Heating items... one level at a time.

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Phenolic

I have seen a few mentions about this in the main feedback thread, but not much discussion. Also it does not appear on the Test Server Changelog.

It seems that after a recent patch, gear and weapon items are only able to complete one level up per depth no matter the amount of heat collected. So any additional heat will not "roll over" to the next level.

This is the first change I have seen that I dislike. It is unnecessary to limit the advancement of item heating to a maximum of one level per depth. If a player has collects heat embers throughout a map, they should be allowed all of the heat to advance their gear - not just up to the next level and have it stop there.

If we are losing the cooperative revive system (no comment there, seems legit i suppose) then players will not be able to gather other players' heat to advance items more quickly. So ALL of the heat we collect on our own will be PRECIOUS! With the new revive system I think this changed heating system seems even more unfair.

Thanks for your consideration!

Imagen de Hexzyle

It's likely a bug as a result of the new heat system implemented with Battle Sprites. Hopefully it's ironed out before launch.

Imagen de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I agree with Hex. It's a bug. Battle Sprites were meant to not roll over when leveling up, but they probably got the heat system messed up for other stuff in doing this.

Imagen de Everlas
Hey guys I got a Q , I'm not

Hey guys I got a Q , I'm not on testing server so I can't answers this myself. Can you roll uvs on battle sprites like you can on your knight?

Imagen de Narfle

Nope, doesn't work that way. You do unlock Sprite Perks as you level them up, though, and those are one step better: you can only equip one at a time, but they apply like a regular gear bonus (various CTRs, ASIs, defs, status resists, family damage bonuses, and MSI).

Imagen de Snarby-Lover-Me

heya narfle