Discussion thread for upcoming patch

397 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Mystrian

Apparently everyone reads:
'OMG INFINITE ELEVATORS' and stops reading.

I been thinking that if you keep grinding long enough that you will eventually have an overflow of spark of life/Fire crystals . And that will make for really high prices (if these things do go in the Auction House) Then complaints will be flooding the forums that "the cr cost is too (insert words here) high"

I was too lazy in my last post to say what I actually thought.

Imagen de Apace
hey ooo,i really like the

hey ooo,

i really like the new energy system and i appreciate all your hard work. i was nearly going to become inactive from the game but this update really changes things (good things!)

a big thank you!

also i heard the news late but congratz cherub on your baby boy =D

Imagen de Orbwanter

I just realized that Orbs/Sparks/Crystals have the potential to make Treasure Vaults a lot more lucrative than they used to be.

Ppl asking about OOO profits


They will never answer that.. Have to be dumb to ask that, for sure they know how to squeeze money from p2p, specially if they are doing all the changes on purpose.

Upgrade da colliseum!!!!!!!!

Imagen de Glacies

Huh, my post was removed. Interesting.

Sorry if I was too brutal about it I guess. Still, consider delaying the update so the community can discuss about it before applying such a major-core mechanic change.

Imagen de Altairio
My 2 Cents.

I'm guessing health share revives are still in place. :D I'm glad, I don't want that gone. If they are gone I sure didn't read about it in the Note from Nick. Also, can we get an idea of how we will get paid back for items involving mist, because I still have over a month left on my elepass. :/ I don't want to waste my $6, I could be using it to buy Sparks and such and things for my Drakon. I am pretty impressed with the upcoming update, besides my health share revive concerns. Also another question: I read awhile back we will be able to costumize our Sprites, could I get some details to how we will do it? Will it work like the Knight creation, with color changing and eye changing and maybe add like a bowtie or something to our sprites? Also will Sprites have emotes as well, so they are actually like a pet. :D I am so excited that I am asking 50,000 questions!

Imagen de Klockworx

Totally blew me away with this news, suddenly all the stuff on the test server that everyone has been complaining about now makes sense.

Although you didn't have to hide it behind our backs the entire time. Still, i am definitely looking forward to the endless amount of playtime i can do with no elevator costs.

But like everyone else, what will elevator passes, mist energy, etc be turned into to placate the players who have them already? I'm curious.

Other than that, i can definitely see some more players coming back to this game now.

Once more unto the breach my fellow Spiral Knights!

Imagen de Canozo

"Upgrade da colliseum!!!!!!!!"

Imagen de Mayaura
No more mist?!?

Wow, that really caught me by surprise. I still vividly recall the excitement and frustration of wating for my mist to refill each day (hour, minute) in my first several weeks of playing Spiral Knights.

I trust that the people who created this game know far more than me about how to improve it and make it profitable, but I have a few concerns.

First, a strong desire to play more was one of the two huge factors that caused me to buy CE with real world money so that I could have second account to play on. (The other main factor was for crafting higher * gear - I couldn't wait.) So SK is forgoing a major incentive for new players to purchase CE.

Second, not wanting my mist to go to waste was a big incentive to play the game every day. I don't know whether or not that translates into people spending more money on the game, but intuitively, I'd guess it would.

I also have a few praises.

First, we no longer have to consider whether playing a mission or level is "worth it" in terms of earning enough crowns etc. to outweigh the 10 me/ce it cost to play, and that's a very good thing. It always makes me feel a little sad for people who refer to playing the game a "grind" or "work."

Second, I'm happy to hear that you will reward all of us who have mist wells, elevator passes and other various mist-dependent items that will be rendered useless. I hope the compensation is something cool even if it's not of exactly equal value,

Finally, a few questions.

Since elevators are free, I assume tabbing a other players is out, yes? What else is out?

Reviving other players while yourself are dead? No reason to since each rev is 50 ce, but will it even be possible?

Could you give the less far-sighted amongst us like myself a fair amount of warning about what other things will have their value diminished or enhanced by the changes ahead?

Thank for the most cute and fun game on the web!

Edit: Please post in English, as this is the English language forum. Thank you.


I just sold all of my CE and bought a bunch of mats....
Now that was totally useless

Other than that, the market's going to be completely destroyed, but I think OOO will be able to fix all the bells and whistles of the change sooner or later...

I am somewhat reluctant to see the changes, but i hope they get everything changed and improved as quick as possible.

Imagen de Soulnfinity
@Cometblazer: yes, it was

@Cometblazer: yes, it was stated in the patch notes that the health share revive will be taken out of the system:

Currently in the game, you use either health or energy directly to revive yourself or your teammates. (...) [T]his system will be replaced.

On the economy side of the game, I want to say, before anyone quits, that we really don't have any idea on how the market is going to change. True, the crown will be worth less than it did (unless more crown sinks are put in place) and will impact anything that is bought with it (materials, recipes in AH, and especially CE.)

