
249 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Iamnoone

This thread is ours. It has our names on it. XD

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace

First Reply.
I like Bastet. XD

I repeated something twice. Oh dear.. I am panicking.. I noticed that my body and mind has been expressing emotions that I don't feel at the time. I just don't know why exactly. Randomly, I tend to let tears out, look nervous or scared like a girl, show a depressed or unhappy looking face, or something that makes look demented, scary, and intimidating. I also have been seeing random flashes of lightning when I enter specific places. I can only see it and it blinds me for a few seconds. I also imagined one of my friends were in the room when they weren't there at all. Am I going crazy, having bad luck, becoming delusional, thinking too much, feeling scared, or confused?

So, nobody's around? D:
Nuu... I knew it this would happen. >x<
But everyone will be back when the day comes, especially me. So don't feel lonely, I'm always here talking to ya, okay?

A new ability? That's cool but I think I have my own way to do that. Apparently, some people know me. Even though I never seen or talked to them. So yeah, I'm kinda famous in some ways. XP

/hugs you so hard until you give me a cookie. :3

Imagen de Iamnoone
/me smiles. I'm glad you like

/me smiles. I'm glad you like it.
Do we have a winner?

You're not delusional, just scared in a new place, doing new things. :/
Dang, that sounds scarey to me.

I haven't been around as much either. Doing all those runs before the update wore me out.

/me gets a chocolate chip cookie. Makes cookie monster's face on the cookie with icing.
/me hands the cookie to Ace and hugs before he knows I did it.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
The winner is Bastet~!

Yup. :D

IKR, it is very random and strange. I get this feeling to search for something but it has no value in the present, not yet anyway. I don't know where or what it is.

Thanks for the cookie! :3
/shares half of the cookie with and nibbles on the other half. /thinks, "Cookie monster tastes good~ >3<"

How are you now? Anything happened lately? Anybody from the guild that is familiar came on? How's Pat and Snow? BTW what is your battle sprite and what did you name it? Is the system with battle sprites easy or complicated? I remember you mentioning that you had to buy heat now, how does that work? Does the heat you bought make your gear one level up or just barely? I think the way the GM of OOO will develop a better and creative system to re-attract previous players and new ones.
/hugs you until the sun disappears over the horizon.

Imagen de Iamnoone
Pat and Snow are well. When

Pat and Snow are well. When we can't find Snow, we know to look in the freezer. I haven't talked to the others for the most part but I haven't been on much either. I never got a sprite. I'm resisting it. If I did get one, you have the one I would have gotten and named it what I would have. You have mine. :D
Heat, you do runs, and as far as I can tell, runs reward far less heat. Then you forge it with flames things you find in boxes on runs... but it can fail...sighs. I want my game back.

I'm doing well. My vacation/vanishing act ended today. They succeeded in squeezing me out of my crack. I needed to make it until next Monday. :/
I hope the state and a judge understand why I pick up a chainsaw today and use it. :D

/hugs you like tree huggers trying to save trees from my chainsaw.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
I knew it all along. :)

You did tell me exactly what you wanted for a battle sprite and its name. I thought all this time if I was to take care of it for you too. XD If you plan to get one, get and name it exactly what you told me, okay? I would like you to have a battle sprite that you cherish because it is adopted from your very heart.
~On the other hand, I will have to think of something better for a name! XD I wanted to get a battle sprite from your decision for what type(Seraphynx). I got a name... Puress (pronounced Pure-ess). Like it?

Snow... I told him not to make trouble with you and Pat before I left... Sorry about all the missing meat. He has a limitless stomach like mine. Ever since I got to India, I eat 2-4 times more than I did in America and my body can digest it really fast.. I'm sorta like some characters I know in TV shows to eat so much and be healthy but I don't exercise much nor gain weight: Goku, Gohan, Natsu, Naruto and, Luffy.
~These characters can eat a lot of food very fast. I guess Snow is like me. :O [Wow..]
I still get stomach aches though since I'm not quite used to the food here and its preparations.

I inquired about the how the heat works on the wiki page and it sounds awesome! However, you are right about one thing. Players need to forge it to make it go up another level is just ridiculous. The rate of success is poor and chances are that the player will waste fire crystals. I think there should be at least a 50% chance of success so it doesn't seemed rigged. However, the positive side to this enables players to get valuable perks and gifts. I believe that the chance of success should be a minimum to at least 50% chance so leveling up doesn't seem to be rigged.

Monday, hmm.. Yeah nobody likes that day because of work or school. If we got rid of it, then nobody will like Tuesdays. XP
Chainsaw..? :o Like Jason? I once dressed up like Jason for scaring kids at school when I was in 8th grade. It was supposed to be a haunted house and the 8th graders were supposed to scare them but not frighten them (scare them until they cry). My group accidentally did and we called it off for those kids and quickly removed our masks. I cried behind the mask because, I was part of the cause of why those children did. I still feel sad about it when I think about it today.
Don't push yourself in things you can't handle, like me! I do it to force my potential to reveal itself or see how far I can go. I normally over do it and fail miserably.. I think that is one of the reasons I lack self-confidence.. I can never go reach or seem to go beyond others.. My false confidence, hope, belief, and will helped me this far in life. Now.. I guess it is up to my confidence to push me for the final act. I am still scared to do it though. I guess you're right Noon.. I guess I was always scared to fail and more importantly to succeed.. Why..? What is wrong with me..? /cry

/hugs you like my very life depends on it. The only ironic thing is, it really does depend on you. ..O^O..

