...what drives you?
Rise as an Iron Dragon, if you have the Heart, or be the meal upon which we feast. - Jumpy

Hey, I don't know how many of you saw this, but here's a screen pic of the april fools update sk did. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201060733985368&set=a.201003105...

Hey everyone!
I hope everything's been going well for all of you and the guild is still staying strong.
I just read through the announcement section of the forums and it looks as if there have been a couple of changes/additions such
as this new UI and these new monsters. With this spring semester wrapping up I'll be getting a break soon followed by a much
lighter schedule over the summer and I plan on coming back to this game as soon as I can (hopefully within the next 2 or 3 weeks).
I'll start logging on gradually throughout the next week or so to get in some practice xD (I'll probably be on tonight or tomorrow).
I look forward to running the clockworks again and experiencing all these updates with all of you.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

look who decided to show up. It's aliiiive! what's up man, thought you had fallen off the edge of the world for a sec...
good to see you're still alive. pop on sometime with your bad self and kick some butt in LD or the Clockworks...always ready to fight along side of you. >xD
Rise as an Iron Dragon, if you have the Heart, or be the meal upon which we feast. - Jumpy
Hello people, sorry I didn't play nor report for a long time. But now things are getting a lot better for me
Now I have my own super new notebook, and I can play the game with a lot less lags.
I'm looking forward to make my character finally reach a better status.
Anyway, I can understand your decision, but now I'm ready to play the game. Looking forward seeing you guys again.
- Minoda

hello Minoda, i shall send you a friend request and get you back into Iron Dragon. if you do decide to start playing again, i will help you get some nice gear quickly. good to hear from you and i hope all is well. - Jumpy

I am taking a condensed Physics course over the next 6 weeks of summer which means I'll be at school Mondays - Fridays and doing homework on the weekends so I most likely won't be on Spiralknights much during that time frame if at all. I'll let you all know if things change and I'll try and keep you all somewhat posted on my absence. I hope everyone continues to do well throughout this game and real life.

Thanks for the head's up bro. you have already proven and shown your Loyalty, Commitment and skill-set to me, so you are always welcome to join me when you have the time. this is just a game, and real Life should always come first, so please do well in your schooling and know that we here in the Iron Dragon Guild are behind you 100%. see you when you have some free time, and enjoy your summer...cuz ima enjoy mine! >:D
- Jumpy

Just wanted to let you know that I haven't been on lately because my homes server has been on the blink. My dad was able to bypass it to access the net (and he's got a substitue running for e-mail now) but I can't seem to log in to steam, so I haven't been able to play spiral knights. Hopefully this'll get sorted out soon, but I just thought I should tell you guys in case you wondered where I was.

thx for the update. i appreciate that. good luck...even though by the time i have responded i see you are back online. thank you none-the-less. >:D

ready for another Shadow Lair run sometime in August....please prepare accordingly. Let's roll out and conquer some gameage Knights! xD

Hi Guild
As many may know I am Hiromon love to call myself Iron Dragons Samurai i have been away for a very long time due to school and parents >.< But Summer has Come and i think its time i got my Game on.
In short i am Returning and cannot wait to join you all on the fields of Justice.
-Peace out-

Wow so much has changed it will be fun getting used to this game again.

Iron Dragon proudly welcomes back one of our most honored and fun Knights: Hiromon!
welcome back bro....good to have a Trusted companion on board again. xD
- Jumpy, Guild Master, Founder, and Creator of Iron Dragon.

Glad to have you back! I hope things have gone well for you and I look forward
to doing a run with you soon (if school will allow me xD).
The one and only,

Iron Dragon welcomes and salutes a few new members to our Loyal House:
- Flared
- Tristianus
i hope you find our House welcoming and a bit challenging, to keep you occupied. Welcome to the Guild, an Ideal, a way of Life.
- Jumpy, Guild Master of Iron Dragon
Rise as an Iron Dragon, if you have the Heart, or be the meal upon which we feast.