However, the worth of the materials and recipes should be relatively the same if the devs implement it correctly since the demand of these resources should go down with the very introduction of free elevator runs. Probably.

Now, onto CE market.
The question of the day: how easy/hard will it be to get AO's (alchemy orbs) and how much CE will you have to pay for it?
This is a major determining factor of the future economy of CE since (in my experience) CE was used primarily to craft gear.

Imagen de Chainguy
Since OOO has told us this,

Since OOO has told us this, the CE prices have skyrocketed to insane levels. It's 8.9Kcr the last time i saw it and still going up.

This is gonna crash the market for sure.

Imagen de Heroia
Team Revives & Other Items

My major questions are
Will we still be able to help our fellow knights up? I love the idea of giving half health to a teamate to make sure they pull through. The new revive system seems cool, but I want the team revives to stay! It won't make anymore sense to have teammates then. All it would do is make you have to split up the materials and stuff. Lets keep the TEAMWORK!

Why are you getting rid of the group effort of grabbing stuff. I understand with crafting supplies, but why not make it like tokens or hearts?? What I totally do not understand is why do this with crowns/heat, just why? I loved the fact that this game was basically impossible with out a team you can rely on. That you knew your group could grab the stuff for everyone even when you would be downed. Now this update is sort of going to ruin it.

Plus I think it would be nice to keep the mist tanks for simple revives, cause I know we will all miss our mist tanks.

A concerned knight

Imagen de Silverdeoxys
Since OOO has told us this,

Since OOO has told us this, the CE prices have skyrocketed to insane levels. It's 8.9Kcr the last time i saw it and still going up.

It's not their fault; lemme explain once again.

A random troll decided to lol around with the market and posted a 40,000 crown deal for CE (I'm one of the only eyewitnesses). Then suddenly about 20 more people followed suit. It stayed like this for about 3 minutes and it was never the same. :/

Imagen de Abatheguy
Questions of science and progress...

1. This "Spark of Life" is already a 5* material used to create high-end shock-themed gear. Will the material be renam...

2. Many have asked this already:
We use 3 Energy to open each Danger Room, but also any energy gate (with prize boxes and sometimes monsters beyond).
But also we sometimes use 5 Energy to activate a friendly mecha knight or a stationary mecha turret.
Will these four particulars within the clockworks have any change in their costs to open or use them?

3. When a new "Spark of Life" or an "Orb of Alchemy" is picked up, does every player in the party earn one (like Tokens), or does it go to a random person in the party (like Materials), or does it only go to the person that picked it up (like a shoving match)?

4. The flat rate of 50 energy to revive without Sparks seems extreme, depending on the Spark's individual cost at a Supply Depot. And Supply Depots can be accessed at anytime via the Mission Interface (after completing an early mission). (I think.) So is there a reason for this high flat rate and a reason to even use it at least once?

5. The new difficulty settings should be very interesting, but I'm looking for what degree will these settings yield. Assuming the current, ordinary clockworks and mission runs have a "normal" difficulty, there will likely be harder settings, but will there be easier settings compared to the normal?
As Arcades are mentioned, will Shadow Lairs be affected by these new difficulty settings? (A Shadow FSC run on the hardest setting: the run to end all runs.)

Thanks! Overall, this new overhaul should be intriguing.

Imagen de Misten
Some predictions on how 3ring

Some predictions on how 3ring is going to earn money.

The drop rate of Orbs of Alchemy, Sparks of Life and Fire Crystals and whatever the thing that help level battle sprite will going to be quite low.

All these would be sold on supply depot. Income will mainly come from the selling of these items. (Selling convenience)

Imagen de Jiker

I always thought limited playtime was a good thing, forcing the player to stop playing and do something useful, like mowing the lawn or finishing homework. Removing the limit creates more addicts. This also reduces the demand for the new "energy" because it is not needed to play the game. It also functions as a reason for parents to allow this game to be played because of the limit. The orbs of alchemy dropping randomly will finally allow me to get to 5 stars.

Imagen de Coatrack
So, since mist is getting removed...

With this new update comes a question, will every player who has no CE be forced to buy CE right off the bat, or will players be given a small amount of "starter CE" to help them? Since I can see some new players getting really messed up in some of the earlier levels with the fact it will be hard to get 8k+ crowns for 100CE, meaning it could lead to people rage quitting if they have nothing to fall back onto after they use their free rev.

Rare recipe, price is going to CHANGE!

Since no more energy is required for elevator, a knight will never be worrying wasting energy running arcade getting some "not so popular" recipe from Basil.
Some recipe like Divine Avenger, Argent peacemaker and BTB
Getting a cheap DA recipe will never be so easy...

idk, will there be recipe anyway? ==||

Imagen de Canozo
My point of view on this update:

Since Spiral Knights got released on Steam, I got a lot of friends, actually maybe my whole friend list, to play it with me. Literally ALL of them gave up on the game, since they couldnt play because of the energy system. I would play a couple levels to get some more money and advance a little, and when my friends got online, I couldnt play with them since I had no energy, same happened when I had energy and I wanted to play with them. Neither I or my friends would buy CE with $$$ or crowns, since I thought it would be a bad investment on buying energy to play more. Id rather just wait, but my friends werent as patient and gave up on the game.

