Hurry up

10 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de The-Worst-Knight

I was testing the game a bit and found few bugs. Few days lesft before release. Hurry up.

- Legendary wall bug met drakon, firestorm and firebolt does'nt work near the wall.
FIXED- You added new mats, but forgot to give it to Brinks, token trader.
- Still 4 harnesses on sale, when only 3 is available to use.
- Seraphynx's aura timer still doesn't work.
- Seraphynx's heart attack still doesn't give extra hearts.
- You forgot about reward for Collector mission.
FIXED- Wrong divine star icon, it looks like divine stone.
FIXED- There are no new mote icons.
- Seraphynx's ray works longer than it should be.
FIXED- 100lvl pet still take my heat.
- Make firebolt a bit stronger.
- I can't drop vials.
- Firestorm have to work longer.
- Show us real interface of food alchemy machine, we have to test it.
ADDED- Add sparks of life, we have to test it. It shouldn't be single way to revive your teammate.
- If bring new rev system to the main server what would you say about achievments that were linked with old rev system.
- Let us to choose how many hearts we will give to fallen knight, bind to +- counter of hearts.
- Nobody likes new loot system, is it necessary? Tell us why you did it and we will help you to find another solution.
- If you bring new loot system to the main server what would you about that monsters spawn far from their right place cause there is teammate's loot on the floor.
- If i die twice in the lab or HoH you ask 50ce from me.
- Make Collector invincible between stages.
- Pet appeared in ready room. I was in ready room and then go to 7-2-1 mission, after loading pet appeared near me.
- Let us to use any mineral for food crafting. I tried to heat pet in FSC, one run is not enough to reach SECOND level, i need 2-3 runs to get it. Non food mats give little heat. If i'll use only favorite food for heating, I need about 10k one colored minerals to buy that favorite food, nobody has so much.
FIXED- Forge doesn't work properly, it says that i'll get 4 lvl but it gives me only 3, or it should be really rare? Ok, i got it after 20 tries.
- Forge again. x2 and x3 provides the same, tested on proto gun.
- Forge, I can press forge after level up.
FIXED- Forge. It said that i got prize box but i didn't.
- Forge. Ok, now i can get box, but it doesn't say about it.
- Forge. "Helmet power increase" it's better to say "Helmet defense increase"
FIXED- I can't find 0-1* crystals and orbs, it starts from 2* even on 1 depth. I found 1* orb, but still no crystals. Vatel sells 0-1* crystals
- FSC. Depth 27. First room with 6 puppies. Advanced difficult. Puppies were nerfed too much, 1 hit is enough to kill them.
- you show me message that heat level up my gear, change it.
- 2-2-4 and 2-2-5 missions, you give orbs just for one craft but you ask to craft 2 items
- Also i think that we need folders for inventory, after update there will be over 100 mats.

Imagen de Zeddy

"Still 4 harnesses on sale, when only 3 is available to use."

You can also make foods for sprites you don't have, what's your point?

In addition, you can have multiple sprites. Eventually all four harnesses will be usable.

"Seraphynx's aura timer still doesn't work."

It's working as designed, it was just poorly designed. The shield doesn't directly provide protection so much as grant 1 second of protection to anyone under it every second. In effect, this means you can quickly go under someone's angelic aura and then have a second of protection outside of it. You'll see the exact same thing happening if you're using or find yourself under the protection of a guardian shield. The shield is not the only battle sprite ability that gives no indication as to how long it'll last, most of them don't.

"I can't drop vials."

This is intentional. You can no longer share vials (or anything else) with teammates, so they removed this ability. If you want to get rid of a vial, you'll have to use it.

It'll suck with mecha knights.

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight

But i don't know who of them will get that harnesses or it will be common.
Ok, they have to work on it.
Loot system sucks.
ps how to post messages without subject?

Imagen de Narfle

It'll suck with mecha knights.

Potential of 3 mecha knights for each of 4 party members running around at the same time? I think the words you were reaching for were, "silly" and "awesome."

Imagen de Little-Juances

Until they all start to follow and surround you, only to get shocked to death.

Imagen de Snarby-Lover-Me
12 MECHAS!?!?!


Imagen de Juvon
12 Mechas, 4 battle sprites

12 Mechas, 4 battle sprites and 4 party members. The most chaotic depth run yet.

A fascinating experience~

Imagen de Shamanalah
my 2 cents

Guys guys guys... let me beat that

8 battle sprites in Training Hall throwing spells everywhere >.<

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight


Imagen de Grantgalitz

It looks like OOO loaded up the servers with the update's new assets... They're locked and loaded for an update push in a day it seems (Supposedly! They can always do what they want ;P ).

Imagen de The-Worst-Knight
- 2-2-4 and 2-2-5 missions,

- 2-2-4 and 2-2-5 missions, you give orbs just for one craft but you ask to craft 2 items
When i said it and when did you fix it?