How much money did (or would) YOU put into Spiral Knights?

87 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Thich

I've spent enough to get many plenty of 5 star gear.

Imagen de Derpules
Poke was joking.

BTW, at Godzy: can you check your mail? Monocelha mailed you an item and has been trying to reach you.

Back on topic: ugh, I don't even want to think about it. A lot more than I should have, because I started merching late. It took me a while to realise that simply buying my way to the stuff I wanted was going to be too expensive.

Imagen de Softhead
Polly, why so gullible?

Poke was TROLLING.

Imagen de Pokenuevo

@Polly No need to get so defensive. If you read my post correctly, you'd see I was joking when I wrote "Done acting like an immature little kid". I am P2P, and I don't need to tell you how much I have paid or how much money I have. I was merely referencing a thread that had just gone through general discussions.

@Tohru-Adachi Thank you :)

I apologize Poke

I just see too many malicious comments on these forums for no reason, just making sure this community doesn't turn out to be like the HoN community.

Imagen de Poetry
I've bought two of the 2-week

I've bought two of the 2-week elevator passes in addition to one 1-month elevator pass, for a total of 12 US dollars.

After the March 22, 2012 Patch, i stopped supporting the game financially ("Changed piercing defense to shadow defense"), but i still play and chat with in-game friends when i get the chance to.

Imagen de Vokster

I've spent $666 exactly over the course of many months (totally worth it). Although I don't tend to purchase CE or other things anymore. I keep my riches now due to pretty much having everything I would ever need in-game. XD Boring? Not at all. I don't have to continuously grind. I can actually have fun without a care of losing a few CR or freaking out because I'm not doing something with my 100 ME, or screaming at the energy market because it's above 8k. Log on, talk, have fun, log off.

(>Owo)> (=w=)

Imagen de Serell

Comment...REMOVED O_o

Imagen de Mczeno
bumps of bumpercars

Great work with OOO and such, I would gladly give them a thumbs up.

Imagen de Naru-Narusegawa


Considering that there is a exponentially amount of beggars now.. Um... exactly how much I spent.. I lost count .. xD.

Imagen de Lucal
Probably somewhere in the

Probably somewhere in the 60-80 dollar range.

Imagen de Egpnd
I spend here and there,

As of right now, I spent $48.05 for this game and i been on for 7 weeks. (for this account. I do have a main steam account.)

Imagen de Blue-Archangel
Barely Any

At least £7 bucks, got OCH for free from someone on Steam for some TF2 Ref, I prefer to save my cash for "dem promoz" or good CE deals.

Imagen de Bwazey

Im f2p! With my halo ^-^ not sure if sk really needs real money spent on it for stuff lol

Imagen de Sirenblue
CE comes from money.

Saying CE comes from the energy market is like saying rice comes from the grocer's.

Imagen de Linktheninja
wow some of you guys sure hav

wow some of you guys sure hav alot of free time on your hands to spend 500 dollars on a game, i can get if you spend 10 bucks every once and a while, but seriously? 500 bucks on a game? do somthing better with your life

I admire F2P players, but I

I admire F2P players, but I think I would not still be playing this game if I didn't bought quite a few CE.

There are better options if you're pure F2P.

My monies well spent

I have spent enough money to get 200k+ CE...

Sold the CE for 8k a pop, don't remember how much money I had then, though.

Took those crowns and rolled.

and rolled...
and rolled...
and rolled.

spent all but 100k, didn't get a single VH or max.

what a shame.

Imagen de Mamashimono
Guy above me fails hard.

$1000+. umad?

Imagen de Autofire
Nice Mczeno

I never thought of making a thread like this. Good job making it. :P

Anyway, all together, I would say about 20 dollars. I bought a white rose costume, (and sent it to my bro as a birthday present.) bought CE because I wanted to get a silver key, got the DLC (during the release sale), and finally bought some CE recently because I was itching to get into 5*. I know, I suck. I've been playing this game for about 2 years (I was in the beta) and I just recently became 5*. All because I have a HATE for any kind of grind beyond playing something about 3 times a week, although I usually only play FSC about twice a month. :\ I play for the fun, not for the victory/virtual riches.

Also, at some of the people here: @_@ you guys must really want to put money into this game. Like, OOO must give you presents for this or something. wow....

Imagen de Weegeeftws

About £100-£120. I waited until I had two sets of 5* though. And about half of that is on passes and promos so... Whatever. It's quite a lot but I made sure to achieve my 5* before hand xP

Oh and OOO did give us presents. What do you think we paid for?

~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

Imagen de Supermetalmario
Itsa me, Mario!

Me? I've spent $50 USD on this game not including the Steam Cards I occasionally use from trading in my games. With that, ehh....$70 USD. Yeah, that's about it.

Imagen de Mentlegen
I bought 750 ce once, I don't

I bought 750 ce once, I don't remember the price

Imagen de Redlawlsy
Estimated: 200-250$

Estimated: 200-250$

Imagen de Mczeno
y u no bump?


Imagen de The-Hempire
People with awesome gear and

People with awesome gear and accessories like to pretend they havent spent a single penny (or spent much less than they actually have) on this game for many reasons:

- they're trying to avoid the inevitable "OMG you have no life putting in hundreds of dollars into this game. Spend it on more important things you nerd."
- they want to appear more economics-savvy (which they really arent)
- they want to appear as if they put sincere time and effort (which they really havent)

We all know you guys spent money on this game. Stop trying to hide it, it's ok.


I have spent 0 on this game. I make everything by just working for it.

Imagen de Nolybot
Ive invested...

So far no more than spending $5.95 on an elevator pass and the expansion boss... i dont believe ill spend anymore money on this game until it proves that its worthy oh my hard earned dough by adding more content and not nerfing crown collecting everywhere they can.

Imagen de Rageling
Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.

I deliriously spent about $75 USD total on the original regalia promotion. Pretty much solved all my SK financial needs.

Imagen de Gamaknight
Only thing i spent so far on

Only thing i spent so far on this game is time and nerves.

Imagen de Wolf-Fighter
I spend:

I spend about 100-200€ (yes €,don't know it in $ but i think it's more in $)
i bought OCH lots of energie and elevator pass

Imagen de Dinofyre
i think i would buy the 3500

i think i would buy the 3500 energy pack every one or two months if my parents let me
but that is only my hopes and dreams :'(
i have never bought any online game stuff in my life :(

Imagen de Tokxin
Roughly around $70 - I was

Roughly around $70 - I was feeling rich last year and splurged some, this was before pvp etc... after that I have been waiting for new levels/beasties - like the general improvements to the game, just hope we get more challenges to run through and would probably drop some more on it! I must confess to geting a promo at xmas and solstice box :-)

If you have time and patience it is easy to be self sufficient in SK, however I find it is a lot easier/quicker to grind RL jobs than runs for CE :-)

Also, I think it is a great credit to all those people out there who support developers making games they enjoy. Good on you guys! Lets hope for some bad-ass levels and beasties!

Imagen de Pigtaile
I have spent 0 $ and will

I have spent 0 $ and will never spend any money on this game now because I already have several 5* sets.

Imagen de Zydrate-Academy
I haven't spent a

I haven't spent a cent.

However, I probably won't mind putting 10$ in here and there, whenever I get a job and bank account.

Imagen de Ghost-Of-Manlet
Uh oh, we got liars.

The funny thing is that more than half the people here are lying.

inb4 sh*tstorm

A ton. and I need my limit increased to $800

I pet a lot if i remember. and now I need my limit to be increased to $800. please do it!

My main Knight is Mint-The-Fighter