Regarding the recent update - 4* and 5* binding (Dev response)

281 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username
I find kind of silly how

I find kind of silly how everyone is still pissed about the CE prices on crafting. Because of the Auction House, there's an incentive to hold onto crowns now. The CE market is actually dropping.

It's more likely that it will rise, eventually, but for now, this isn't a major problem. It won't be in a while, I'd say. It took weeks for it to get this high.

Note that I say on the CE prices: If you're angry on how Three Rings didn't warn us about this update or whatever, then you have all the rights to be angry.

Additionally, I completely agree that this was a ridiculously wrong approach, and increasing the amount of materials or crowns needed would achieve the same effect with way less hassle to anyone and everyone. Though it seems most people are just angry because of the CE increase in itself, not the approach they took!

As for another thing on unbinding: The cost to do this shouldn't be that ridiculously high... and obviously it shouldn't be in energy. That's just silly, and THAT seems like a money-grabbing move. It should be (at least mostly) in crowns, and shouldn't exceed 50% of what it costs overall to craft the item.

I also like Sirrocco's idea for this. Would actually create a difference in rarity between items.

Legacy Username
A bandage solution

What happens when certain items are more common than your liking in the future?

Your actions suggest another hike in CE cost to detract the buyers. The people who craft just passes the cost onto the buyers. The buyers see their energy devalue overnight.

Your approach is fundamentally flawed.

Imagen de Fruits
Roll out new content, make it

Roll out new content, make it very hard and new items very rewarding to the point it makes the current 5* gearset obsolete in the eyes of those who aim for the proverbial end-game.
The current level of gear can then be left alone and the new gear can be made appropriately difficult, both in time/resource investment and skill requirement to obtain. Think something like the fang of vog, except actually significantly improving upon the previous tier of items and impossible to sell. The market for the pre-requisite gear would still exist but it wouldn't be so common as to devaluate it.

Not only would that give the Devs a clean slate at rebalancing the end-game gear's scarcity without being unfair to generally everyone currently but it'll also give the current population of players who are willing to pay for CE some newfound motivation to play.

exactly all its their is to

exactly all its their is to discourage players from selling tier 4 and 5 gear, but should someone actually want to buy it then its just causing OOO's wallet to grow in size. even then its a bad decision on their part I find it hard to believe they can't seem to understand why players were able to obtain all their gear specifically because they made materials so easy to acquire...

yea you guys remember the day when it was like holy **** critter carapace DROPPED!!!! yea... it was like that... the gear was hard to come by because certain mats were hard to get but they nerfed it so any mat needed is so easy to obtain and its the same via philoso feather and trojan horseshoe's I could literally kill dozens of the trojans and never get a horseshoe and I still never do but now, its just sad at how easy it is to go to brinks and buy the mats needed for gear

Legacy Username
Too little, too late

This dev reply lecturing people for playing their precious game the 'wrong' way confirms these problems will never be fixed. I was holding out for a few days to see if the bind on craft thing was getting rolled back and I see the devs are even more wrong-headed than I even imagined.

Seriously, telling people they are playing the game differently than you designed is completely misguided. A game might have been designed by a small number of people to play a certain way, but once thousands of others get their hands on it and spend enough time, there is going to be a metagame that develops. It would be very unusual if the developers could have predicted the quirks of the emergent gameplay that the community builds.

Great example is the selling of basil ports. People realized that going through 4 levels of annoying dungeons for a pull at the recipe slot machine with very little heat and crown return was boring and a waste of 40 energy most of the time. So after a while a few people figure out that when you hit the jackpot on some good recipes, you can share the wealth and skim off the top, so to speak.

So from the above example, its a gestalt behavior that's developed as a workaround to the game mechanic that achieves the desired reward (getting high level recipes) without going through the undesirable aspects of the game (slogging through the poorly balanced and frustrating tier 3). So as a designer, you have to ask yourself: If players are using exploits to bypass undesirable portions of your game, what does that imply about your design? It would be rare for the devs to have anticipated such an emergent behavior.

So you can shrug your shoulders and say 'no problem'. But many people find this unfair and consider it an exploit. So now's your chance to put your design skills to the test and admit that the current design is faulty and reengineer it. Which is what you did with this patch. But another option might have been to make the 4 levels leading up to basil fun and worthwhile, or maybe introduced some random item into the dungeon like a 'Cryptic Schematic', which you scrounge up on the 4 floors leading up to Basil. Once you reach him, he will decipher them for you and reveal which recipes he is selling, one for each 'Cryptic Schematic' the party discovered along the way. Or some other redesigned game mechanic.

But the most important part of this process is to realize that this game no longer belongs to you, it belongs to the thousands of players who pay real money to be a part of it. So maybe some kind of explanatory post such as the OP might have been useful a month or two ago when you started to realize certain trends that didn't meet the original design document. If you had opened a dialogue with the player base a few weeks ago, you could have avoided this negative backlash and still had the chance to address the issues you saw developing. Or just maybe, there might have been a way to get player feedback and suggestions... oh, right, the suggestion forums! How silly of me to forget.

Now it's too late. The game is over for a lot of people and instead of gathering data and then implementing a change with plenty or warning, we get a massive dump on the goodwill of the player community, and then some blowhard shows up a few days later to lecture and reprimand people for having the gall to misbehave on his game. Better to bring up the subject and give people fair warning than to cludge together some amateur hour 'balance' patch and then try to be diplomatic about it when it blows up in your face.

So, boo freakin' hoo, everyone is running around with Divine Avengers. No one gets to feel like a precious unique snowflake and be the only one on the server with a glowy sword that they worked ever-so-hard to get. