Discussion thread for upcoming patch

I agree. Lockdown is the only thing that keeps end-game players here.
They need to expand it or risk losing tons of end-game players.

Not true, I am still here and I don't do PVP at all. I am mostly here for CE as I use it for trading on Steam. But with this update, things could turn for the better or worse.

And I'm here mostly because of friends I made in this game, I don't even like LD... Though my friends are also leaving due to lack of new content, so it's been some time since I actually played, my hopes are that this update will bring them or my enthusiasm in exploring the game with strangers back.

My guild mate said there's rumors about missions being "One-time-only-and-you-can't-repeat-them-as-long-as-you-shall-live". I can think of a lot of reasons on how that will go wrong, and it actually made me quite scared. Is what I just said going to be part of the update?

This thread has been quite a breeding ground of insight, opinion, and those that flat out loathe this update beyond a shadow of a doubt. Only thing to do now for most is to wait for what is to come.
THIS CHAPTER IS COMMING TO A CLOSE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L04DCCfirvk

So, because the elevators are free, we can get rich in the past 3 days? BECAUSE we can play unlimited levels! You can keep doing RT, JK or FSC all over again till you become rich??? you also don't need Ce for crafting? which makes us save more of our crowns, i personally think when the update comes, CE will be useless !
That doesn't make any sense. What about OCH? How would you be expected to get enough mats to craft the mask? And HoH? It would be a pretty tough decision to progress beyond it and give up all those recipes. And then there is unique content like The Gauntlet that is only accessible as a mission. And what about prestige missions?
What you heard is complete rubbish. It's just that some people think that getting rid of repeatable missions will stop people from grinding FSC. I'm not really sure how people come to that conclusion, but the argument does pop up every now and again.

Oh, i'm afraid that the Battle Sprites will be quite operational when this update arrives.

Now I'm just waiting for Nick to tell us that The Core is being developed and will open soon, and we'll get to see the fate of the Recon Team and if the Spiral Knights ever repair the Skylark and return home.
Cmon Nick, we're all waiting.
a question for admin will there ever be more missions that include entering the core or returning to the skylark

can you make, that heat amplifiers also increase the effect of fire crystals?. meaning that using a heat amplifier with min (max) fire crystals, you have a 100% chnce of succcessfully level up, and even a higher chance for a bonus?
That would make thma more valuable, than right now.
Exactly. I can see where the prioritizing of gaining new players rather than keeping old ones comes from, but that means OOO is outright after money over userbase. They've long proved they care little for what the community wants, but this is just depressing.
Paving the way for new content? More like paving the way for fixing all the problems this update brings about. You don't think there won't be problems, right?
I'm not good with words, but OOO have been a massive letdown throughout the development course, and here's to prove: http://pastebin.com/7Rid4vFP
Can't wait for all the hur hur u dont lik gam then dont play it n00b

Gear-Storm wrote: "At best, it looks like it's made shadow lair levels more affordable for F2P players."
How, when before it was health revives aplenty, plus maybe 4x 10 mist revives if it went really bad (1x every party member, taking turns when everyone's down), at worst a 20ce per player added to that? Now it's going to be 50ce from the 2nd death on, per player.
Gear-Storm wrote: "It adds an extra level of inconvenience for existing end-game,"
Just curious: Which is that?
Gear-Storm wrote: "End-game players have all-explored this game and are just pounding vanaduke for the crown/energy efficiency."
Don't blame play style of individual players on the game. I only go there on special occasions, every few months, if that.
Main reason I'm not going monster beating all that much lately is because I'm doing other stuff and/or the friends I'm ususally playing with are doing other stuff. (One ran off to real life! ;P )
We'd play what takes our fancy, some mission, or Basil run for recipes.
When elevator fee goes, I could see about joining random people, no worries about wasting mist! (Not that I worried much about it before, with friends.)
Though I figure the crowns I slowly saved up over time are going to lose quite some value. Hm. Oh well.
LD? Not playing much myself. And with GvG, whenever we get a 6th player (alt of a friend), one drops out for real life reasons. Equipping new ones with 3* stuff is going to be tough in the future, I guess, what with no more alts crafting them what they'd like.
On the other hand, without mist well, I could think about letting the strangers join that wander in and ask about it. (Wonder how many still will do when mist well is gone.)
Atacii wrote: "How would you be expected to get enough mats to craft the mask?"
Thanks for reminding me to craft 3* and 5* before update. I have 3 materials for each, but would have prefered an extra so I have 1 of each in my inventory. (So far I only have 1* mask.)
Anyone up to joining me on trying to get the materials for collection purposes after the update? Mind, I'm the worst player ever, so it's likely going to be many restarts. (Ohh, easy difficulty, here I come!)
(Hm, should we really chat like this in this feedback thread? I wouldn't want to produce noise for the ones the feedback is for.)

Oooh, a thought hit me:
If mist well's gone, we don't need Guild Doors anymore (which screwed up Guild Hall joining), do we?
So could you please fix the joining friend/guild mate in Guild Hall so it's back to how it is in Haven; you end up next to them?
/me excited at the prospect.
how long is the game going down for!!!!!!!!!?????????????

today, a few minutes. tomorrow, I guess half an hour or more.

