The Jempire - We're about personality, not gear.

130 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Everlas


I would like to join the jempire

ruby hello I would like to belong to the guild that I find some of the most active guilds all haven and I love playing LD and am active step most of my free time in the game
thanks for reading
IGN: darkskary

Wanna join :3

Hello,my IGN is Edilela,id like to join The Jempire,im full 5*,not rich but know! :3

Please contact me,i really would like to join the guild,thank you. Also i think im a very nice/kind person LOL

Imagen de Cy-Borgg
Why not just apply? XD

Hello! I'm wanting to just apply and see if i could make it in to Jempire! Cause, why not?
-im active Everyday for at least an hour,
- I will donate to the treasury if needed, and help out with the guild.
- I read the Forums every week.
- And I love to entertain people through the chat by making them laugh :3

Please, mail my knight Cy-Borgg or respond to this comment.
- Thanks! :)


I'm not here to apply. Just like to let Angerday know that I'm coming for my coupons! You took them from my wallet when you and your Jempire thugs jumped me. I don't have the best armor but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my coupons go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will take my coupons back.

Imagen de Zhaky

I would like to join the Jempire.



I can't quite tell you how often I play as I just started playing last week. I do however know that I like this game a lot, and I would love to keep on playing, so I'm looking for a good group to play with, as there's no fun in playing a MMO by yourself :)

Right now I'm on holiday, so I've spent most of my waking hours playing SK, though next week I start studying again, and that's probably gonna take some time (not all my time), but I will try to be online daily.

I live in the GMT+1/UTC+1 timezone.


In Game

IG my name is Zhaky. Even though I haven't played for a while, I believe I can tell you a bit about what I usually do IG. I like to take a few clockworks run on my own or with friends. If I'm not running clockworks or missions, I'm probably trying to get the hang of BN. In between those things I can be found at the AH trying to find a good bargain to earn some crowns.

I would love to try out more things, but all things considered, I'm still a newbie at this game.


Why The Jempire

I'm looking for a guild with spirit, some nice people to hang out with, be silly and serious with. Your guild seems to have those things, and I'd like to take part in that and hopefully contribute to that. When I had to choose between this guild and some others I took into account, the fact that you have a forum which looks quite active, you have quite an old guild, which I guess means that you're doing something right and you're sticking together, and you seem like a rather big guild, which I hope means that there's people online when I am.



A little about me and what I do, the rest you can learn, if we get to talk some more. I am 24 years young, I'm a guy, I'm going to start studying at the university next week. I spend my time on friends, chores, gaming, watching, reading, saving and whatever needs to be done.

Imagen de Troupe-Forums
cccccccombo breaker

Since dragon has broken the forum rules and bumped this thread I need to post again to direct peeps to the right place >_>

We don't check this thread for recruitment. All applications need to be posted here
(you'll need to make an account on the forums to view the thread)

Imagen de Malkalack
Loser guild

The Astartes is better!!Muhuhahaha

About You

I do like a guild that has very good personality and it's this one.....Ive been playing this game since the day it came out, seeing a member from "The Jempire" always makes me feel happy, because when I see you guys I have someone mature enough to talk to....Ive got more to say but I must sleep it's kind of late and I'm tired......I hope to see any of you guys and make good mature, loyal friends....keep up the good work and congratulations on reaching 10 years of service!!! :)

Goodnight pals :)

I'm very friendly, active mostly everyday (But Tuesdays and Fridays, because I have gym to go to.) I do like playing PvP matches and that's how I make most friends because of good teamwork :)...and I'd love to make fascinating ways to look good with accessories and costumes.

Thank you for your time

Hey there i would love to join

Hi im Ibluesurge, im not exactly sure what your application format is but Anyways here we go,
i am a T3 player and basically i just do a lot of runs all the time im not a big fan of Lock Down i have been playing SK for about 2 years i like every player love flashy items so i try to collect Cool gear sometimes on accident and sometimes i bairly get it. I usually play about 3 hours a day on school days but on weekends i usually try to play 5+ hours. im really looking forward to hearing from you!