Imagen de Iamnoone
/me giggles, you kid

/me giggles, you kid scarer.
That's funny. The chainsaw, for cutting down trees. The next time you ask me how things are going...the story of my life.
I've was planning this one for awhile. Trees are growing up the side of the house intertwined in the rain spouts, a flood light and electric wires. Easy tree grows up, cut it, it falls down, no problem. Except, one of the trees is 25 to 30 feet tall with another house 12 feet away on the other side. It can only fall 2 ways or it's going through a house. So I plan the cut to make it fall in the direction I want while cutting right on a wall. The tree top goes down. The bottom swings up, perfect balance and in class Looney Tune style. The tree is now somehow absolutely horizontal under the light and it's power supply and against the wall but not falling. I stand there looking at it, 12 feet high or so, feeling like the coyote. I'm wondering why the tree isn't adhering to the laws of physics. Wondering how the f I'm going to get it down and wondering if it's now electrified. I see a vine hanging from it's trunk. I jump to pull on the vine hoping I don't get fried when I touch it. I jump and before I can grab the vine...laws of physics apply. The tree comes down and I'm going up under it. :/
Now, I know how Wild E. Coyote feels.

I feel so scammed using the forge machine. I feel like I'm handing money over to a scam artist. I wonder how OOO's is ever going to sell ce now. Eventually they will realism with the millions of free runs they have doomed us to grind for heat, we will now have ample crns to buy ce. Then it occurs to me, the forge, it's a perfect place to force us to watch those commercials other sites call watching movies for site currency. We can watch them during the long forging process.

Snow is no trouble at all. We hunt on the farm and kill gremlins on Cradle. Plus Porky is a never-ending supply of the finest pork/bacon products. And Snow is so good for the plants and produce. Everything is always ready for harvest.

I never try to do things I can't handle. I'm a classic perfectionist. If there's no hope for me to make things perfect or do them perfectly, I'm not touching them with a 10 foot pole. They don't exist. I'll ignore them, eventually never seeing them. They'll go away and not need to be touched :D

I hope you get used to the food soon. That has to make studying hard. I hope you're doing well.

Everyone gets scared. It's our mind's way of self-defense. Without it, people would be climbing builds and jumping off the all the time. People would walk around naked, amusement parks would go out of business and horror movies would sell no tickets.

Hugs you like the child hugging his mother, right after the doctor pulled out a needle from the drawer saying, "it won't hurt much."

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
The story of my life.. scares children alright.

To be like Wild E. Coyote sounds funny and cool(Wild E. Coyote = Super Genius = You), but the time when physics decided to squish you doesn't seem fair.. I hope you are alright. However, it sounds like you made or time itself has halted for that moment. I never heard of the law of physics to be broken. Then again tell it to the bees. >3>

The forge machine sounds under classed and more unfair compared to the previous system with ce and elevator charges. Good thing I tried to max out the levels of my equipment before I left. Unfortunately, the arcane salamander suit hasn't even begun to heat (and so goes for the few swords, guns, bombs, etc.)

That's great to hear that Snow is doing well and he's helping out. Where does Porky get his meat from. It sounds like he is a cannibal to slaughter his own kind. XP

True, people will do the craziest things in the world and humans would never exist because of it.

Since I have a Steam account but don't have it installed, I always go on it and find you, Pat, and Grub sometimes on. Yesterday, I saw that Pat and Grub were playing Spiral Knights. I'm not quite sure about you though. I tried to check ways to contact you three but I need Steam installed to chat, send messages, and at least get my email verified.

/hugs you like Genie, right when he sees Aladdin and Jasmine from his long vacation around the world.

Imagen de Iamnoone
/me smilesThanks. I wish

/me smiles
Thanks. I wish everyone else thought that. But there is a big advantage to being under-estimated. ;)
Yes, I'm fine, just a few scratches. It didn't seem to fall as fast as it should have. I just pushed it past me, to the front.

I was hating the sounds of everything to do with this update before it happened. I expected horrible, rotten things from it. I wasn't disappointed. I found things to hate I wasn't expecting. But I also knew I could find surprises. The forge, the scam artist, (the guy who tells you he is your best friend until you give him a twenty dollar bill and he turns and runs), I think I actually like this the best. Yes, he's a thief but more to OOO's than to the user. He allowes people to run, craft and play for free. He dropped the market price of ce. He guarantees the grounding halt of cash sales in-game. OOO's quickly realized this, after-fact, and had to manipulate the market. He brought about the sale prices on things like the halo. Now, for the small price of $9.95, you too can own this once highly prized, over-priced and rare item. Soon, everyone will have one and it's value and price will fall on the ah and become obtainable with a few free grinds and no cash. Bravo OOO's, who does not understand the principle of "cause and effect" or ever consider it in the planning phases of projects. :D
People can now play this game all day long if they want to and have to if they hope to advance and craft things to advance. F2P players got what they wanted. But OOO's, they now need to think profits. They need advertising, right on the center of the forge while forging but they need to slow down the forging processing time so the user has time to watch the commercial. xD
That's prime advertise space.

"Where does Porky get his pork from?" He's made of pork.

I don't what to say about steam. I tried but I can't find you. I don't sign onto SK through Steam. You need a new laptop. You're in India, get a part-time out-sourced American phone bank job. They could use English speaking people that Americans can understand. You'll be good at it.

Time to tease you. I crafted all my 3 and 4*'s into 5's and many of the 2*'s too before the update. When they became 5, I stopped using them and went to the next one. Now, instead of forging the 5's when heated, I put them aside for another unheated 5. At this rate of slowed heat gain, I'm good for a year or two. I did heat and forge to check it out but I don't have to use it. :)

Hugs you like a polar bear hugs an ice block at Sea World in Florida on a hot summer day.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace

If you're on now, I'll be on Steam for the next 2 hours because I need my sleep (Even though I can go without sleep for days like a zombie, I think the effects of all the zombie bites are mutating my genetics into a restless-super human. -.O?)

You're welcome~ I always thought you were smart anyway. Like the... for my brothers.. XD
/pulls out the duct tape and puts it away

I thought about the new system too. How is OOO going to profit in SK now? Oh wait! The lazy, impatient players will be drawn to buy flame crystals since the chance of success is poor and they require a lot. On the other hand, there is a chance for that idea to fail quickly.