Now ive called two old friends (One of them barely got a 5* weapon, the other one gave up at 4*) to start new accounts with me and play, they both agreed. I think that a lot of people will grab Spiral Knights back now that they can play/farm whenever they want, and for any time they want. Lets not forget that this are possible supporters for the game in terms of buying energy with $$$, and I guess OOO would make a couple changes and give Energy more uses to encourage people to spend money on it.

Lets be honest, most of the big spenders in this game (including myself) buy energy to buy UV'd gear or costumes. Naturally, if a someone plays Spiral Knights long enough, at some point will get interest on either UV'd gear or Fancy costumes, and therefore buy energy.

My question is, what changes will OOO do so energy does not turn useless for both, expirienced and new players?

Imagen de Fehzor

What Canozo said with his friends and all of them leaving happened to me also. I invited a ridiculous number of people, and they all left because of the energy system. I don't know why I stayed to be honest. Oh yeah, because I liked the cute icons rofl. Well, and the other art. But mostly the icons were just so perfect.

Imagen de Dummymummy
pls don't eliminate Mist&CE - and with it the story + teamwork

Health sharing rev is a great part of this game to PROMOTE team play.

I've been playing for 18+month and I know a lot of people and also made many friends. We enjoy the game together and yes part of that is helping each other out. Doing missions together - challenging ourselves and each other. I can see a big impact the "no health sharing" rev will have in that regard. Even the mist tank in the guild hall that allows the guild access makes for a great tool to share and help each other.

to quote Amnimonus: (and i couldn't put it any better):

Also it feels like a large part of the spiral knight story will be lost mainly concerning the concept of "energy", what about the knight at the core that says "he just needs a mist tank" what about that knight that describes to you what mist energy is? Crystal energy's name even had meaning and story in which it is mined in the depth of the the clock works. Does that mean we have to use sparks of life in the Lock Down and blast net work? I kinda like the fact that I could bribe krogmo with my mist and that I could revive at least once or twice with a low cost.

Aside from that energy won't feel like energy any more it will literally be currency. With what we know so far mist energy exist in the air and is emitted from the core and it crystallizes in certain areas thus how both energy's got there names. It's the existence of these two why the spiral order is interested in the core. With these changes some of the story based on energy won't make sense. If energy is changed from that way it won't make sense for it to be called energy.

Right now what can energy do?
You can power elevator's, you can power mecha-knights, you can revive your self with it, you can bring down locked doors, forge weapons and gear, and you can even trade it when it's in a solid "CRYSTAL" state.
How do we get it?
A Knight can actually collect energy in its mist stated from the air, 1 unit every 13 minutes, and a knight can hold up to 100 units in their body's. This amount of energy is enough to perform most of the action stated above multiple times.
If a large amount of energy is need at one single moment additional energy can be purchased in a crystal state that can be preserve indefinably, thus is more valued than mist energy. (end of quote)

I personally love the idea of giving half my health to a teammate to make sure they pull through. PLEASE I want the team revives to stay! It won't make sense anymore to have teammates then. Lets keep the TEAMWORK!

Don't get rid of the Mist and CE system as it is now. Add the pets by all means ! They will enrich the game but don't change the whole story of the game and with it the whole feel.

Imagen de Gravelord-Caste
Laughter is the countdown to devastation

I don't know what to say about this update, to be honest, except that I thought the sparks were supposed to be implemented in the update.

Imagen de Curious-Mewkat

I don't know about this new energy system, seems flawed in reasoning. Unlimited play is something very controversial and can cause a lot of currency to come in all of a sudden, considering you don't even need to revive anymore. Fluctuations in inflation rates will begin to overwhelm the economy. Unless there is still proper or even a better, enhanced energy system to manage the eating of energy, I don't really understand why remove mist energy completely.

It feels like it's back to those modern mmorpgs, where we have in game currency and the pay-to-play currency. Now instead of paying energy to play, where will the energy go to?

Maybe we should just experiment a bit, check the way the economy is handled for a week, 2 maybe. If the economy can settle itself, then there is no obligation for change.


it feels like i just wrote an entire code section
well i hope this post isnt redacted for links, length, references or w.e possible reason considering all the time i spent reading and writing /sigh*

and forgive me quoting/linking mistakes i checked and corrected everything that looked weird(except for the entire post of course)

#17 Goldeneman
#18 Chainguy
"OOO, please for the love of trojan make missions not repeatable. I would like to go back to the Arcade."
#107 Firepegasus:
"Missions,make them non repeatable."

what is it with ppl and repeatable missions o.O'

#19 Notgreatpig:
"It's like going on a ship, hanging on, with some people dropping out of it, and more getting on, into a new world, for everyone."

picturing that is hillarious xD

#25 Autofire:
"There is one issue, though: With the new heat system, it's no longer required that you bind something to you in order to fully level it, as well as craft it up! I'm asking...will it bind when you put heat on it still or will we be able to make fresh unbound 5*s out of the box?"
#97 Goofio:
"Is weapon unbinding going to stay the same (require energy, same price, and so on)?"