Ibluesurge :D

Imagen de Sergeantwrench
Directions for your Apps

I wasn't sure if you post was an application or not...But if it is, I apologize for the delay in this response. If you want to apply for the Jempire, the proper procedure would be to go here:

You'll need to go to that website as well to apply for the Jempire:

Once on the website, you'll need to create a free account, then click on the tab that says 'forums.' Once that is done, look for the section labelled 'Spiral Knights.' Click on that, and near the top of the list should be a thread entitled 'Jempire Waiting List (Post Here to Apply!).' Click on that, and read the instructions on how to apply, there are 5 questions you'll need to answer. Post on that thread and simply wait, it typically takes a week for a response, so be patient. Anywho, hope to see you all on the Jemgaming Forums.



Imagen de Dj-Amv


Imagen de Mayaura
Congratulations on you new officers.

I'm sure many of us hope they will be leading your guild into a bright future of friendlier relations with the rest of the community.

Why not celebrate with a meet-and-greet Open Guild Hall this weekend? Give us poor masses a glimpse of the "high life".


Hello, i was wondering if you

Hello, i was wondering if you could allow me to join the guild.

im full 5* + i have been a big fan of your guild for along time

im okay at LD with about 10k damage due to my 4* sword, soon to be 5*

i will donate the amount shown and i will be a very active member, i will be commited and willing to achieve if you would invite me to your guild

Thankyou for your time and maybe ill speak to you soon =D


Imagen de Fshuolong
Hey um..

I can't be a Hardcore or a Good Fighter in PVP cause I have a Red Ping that been delaying my gaming.I used to be an active PVPer but,because of my low scores and Ping(My highest so far was 6k-7k),I stopped doing this,waiting for 3O adding a server.

I wish 3O could add the Asia Server so users from Aussie(maybe) and Asians can actively play...

EDIT:I am a Wandering guildess,finding a guild to worth a stay.I am also NOT easily recruit.

Imagen de Skayeth
You see that? That is a SURFBOARD WAVE!

THE JEMPIRES? RECRUITING? /laugh I always imagined the Jempires being strict on recruiting and only bringing in the the tough LD people. This is ridiculous. Has the once-glorified Jemps really gotten this WEAK?! "We're about personality, not gear." YEAH RIGHT! The moment my friend Bryantle joined the jemps he quit because the first guild chat message welcoming him in was: "Look, another LD noob joined us."
As far as I'm concerned, the jemps is just a guild still trying to cling on to all their glory, while as time flies, all the other guilds run past them.
Good natured Jemps are a joke. All of them take LD way too seriously.

Imagen de Retequizzle
time to cut the bull%*(#,

time to cut the bull%*(#, here's a lawnmower to help

they've always had the caption regarding personality/gear, so in that regard there's absolutely nothing new - if anything, the only thing "new" is the recently-installed officers to take over, and even then they've been around for a while so i don't get your complaint there

also from what i know, they've always done applications on a rolling basis depending on what they were shooting for as far as guild size, which is what a lot of guilds end up doing whether they openly admit to it or not

and on top of that, trying to stand up for a friend is nice and all, but... well, i was going to put this gently, but posting about something you realistically had no first-hand experience in is pretty %*(#ing stupid, so feel free to let your friend do the !@^*(ing should he choose to do so

i'm all for getting pitchforks and torches going when it's called for, but you should consider doing a bit of research, lest this sort of thing happens, it saves people like you the trouble of getting upset for nothing

Imagen de Skayeth
You see that? That is a SURFBOARD WAVE!

Calm down. Take this slowly. I'm only expressing my opinions. Now, back to the "Glorified" Jempire's recruiting campaign.

Imagen de Shadownox
Honk honk. Make way for the dead bunny.