Durn.. stop teasing me.. XD /thinks, "What a cruel joke.. JK"

I have to prepare for three tests this Saturday. IKR IT'S SATURDAY! One cruel joke played after another.. XD I'm studying but poorly.. I don't know, I just don't feel the spark that makes me happy about taking it.. [A spark of life won't cut it. XP]

I saw some of Grub's snapshots and I thought it was sweet of him to post one picture of me on the day I left. I made some of the snapshots my favorites so I can see them again. The one picture on "Where's Grub?" I found him pretty fast in the center of four people.

/hugs you like a strangler fig that doesn't kill you.

Imagen de Iamnoone
Flame crystals, hit the nail

Flame crystals, hit the nail on the head. The orbs used to craft will have to be purchased with ce or cash too. At first, the flames were falling out of all boxes like crazy. I just completed a mission and didn't see one on any of the three floors. No flames at all = no heat at all. They cut back on the rate of orb drops already, too. I went down in my new Valkyrie armor and helm this morning. It was the first time I ever used them. The mission completed level one but with 0 flames from the mission, there will be 0 forging done to be able to heat level 2. Valkyrie will never be used again. It is the 2 or 3 new 5* item, I won't using again for the same reason.
/me sighs
I only have all those now unheatable/unusable 5* items because I paid real cash for them. This is quickly starting to feel like thief by deception. I'll be talking to my lawyer on Tues. If we have time, I'll see what he says about this. Irregardless, I will never start on or pay for another OOO or Sega game again.

Grub's snapshots!?! I didn't know. But then again...I got no...They didn't...I'm close to leaving the guild. Pat's been taking me out of it for awhile now. Game, guild...I'm very close to just not signing on anymore.

Your brothers...
/me giggles
Dad gave me and my two older brothers another brother 12 years late. Let's just say we didn't want him and we let him know it. xD
I know how you feel having to take care of dad's kids.
After we had to take him with us all the time, dad would pay him to tattletale on us. :?
He may have been tied to fire hydrants. XD

/wonders if I should...Ah, I can't resist.
/hugs you like a bulimic hugging a toilet.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
Fire Crystals..?

Crystals sound like a pain.. The orbs seems like a more complicated process, compared to simply the use of ce and mist.

If that's what happened to you with heating 5* gear, then I'm positive that I will have a hard time reaching the arcane's true power.. You're going to leave SK? I don't blame you, but I didn't expect this to happen any time soon.

Grub's snapshots? You never seen the before? :o Check his Steam page and you will find them.

What a great sister you turned out to be. XD Fire hydrants. Well, I always had problems with my brothers. Even when I was young, they always bother me but I never did anything back. That's why my parents always said I'm a good kid. However, I used to lie once in a while back then about tests and school like:
How did you get hurt? I slipped and hit a wall.

When it came to tests, I always tried to be honest about it:
How did you do on the test?
I don't know but I think I am going to get a 100% because it so easy! (A couple of days later, I realized I got a B...)

Don't take life as an enemy, there is always a good and bad side to everything. Even me, but nobody thinks I have a bad side. -3- BTW how's Cuquinha?

/hugs you like squirrel monkey hanging on his mother.

Imagen de Iamnoone
It is a more complicated

It is a more complicated process. Quitting, maybe maybe not. I'm not happy but I'm glad I did all that crafting pre-update. Now, I can just hangout and do what I want, when I want to do it without having to worry about anything.

I'll have to check out his screenshots. I don't think I ever did.

Cuquinha was on this morning when I was on. I didn't talk to her. She was playing ld. I was surprised she was on that early.

He was real bad, too. Daddy's baby does no wrong. I would pick him up by the ankles, hang him upside down and...I shouldn't tell you.
They knew what we were doing and they made us babysit him anyway.

/hugs you like a shoobie hugs a swim ring while running across the beach.

Imagen de Waffleconecake

-creeps into room and sits in the darkest corner-

Imagen de Shotjeer

WCC did it! He did something.

Imagen de Iamnoone
/me puts a chair in the

/me puts a chair in the corner and sits on it to hide WCC.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
Waffle~ Long time no see!

I always wondered where did Waffle go, because I stop seeing you on some of the forums that I went on. How are ya and do you like the update so far?

So Noon, he was a bad baby that acts innocent, right? Same goes for my littlest brother, I remember that all we had to do for getting in trouble was to tap, small push, or something small that has no effect on anything. If we tapped him, he would act like we sucker punched him and fly to the floor or wall and then starts crying. He was always a spoiled child. Before I left America, I tried to train him and make him a more smarter, stronger, and responsible kid. It was working. Since I had to leave for college, he is becoming more lazy and irresponsible because my first brother doesn't seem to care about how he acts anymore and gets angry if my littlest bro takes too long to learn something new or different.

You can do whatever ya want~! I was planning to do that too! I guess I can really rest once I stop going to college or trying to learn something for the next test. XL 23 years of my life going through school and college, what a drag. XD

You still haven't checked Grub's snapshots?? Come on.. >x<

I know that Cuquinha plays early. I once played with her for LD, I think. Why don't you just talk to her? She never ignores anyone. You won't bother her in any way I know of.

/hugs you like Sasquatch hugging a tree.

Imagen de Iamnoone
I've checked out Grub's

I've checked out Grub's snapshots.
/me giggles
I was creeping around inside of him while he slept. :P
That's cool that he did it. So um...how'd you get Melon to come out for it?

My bro didn't act innocent at all. He acted like a kid who's parents didn't want him and were dumping him on his siblings who didn't want him, didn't want to take care of him, who were activity resisting his existence and who hated him because his being guaranteed their parents would never get back together. Think more like this:
/comes home from school and gets milk and cookies before turning on cartoons.
"Don't forget you have to watch your brother when he gets home."
Bro comes home and stands in front of the tv.
Bro sticks out his tongue.
/me goes to sits him down.
/gets kicked in the stomach.
/grabs bros ankles, flips him upside down so he can't kick and beats his butt.
His mom or dad run to his defense. "Don't you dare touch him. He didn't do anything wrong." (If it's only his mom, let your father handle it who we know won't.)
/sits on the sofa after dinner to watch the Simpson's.
/gets hit in the back of the head with a lamp. Glass flies everywhere.
/runs down the hall after the punk.
/feels the wrath of dad's hand on the back of my neck. "You better go back to your mother's."
But...but...he did it. He broke a lamp over my head.
/gets drug to the truck and forced to go to mommy dearests house. :/

On the good days, there wasn't cartoons after school. "You have to go to XXXXX's school and pick him up from the principle's office or police station. He tried to shoot a teacher with his penis...pulled a gun on a fellow student...threatened to shoot a teacher...shot arrows at a fellow classmate during gym class...
/me sighs

I talk to Cuquinha if we're on together but I'm not bugging her with chat while she's in ld. You know me. If I'm fighting, I not reading what's in the chat box. I won't do that to her.