thats interesting
while i would love to have freely tradable items(YES pls Q.Q), i cant help but wonder how energy is going to be put to use, once even unbinding necessity is taken lol(altho it could be limited to boss items)
maybe energy will be used only for shadow lairs o.O? so curious about the prices n how everything will turn out


#27 Dukeplatypus:
"So, uh... how do you guys make any money from all this? Since Energy and DLC look like the only purchasables, and you can avoid Energy entirely now?"
#116 Grimranger:
"Well, I assume it will die faster. How will they make money? It's not like anyone is going to buy CE, unless they buy it to use on the Supply Depot."

im a bit worried about that too, but i think there are a ton of options and a ton of p2p players
in that regard the purchase limit is really disturbing, especially having in mind, that it might have a moral reason and who would want to say something against that

#90 Glacies entire post

all valid points, but ive read somewhere in the past, that theyve made alot of money off sk
if thats true in any way whatsoever, then they have probably accumulated everything necessary to take an experimental step
not that i have any idea about sk's business model or any financial data or necessities to keep a game running, blablaetc., but im rather optimistic in this regard

#30 Agentz:
"Cons: Update will take six bajillion years to update (jk)."
#109 Anar-Bor:
"How long exactly will this update take like time wise. 1hour? 100billion hours?"

hah if something goes wrong with patching, therell be sooooooo many players available to fill the rage pot xD xD

#35 Lordofnecromancers:
"HEYYYYYY, but that means I can finally go for a Dauntless Delver :D"

about time, huh o.O?

#36 Doctorspacebar:
"What I'm wondering is why Three Rings didn't tell us about this on the Test Server! It would have been nice to know before we all saw "no more health sharing," applied it to the present system, and freaked the [REDACTED] out."
#102 Shotjeer:
"Although this was never mentioned in the Testing Feedback forum."

i feel trolled xD, but now im getting what they meant with bigger change ._.

#37 Xtweeterx:
"Plus, the thing that bugs me the most is that everyone won't be getting everyone's crowns now (as in it used to be 1 person finds 10 crowns and everyone gets 10 crowns). It really, REALLY kills playing in parties and endorses soloing."
#94 Thunder-The-Bright - 1st part regarding partys

i think that will not be as big of a deal now that there are no elevator fees anymore
in games ppl typically farm solo, because its logical to get more that way
sk had a unique system of shared loot, but i think the downside of elevator fees was alot bigger
and, in the interest of the update in making the players gather many items, people can focus more on tank builds and combine them with their skills instead of just relying on skills alone

#41 Orangeo:
"I'm honestly too confused by all the change to be critical of this update. OOO might have done that on purpose. Good move I say, good move."


"Regarding how we are handling mist tanks, wells, etc., we haven't posted the details because we haven't fully finalized them. We thought it was definitely worth noting in the announcement that we were thinking about and addressing that issue, though, even if we couldn't spell out exactly how yet."

which means..ur open to suggestions regarding that compensation o_o?
or is the almost "fully finalized" meant literally?
if its still in the 1st stages, then some players could contribute greatly, because they will know best, what degree of compensation they would want for their loss
just mentioning an option

#54 Shadownox:
"Of course, like Kilpik, said, I'm glad people won't be pressured into farming FSC."

despite that id still love some sort of noise reduction in that place lol

#63 Guardian-Ceal:
"I really like this. Doing Dauntless Delver on the hardest difficulty, anybody?"

omg no @.@ unless there is any extra achievement for that <.<

"This is one part I don't like looking at it. The chance of failing is what REALLY gets me though. That's just...silly."

but it also means, that were encouraged to use more fire crystals and get special bonuses :D

#79 Dirigible:
"Worst Case Scenario . . .
Energy Market goes through the roof to the point where no one can do anything anymore, and Orbs of Alchemy are as rare as equipment drops."


#81 Dmatter:
"There would be an easy fix for that: just make it so, no matter what, you can't join during bosses. Even if friends.
ouch. i have good memories of awesome friends helping me out as newb :s
and sometimes ppl inv me. i was actually looking forward to being able to join anywhere for free, which is the major benefit of elevator passes and of this update
"Oh, and the orbs of alch probably will be rare enough that it's reasonable to just use money to buy energy for them, so no need to worry about OOO. (People were worrying about that right? I'm pretty sure they were...)"

but in the details they say:
"As you play, you will find over time that you have more orbs than you need for the upgrade of your initial choice of weapons, and that you have the resources to build a broader arsenal of gear."

