Discussion thread for upcoming patch

The update needs to be accepted as a whole "package" so commenting on things piece by piece isn't really effective.
That said, we'll just have to wait and see how it all works after it's running for a couple of weeks.
One thing I have not seen is how the "disappearance" of mist energy is being worked into the SK story timeline.
Hopefully - the Devs have incorporated this into one of the missions or stories.
As this is probably the biggest game mechanics change ever - I'd like to see some kind of artifact - like an "Orb of Mist" given to all players who are around the day the world changes. Yes - it won't do a lot, but it will be a little bit of history, captured for posterity.
There have been a few questions about the energy cost of unlockable events in the clockworks.
The energy pricing on these has been skewed incorrectly for quite a while, but was offset by players using their mist.
The CR cost should be equal to the benefits gained which is not, currently the case.
Suggest that they all be repriced: 1 energy for mecha knights and turrets, 2-3 energy for "prize rooms" and maybe 5 CR for danger rooms.
Prize rooms would only reward the player who spends the energy to open them.
I would also like to see danger rooms have a "Krogmo bribe system" style gate - where multiple players can contribute energy to opening the gate.
For parties, more players would likely opt in for a danger room if it only cost them an energy point or two to open.
Repricing clockwork events, could be fixed now with this release.

""Fire Crystals for Equipment Leveling
Following this release, players will use “Fire Crystals” retrieved from the Clockworks to level up their gear after acquiring the requisite amount of heat. Your choice of the number of fire crystals to use with each upgrade will have an influence on the >>success of the upgrade<< and the likelihood that the gear gains special bonuses, such as double level up. The heat you earn in the Clockworks remains yours, regardless of the success of the upgrade.""
The Success of the Upgrade part kinda make me interested... Does that means Equipment Upgrade will have chances of Breaking?
Breaking as in Equipment that Breaks will be gone?
Or Maybe If you Failed to Upgrade equipment from Level9 to level10, You will drop back to Level 1 and equipment would still be there?
Waoo... This is gonna be Fun IF it Does...
let's Discuss :P
W00t w00t.
Hope it all goes well, with as few bugs as possible. Good luck.

"Kiddos worried about profits"
I take it you are a strict Player Versus Player person?
if what I said is true shouldn't you be the one worried about profit? I mean this game is most likely just "tournaments" for cr or CE.

can someone tell me the prices in orbs to craft gear? or it will be a surprise for the launch?

They haven't released the prices yet, since they're currently still deciding them.

So what is the point of me buying CE, or anyone for that matter plus you don't have elevator passes to buy anymore? Is your revenue this grand to forgo the pay-to-play experience? To me it sounds like a terrible business decision Statistician +1
Maybe SK's becoming an adware kind of software. I wonder what product placement will be established first?

I'm with those concerned about the storyline. Amniminous said it best:
I'm someone who has spent a while trying to make it easier for new players to get around mist limitations. Its obvious that introducing the mist well was an attempt on your part to do the same thing.
Having an open mist well caused a lot of drama and reduced the size of my guild. There were a lot of comments made to me about how an open well was 'crazy.' So obviously I am relieved at the removal of mist.
Though as a collector, I don't appreciate you going in and removing items like mist tanks out of my stash.
I got a free elevator pass mailed to me a few months ago. Will this pass be treated the same as one I bought, or will it just disappear when this update happens? I am asking because if it is going to disappear with no compensation I would like to know so I can use it for a few days. Thank you.

I freaking love this update.
1. More noobs are going to play Spiral Knights again. They don't have to run out of energy anymore!!!
2. This means Spiral Knights will become more popular. Hurray!
3. Every game uses "Click 'n' Pay" softwares, where every time you do something in a game, 1 cent is sent to the game's company or distributor. No really. The population in Spiral Knights is going to skyrocket, and OOO is going to get loads of money like Jagex is with RuneScape.
4. I think all this re-vamping is great. To start, it may sound confusing but you'll all get the gist of it in a flash.
5. Sprites are going to make every player's life fun in Spiral Knights. As I have said before, Spiral Knights is "an escape to a robot world".
6. Amazing OOO, you did it again.
7. More people playing OOO, more CE being bought with real-world money, OOO gets more money, OOO make amazing updates.
8. :D
9. OMG the arcade is going to be rev'd again ahh the nostalgia... it's going to be like old days again... even better 8)
10. Can't wait til' July 31st.