/hugs you like a blanky on a cold night.

Imagen de Doom-Xx
Go Maskeraith! Use Shadow

Go Maskeraith! Use Shadow Cloak!

*Sneaks up on Noone and Ace and secretly listens*

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace

Then he was just mislead.. Don't think of him as the worst bro, he's just lonely and lost.. You said that he felt like nobody wanted him there, right? If I was his older sibling, then I will always try to comfort him when he needs it and punish him when he deserves it. True, nobody likes a spoiled child but, as an older sibling, we have to train them and show them that we are always there for them. At times, they will tend to misbehave and we would lose control. However, always remember that they are younger than you and they don't know any better. We have to always behave like a friend, older sibling, and a hero they can look up to. That's how I trained my little brothers all these years since they were young. I did mention that my littlest bro would act innocent, but when I am in pain or suffering.. he is always there for me. Do you remember the control freak brother I told you about a few months ago? He always messes with me when I am not doing something right. He never had a proper way of saying it so, he used to either ignore, punch, smack, and whatever he felt like that expressed his thought or feeling about something. Since I figured out what does he mean through his actions, I either asked him about it or changed the flaw in my behavior that he thought was inappropriate. I always believed he was my brother and best friend.. my littlest brother denied it and thought he was the evilest among us three.. but I was right.

The only good days for me back then and still part of now is when my entire family has a smile on their face. If my family is happy for just one day, I would not even care what happens to me on that day. Their happiness is my strength, that is all that matters to me.

So you seen the snapshots right? I like them too! X3

I miss Cuquinha.. :( I was thinking about her for a couple of weeks now and some of my friends asked about what is my secret connection to the girl I met on SK. I responded by saying I can't explain.. I just don't have the right words to explain our relation. I wanted say that I love her but not sure exactly how to say it.. do you understand what I am trying to say..? Whenever I think about her, my heart begins to accelerate making me able to be more active and restless. I felt like Sonic the Hedgehog several times, thinking that I could run as fast the wind!?

:L /sniffs the air.. I.. smell.. DOOM!

/hugs you like a gummy bear that hugs another before they are eaten by the intelligent and almighty monkey, STEVE!

Imagen de Doom-Xx
*Uncloaks and summons

*Uncloaks and summons Endermen, then recloaks and gets away*

Imagen de Doom-Xx
Oh yeah, what's with the hugs

Oh yeah, what's with the hugs (just asking)

Imagen de Shotjeer


Imagen de Iamnoone
Your dad and brothers were

Your dad and brothers were lucky to have you. Yes, my little bro was lost and lonely. He was born into a family that didn't want him. It was one of those classic things. My parents separated and dad moved out. His divorced neighbor convinced him she couldn't get pregnant and that was why she was divorced. Dad never thought that maybe her husband was why she never got pregnant. 9 months later the unwanted one was born, quarantining dad's divorce and that his siblings would hate him forever. As time went on, him and I got closer as well as the 2nd eldest bro. The eldest, would eat that boy even today. And no, the little one wasn't the bad one. 2nd eldest will hold that forever. He was the one who convinced us the fire hydrant tying was a good way to take care of the rat while we were out doing what we were doing. That we would be in far less trouble doing that, when he ratted us out, then taking him with us.

Don't ever lose those feelings towards your family. I told you before what is currently going on in mine. Now you know some of the early dysfunction. My parents succeeded in totally obliterating the entire family. No one talks to each other at all even extended family. No one trusts each other. Worse victimization occurs within the family (usually by mother dearest) than from the outside world. My mother is directly responsible for my 2nd eldest's murder. I have a niece and a nephew I don't know and couldn't pick out of a crowd of 2. I think I've seen my son 3 times in the last year and a half. It won't be long before I can't pick him out of a crowd of 2 either. I have 1st and 2nd cousins I've never seen. Their parents will not bring their children anywhere near the family. They are afraid of losing them, too. If it wasn't for my friends on SK and some other games sites, I would have spent Easter and the last 2 Christmases alone. You know I got the local pizza place to make me a double filled cheese steak the night before Thanksgiving for my turkey dinner that I didn't cook and ate while playing SK. My family sucks and my strength comes from going on and having to survive alone.

Yes, I know exactly what you mean about Cuquinha. I think you just found the right words to explain it. Do you still talk to her?

/doesn't smell the air knowing doom is in the air.
Doom-Xx, you smell. Go take a shower. xD

/me takes Shotjeer's pancakes.
Want some, Ace?

/hugs you like a greedy child hugs a toy in the toy store.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
Thanks Noon, I will never forget my family...

I care about my family and will do anything for them. My parents divorced (technically) seven years ago. My biological "mom" is the main reason my brothers, father, and I struggle today. My Dad was no fortune teller to see the future and what will happen to my brothers and I but, he had an elaborate plan to educate us very well and ways to fund our college tuition before we were ever born (our Dad explained to us this plan when I was around 8, I think). My mother today, she does anything she could to help or make us more responsible and smarter. She would say no to the things we don't need because it will spoil our life and say yes to the things that we need daily or in the near future. Thanks to her, I have an older sister that is one year older than me and cares for my brothers and me. She is a nice and very smart sister, VERY SMART! My brothers and I couldn't even try to compete with her knowledge. We noticed that but we rarely find ways to improve ours. XD I like my sister, she is like my first brother but smarter and much nicer. However, I fail to be a caring bro to her because I am too shy and scared to even touch her. I guess I am acting like this because my brothers always said, "Don't touch me." or "Get away from me." so many times because of their unusual behavior for sanity, even though their closets and rooms didn't come close to being considered as neat. Now, they behave more friendlier to me and still carry a bit of that behavior. In other words, I consider it them saying to give them some space or something. They now cherish a bit of who I am and my feelings for them. They are still disrespectful to me at times because of my innocence by saying things that I don't know about or something. Other than that, they are good brothers. I will always try to keep them together.