#83 Amaki:
"Most developers would call this a sequel."

that sounds quite funny, but thinking about the impact on the market, im starting to feel like this could really be some sort of "sequel" o.o

#86 Jackaline:
"But I wonder, given that OOO is willing to go this far, could that also mean OOO might reconsider its stance with the DLC, like its asiatic counterpart/subsidiary?"

personally, i hate dlcs in all games, but sk's dlcs look pretty f2p friendly, theyre tradable on steam and farming money for them is being made easier with this update(not in terms of value, but we can farm as much and whenever we want now)

#93 Amnimonus:
"Personally I though that tier 1 should be free of cost, tier 2 and tier 3 should cost 5 energy and mission should cost 10 to be replayed. With this boss type gear would cost more tokens to balance it out the fact that bosses could be fought more often."

i like that idea, but it would only work with balanced drops and sk utterly sucks at balancing drops(lol)

#94 Thunder-The-Bright:

giant post..the edits display fact and truth but as a reader id prefer more..uhh..readability xD..sort of
feel free to write as u please, but giant text takes long time to write and thus it should be kept readible and easy to refer to..or add a tldr summary xD
the nodes could be named after their titles for easy reference for example

#101 Spiralheavy - in regards to the entire post

we will get over the changes xD

#103 Blade-Of-Grass:
"So uh how's this going to affect those of us who don't die in player versus environment? Are you saying we could play FOREVER?"

therll be difficulty modes! and other hard places i guess?.../e stealthily sends ingame friend request.

#104 Amnimonus

lol@sparks of life in ld

to everybody mentioning danger rooms/energy gates: maybe they will become some sort of abandoned area like those separated places in some jelly lvls, that just didnt get enough attention xD

#106 Taeloh:
"Spiral Knights needs steam cards. That would attract a lot of new people and cause people who have tried SK once and given up to give the game a second chance."

+1 i endorse every idea to make former players give the game a 2nd chance after were through with the update and done refining it
and just in case - i dont know what a steam card is, am just promoting for the sake of increasing playerbase

#10"But, but, the economy- and, but-"
#14"HAIL OOO !!!"
#55 xD
#78"If you leave the party, we remember everything: death, current health and emergency revive status.**Also the name of your firstborn."
#92"I totally agree with "#90.
#112"glacies just did that for me (+1 bro)"
#117"Waiting to try this crap to see if its A, good or B, well, crap."
Tantarian"Wise words of patch review Whoa."

wth did i just write, no im not going to include the new entries!

well, ive read through, and geesh, that took a while
/e drops dead.
no wait i got a better one
/e leaves thread for life.
wait, wait, ok last 1
/e tosses a watermelon at thread.

*if u think this post is lengthy and inappropriate, dont even get me started on ur update <.<'''''

Imagen de Niichi

I have to wonder if there will be any cooldown in loot dropping with no elevator costs. At the moment players can grind FSC and essentially make unlimited profits (time permitting) or grind anything with an ele pass, but at least the former restricted you to replaying the same level set over and the latter required real money.

If loot just keeps dropping as normal no matter how much in obtained in a single time period then that might hurt the energy market but we'll see. The idea of not being restricted by energy for play time does sound exciting otherwise, as do some of these other updates.

Heating items (fire crystals)

Everything in the update seems fine to me , im really looking forward to it . the battle sprites have a total of 100 lvl's and it will take a while getting there so there will definitely be way more exploring and work to do in SK , as for the mist removal and others ... it is true that its compensated for the free floor levels , at this rate newbies who are trying SK for the first time wont just quit and stop playing once they dont have MIST to do runs . they will be more interested in playing and finding out about what the whole game really is . but in my opinion i only find the fire crystals... that are used to lvl up your gear to the next level... a pain.. especially when u have to get a certain amount just to make ur gear level up . it would be unfair to the other players . etc. players who just joined and want to craft new weapons... current players even those who are vanguards... with high prestige or whatsoever ... it will be way harder for them to get gear from now on ... because usually we only need 2 full vana runs to make gear reach lvl10 , but now it seems like u not only need 2 full runs u might even need 10... or even more which of course dosent sound very nice...when FSC(firestorm citadel) gives the most heat and profit . why not make new bosses ?? new T3 bosses that are like vanaduke which are repeatable , so at least players dont get bored of it... no one would want to keep doing vanaduke for the rest of their lives.. like seriously ... one day u will eventually get bored. so in my opinion , everything is balanced . just that i think the way players heat gear is fine already . theres not a need to add such things inside like fire crystals and whatsoever ... especially when theres a chance of it failing too ... u need a total of 104 fire crystals(5*) if im not wrong. just to make ur 5* weapon go from lvl 9 - lvl 10 and 50 crystals already cost like 700ce . so 104 is like 1400ce and with that amount of CE i can craft like a 3* or 4* item with it . so im really hoping the fire crystals will be changed into something esle ... not really gonna be very excited about that .

i hope three rings OOO takes this into consideration

Imagen de Onekone
> what is it with ppl and

> what is it with ppl and repeatable missions o.O'

Blame "King of Ashes" with 7-8kcr+tokens of profit for 50 energy and 30 minutes
Lack of lift cost will make that there no means to stop people grinding it for money, which will SKY-ROCKET prices on CE

On topic of update - no, just no

Fire emblems (which are not even universial by the way, seriously?), _no health revives_ which kills all reasons to adventure with party (why bother with them if revive will cost money anyway?), no-knockback no-delay free revive (if I dead, I'm usually surrounded, I want push 'em back a little) which also replaces lift 3HP revive (again, seriously?), freaking expensive extra lives (10ce was more or less OK, but 50? And 20 for bulk of 10s? Seriously?) - it kills the mood alright. I actually now regret wasting 10$ I spend to get in test server.

