The Jempire - We're about personality, not gear.
Hey IGN is falsealarm
I think this guild is perfect for me! i never make fun of players! never brag! i would like to be in this a-w-e-s-o-m-e guild! Message me Ingame ty:)

The Jempire Energy Burst Giveaway has begun to compliment this weekend's Power Surge! Good luck to all our members in the random drawings taking part all weekend. :)
Also... I knew thee well, old legacy username.

One last bump for this old thread before we consider starting a new one to update the OP. (7 months is a long time!)
I'd like to give some congrats to our new officers in the time since the last post: Espira and Damon-Drake!
We currently have room for two members before hitting our max. As our activity rate is just about maxed now, I'd like to give those spots to people who have or can use Ventrilo. You can apply by contacting myself or any of our officers in-game, or by dropping us a line at our official site. (
See you all around the Clockworks. And (soon) Farewell, old thread.
Hey I'm interested in joining your guild. i met one of your members yesterday who asked Espira about it and said I needed to apply. After looking you guys up I can't wait to join. Message me in or out of game and let me know.
Hello! This looks like just the guild I'm looking for in this seemingly anti-social game! xD I see there's a waiting list, how do I go about getting on it? I registered at your forums. Thanks for the consideration! :)

Im very intrested in joined please let me know if I can!! Ill send a PM I.G send me a Pm if theres a slot available this is just the right guild for because i LOVE a talkitive yet active giuld!

Hey im a new member of The Jempire and thought i might say hello to all the peoplez on the forums. I have to say, my first week (or less) of the jempire has been one of my best spiral knights experiences so far. You guys rock :)
oh and btw: <( ' .')> KIRBY

Welcome aboard Hyper!
All 100 of our spots are currently filled, but we are able to remove a couple semi-inactives if good fits come along. If you're interested, we first recommend checking out our guild website: .
You can read the latest news about us and our members, sign up to say hi on the forums, and find out what we're all about. Anyone who takes the time to post on the forums before applying saying hello gets definite kudos from me during their app.
Also, congrats to the guys and gals of Jempire on taking first place in Guild Lockdown last week. Well-deserved, everyone!

Best guild there is to be honest... nice people, skilled people, and chill people... can't beat it.

Hello RubyEclipse,
I am not looking to join your guild. I have launched an investigation involving one of your guild members and mine. Due to the evidence and testimony provided, I have taken the appropriate action.
We of <Cloud Nine> maintain the highest standards of our membership and we do not tolerate dishonest behavior or deceitful actions.
I would like to apologize for any inconvenience my ex-guild member has caused yours.
- Ashiram, GM of <Cloud Nine>

All good Assinram. Thanks for the updates, here and in-game. Props to you and the guys and gals of Cloud Nine for being so organized. : )

I'm PilotX, and I would like to join this guild. :)
My previous guild is a tad bit inactive lately, and this one looks quite interesting.
I don't know what the app is, so I'll post what seems appropiate.
IGN: PilotX
Age: 13
Helmet: Dragon Scale Helm
Armor: Dragon scale mail
Shield: Dark thorn shield
Weapons: Mostly used: Tempered calibur, jalovec, dark thorn blade, shockburst.

Hey ive talked to u in game ruby, and i a interested if i can join.
Hi I'm Whoken!
Yes whoken, who can? Can you?
I would like to join your guild ;)
I'm a 0* star player, making a come back after months and months of not playing, used to be five star before but lost my character, long story.
I like the fact you're accepting low-geared player, I think this is the way you make a successfull guild, not discriminating. I've been in so many guild who would just accept 5 star players, and that was just meh! I rather not be in a guild if i can't ve low gear friend to join me
When I left the game, Lockdown was just out, so I didn't play it that much but heh, as soon as I get decent gear again, I'm willing to try! I also play BN, but I suck now, used to be decent at it before :(
I like people taking this game the way it should be, the funny way! I hate people who rage on teammates. I hate people who don't revive others. I don't like braggers. I love bromance. I like teamwork. I'm french and I'm sexy.
But srsly, don't worry about me beeing 0* though. I know the game enough to make crowns quickly. So prolly in one week or two I'll ve access to tier 3 again ;)
Hey, I'm a new player who joined last week(I think :S), and I just got Tier 3 clearance. Right now I'm working hard on getting all 5* gear then I'll work on completing my gun collection. :) Yes, I am a gunner at heart and I like to think that I'm pretty good with guns.
Right now, I'm having trouble clearing out T3 past the Clockwork Terminal and I have decided that I will not venture further unless I'm with a good party or I have full 5* gear. Furthermore, I have not yet tried out the PvP aspect, but I had someone tell me that I would be a terror there but not quite so sure. I'm quite willing to join and learn though!
As for socializing, I generally don't say much but I'm a nice person. I like being around those who treat people well. I also like being around those who make the gaming experience fun! :D

Some of my friends are in this guild. And I hope to be a better player.
im interested.. not sure what guild i want to join yet.. pm me in game if u wld like xD

Im interested in joining the guild please ^.^!

hey, my in-game is Silentsentry,i am a gunslinger. i have a large aresnal of guns, and i'm online almost every day of the week. i live in New jersey of USA.