The 2nd eldest bro was known as the "bad one"? lol I can say the same for my first brother. We were always told not to play game on weekdays or something and he was the one that gave the idea to play when our Dad wasn't around. Sometimes he played more than us and we couldn't do anything about it, he was always stronger than us, I'm too shy and polite to ask, and we couldn't tell our father that he wasn't sharing because we would get in trouble anyway. Today, I still am shy but he will be nice to me when I ask politely or if I never got the chance to play.

Don't worry Noon, you will never be lonely when I'm around~! Besides, I somehow got the talent to get a swarm of friends really fast. O.o [Lol. Yes, I control the swarm now~ I have the power..]

I wanna talk to her. >3< That's why I have been asking you, all this time, to check on her. She didn't get my email address because she had to leave on the last level of the SL run, that I planned for her. :( I didn't get the chance to kiss her goodbye, say farewell, or even give her my email. I learned the feeling of love because of her. She is very important to me.

Today's exam, I was really frustrated with it when I finished. I memorized almost everything that we had to cover by heart, studied 2 days earlier than anyone in my class, and still got the only chance to score a 50!? It was the LAST 2 questions that dropped my score to a 50!? I haven't received the results yet but based on the value of all the questions, I can safely assume that my highest score possible is a 50.............. I feel so angry right now.. I answered 14 other questions that just got me half of what I needed. The last 2 were to describe a method and process, I didn't have clear memory of the functions so I couldn't even make up an answer. Grrr.. My father thinks I am lying that I study hard because he says any normal person with my capabilities and practice could complete that test easy. He knows that I am smarter than average and still I score a 50 for a max score? He thinks that I am a pathetic liar. Before I told him, I thought that I should just say I didn't study enough. Then again, I wanted be honest and wanted advice to make sure I get better the next time but my Dad just simply called me a liar.

You are also right about that I need to play game sometime.. My friends say that I listen to music too much and watch too many videos. I think it is because games get rid of my boredom and SK, in specific, trains and keeps my personality intact. I tend to show very unknown behaviors lately. One day, I am like talking out loud and obnoxiously like Natsu Dragneel, next I am like Shadow the Hedgehog, after 2 days I behave like some ultimate kid with an amazing personality, strength, energy, and self-confidence. I don't know what others think about me but.. they seem to treat me like a kid by smiling at me, rub my head, or pat my back. Recently, somebody held my face and smiled. Every time, I sense a good feeling from each and everyone of them. It just leads me to wonder, who am I in the eyes of others? In class, I am always trying to stand out from others while not getting in trouble. One teacher wants to help me, since I am from America and new to the system. I plan to be a responsible person in front of her and, at the same time, be the person who I really am (the kid with amazing personality).

Now.. about Doom..
/walks to the closet and pulls out a hammer
And now I shall smash and shower you with the DOOM HAMMER OF DOOM! (Crash Bandicoot reference :D)
Enderman? I never feared them, I just slaughter them. /grabs and chokes the enderman.
/Enderman screams with pain.
@Sleep well. /while choking him, draws his sword and slashes at the enderman.
The enderman is now severed in two and is erased from existence. IF there is more, they normally run away from me by now, no matter if it is daylight or night.
[DOOM, read the title of this forum and then you will understand the purpose of the hugs.]

Pancakes? I haven't eaten them in months!
/Takes three pancakes.
Thanks Noon~
/pours syrup and butter and eats them. X3 /thinks, "They taste so good~"

Noon! You and I revived your threads and they're reattaining their popularity. I'm guessing some people on the forums like me for who I am. :D

/hugs you like Crash Bandicoot hugging his favorite fruit, Wumpa Fruit (a.k.a mango. My brothers and I figured it out as a mango. I love them too! X3)

Imagen de Shotjeer


Imagen de Iamnoone
You don't strike me as kid.

You don't strike me as kid. You do have an amazing personality. You seem down to Earth and have your priorities in order. Your parents better be proud of you. Your dad calling you a liar must have really hurt maybe even leaving you feeling like you can't talk to him. Maybe he really thought you were yanking his chain. Like when someone says they failed then pulls out the paper with a 100 on it. Maybe he couldn't except it after all the expense and a life time of effort to get you there. You might have just experienced one of his short comings. As you get older and have more life experiences, you will see him more as a fallible human being. Then you will have your own. You'll make sure you never repeat his mistakes and make a whole bunch of your own for your kids to deal with. xD
Babies should come with instruction manuals.

I already sent Cuquinha a message today. Right after I read your post and before I replied. I asked her to read your last post. I was going to ask if you were talking but, in a way, was afraid to ask. I was sensing something was wrong there, from both of you. She's not on right now. When I talk to her again, I'll make sure she has your address.

DO NOT GET HURT, if she doesn't reply. She may have been hurt and/or felt abandoned. She may have moved on or at least excepted what is. She might need time to sort out her feelings. DO NOT FEEL BAD because of what happened. You never would have left without a word or kiss if you could have helped it. I even know that. Maybe she does too. :)

She is back in our guild. Emerald knows we are to look out for her and take care of her. When I talk to the other officers and gm's, I'll let them know too. She will always have a home with Ominous.

/hugs you like the sibling who got the remote first.

Imagen de Waffleconecake
Singing, the true sign of a mad man!