Edit: Oh, and apparently info gathered during survey either ignored, lost or rebalance will be last-minute stealth patch. So yeah. No

Also, little note, angry questions are constructive feedback too

Fire Crystals will be used to level up gear when you max out heat on it. There 5? of them and each one level up gear based on star rating.

Imagen de Feyi-Feyi
Commence the last days of ragecrafting!

Every time I take the time to write something on these big changes it makes me feel
like I'm shouting at a wall demanding answers.

Here's my 3 cents (3; cuz big spender).

This will make the game more accessible. Which also will mean NOOBS, HOARDS OF NOOBS.
This will mess the economy up so badly Wall street uses it as a training video.
This is yet another case of OOO-communication..

Come on guys, I love you but not again. Didn't you learn from last time?
If you implement a big change give us ALL the information. Fire crystals? Vog knows what they'll do atm..
Don't like the 'we'll make it work in the months coming' approach either. Do you remember the rage after you tried that with the UI?


Imagen de Everlas
squirrels in meh pants !

Lol the only thing I'm concerned about is how is 000 going make money .

I think this update is a

I think this update is a bummer...

I understand the tough part about energy on noobs, and ppl just grinding the best priced dive for their ce buck... But what will be the balancing factor for ce now? Prices will be on the endless rise. I'm concerned I won't be able to craft things anymore. I ran 3 accounts to craft using mist and ce together to push out 3* items that newer players liked to buy. Instantly the advantage of having multiple accounts is cut off. Might as well mail everything back to my main. Prolly won't ever craft again for noobs b/c no noob can farm the 100k+ it's going to cost for me to craft a 200 ce item for them :\

I highly doubt we'll see ppl playing in more diverse areas. It's still going to be an equation of how fast you can accumulate cr. If you spend 1 hr and make 14k cr in fsc, why would you spend 1 hour in a traditional arcade dive to make only 6k? Especially considering you're going to want to craft and ce prices are likely to exceed 50k/100ce. The problem is that the rewards in fsc are simply too high! Add some extra prize boxes in the standard levels to where they aren't so poor and we'll see ppl play there too.

What is exactly will be the use for CE now??

So in the announcement you said that energy is no longer used for the elevator and also that you have to use an item as part of the alchemy process. What does that mean for CE? Will CE still be used in the alchemy process or is it just a useless commodity that has no real use in the game world other than to trade??? Would it be wise of me to sell my CE now while I can still get CR out of it? An item that does nothing in game won't really be worth it.

Imagen de Sketchturner
CE usage and Fire crystals

Ce will be used for Weapon/Trinket slots - sparks of Life - Orbs of Alchemy, it'll be more of a convinence buy now, over the some what neccessary buy from be, again, this is how i under stand it

Fire Crystals, as I pointed out previously this is how I understood it, the bonus they mention is double level, but what other bonuses could their really be other than UVs? if you can think of some, great, list them, I honestly can't.

Imagen de Mickmane
My rambling thoughts.

I figure the no more health revive will take a lot of fun out of the game for me. The Laurel and Hardy style of play of my only active (non-alt-of-friend) guild member and myself usually went: "Haha, I'm dead, again." Now it'll be: "Sigh, let's start over."
I can't see how an automatic first revive will be anything more than an irritation. (I guess it could add humour to the slapstyle play, hm.)

On the other hand, we can start again, try differences of the difficulty levels. A bit like the suggestion I made a while back with "The Fifth Gate"; go where you want, as long as you want. It's just the first level of missions now (or what's in the arcade), and maybe continuing if it's a nice level next.
(I like the thought of free elevators. I guess you have to counter it somehow, oh well.)

Basil runs might get a bit expensive though. (Unless you run through ignoring monsters as far as possible.)

Last night in bed I was thinking. Hm. Danger missions aren't repeatable. But someone else can open them and invite you to go again. So, I could open them with Dude (my alt, he's Vanguard), even come along with him for 1 aliby elevator, send him ahead to kill as much as he can while waiting at the start, then leave and go with myself.
Well, I need help in even the one danger mission I dare (C42), but others with skill could use their alts that way, doubling amounts of deaths they can have... I guess I'm just saying people will always find a way around what you try to prevent...

On that line, free elevators doesn't mean people will stop going where they get most crowns for their investment (time in this case). I guess (C)E price will skyrocket to Jupiter and beyond. Just look at what happened over night. (Would be funny if it dropped down really fast with something unexpected coming in the update.) But I couldn't be bothered to be bothered anymore (last time?) it hit over 9k. I'll see what I can do without buying any with crowns. (Haha, test play! ;P)
Though I want to point out that grinding is the player's choice, always has been. There's no need to rush, the climb IS the game. (All those folks complaining that some trailer said no grinding, well, don't blame the game for your play style.)