Hey, id like to join the Jempire. Im a 14 year old boy with a 16 year old sister. I like spiral knights and im nice to others. I dont rage quit on little things, and i can help the members of the guild. Plz invite me

Do you think you would have space for me and a friend of mine?
Our nicks are Coatl and Link-Kd.
We'd love to be apart of your guild.
you said that this guild is all about personality, i got alot of it.
ive been playing this game for like, idk, three months now. i have four knights, two of which i am two star, the other two i havent played at all on. i am looking for a guild to accept my noob knight so i can have some friends to talk to while playing. my knight's name is Gerudagi. please invite me to this guild.

I Would Like To Join Your Guild. I Have Posted PLEASE STAND BY! BLEEEEP! This On Your Guild Web, But Didnt Get A Reply. If I Cant Join, Im Cool With It =). And If I Can, Then Im =D About That. I Didnt List My Gear Since You Dont Care About :P.I Get Shouted On For Not Being Really Good In Lockdown, Which Really Makes Sad );Im New To It, And I Get Begged Too Much =(. I Have T3 Clearence.This Is The Perfect One That Suits Me =D. My IGN Is Shycoboy. Sorry About My Grammer. Anyways, i Hope I Can Join =)!
Information About My Computer
- Stupid
- Lagging
- Shivermist Buster
Hello there.
I would like to join your guild.
I like the way your guild focuses more on personality :D
(Because it involves good management in dealing with party members, many gaming ethics... stuff... you get the point)
And it definitely cherishes the bond of the whole team!
I've just started playing this game about a few days ago. And I'm planning to be a gunslinger.
I'm online almost everyday (or at least once per week).
I'm looking forward to join your guild :D
IGN: Machneils

Hello there!
Sorry for taking so long to respond.
As of 3/4/12, The Jempire is now at a 100% activity rate (100 Members active within the last week).
We're starting up a new guild, called "Jempire Waiting List".
This guild will house all applicants that past the initial entry into the guild.
As such, we will no longer be using this thread. Please view the Jempire Waiting List if still interested in joining the Jempire.
u can send me a invite
my gear:
divine avenger asi low
dark thorn shield
strike needle
miracle hood fire low
miracle cloak fire low
my ingame name: candoanythingdude
ive done all the bosses except shadow lair .

Change your guild name to the Janempire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D

hi ruby u remember me?
yh i want to join i am a active player i live im GMT 0
full 5*
i play lockdown alot my highest dmg is 31k.
some times i dont log in for a long time becuase i am plying a diffi game wiv my friends but i will always come on.
my IGN is zainj

Hey rubyeclipse mind if I join your guild? I'm just one of those ppl who go with no guide and willing to join any guild
Thanks :D
My name is ultimateprime my costume is 1* but I'm actually a 3/2*(using 1* as pretend that I am a noob!)

So Yeah, i feel awkward writing this because lack of specific questions and stuff, so this is gonna be really sloppy, and non formal (is that a word?) ((Probably not, more of a phrase)) so yeah, be prepared for the worst!
I'm very interested in joining this guild and hvae been for a long time, Ive been in many a guild but ive always been thinking about those people at the far left doing wiggle dances........Do you guys do wiggle dances? If that was some other guild doing the wiggle dances, you should try doing wiggle dances, wiggle dances are great. Wiggle Dances. (this app doubles as an attempt to say wiggle dances as much as possible, since no other guild forum page would really let me do it :\) Some members (by that I mean Sugardates, and maybe Bac0n) May know me very slightly from a bit of GvG in t2 ya did with my guild, so if my name is familiar and you cant quite remember it, you can sleep better now, if you still cant, try Nyquil.
Im all about having a good time in a guild and chatting and getting to know people then doing any of this lame gameplay stuff, wtf is this "Clockworks" ?
I do do LD quite a bit though, although I remain t2, although I have been t3 twice xD but vended my stuff to buy more t2 crap....(I maybemaybenot make bad decisions) Im very impulsive, its a downside but also is the reason I have quite a few people that enjoy me, I tend to blurt out things that are on my mind without considering how appropriate it is, for example, at some SK fashion show, everyone was huddled together and I decided to ask "Hey, should we all start having an orgy?" or something along those lines, because thats just how I roll. I started 3 orgies that day, ask Digitalartificer, he knows, but hes never on, youll sadly have to book a spot if you want confirmation that bad.
Im unfortunately having a bit of PC trouble, my battery in my laptop needs to be replaced so my PC will sometimes shut down on its own, but Im getting a new battery fairly soon, so its not a big deal, although I cant really go into the CW atm, I want to heat this Grinto and wreck faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. D:<
i dont know what else to write....this app feels long and Ive covered like 2 things, wtf, I get sidetracked so easily. Man though, I love Snapple, ever had the Kiwi Strawberry flavor? Its really the best Ive tasted so far, Im not much of a tea guy though, Snapple tea is pretty good though.
I consider myself decent at t2 LD, I assume Id be good at t3 if I had the equips, Im currently contimplating (lawl i r gud at speling) how to invest this 10k cr I have lying around from Mod Calibrators, so along with this app Id like a recommendation if possible, more t2 LD stuffs, or should I move up to t3 land? I do want to go on to t3, but I dont wanna take the time to heat everything........... So Ill leave it to you folks with the bracelets (made of sun silver and souls)
I do really want to get in to this guild, although it isnt my life goal, my life goal is to build a mountain of bacon, and sit on it, eating bacon and other meats while wearing a PETA sweater (AKA become a standup comedian)
I guess thats all......If there are any other questions, ask me through mail or carrier pidgeon.

