You got Swag!

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Quaquonfaes

I just got the U got swag mail in the test server and it seems to be missing A LOT of items that it should have contained, apparently it is supposed to have ALL the rewards vanguards should have gotten from the doing their already completed missions right? Well I tried to see if it was doing that and I saw that a lot of items are missing, for example it contains 16 sparks, but the total sparks you collect are over 20, I want to know if this will get fixed or stay that way, if I said something incorrect feel free to correct me.

Imagen de Narfle
They never said it was

They never said it was supposed to be compensation from back missions. Perhaps another player said they thought that's what it was, but OOO hasn't said that. Also, did we really need another thread on top of the other 'you've got swag' thread?

[EDIT: Ah, I see. Well, if the numbers don't match up, that might mean it's bugged. Otherwise, again, maybe not meant to be a 1 to 1 replacement for back mission rewards.]

Imagen de Quaquonfaes

But then wouldn't that be unfair? I know that receiving 50 sparks of life may seem a little overpowered, but I at least if not given free, I want to have the same rewards as new players, even by fighting for them.(for example redoing all the missions from the start.)

Imagen de Narfle

If it's really meant as compensation for back mission rewards, and for some reason it's not delivering the right number of items, then yes, that is definitely unfair (and probably a bug). When I said, "Otherwise, again, maybe not meant to be a 1 to 1 replacement for back mission rewards," I should have been more clear: I just mean that maybe it's not compensation for back mission rewards after all, and there is some other mechanism we don't know about yet that determines how many items you get.

Imagen de Quaquonfaes

I hope you are right, but I also hope that someone from the team would clarify this Swag mail.

Imagen de Owlert
Vanguards in the testing

Vanguards in the testing server currently do not have every single mission completely. A newly created character in testing will have only 2 missions completed: Should You Choose to Accept and Reporting for Duty. These rewards consisted of 10 Cracked Fire Crystals, 5 Dim Fire Crystals, and 5 Sparks of Life. This is why the current "You Got Swag" message only contains the rewards from these two missions.

On testing, you can do the other missions, and you will receive the appropriate rewards. Basically, don't worry about the real server. I'm sure Vanguards will get the fat stack of rewards from all the missions they've already completed. The abnormality with testing is that the player does not need to unlock missions-not that they have completed all the missions.

Imagen de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!


Looks at Puzzle Pirates

I think these guys have an influence! xD

Could we have a PP promo some day?