I like how Zeddy totally called that they'd make elevators free some while ago when they gave random players EPs.

I, Lord Cucumber Jones the 573rd, Have a Question
Well the Halloween Special have some Creativity this time?

If you have access to the testing server you can look for yourself--orbs, sparks, fire crystals, etc. are all up on the depot there now.
[EDIT: let me clarify, they are up AND have real prices, not just 1 ce as they were before.]

I ju abwah, nuhh? I dunnghna wah?
I do ewne
jaht wahc?
-walks out of room confuzzled and babbling about the "ecanmy"-

it's not prices of orbs, it's prices of gear in orbs.
and I'm F2P.
Hey,if a player picks up crowns,the crowns go to everyone or he is the onlz one getting them?
Many people is confused about this,please answer.

while I love how most of this update sounds I have a few problems with it.
Some users have said that things like Heat and Crowns will not be shared across players. If this is true and the fact that health revives might not even happen then this destroys teamwork completely. Why should I stay back and help out others when I cant help them if they die and they take all the crowns? There is no reason to do that now. By helping others I will barely get crowns compared to the guy who rushes ahead and kills everything.
Another problem that ties into the teamwork issue is gear choice. The player with the highest damage gear can run ahead, kill everything, and loot stuff others can not get to. I play a support role right now, I always run with a DVS to increase other DPS and as a secondary I use either a polaris or Triglav(more effective than most think). I will be punished by playing with a DVS and Triglav as I cant get the kills and thus can not get to the crowns or heat as fast.
All in all I love having no elevator costs and higher difficulty. The only thing I really want to stay is reliance on team members, as thats where SK shines. Playing with friends is something everyone wants to do, but if someone loses out on doing so then that is terrible.
Edit: Disregard this post, I got new info from Glitchedpixel that solves most of my issues listed here.

It all comes back to this. Who do OOO want their audience to be?

If mission rewards change with the new release to include the new items (sparks, orbs, fire crystals), how will this be handled for players who have completed all of the missions?

by reasoning....
gear/equipment from Auction House going to be super expensive to buy???

well going by how the test server does it, i believe that we are given the items that are associated with the missions.
I had already completed most of the missions in the test server and when i logged on today with all the new stuff added it just gave them all to me saying "You have Swag" as the mail header.

The loot system is now individual on the test server, that means that when you kill an enemy the crowns, heat, and mats are all dropped based on a player basis. Basically if player one kills a gremlin and it drops 45 crowns, player one can pick up 45 crowns but player two will have to go and collect it himself in order to get the same amount. So unless player two physically goes and collects the crowns he will not receive the 45 crowns that player one picked up.
In the new update crowns and heat do not expire on the ground anymore so you don't have to worry about rushing to where they were killed to get the materials, etc.

so what you are saying is that they now act as heart where each individual person has to pick them up? If so then I feel foolish for my long post on teamwork. This doesnt sound all that bad and really makes it more appealing to me (now afk people dont get the same loot). Now you said Mats drop as player as well, does that mean everyone can get every mat drop?

OOO, you do realize you will need to answer some of these questions.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE MIST WELL's IN THE guild halls I mean if no mist what we put in them?!?!?!?!?!?
just plain energy and we get a little more?
Can some one answer my question please....