janempire would mean non uv'd skolvers killing people everywhere. ZOMGG :DDDDD
massacre timee!! <3

ive been on for about a month. i used to run a guild of 100 until every1 went inactive. they worshipped me... so i assume i have good personality. :3
ive got full 5* and im working on some extra gear and UVs. Love to join im on very often (although i go on trips occasionally... i guess i should mention if im leaving for a period so i wont get kicked (hopefully... e3o). but yes, im expirienced with guilds.
Tell me or Mail me ingame (im on alost constantly in central time (during the day)) (my IGN is the same. ive done many vana runs although im still working for the mission...)
May I join The Jempire? The guild seems nice and I am not that bad with spiral knights, I don't die a lot in any missions (other then candlestick keep and fiend levels in t3 or higher, I am very active and i am not in any guilds, I have full 5* though I am heating some of my 4 star, my user in-game is Chaoticpwner, I was at the Prismatic mohawk party for a few minutes, I really think jempire is the guild for me so I hope you accept me as a new member!

I would love to join the prestigious guild known as The Jempire. My IGN is Yellow-Fang and am a Vanguard. You can currently see me wearing a dragon scale helm with glasses as well as some proto armor with Tail Tails. I use BTB and DA commonly without any weapon slots, and have a BTS for my shield. I am currently trying to heat my Ash Tail Coat to make a Snarby, so do not be alarmed when you meet me. I have had several hacks in my account when someone started to sell my five star stuff, so I was broke for a while. Please consider the things I have said and I hope to be a new member in the #1 guild at GvG!

Hey guys, remember to post on the Jempire forums waiting list thread!!)
Click on that once you have an account.
----I swear we get a dozen or more applicants ingame *every day* who just don't post on the forums. There's no other way to be accepted!----
Hope to see you soon,
Your loving Jampirate Etendue

Hello , my ign is Clear-Water and i am interested in joining The Jempire. I am interested in joining because The Jempire is a strong guild and can make me a strong lockdown player. I know The Jempire is full , so i would like to join the waiting list. Thanks!

Amount of time in spiral knights:Year and a half(present)
Hey there,my name is Stormguardia. I'm a really friendly individual who just wants to be in a mature,and sociable guild,who are active daily That won't mind to do guild runs and events just to make the game funner than it already is.Jempire has all these qualities and seems like a good guild since I've heard from many people.Ingame u will mostly see me doing prestige missions,trying to achieve 45k prestige :) or farming vana and jk to save enough to get myself a nice pair of wings for my vog or snarbolax and sometimes I just like to run around in guild hall.As you know Im a full 5' with many equipment and gear,the only thing that u might not like about me is that I don't play PvP oftenly,but i am not afraid to do whatever it takes to join this wonderful and marvelous guild as you can tell I'm a really dedicated person :).Thx for your time,and I hope i get invited soon :) With all your due respect

About your application, if you could go to this website: and fill out an application on our proper forums, that would be much appreciated. Just make a free account there are go top the thread entitled 'spiral knights.' Near the top you should see a thread with the name "Jempire Waiting List (Post Here to Apply)." Thanks mate.

Hey i've watching jemp play LD for a rly long time but none of the guilds i join play GLD (even though i like it). so i wanna join jemp to have fun and stuff. my SK name is Happybun and i am a full 5* ^^
Hi. I would like to join again because this was the first guild I actually liked, most of my friends are in this guild and it would be fun to reunite with them. I apologize for anything I've done to this guild and for getting kicked out. I understand if you don't accept me, give me a second chance, or even read it. Thanks for your consideration.

Reminder to everyone posting here that we don't recruit from this thread
If you want to join you'll need to visit
Two spots have now opened on the waiting list!
Time to get ready for Lockdown - 6 v 6 Guild battles will be epic. : )