yo jumpy its me gshockhawk and i want to join your team of iron dragons
and i made up my own app and you can look it over if you like
i would like to join iron dragon because you guys have interested me for a while for the past two weeks i have been looking through this thread and you guys seem fun and stable guild that i have been looking for a long time .
YES i do some runs here and there and im good if i do say so myself but i just lack the gear.
yes i am very social and love to do things with my friends in SK like duel in lockdown or just have an amusing conversation in haven
i am 16 years old i think =O
5. are you active?
yes i am active through out the week and week ends
6. do you know anyone from out guild?
i actually don't but i realy want to .
7. would you like to be the meal on wich we feast ?
noooooooooooooooooooo because i do not taste good D;
8. TELL us about yourself
i am a laid back kinda knight i do not stress about alot of things i am active spend alot of time in LD when i run out of ce like playing with my friends and is a little ol knight with lots of potential just looking for a place to stay.
realy hope i get in !

Hello Gshockhawk, and thank you for reading about and taking an interest in Iron Dragon. Please send me 'Jumpy' a friend request so i can meet up with you and see what's going on. Best of luck to you, chat with you more soon.

*sees jumpys post *
* gets excited *
* goes outside run around the house 7 times *
* stopped *
* cries out tears of happiness*
* bolts back inside the house *
* turns computer on *
* computer is slow taps he's foot impatiently *
* computer turns on *
* types in the password *
*, computer finally turns on a hour later *
* turns on spiral knights *
* goes on spiral knights website to retrieve it *
* turns on spiral knights again *
* presses the knight he wants to use *
* goes to lockdown *
* gets banned cuz some moon gets mad at him for being to pro *
* comes back two days later *
* turns on computer *
* waits for an hour the computer finally turns on *
* types in computer password waits another hour *
* turns spiral knights on *
* types in password *
* has forgotten he's password *
* goes on spiral knights website to retrieve it *
* logged on to spiral knights *
* chooses he's knight *
* sends friend request to jumpy *
* gets invited to iron dragon *
* accepts the invitation *
* him and the dragons live on *
*and the adventure begins

I apologize for not being active as of late; something's come up recently that's taken away a lot of my playing time.
Things should settle down here in a few days. I hope all is going well.

Iron dragon I am sorry I was not online for my test reason why is because I have been banned for a crime I did not commit I will be back online on July 24.

Hey everyone,
Here is a link to a thread showing all the possible appearances your sprite can have based on what skills you focus on and choose as Ultimates (I'm still not exactly sure how these work). Hopefully these pictures can give you an idea of what to work towards.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Whould be nice if i can join, im an old player returning from playing since the game was released, i have had atleast 600h of ingame time and i do remember seing the Iron dragons sitting on the steps at the fountain of haven 3 joking and planning vana runs. Back then i mostly played for the community, and now when im back (as a fresh 3star knight) i desire to relive the great moments i had with you guys.
Hope i make it in, if you want to ask any more questions about me; do so ;D (ingame or here).
Im swedish btw, if anyone cares. My internet connection has been quite bad lately, but playable.

added you to friend's list....we will see how things go from there. - Jumpy

Hey all, I apologize for not being that active recently; I've had a few issues arise with one of my upcoming classes that I've needed to resolve. Anyways, classes start this week so I'll hopefully have a good idea of how my schedule will look as far as what time I'll have for this game. As of right now, this is what my schedule looks like:
I have classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Aside from what homework I may have, every other day should be somewhat free. As I mentioned, I'll have a better idea of when I can play once I get a feel for how much time I need to spend studying and such. I hope you all are doing well.

Thanks Guardianknight. that information is helpful as i would like to plan a Snarby SL run so Hiromon can get his full Snarb set. xD
looks like maybe Sundays and Mondays might be good for an hour or two for you? we'll chat it up later, when you have set up a good routine and schedule outside of online gaming. - Jumpy

I was able to resolve all issues with my class last night but this involved me having to switch one of my classes with another. Because of this, my schedule will now actually be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
So it looks like Sundays will still be good for me along with Thursdays and Fridays. The classes themselves aren't very long so I may occasionally be able to hop on every now and then on my actual school days but I'll have a better idea of that in a week or so. As for the class days though, those are now officially set. Hope this helps give you all an idea of my schedule and I look forward to playing with you when I can :)

Merci beaucoup madame :)
@Iron Dragon
It appears as if we have some new content coming our way hopefully sooner than later. Here's a link to the post:
Let's hope this new boss proves to be an enemy who's worth our time and is capable of giving us Iron Dragons a challenge!
On another note, my first week of tests is ending this week so hopefully I can find a little time to start playing at the same time you all are on rather than late at night like I have been :/
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild!

