Edited: SK not running java 64bit on Mac lion

10 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Bora-Dori

I'm on mac lion playing SK via Steam. I'm trying to located my Java_vm folder thats supposed to be in my SK folder but can't find it, I've asked around and it seems that only Window users have it in their SK folder??

Bild des Benutzers Helios
Game Master

There is no java_vm folder on when playing Spiral Knights on a Mac/Steam installation. Spiral Knights is using the version of Java listed at the top of your Java Preferences window.

Bild des Benutzers Bora-Dori
Thanks for the response. But

Thanks for the response. But I heard that Steam comes with its own java which is 32 bit, thats why Windows player must copy paste their java 64bit into the SK folder located in their Steam bundle in order to run Spiral Knights in 64 bit. That said, can I assume that it's different for macs, and that their Steam folder doesn't have its own Java 32 bit like the Windows version of Steam?

Bild des Benutzers Thrillhaus

I'm trying to help my friend here configure SK to run with 64-bit java. From my experience as a PC user, I had to replace steam's own java_vm folder with a 64-bit version. Does a steam installation of SK on mac run on 64-bit java by default then?

Bild des Benutzers Bora-Dori
Ok so.. I just confirmed that

Ok so.. I just confirmed that my SK via Steam is running on Java 32 bit. Helios, I've followed your guide and made sure that the java 6 64bit was on top with java 6 32bit on the bottom. When running Sk in this java pref setting, the Activity Monitor lists Spiral Knights as just "Intel"(like Microsoft Word which runs in 32bit) while any other apps running on 64 bit are listed as "Intel (64bit)" like Safari.

Just to confirm that my SK via Steam cannot run in 64 bit, I've tried running SK by unchecking the Java 6 32bit and only checking Java 7 64bit Oracle Corp.. The SK.app blinked for a second on my dock, but disappeared and didn't launch.

Bild des Benutzers Bora-Dori
Here are the SS of showing

Here are the SS of showing BOTH SK via Steam and SK via web client running in Java 6 32bit... even though in the Java preference, Java 6 64bit is above the 32bit.




SK does not seem to use 64 bit while running under steam

but seems to use 64 bit while running the non steam/solo version of it


Bild des Benutzers Realnight
The getdown.txt for the steam

The getdown.txt for the steam version (and the standalone version apparently) of spiral knights specifies 32 bit architecture (arg -d32). This is easy to change by adding a plain txt file in the spiral knights directory named "extra.txt" with just the text "-d64" inside it. (editing getdown.txt forces the game to revalidate itself)

Even though that will cause Spiral Knights to run 64bit it will not be able to log in with Steam. To get around this log into the SK website (forums) with your steam account - then click the log in with Facebook button in the SK app. Unlike what the button's description implies this actually logs into SK with whatever account you are currently using on their website - not just Facebook. (There may be other unforeseen side effects logging in this way)

I will say I noticed very little performance improvement going to 64bit - though the memory usage did double so maybe that will help keep garbage collection down.

•Thread with info about "extra.txt": http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/12849?page=2#comment-199145

•Spiral knights directory on steam: yourusername/Library/Application Support/steam/SteamApps/common/Spiral Knights
Easiest way to get to your Library in Lion (since it's hidden in Lion by default) - while in the finder use the "Go" menu and hold down the "option" key - it'll appear as an option.

**Note: this is not an officially supported solution - use at your own risk - blabla

Bild des Benutzers Helios
Game Master

Running Spiral Knights under Steam will not default to 64-bit Java and may not run properly using it. This goes for both OSX and Windows right now and is a limitation of Steam. Using a Steam account to log in outside of the Steam environment is know to cause certain game hangs and crashes since the normal Steam hooks the game looks for are not present.

Also, the difference between Spiral Knights' performance using 32 or 64 bit Java installations is usually negligible.

Bild des Benutzers Bora-Dori
Thank you so much Realnight,

Thank you so much Realnight, I'm running on 64 bit :]

Helios, thanks for the info, I will be running performance tests myself :]

Bild des Benutzers Brychan
Massive thanks Realnight,

Massive thanks Realnight, this game is unplayable for me in 32bit mode on my 2011 MBP. Need all the tweaks for I can get (increased mem size, using more than 1 core! etc..)