Lets count the current uses on energy:
Supply Depo, Silver keys, shadow keys, Orbs and sparks (If the drops are bound), Trinket/weapon slots, Lockdown revs (???), People rolling, people buying costumes, people buying UV'd gear, some others im probably forgetting.
WAIT, I think I have a solution for OOO not getting money, change the AH from crowns to Energy? If they keep releasing Featured auctions plus the normal ones, people will seem obligated to buy CE to get them, and therefore "Energy will be used to trade for goods and services within the game as usual."

whoa ce prices going up. I just bought 19kce (too poor for 20k)
inb4 OOO adds CR sink
e.g. "Guild Upkeep will now be 5x the normal price!"
This is awesomer than I thought. I'm gonna stay and manipulate dat market, spam arcade runs, and Feed my Drakon some ECTO DROPS :D

people roll using CE?
"1 Contri small action figure."

3 orbs. Different * orbs for each * of gear, but always 3.
I agree that danger rooms costing ce doesn't feel right anymore. Obvious fix being branching paths, where the party has to choose between two party buttons to progress.
As for the other gated rooms, in most all cases there shouldn't have been an energy cost in the first place. The one exception being...Jelly Farm 2, I think, which should be made into a danger room.
I suppose danger rooms could be removed entirely as they will be somewhat redundant with the upcoming difficult modes, but I'd rather they stay. Best part about the CWs imo.
Happy with most of the suggested changes, although I really don't get the logic behind forcing players to pick up all loot. If OOO is trying to prevent parties from splitting up, wouldn't it be better accomplished with level design? Forcing it afterwards with this mechanic feels artificial and hacky. I know people have suggested this was introduced to address players dragging alts through levels, but that is very uncommon, much too small an issue to warrant such a big change. Only thing that makes sense is if OOO is planning on redesigning the few not-linear levels( /modules) of the game and have simply failed to mention it.
If you look at it this way you can infinitly grind cr and ce is not used for a lot meaning ce is going to be bedrock bottom and. theys new crafting itmes forgot the name will be more exspensive if they are as rare as shadow steel not that rare but if lots are need it will be also feller after thks update everypne is going to be extremly rich while you play ld +1 ld new rooms or turrets popping in random locations
from your dps neighbour dope

My own dissection on the announcement.
Battle Sprites - "Each player will initially be able to retain, via a new mission, one battle sprite for use in combat. Later on, you will have the option to add others."
I don't want to marry my pet, so I'm hoping that 'later on' does not mean next year. If it takes too long for this to happen then I think the lesson learned with energy crafting/experimentation will have been ignored.
Difficulty Modes - "Battle Sprites are being added to the game in part to introduce more variety, and they will also have an impact on the degree of difficulty in the game. To balance this..."
Neat, but the description assumes we are all going to become pet enthusiasts. As long as the game does not fall into a 'use your pet or else' trap then this sounds interesting.
Energy System Changes - "...much-maligned energy system..." O.o
Incredible, the administration finally acknowledged what everyone had said all along. This could be more important than the change itself!
"It turns out that providing energy to players in greater or lesser amounts does not encourage them to try out different weapons and gear, something we have always believed was a core part of the Spiral Knights experience."
It turns out? ORLY? A crafting system that can bankrupt your chance to play the game today conflicts with the freedom to craft and play with anything you wish, who'da thunk it.
Orbs of Alchemy for Crafting - "Orbs exist for each star level in the game (save for 0 star)"
Neat. Except that 5 different orbs seems excessive. Presumably the point of this rather than just 1 kind of orb its to keep higher star crafting expensive. I don't really want to be carrying around a stack of 1 star orbs either so I guess we'll just wait and see how this turns out in practice.
Sparks of Life for Reviving -
Neat, assuming we can stockpile them. I always believed the old exponential system was just a blatant money grab, sane people would just abort their mission and try again later once they passed the second revive mark.
The mix of orbs and sparks together could perhaps be used as a method of energy price control; if the system detects the price is too high or low then the drop rates could change dynamically. The Iron lockbox drop rate obviously relies on feedback so why not.
Fire Crystals for Equipment Leveling - "influence on the success", "likelihood that the gear gains special bonuses"
I don't understand this at all, it could have been explained a bit better. Wait and see I guess.
I sort of don't mind the failing chance for upgrades. It gives the game more of a challenge. I'm super excited about the Seraphynx though, I've been in need of a medic many times in the clockworks.
Thx for answering,seriously.
I was worried about the loot system because of the way i thought it would be!
Now,im calm.
Thank you.

