A few things I hope get fixed

2 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de His-Minx

I have been testing the battle sprites since the test server opened and have made 2 of the 3 sprites and leveled them fully. these are the few things I really hope get fixed before release,
Cool down times should be separate for each skill. you should not have to wait out a timer on a skill you have not yet used because you have previously used another skill.
The choosing of your battle sprites Ultimate skills and the changing of your battle sprite's appearance should be two separate options, and you should be able to reset them when you want and try all of its ultimate skills whenever you want, and change its look from the set of options available whenever and however you'd like without having to change what ultimate ability you want to use.. especially after the time, work and material$ involved to level them to that point.
Hearts dropped that you have run over and since used, should not show up still on the screen, its quite confusing and annoying. And where are all the vita-pods? I rarely see them when in the test server , and I hope this will be changed.
Please consider these problems before release,
thanks :D

I hope they keep the rarity

I hope they keep the rarity of vitapods the way it is on the test servers, I think its perfect and very pro-harddifficulty for the game

Imagen de Klipik-Forum

"Cool down times should be separate for each skill. you should not have to wait out a timer on a skill you have not yet used because you have previously used another skill.

This is to prevent spamming all three abilities at once and becoming an invincible, unstoppable weapon or a impenetrable shield depending on your sprite.