---> Altosk <---

About Altosk
Altosk has been around since it's founding in November of 2012. We're a very large and active guild that prides ourselves on our ability to help each other. We love to have a good time and love to have a bunch of events in the hall or in haven.
I can't say there are many. We take anyone who wants to be in a guild and is willing to help others. The only thing you really have to do is prove yourself to be a loyal guild member by doing some of the following:
- You have to be active. Over 3 weeks of inactivity (with no prior warning of a REASON for said inactivity) will result in expulsion from the guild.
- You have to donate. There are no quotas for each rank. There is no "Pay 10k a week or be kicked!" rule. You donate what you, when you can so that we all can enjoy our amazing guild hall.
- Be kind and don't insult other members. I do not tolerate belittling other members. Of course a little joking is OK, but you need to know where to draw the line. If any of the officers or I hear about any bullying or harassment, we will not hesitate to kick said bully.
- And Finally.............NO BEGGING! I think I speak for the entire population of Cradle when I say that begging is annoying and unnecessary. The members of this guild will always HELP you to get what you want, but we will never GIVE it to you. Earning something only makes it that much more valuable.
- There is no tier requirement for this guild. We believe that lower ranked members will one day become the new top players of SK so we have no problems with training you up even if you're fresh outta the Rescue Camp. So don't be afraid to post an application here because I will never deny you based on your rank.
- What is your Knight's name?
- How long have you played Spiral Knights?
- What Tier do you usually play?
- Would you say you're an "active" player?
- How often do you do arcade/missions?
- What region do you live in? (optional question!) **
- Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family.
If you're looking to join our guild, fill out the application here or send me or another GM a message in game. Hope to see more applicants soon!
P.S. If you want to know any specifics about Altosk, like who the Officers and GMs are, how our ranking system works, or our current guild population, you can check out our Wiki page down below.
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you around Cradle!
- Gilz
I've coincidentally ran with some Altosk guys before. Pretty cool dudes.

Yeah most of our members are pretty cool and laid back and all of our members like to help out where they can. So if you need help you can always ask someone from Altosk to give you a hand :P
Seems like a good group, wish you all the best for the future.
Hello! I'm killerlai and i would like to join altosk I've been playing for about six months. I usually go around various missions and help friends and new players I usually play everyday I would like to join altosk bc so far every guild I've been in is inactive and I find myself paying for the upkeep by myself I am a usually calm person when situations arouse see you around
P.s I've been GM for some guilds so I have some skills at managing a guild and organizing things
Firstly I , i would like to ask some questions.Do you play gvg,do shadow lair or have events in guild? Also are there EU players in guild?

We do GvG sometimes but I won't lie and say we do it alot. We do Shadow Lair and we do like to get events going every once in awhile as well. If you have any more questions message me in game!
My name is Charlieo, I'm a dedicated crazed gunslinger. I treasure my Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza like babies and most of my gear is on 5*. I do enjoy helping out random Cradlians on the street and I give out CRs to beggers every so often.
I'm happy to help others if they're stuck on missions and I appreciate it if my superiors can do the same to help me.
I believe I've stumbled across a guild that has an honourable tone to its name that brings shameless honour, but more importantly is alive and helpful to players, from Newbie 1* to elite Almirian Crusader.
Cheers guys, hope to hear from you.

Invites have been sent to those who posted here and messaged me in game. Welcome to Altosk!

I went inside your Guild Hall out of curiosity to see what it was like, and I have to say, I was impressed. Very impressed.

Well thanks! We love our guild hall as well. We're still working on getting those statues. We're aiming for 2 Roarmulus twin statues and a Snarby mostly, but we'll get them soon enough!
hello my name is beepboopbeepboopbo and here is my form i have played spiral knights for about a year and i am currently on tier 2 i am quite active *play everyday unless i cant* do arcade and missions allot *missions more than arcade* and i would like to join because your guild sounds really good and cool
Hiya potential guild! My knight name is Sirovo and I've been playing SK for a while now. I played for a couple months this past winter, but took a hiatus. Now I'm back with a new knight ready to have new adventures! Right now I'm only T2, but that will change rapidly. I'm a pretty active player who is right now working on the missions so I can get to JK and RT to farm 'em up. Once I get there I'll privy diving into the arcade and finding out what's new (I really want to see these new enemies). I live in Midwestern America and I'm usually on at night or at random times during the day. I want to join your guild because, well, it sounds like fun! I love chilling and having fun with other people, and joining a guild focused around that would be great!

Invites have been sent out and I'm happy to welcome you both to Altosk!
1. My name is Il-Kenshi-Il
2. I have played the game since June 2011
3. I am tier 2 and partly tier 3
4. I am not active, I'm SUPER active (joke) because I play everyday or 2 days for at least 1hour a day
5. I do missions every day (or when I'm online) Mostly JK runs and maybe a vanaduke run.
6. I live in the UK (GMT:+0)
7. I am a rank "Knight", I LOVE Tier 2 Lockdown, I am quite rich (8.5kcr and 400kcr), Have epic UVed items (for lockdown), Trade alot.
Hey Everyone!
Just dropping in, saying hello, and putting my two cents on Altosk. As you know above, I know Gilz personally. If I had not known him, I would not have even been in this game, let alone a 5* GM. This guild is a great guild, and Definitely a place of fun and dedication. Send your applications in; we can't wait to have you!
Oh, and Gilzy, How did you get a picture of yourself?? Let me know ;D

What is your Knight's name? Firelux
How long have you played Spiral Knights? 4 months
What Tier do you usually play? 2
Would you say you're an "active" player? Yes
How often do you do arcade/missions? missions yes i gring JK alot
What region do you live in? (optional question!) ** USA i play in english
Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family. i need a fun good guild where i can get better

It seems the thread needs some revival.
Present Management of Altosk has currently changed recently.
Even so, we're still family-friendly and active :D
Please feel welcome to apply should you have any interest in joining.