-begins to stand up causing the chair above me to become stuck on my horns. Begins to dust off the cob webs and picks out a few dead moths from my eye holes-
Sorry what happened? I went gargoyle on you for a second there.
-grabs lord bacon's legs to keep him in the chair-
Now let me put it into a song so you can truly understand the horror.
-clears throat. Begins to tap the floor with his foot and spinning-
I gotta say my dear shootjeer you have more reasons to fear me and my nightly glow and my big'ol horns.
Cross my lines and cause me woes and I'll cut off more then your toes.
I got curses come'in out of my every end
So watch your step cause you may just fall right in my ring.
and in this realm, in this land I'm the judge,jury, and gospel man!
So I can rip you up and stitch you back together to go again.
You can hide and you could run but that just doubles the fun.
I have eyes every were some even on you
So go head and sing along you might last through the tune!

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
That's all about growing up right..?

I am not sure about what to say between Cuquinha and I, but I still want to keep that promise no matter what. :)
Down to Earth? I'm not even on Earth! I'm more like on Mars or.. Alpha Centurion is where I am. I over think things a lot! My Dad and I know that very well and it makes me mess up in life. My thinking is what people can call a fortune teller or soothsayer. I actually visualize the future and simulate all of the actions and responses possible. I knew that if I told my Dad the truth about the test, he wouldn't believe me. If I told my Dad I failed the test by scoring only half of the points on the test, he will question me if I didn't get the time to study and what was I doing all this time in college. I went with the cold hard truth. because I stopped lying and I'm pretty bad at it anyway. But don't think I can't. I will if it involves anything that will have a positive effect on others. Other than that, I don't ever lie to my friends, family, or anybody. I especially never lied to Cuquinha or intended to.

My parents.... -.- My Dad said that, "I am not enjoying life and not scheduled." So my first step, SCHEDULE! /takes a pen and writes down 'Go to sleep at 11pm or 12am and wake up at 5am or 6am."
/thinks, "But I can only dream if I go to bed at 10.." :L
/thinks, "Now, how do I enjoy my life..? I can't play video games when I am bored.. I don't really like talking too much because it seems annoying.. I could read books.. would I find any good book hear that is fun in fiction.. or history? Maybe.. Can't study longer because my parents and friends will think I am isolating myself and spending too much time into studying.. I could DRAW! Wait.. I feel scared to keep trying... but I MUST! ... WHY DON'T I TRY IT?! -3- I gotta try to master the flow of colors... Hmm.. I'm going to do that today after I write that essay my mother told me to do."

Geez Noon.. way to say that I'm going to act like my Dad and get kids.. >x< [/feels embarrassed.]
Babies should come with instruction manuals rather than spending most of the time trying to figure what it is capable of, we should spend more time enhancing their abilities.

Thank you for looking after Cuquinha. Emerald? Aww.. he is a good guy. However, he tends to let power get to his head. XD But I am sure he can grow up to be a great person. Tell him that Ace wants you to behave and be the awesome person you are! Under one condition, don't overdo it. XP
~Wish everyone everyone to be safe and happy until I get back or when I visit for some time. Especially you, Noon! ;P I will deal with my Battle Sprite name issue when I come on.
/uses his fist and pounds Waffleconecake on the head.

/hugs you until you can't hug anymore. >3<

Imagen de Thunderbog
hush draggies. i creep in.

I came to observe how the two of ye learn to romance each other kinkily.

Mind if I... sit?

Imagen de Iamnoone
BOGGY!!!/hugs, kissesWhere

/hugs, kisses
Where have you been? How have you been? Of course you can sit. You can join in if you like.

Did you ever hear of bad tests or tests that are unfair to certain demographics? They do exist. I could write a test and give you a 100 plus all the extra credit. I could write a test and make you fail with a 0. You could know all the work inside and out and you have no control in the end. Remember I told you I needed a 100 on my tests back in May to become an instructor again without going through the program all over again? That I was already teaching the class because I know the program better than the instructor etc? I know that book inside and out. I can spit out any detail word for word from that book. I can tell you what page to find the info on. I can spit out bathing codes, laws, regs, labor laws...I wrote them. I used to write those programs. I even pumped the info from the instructor on how the test was written. I read, studied and memorized every change that occurred during my absence. The test, I almost failed. We needed at least an 80 to pass and get certified. LG, I got an 80. CPR, (Mommy dearest has several of my save pins on my hat) 86. 1st Aid, Mommy dearest has my 1st Aider of the year plague hanging on her wall, 90. The class started with 25. 13 washed out on the pre-test. 1 passed the final test with an almost fail. That was the most screwed up test I've ever seen in my life.

You are in a new place. You are going through tremendous changes. It isn't going to be easy at first. You could know it all and pull a brain fart on a test being homesick or whatever is on your mind at that time. Don't sweet it. It will get easier. Take all the help you can get. And most of all, try to enjoy yourself there. Embrace all the wonderful opportunities you have there.

Don't worry too much about what others think of you. What matters is what you think of yourself. You are there to study, learn and do your best to obtain an education. That doesn't make you a hermit or anti-social. Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do, ALWAYS. You have to live with yourself for a very long time. We control the rate time. Have you ever noticed when we are happy, having fun and doing what we are supposed to be doing time seems to fly by and when we are struggling, not enjoying things, doing bad things etc, time seems to stand still. Have you ever noticed one 40 year old might look like they are 80 and another look 25. That old dude lived a lot longer in the same period of time.

You are in the right place to learn this. Make friends with the locals. Visit, learn and par-take in the temple. Learn the head wobble. And yes, I'm quite sure you could find history books. I'm not sure about American type novels. Let me know if you find any. Now I'm curious about that.

Use the name I gave you. I will never get a pet. I am absolutely positive about this. Almost everyone got them. All new accounts have to get them. Somewhere down the line, I will be the only knight without one. Then, this account (and all my alts) will have something so rare and special, no one else will be able to obtain it in any way even with all their millions of crowns with the exception of an offsite cash sale of the accounts. :)

"don't overdo it"
Is that a reference to...
I felt so bad about that bucket of pain but in my defense I only had one shot in soliciting the proper intellectual and emotional response to remove uplings threat. If I failed, that threat upling feared was certain to fail on me and would have been my death. As officers we take care of guild and gms. We do their dirty work. We often shank members so the gm's don't have to. Having to reach up with a knife and stick it in an uplings butt is dangerous. We know from the begging crap that WILL fall when we do it.

