Ghosts in the Machine + Proto sets

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Kellnox

Well then, let's get started!

Ghosts in the Machine is a very aesthetically pleasing mission, and the song fits perfectly. The monster distribution is good, although a few less Shock-Soul-things would be nice. They aren't hard or fun, just damn ANNOYING. The messages all over are cool, and I SWEAR you stole the "monsters in boxes you thought would be helpful" idea from Takendown. The boss was cool, but the big red space in its mouth is kinda lame. Would be cool if you at least hid it with shock or smoke effects. It was also another waiting room, like RT. That won't go over well, so I suggest adding something to do other than attacking/dodging tentacles. Maybe add mirrors or something to reflect the lasers back at the Battlepod to break his shield?

TL;DR: It's a good mission, but there's a lot of Shock-Souls, and the boss battle has too much sitting around (his mouth-inside is also kinda odd-looking).

For the Proto Armor, I'm gonna say something that everyone else has. Add a Vendor that allows you to change your Proto set! Change color, shape, and height/eyes (only once)!

Bild des Benutzers Spookydemi

I can't stand those Shock Orbs, they really do spawn way too often.