Knights name: Heroia
How long have I played SK: I have played for about 1 1/2 months.
What tier do I usually play: I usually switch from tier 1 & tier 2.
Would you say you are an active player: Yes, I play when I get the chance, meaning when my brothers are not on.
How often do you do arcade/missions: I do them pretty often, usually when I have enough Mist Energy.
What region do I play in: USA, but if needed I can speak some French.
Tell us why you want to join.
Well my main reason I want to join is that during my down time for about 6 months when my computer failed on me, my guild known as "Divine Warriors" was disbanded. I was pretty sad since a lot of my online friends were on that. Since then I have been looking for a friendly guild to join that wouldn't mind someone with weaker gear and less prestige than them. I like to chat with others and just hang out out. Hope to see you around Haven!
Also I would like to note I am able to Skype if needed!

I left for a bit but now I'm back and in control. Message me in game for invites
What is your Knight's name?
How long have you played Spiral Knights?
since theres no audiction house
What Tier do you usually play?
JK for boredom and some vany
Would you say you're an "active" player?
From time to time yes and from time to time nop
How often do you do arcade/missions?
to archive some goal a lot
What region do you live in? (optional question!) **
Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family.
oh well :P i hate long walks on the park and love potato... and have an obsesion on getting weps
and be stronger but i,m too lazy for dat lawl i spend my time playing a lot of games but thats it ^^

I have a friend in your guild Gilz, Dragoneagleplayer ( i might want to join)

I must admit, that trader training is quite the offer!
But, I am apart of guild in which I am an officer. And the guild I am in is amazing and has a great community.
I would say what my point of this is, aside from congratulating you and your impressive guild, but it would be best to mail you in game. Or Raptor-Zy. Or any GM/Officer. Look for a mail from a certain Kwibble...

I'm just reviving my old thread. Altosk is still alive and very much active! So feel free to leave a comment if you're interested in joining!

Hey just reviving this thread....Altosk is a good guild to be in, I've been in it for a little less than a year... I've been switching guild in between just a tad, but..... It is awesome!!!

What is your Knight's name?
How long have you played Spiral Knights?
-I've actually been playing since summer 2012
What Tier do you usually play?
-Always tier 3, Sometimes tier 2 just for fun.
Would you say you're an "active" player?
-Yeah, Mostly active. If Im gone for a week then im probably hospitalized, or my WiFi blew up.
How often do you do arcade/missions?
-As Much as I do Vana. More Than LD
What region do you live in?
-US, Florida
Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family.
-I Longboard, Young Teen @ 17, Puertorican, bilingual, I live in the sunshine state, I'm pretty nice, really nice, My favorite animal is a Wolf of course.
I'd like to join cause you guys look very experienced and cool, and i see your members are quite active and High in numbers. I'm really tired of boring, rude players. I'd really roam the clockworks with pride being in this guild. I'm loyal, And If i were to be accepted, this guild will be my resting place.

What is your Knight's name? JuiceboxHB
How long have you played Spiral Knights? 2 years
What Tier do you usually play? T3
Would you say you're an "active" player? Not at the moment, but I would be if I had an active guild
How often do you do arcade/missions? Not often because I have no one to do it with
What region do you live in? (optional question!) ** America
Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family. Im desperate for a good guild

Tera is back in business! BTW: Is Raptor -XY the Raptor ZY?

Sent ya an invite if ya are still interested, Juicebox. Although for future reference for anyone who applies, ya have better chances of a prompt reply if ya contact one of our officers in-game (wiki SHOULD be up to date with their names...). Heck, Altosk is open-door, meaning just go ask one of 'em to join and you'll probably get an invite assuming there is space...
And yes, Tera, Raptor-Xy and Raptor-Zy are basically the same person (to the best of my knowledge).
What is your Knight's name? Hasakki
How long have you played Spiral Knights? Started playing 2 years ago, took a break, just got into it again about a month ago.
What Tier do you usually play? T3
Would you say you're an "active" player? Absolutely. I play very often.
How often do you do arcade/missions? At least once a day, for a couple hours.
Tell us about yourself and why you would like to join our family. I'm just a guy who likes to play SK a lot and was looking for a stable and active guild.

Hey guys, just letting everyone know that Altosk is in fact still alive and kicking, but if you'd like to join I'd highly recommend just mailing me in game. It's become very hard to check here, so I will no longer be using this as a form of recruitment. Thanks
Hey Gilz, it's been a while since I've been on, and alot of crap has been going on around me and my school so I rarely have time to get on and see all of you, but I'm going to try to see you guys when I have the chance don't worry. You and the rest of the Guild will be seeing me c: So just you wait!