There is infact one thing i am worried about with this update. I use CE for trading on Steam and TF2, this update could affect the prices of items for CE as it will have less use. Refined Metal can be at most 250-400 CE but this update could change that to the better or worse.
Oh and by the way, not related to SK but i don't do the stupid idle stuff for drops on TF2. I play it normal, although i spend most of my time on MVM and Slender Fortress then normal gameplay.

First, this is a very welcome change - the community has needed a reboot for a year now, but now I have a whole heap of questions:
Why wasn't there a Black Kat event during the Steam Summer sale? It seemed quite obvious that we needed a community event for that.
Are we getting Steam Cards at any point?
Are we getting new achievements with the new difficulty system?
Are veteran players going to receive limited edition gear to celebrate the change. (Think Beta suits or Lionheart sets, but more like a celebration token)
How is this going to affect energy promotions?

Players can no longer idle for weapons in TF2 as of the 17th of July, meaning refined metal is harder to obtain now. Players must actively play in order to receive drops. So there's going to be less refined metal floating around.

Yeah, forgot about that. But still, this update can affect the prices of Steam and TF2 items. (and DOTA2 as well but i haven't got around to play it yet)

What about those with elevator passes or previously bought them in the past? Do they receive something special?

It definitely will affect the prices. TF2 dictates the economy of all the other Steam related games.
Without idling, refined metal is harder to obtain and should be more valuable.
CR on the other hand, will be flowing through the streets like water.
No one really knows how CE will be utilized from now on, so there's no telling what the ratio of: $1.00 to ??? CE is going to be.
Keys, Earbuds and Bill's Hats are the most stable form of currency among the games.
Keys always hold their value. Earbuds and Bill's Hats have proven that they always go up in value or rebound in value.
Now that the value of CE and CR are so uncertain, i expect things to be shaken up. Hopefully, it doesn't make trading for games with SK currency impossible.

I hope so, there are still games out there i want that i couldn't get during the summer sale. I wanted Star Wars: Empire At War the most but it was only 33% off the whole sale and still £10.
Its going to be around 10kcr per 100ce i doubt any one would pay more but their again trinket and weapon slots are
valuble to ld players they would pay anything to have a health damage ctr or speed advanatge
Seems a lot of players are assuming CE won't really be needed for crafting anymore. I don't understand this. Weren't all these proposed changes not supposed to affect the average energy cost of their respective mechanics?

With the number of changes their making, there WILL be a change in the prices.
Regardless of how the developers intend. I think its an honourable thing that they're doing though, this risky business.

"Seems a lot of players are assuming CE won't really be needed for crafting anymore."
Orbs of alchemy will be dropped by monsters so...
I can't say it won't be needed at all, but a change is expected.

I'm sure i'm not the only one confused by this:
"Orbs of Alchemy can be found as loot drops as you play in the Clockworks, and will be used instead of energy for crafting."
"Will be used instead..." almost implies that it's a replacement for CE. The language isn't very clear.

Escentially, it'll be a test of a player's patience and luck. Farm long enough and you won't need energy.

I'm curious about what they mean by extended downtime. Do they mean 6 to 8 hours, a day, 2 days? What can we expect to see in the upcoming update as to how long we would have to wait until the servers are fully updated to the new system?

I like the new patch but I'm still really curious why removing health revives and adding an auto-revive was deemed necessary.
Perhaps we'll see for ourselves when the patch is up, but in the meantime I would hugely appreciate someone elaborating on this.
This is all very fascinating, but will danger rooms still cost energy?
I know it's just 3CE, but the thought of having to spend non-renewable energy on danger rooms feels wrong.
You can repeat it as much as you want, but it won't get answered any quicker: developers answer questions when they can, no sooner, no later.
If anything it's covered in the first post where they stated they're still working on workarounds for the current systems.