I feel sorry for all the people that paid to get an alt (or more) with independent mist. I know that the unexpected Steam gift of OCH from a friend was the best and most useful gift I did get (and I got a lot of unexpected gifts, no idea why, I never asked for them).

Good thing I did all the SL recently. A few mist revives, and if any ce ones, they were far less than 50ce each trip. Unbinding the snarby coats to sell is what hit a hole in that pocket. (I guess stuff like that is part of the reason for the equipment limit. I'm actually not bothered by that, though.)

Talking about limits. Why not just prevent people from joining missions they are not eligible to (re-)play? With free elevators, I expect the KoA lobby beggars will just never stop now if they can still be invited beyond their rank. Previously their mist limited them. Now they can just go back to Haven and beg again to be taken there.

I don't know why some people clamour to have missions not replayable. Maybe they weren't around pre-missions, and aren't aware that people (with pass) ran ahead (ignoring monsters as far as possible) to Basil to invite friends for boss runs anyway. Missions just got rid of something that was rather tedious for those nice people doing the running. Now without elevator fee, that'd be even easier to do. (I actually pleaded with the people inviting me to FSC Basil to please do Stratum 5 with me once, as I hadn't seen it so far.)
Not that missions ever felt like Missions, you know, a Quest to do something important. Just railroading through mostly familiar levels, same stuff as in clockwork, with the one grand blessing of Hall of Heroes.

On a last thought, the main thing that kept me coming on each day was to not let the mist go to waste. Didn't actually do much monster fighting lately, and those last days even got a bit negligent on the mist. I hope that will change though.

And I like that you get more (drops) if you play more (monster levels). Makes perfect sense to me.

Hm, yet another thought. The instanced loot I read about on the preview forum is fine by me. I'm already yelling at people to not run off, playing alone is boring. Only places where I do split up: Snarby in the place where on the right side my guild member has a thing about removing all blocks (I don't care, so I leave him to it and go to the puppies and zombies on the left); JK sometimes, reluctantly (where I'd prefer right so people don't hit the switch before I've cleared the place off plants); and on the rare occassions I go to FSC, I know the sprite level invites for splitting up. But that one level isn't the whole game, and I wouldn't take it as the one reason to not have to gather your own loot.

Oh, nearly forgot: Battle Sprites? (Did you really think things through with the name? First time I read BS as abbreviation to that I wasn't thinking 'Battle Sprites', and got confused.) I'm one of those not thrilled expecting them. Kind of anti-ambivalent; I have no thoughts at all on the subject. (Besides not wanting something that has orange/red/purple on it.)
I am looking forward to new levels that I read will be played for them, though. I really like the new and shiny Compound levels as something different.

Anyway, thanks for the work. I hope it all turns out enjoyable, and more fun than ever. :)

I forgot to mention: I don't get the Fire Crystal thing at all.

It just occured to me: What about Crown fee to enter a deeper Tier in Clockwork without having progress there yet?

Imagen de Kabraneel
Free Elevator ?!! = Very Bad

Free Elevator ?!! = Very Bad Idea (Cries)
I hope this Update is good enough which can prevent me from Quitting .

Imagen de Theoncomingfire
What Happens to Mist Wells?

Question: What Happens to Guild Mist Wells if Mist Energy is going? And people who have bought Elevator passes quite recently, do they get Refunds xD

Imagen de Nubskills
Oooh Battle Sprites and Difficulty and OHGODYES FREE ELEVATORS

Seems like a very sensitive update, with potential for fantastic improvements or ye olde downrocketing with its implications. While I can't exactly judge most of the update without the details released, the removal of elevator costs sounds very pleasing as a standalone change without taking the economy into account. SK felt more of a chore with its elevator costs, encouraging players to repeatedly prioritise profitable stages with set daily time frames the majority of the time, which seemed less fitting for a game of its genre and unique qualities. I'm definitely looking forward to this update provided that it doesn't turn crafting into more of a chore. In summary, OMGGGG YEEEEEESSS FREEDOM WITH CLOCKWORKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one11

Imagen de Statistician
Statistician for Hire

So what is the point of me buying CE, or anyone for that matter plus you don't have elevator passes to buy anymore? Is your revenue this grand to forgo the pay-to-play experience? To me it sounds like a terrible business decision; therefore, I would like to offer my services as a financial analyst. My compensation is expected to be $70,000-$80,000 USD. I think I could help increase your revenue to battle your operating expenses, because right now it doesn't seem like you have the right person now.

Imagen de Iamnoone
@Theoncomingfire"And people

"And people who have bought Elevator passes quite recently, do they get Refunds xD"

Edit: From the announcement post "To that end, we will be implementing ways to give people an appropriate value for items such as mist wells, mist tanks, and elevator passes, which are being replaced under this new system."

Imagen de Shovelheadmcgee

I'm very disappointed at the lack of female shovels in this update.

Imagen de Celach

I think I'm going to love this patch. Almost entirely for economy reasons.