The powerhead, I've talked to gm about that with others. I've been thinking about it again but haven't. Right now that is the energy holding the guild together and going strong. I feel a hostile takeover on the horizon. I felt it for awhile now. But at this point in time, I feel a takeover is better than death. In these post-update days, people aren't signing in as often nor staying nearly as long. When they removed the mist, they removed our reason to sign in once or twice a day. We would all sign in to use the daily allotment of mist either my doing runs or crafting it off in 2* items to sell at ah. If not, we were wasting free mist. Now, who cares if we sign in. There's nothing to lose if we don't. Last week, they were bribing us to sign in with a daily reward boxes. xD

Your wish is my command. Consider it done. I'll tell them.

/hugs you like a wingwalker hugs the wing of the plane he is about to fall from.

Imagen de Shotjeer

I'm never eating waffles ever again. I did yesterday and now I feel sick.

Anyways, bacon? This week's list is breakfast.

Imagen de Iamnoone
Ah!!! Poop!!! Thanks for the

Ah!!! Poop!!!
Thanks for the reminder Shotjeer. I promised to make Pat breakfast today. Bye.

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
XD Bacon!

Nice to hear from you about bacon~ :D
How's Pat and Snow? And you?

Now about this hostile takeover... Powerheads are the reason the guild remains strong..? It sorta sounds like a kingdom is entering a new era and I am training to be the future king or something. XD Especially when you said, "Your wish is my command.." We are all knights, please don't consider me as a king or anything. Ooh! Consider me Sir Ace, Knight of the... the.. -3- I don't know who exactly is my master since many people are teachers to me.. I can't choose dark or light because my heart resides in both. It can't be order, chaos, good or evil... ehh.. nvm.

I understand what you mean about controlling the members and how the GM's feel about this matter.

That's a remarkable thought! /thinks, "Should I do it too? Nah, it was Noon's idea in the first place and I might need the extra assistance. I'm such a noob~ XD" Somehow, if I complete any game to a certain point and stop playing it for a long time... my skills will improve 10 times in coordination for that particular game plus anything else that reaches this requirement. Then, I become some super advanced player with the ability to foresee and create battle tactics and pinpoint things, players, etc!?

Oh, I could play some games because I knew these ways before I even thought about going to college. However, I don't know when is the appropriate time to play or if it will affect my studies. So, I plan to stay back from it. (SK isn't on the list. >x< It is not possible anyway, because of the poor internet connection.)

Yeah.. the place is new to me but... I MUST HAVE AN ADVENTURE! /walks to the train station
There is a local train station but I will be in trouble if I go too far away from my hostel. >x< The word "Freedom" doesn't exist in my dictionary until all the studying is over.

/offers Noon and the others some cheese. Do anybody want some cheese? Hero-of-Cheese gave me 337 pieces of cheese. X3

They tried to bribe you guys!? Oh yeah.. lol. I didn't think of it like that. XD

Hi Boggy! I'm Ace, nice to meet ya~!
/offers a welcoming handshake.
Oh! Do you want some cheese?

/hugs you like a fairy that hugs a flower.

Imagen de Iamnoone
/me laughs It's never a good

/me laughs
It's never a good sign when they have to bribe their users to sign in. ;)
/me shakes head. PDW!!! Public displays of weakness. BLAH!!!

I consider you as my friend not a king. If you ask me to do something and I can, it's done. I'll share my idea with you too, my friend.

Yes it takes a lot of energy to have power. Something that this last update took out of many. If somebody still has the energy and drive to entertain the newer members to the site and guild who haven't lost energy and hold things together, more power to them. It could be a new era or just a resting period. But it does open up a door I've been trying to warn them about for a long time. One who's time may be here.

Do all your work and studying first. Make sure you know it completely. Then relax, go have fun and enjoy. You will also learn through life's experiences. Then when you come back and review, you may find the same things applies that you mentioned with taking a break from games. Our brains do continue to process and lay down brain patterns about what we do and learn long after we stop doing them.

/takes the cheese and eats it.

/hugs you with Boggy.

Imagen de Waffleconecake
mrehehehe never stick me in

mrehehehe never stick me in your mouth kid, Or i'll cancer up the place!

Imagen de Thunderbog

Don't catch me drunk while ye kiss me, careful I grab ye nowhere and a lot of things that shouldn't happen will happen.

I'm sitting for trials exams this month. But I'm literally not focused and rather do more art practice, which I just doodled one not long ago. I guess ye can say I'm good at everywhere.

I wonder what made ye a lord of eating bacons? That makes ye someone now.

Now I question back the same, how are ye now? :)



Imagen de Waffleconecake

I be dandy you green gremlin lovin fruit cake!
How be thou and thy fuzzy lover?
Burn any knights of rescent days?

Imagen de Pipipipipi
goes recon and hides in

goes recon and hides in corner to listen

has infinity invisability

Imagen de Waffleconecake

I be board. *takes off sinister skelly helm revealing that I am an anthro greaver*
Brb, spammin stagger storm.
*begins to place stagger storms down*

Imagen de Shotjeer

Casually walks in with Ancient Plate with Max Stun resist

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
XD Thank you~

Aww.. thank you Noon~ You will always be my best friend. I feel it from my heart.