Screw Snipes, gimme Scarabs and Gourdlings, following me around Guild Hall and Haven. They're cute. With BwwwwwwwPropeller sound!
Also, mini-Trojan on wheels on a string (like those toys...). Preferably with a random "Dash-forward, WHAM" animation.

vincent, as I said again in this thread, they said aiming for the second half, and then nick said early this week, so it's tomorrow. I had time (2 days) to get over it, you just wait a bit.

Much as I like the idea of elevator cost and mist going away, I'd rather have those than letting this game turn into grindfest like every other FTP game out there. Also not crazy about having to rely on dropped items for crafting/leveling as it means OOO can change the drop rate when they feel like people aren't paying enough money for items that will undoubtedly be in the store.
"I'd rather have those"
You are the reason we can't have nice things.

Wohohoho, all hands, brace for BUGs!
My mind cant even comprehend how many bugs there might be with this large update, there is so much to screw up and according to Murphy's Laws, it will happen.

You know I'm going straight for the invariably bugged roarmulus twins. I like to hunt them when they're bugged because the devs tell me not to.

I don't think everyone realizes the implications of the elevator change. It means it's much less efficient to kill every enemy on every floor. Parties should be skipping things, such as all of the non-required enemies in the first floor of FSC.
Also, the revive change is being overreacted to. You get 1 free revive *per floor.* You also get free revives from random item drops. You will probably get at least 2 free revives per floor which is plenty for an aggressive playstyle of a reasonably decent player.
Is the main problem. Energy, okay I'm fine with that, but... jeez...
Removing health revs make selfish people more selfish.

"It means it's much less efficient to kill every enemy on every floor."
"You also get free revives from random item drops."
To be or not to be.
Skipping those enemies means you're skipping potential sparks or orbs. They will be worth the time for some.
is it being updated now? it says game update o_o

That's what nick said last week and this is the last day of the first half of the week :/

yes you can. you must click on your battle sprite and then select "rename" :)

if it was a reboot it would say that the servers are being rebooted for maintenance. this is a game update. looks like its coming out today

I'm anxiously waiting for this thing, i want to see how screwed the game will end...

It said at 1:30 EST "The game will shut down in 90 minutes for a game update."
Battle Sprites after I tried them out in the Test Server. I did not graduate from elementary school to start playing Neopets again. Reserving further opinion when the game opens up again.

Reserved for poking Little-Juances, and for feedback
I hope there is more to come, since upon first glance; it appears that CE has lost almost all value. Sure, it's there for you to buy your way a shortcut to that item you want, but it's no longer *NECESSARY* as it was pre-patch. Some may complain that they don't want to spend money to get it, but the fact remains that you never had to actually spend real money. Others would spend money to bring it into the economy; which had some logical sense at certain points; in which you could trade your crowns for crystal energy. I understand that there was an attempt at fair compensation for those of us who had items which were energy-related, but the value of the compensation fell pitifully short. As it stands, it looks like anyone who has spent money to support the game has been abandoned.

Please move any further discussion about the new release to the appropriate thread. Thanks!
@Thunder-Jury: Probably the best point to be made here--all of the changes here are simply gimmick and/or mechanic changes that only affect new players or those who never completed the missions.
This update does nothing to add real content--like additional strategic boss fights, actual puzzles to solve in the dungeons. Unless you are really excited about those switch activated gates/spikes or statues and pressure pads.
At best, it looks like it's made shadow lair levels more affordable for F2P players. But that's not adding more content, just more affordable existing content.
Even with the addition of battle sprites, revamp of energy system, and so on, the core experience is exactly the same: same level designs, same group of mobs you've seen before, chugging away to collect crowns and mats. It adds an extra level of inconvenience for existing end-game, Tier 3 players, and only benefits new players because the experience is all brand new to them and doesn't limit their exploration. End-game players have all-explored this game and are just pounding vanaduke for the crown/energy efficiency.
The only thing left for end-game players is PVP, and the slowdown in forging/leveling equips makes rolling for UVs probably more efficient than crafting for them. But I have a feeling nothing has been added to improve Lockdown: no tournament mode, no 1v1 dueling, no infinite battle. Yet these are things people go out of their way to set up with the current system, with workarounds and offline agreements to not capture points.
We're organizing duels in a capture-the-flag game, for crying out loud.
It looks like this is all in an attempt to increase retention and interest in new players. Most common reason I see people quit (from people I know) was from the mist system: they had the attention and desire to play more, but after doing 3-4 missions and not being able to sink their teeth more into the game, they diverted their attention elsewhere and it became a huge nuisance. Sprites are their way of appealing to the monster-collection craze a la pokemon.
It is most likely possible they took this all into consideration: factoring in losing the core, long time players (by adding few benefits to them) in exchange for new blood, which makes sense: newer players are more likely to spend money on this game than those who've already played everything the game has to offer already.
Because if you're primarily doing Vana runs now, you'll probably still be doing them after the patch. Nothing has incentivized you to play other levels or "explore" other than to escape the regular grind.
But perhaps on a more optimistic note, these changes (to some degree) were necessary to pave the way for more content related changes. To add a more interesting PvE experience after all missions are completed, and maybe new lockdown modes/maps/krogmo coin prizes. (Wouldn't it be nice to be able to trade Krogmo Coin for Orbs of Alchemy/Fire Crystals?)