It's sad really...first, people get fed up with Jemp players. Then they start making stereotypical things up just to put them down. I mean, sure, the some of the Jemps can be jerks, but I've had first-hand experience with some nice ones. :l

Imagen de Reto-Da-Liz

@Annilaton: i would insult you, but that would require effort. you don't deserve effort

@anyone that wants to apply: Applications are done on Jempire's website.
Visit for more information.
Create an account by registering, go to the Spiral Knights section of Forums and post your application (following the right format) in the Waiting List thread.

Imagen de Pwnswag


I'd like to join

Hey RubyEclipse
I just started playing the game, but I'd love to join a guild and I'm glad to see that there is someone looking for people
and not for gear. However I think that you shuold know few thigns, so first of all I'm from Italy, and I usually play from 17-19 and 20-22 (5-7 and 8-10 pm) according to the UTC+1 'fuse' (hope it's the right term); I hope that it is not a problem for the guild. Secondly I'm unable to use teamsoeak and similar, I share the room with my brother and so I cannot disturb too much (he is very easily annoyable) but i can use chat quite fast although if with some mistakes.
Lastly, I'll be busy in University till the 16 of December, but I should be able to play at least once a day, more likly in the late evening from 8-10.
As for the PvP i never playd it yet but I never let others play, I prefer to die in a honorable battle.
Waiting for an answer
May Your Shield be Strong

Imagen de Sergeantwrench

Two posts above your post Reto clearly states that if ANYONE needs to apply for the Jempire, they are to go to this website:

Once there, simply create a free account and post on the thread entitled: Jempire Waiting List (Post here to apply!).

Answer the 5 questions we have there, and simply be patient as the recruitment team takes care of the rest. You'll need to check up every couple of days on that thread for an answer to see if you passed or not. Cheers for now

(And remember, we're about personality, not how much time you play, how much dmg you do in LD, how B.A. you are with a certain sword of anything. I joined the Jempire when I was 2*/3*, and that was almost two years ago)


As for everyone else, this is a GUILD RECRUITMENT THREAD, please treat it as such and refrain from posting off topic discussions. Thanks!

Imagen de Saberxbro
It's sad...

A bunch of you guys moved to RIFT D:D:D:D: WHY YOU LEAVE US WITH EOS?

Imagen de Doomskull

Ok, so I'm Doomskull, and I want to join the Jempire for no reason other than to be taken in by a nice and fun guild, with people you can rely on. I've been playing SK for a while, now, some two years. I started a bit after beta ended and they started advertising. I'm the kind of person that will join and help people on runs (Unless I'm really busy) and wants to donate and, if possible, help out in all the ways I can, to join guild LD matches, joke around in the guild hall, etc. I really hope I get accepted so I can be in a permanent guild. (In case you are wondering, I've been in Nirvana and League go Gunners, which is my current guild.)

Also, I'm applying on the forum post here because the avatar in the bottom right on the screen on the web page is blocking me from confirming the app.

Imagen de Krakob

I think some clearing up is needed here, seeing how the thread has seemingly been abandoned.
To apply to The Jempire, head to and register. You can head to the registration page by clicking the Jemp in the bottom right corner. Once registered, head to Forums > Spiral Knights > Jempire Waiting List Thread (Post here to apply!) and follow the instructions.

I would like to join :D

Hi i would like to join the guild i'm usually active to 4 hours a day on SK.
I've been wanting to join the guild. (that is probably the best one in the game)
id like my other knight (Knight elite) Portalblitz to join.
(usually on at 11:00 to 4:30)
it wont matter to me if i'm declined.
(OK its a big deal to me but still i wont mind I've got other guilds) =D

Imagen de Sergeantwrench

If you look right above your post, you will notice Krakob clearly stating on how to apply to the Jempire. Please follow those instructions if you still wish to apply.



Can I join?

Please can you recruit me my personality is not bad at all and I want a guild which is most active in my old guild I was the only one on mostly

I needed to edit I made a mistake on my first comment

Imagen de Ilnur-Ill
Ah, those glorious times!

It is both fascinating and sad to see how such a large community dies out, leaving only some big dead threads, a couple of cool nostalgic videos and a dead website.

I am sorry for necroposting. Just couldn't hold myself.