Hmm... when I get back I'm going to become an elite. I'm going to earn a rank to show that I am a guardian of Ominous but, remain as an officer and if the time is right, maybe GM. I thought about it, I like being Grub, Ice, Sponge, etc.'s assistant rather being their colleague. I don't think I am up for something like that. XD

Hehe.. I am thinking about the energy. I wonder how will I behave when I get back? I'm pretty sure I will see and entertain you guys either by accident or on purpose. I noticed on the forums people seem to take an interest on me and so does everyone in class. I really don't care about what others think, like you said. I just wonder about it because I never have a clear idea of who I am. That's why I asked Melon several times before I left. I knew that life will prevent me from discovering it because it is like a curse/barrier that makes sure I don't go beyond human knowledge and power. For example, I asked Melon and she didn't want to say it. The tragedy in this world that will scar me for life is to not being able to go beyond humanity even though I can think and answer the unknown to humanity and achieve physical capabilities that will be like a God or superhero. [Trust me, I know how to reach such limits.] Being human is making me lazy, restricting me from getting answers to questions that never should be asked, playing with my ability to move through time(I noticed this many times and it sometimes like my life is a defective tape recorder. It kinda gets annoying when you hear your parents scolding at you several times over with the same gestures and tone), and locks my strength by 99%. I always feel something is holding me back from my true strength and it is not the lack of exercise.

Kings in SK..? Hmm.... There would be chaos, anarchy, poverty, war, chivalry... If SK had a real player as a peaceful and thoughtful king, that would be very interesting on how the world of SK would develop. However, a good thing will always lead to a bad thing. (This is how yin and yang flows within our world.) This would lead to real wars in the game and knights will be hacking and battling with hatred to pronounce their kingdom or themselves. What a world SK will become.. it will end up like Earth. On the other hand, SK does exist in digital space... so the rules of yin and yang doesn't apply there. So, it's all based on the behavior of the players. Would people like that for kingdoms to exist? Guilds are pretty much like that but they don't control the people.. do they?? :o
Forget that..

I am Sir Ace! Knight of the Spirea of Wind and Life. This is a title that isn't my teacher but it is for who I am at heart and where my heart belongs~

Yup, responsibility comes first. I seem to be trying to be responsible more often than actually being it. FI ... I'M A FAILURE!!! /covers their face.

/pours a solution down Waffleconecake's throat and forces him to swallow. [The solution contains RNA, a lot of ribosomes, proteins, helicases (Wait. They are proteins. /facepalm), red blood cells(these are from another time where diseases cannot bind to the protein receptors and infect the cell), white blood cells, and lysosomes to clean up your infected mess.] [This shows how much I learned from AP Biology. O.o Learning noob.]

/hugs you and Boggy with love. :D

Imagen de Iamnoone
All the kings horse and all

All the kings horse and all the kings men...
wait the horses.
Will our knights ever be able to gallantly ride through Haven and guild halls riding a horse?

You don't have to thank me for our friendship. We both have a wonderful thing.

You're SK doesn't sound fun at all. Well the entertaining part does but wars and hacking...:/

/looks sad.
You're not a failure.

So what did you turn waffelconecake into?

@Boggy, If the day ever came that no one wanted to vanish or future be non existent, they have to come up with some kind of cool name and be part of the crowd. I wish you luck on your exams. Maybe you'll get in some art time.

I'm doing well. Thank you. I still have two arms, two feet and I know which way to use the toilet. Everything after that is like waking up and eating cookies for breakfast.

I'm glad you finally came back.

/hugs Ace and Boggy like that guy playing Santa on a fire truck hugs the back of the truck, right after they get a fire call.

Imagen de Doom-Xx
/Goes to the shower room, but

/Goes to the shower room, but the shower explodes causing water to flood the room.

"Hey! Can someone fix the shower!?? It's broken again!"

Imagen de Doom-Xx
@Ace What I meant to ask, was


What I meant to ask, was Why did you start a hug contest with each other then?

Imagen de Shotjeer

I whip WCC with a pickle

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
/thinks, "Horses.."

Nope, most likely we will learn to combat and do special moves with our battle sprites and possibly new maneuvers. [Ooh, I'm going to suggest that to OOO! Thanks for the idea Noon! /writes down on the thread the credit goes to Noon and Ace.]

I know. I introduced a good idea and destroyed it into oblivion. /facepalm Well, at least I know the good and bad outcomes to it. Right? XD

I turned Wafflecone into a bad ice cream. >3< [In Nitrome, there is a game called Bad Ice Cream. Try Bad Ice Cream 2, it has more flavors. XP]
/looks at Shotjeer
Shotjeer... don't whip him with a pickle.. >o>

Boggy! Good Luck on your exams~ I never really liked them but never intend to fail them either. Anyway, I know that anyone can do it if they believe in themselves. YES! I BELIEVE YOU!! :D

DOOM.. o.o Why? Well, it was Noon's idea and I give her all the credit. Why is it just between us? Because, this is what friends do. Not specifically hug each other, but find or do the things that you enjoy doing with them. Noon always hugged me and I always hugged her back. Eventually, it became a funny and appreciative way to show our friendship. [I hope I answered your question and used the right words.. I seem to forget the correct use of grammar since I'm in a college located in India. XD]

Friendship is a chain that connects our hearts that remains unbreakable unless we or somebody chose to sever it. :) You're the greatest friend I have ever had.

/hugs Noon and Boggy like the stars hugging the moon every night. ;D

Imagen de Doom-Xx
Can someone PLEASE fix the

Can someone PLEASE fix the shower?

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
Sure. :D

/pulls out his wrench
/turns off the water
/sets the shower head onto its neck and twists the screw with his wrench, until it is fastened comfortably.
There you go! SHOWER.. OF.. DOOM!!

/salutes Glad to be a help~

Imagen de Doom-Xx
Thanx, now I can take a

Thanx, now I can take a shower.

/sings loudly and off tune while taking a shower

Imagen de Xspiral-Ace
Anytime~ XD

I know this because I was inspired by a character named Maximilian in Dark Cloud 2. He uses a wrench for repairing things and for combat. I also took an interest in photography and inventing because of him. I am a good photographer but does not know anything about inventing. :)

I guess I will learn how to invent while I am becoming a bio-medical engineer in four years. ;D

~Plus, I had to fix the shower at home when my brothers loosened it by mistake. XD Well, I'm off to bed. Night everyone~ I'll read all your comments tomorrow! XP