*1st....thanks to our shadow assassin bumper who veils themself in the cloak of the night...gratz*
yes Guard, i do hope the new Boss is as exciting as can be. you know me....i am always awaiting new maps and new enemies!
also...planning on a SL run near end of October...maybe Halloween SL run....would like to hear more from Hiromon on this, but not a neccessity as i shall be running RRT regardless. ye who are present are invited. :)

I remember when I use to be in this guild.
It was fun and helpful, but I wasn't on very much.
I'm 4 star now.
Good luck with your guild

I remember when I use to be in this guild.
It was fun and helpful, but I wasn't on very much.
I'm 4 star now.
Good luck with your guild

I apologize for not being on this week as I had hoped. I've been sick which has caused me to fall behind in school. Hopefully I'll get over this cold soon and things will settle down for a little while, giving me more time to play. Hope all is going well for you guys.

Flared and I think that the shadow of apocrea mission ends tommorrow along with the punkin season, so you should try and get the obsidian crusher tonight if you can (I hope you read this in time)

got it made at last minute, thanks to your mail Koranos. big thanks to you and Flared! xD

Hey :D.
I wish to join the iron dragon guild. I am a normal knight with a cold.
Since you guys are made of iron. You conduct electricity and could make a great topload for my CW SSTC ( Youtube that)
Thank you.
I'm all 5* (Skolver cap with toasty spike mohawk and golden laurel, vog cub coat, voltedge, warmaster rocket hammer, final flourish)
Love to play pvp and pve
I wish to join a guild which is coordinated and well functional and by what you stated, this is the guild for me
Btw, what is your promo system.

Teamwork: Completing a project effectively and successfully, requires competence and self-reliance from each individual within a group of professionals.
Baby-sitting and coddling does not forge greatness, but rather, wastes time and energy. How can i trust you to have my back....if you don't even have your own back? Meanwhile, you can bet your last dollar that i have your back.
- Code of Jumpy

Hey everyone! I hope all is going well both in this game and in your daily lives. School has become quite hectic lately and has sadly prevented me from having any time to play. I'm not sure when things will lighten up with my schedule and when I'll actually be able to put more time into this game but as of right now, I need to focus on my school first. Hopefully I'll have a lighter schedule next semester and be able to fit in more play time.
I understand that having the officer title while being absent could lead to some confusion so if you feel the need to momentarily demote me to veteran I'd understand. I trust your judgement :) I hope everything else is going well and I look forward to jumping back into this game ASAP.
- Guard

Officer, you have earned your rank and title. this is a casual Guild in a casual game, although i do expect solid game-play from my members when they do play. as long as you keep me updated and posted on your situation, the Iron Dragon Guild welcomes and embraces you whenever you wish to play Spiral Knights. thanks for the status updates, i do appreciate that bit of effort, as small as it may seem. >:D
- Jumpy, Guild Master / Creator / Founder and Visionary of the Iron Dragon Guild

Ign: Dragon-Scale, played for 1 1/2 years (1780 hours in total says steam) stopped playing last year as my laptop broke. Done all missions, but not got all my 5* things as when my laptop was running really bad before it broke, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to play for a while, so I sold my stuff and shared cr to friends. I hve been on a few days a week recently using my fathers laptop and I will be getting my own laptop for Christmas. So this is me asking to join in advance. You can send me a friend invite and I will try come on tonight to talk about it more. My experience is pretty good and I wish to join a guild that looks for more than just 5* items in your arsenal. Thankyou. ~Draggie
I am i Tier 2 Knight looking for an active guild. Although I am in a guild they are not very active. Im hoping to be accepted into the guild or, at least have u send a friend request to me to get to know me and my play style so you can make your decision.
The Wolver Knight,