The economy sucks as it is right now for newer players. I've been playing this game since around the time it first came out (gg cross-promotion with TF2 hat) and back then, like someone stated in this thread earlier, the energy-crown conversion rate in the market was about 100:3000. Then it steadily rose to 100:5000, around which time I lost interest in the game and stopped playing (not because of energy). I started playing again this month with a friend of mine who was completely new to it. As I explained the energy system to her, she replied to me something to the effect of "okay so I have to buy more energy so we can play more levels", not yet understanding how cumbersome the energy requirements for crafting were.

Crafting is expensive. Assuming you get a 2* item outright, without crafting (making overall costs less, to illustrate my point that even then, its expensive), it will cost 1400 energy and 8500 crowns to craft it to a 5*, plus the 39000 crowns for the 3*, 4*, and 5* recipes. Converted to crowns, that 1400 energy (at last weeks rate of ~7400 crowns per 100 energy) would cost 103600 crowns, for a total of 151100 crowns spent on upgrading single item from 2* to 5*. So for a helmet, armor, shield, sword, and gun/bomb, 5 equips, it would cost 755500 crowns.

There are threads here where people ask what missions yield the most crowns on average, and the most frequent response I've seen was doing the Firestorm Citadel. So what's a newbie with 1*-2* gear supposed to do, with only enough energy for 10 elevators every day? If you start from the arcade and do tier 1 straight through a clockwork terminal in tier 2, that's 10 non-free elevators, and if you do some with arenas and danger rooms, you'll get about 7500 crowns from that run (I normally get about 10,500 crowns for doing tier 1 and 2 completely). At that rate it would take 100 days to get the crowns you need for full 5* equipment. This in turn has created an extremely larger amount of "beggars" than I remember when the game first was released. Hmm, I wonder why...

This past week since I've returned to the game, I've almost exclusively seem other players that have a rank of defender elite or higher. To people established in the game already it's totally fine and dandy. In fact, they're the ones who caused energy prices to triple in the 2 years since the game started. This patch is so obviously aimed at them and realigning the market, so it's interesting to see so many people complain that it will change the economy. I was talking to my friend on steam and said it like this:

Celach: its great when people cant put two and two together
Celach: the game sucks for newcomers because of the economy
Celach: so three rings wants to change the economy
Celach: and the people who have been rigging/ruining the economy say "but the economy!"

I'm sure there are people who have friends or even themselves who are new to the game and still managed to get 5* gear more rapidly, without spending money on an elevator pass or energy, but that's just anecdotal. There is no "I did it so everyone can do it." Accessibility is a pivotal aspect of every game, particularly free-to-play ones. Its not about a handful of people being able to rise up and beat the odds. The odds shouldn't be that stacked against you in the first place.

tl;dr this is awesome hail three rings

Imagen de Lordrayko
Kinda Scared for this....

Im kinda scared for this update it could make or break SK. Im hoping people will like it because i quit for a while after reaching 5* and being bored outta my mind doing Danger Missions.(-_-) Hopefully everyone will come back and it becomes as social as it was when i was a noob.

Imagen de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

There is still team reviving! When you travel on to the next level, the person gets revived. This is a plus of being a party, right? I doubt that alll the people will kick dead people who don't revive themselves.

Imagen de Mystrian

This will for (maybe) make players think twice before they spam "i neeeeeeeeeed rev PLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

"Hopefully everyone will come back and it becomes as social as it was when i was a noob."

With all the alts it's kinda confusing. Feels like i'm the only "one-account one-knight" player left. I even get the occasional "you is da nub at player versus environment" comment.

Imagen de Sundeiru

When you travel on to the next level, the person gets revived.

This represents an interesting shift in how the game will be played. Now if most of the party dies, it would fall to the remaining players to high-tail it out of there, especially in areas like the Compounds. Also, I can see players jumping ship on death now, as they won't be receiving any crowns if they aren't fighting, if I understand the update correctly.

Imagen de Mystrian

"Also, I can see players jumping ship on death now, as they won't be receiving any crowns if they aren't fighting"

But what if one knight is Away From Keyboard and out of range of enemies? (Behind a barrier)


Kiddos worried about profits....


I'm quite sure they OOO have a good bussines plan. Why buy CE... What if in 2 weeks we need some crap else and CE is not the main???

Simple !!!!!

Crap pack!!!

10 crap
1 snipe hat
1 Contri small action figure.

Some of you really need to " turn the brain "on"".

Imagen de Drestroy

This is GREAT i was not looking forward to the update but the arcade will be alive again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Imagen de Krakob

This is all very fascinating, but will danger rooms still cost energy?

I know it's just 3CE, but the thought of having to spend non-renewable energy on danger rooms feels wrong.

Imagen de Shotjeer
At Autofire

That's at the end of the level. You only come out with 3 hearts, so it T3, you still might get one shotted. Bummer.

I think the plan now is to buy all the CE that you can. Don't wait for prices to go up. Just buy it all now with all your crowns. You'll get an endless supply of crowns later.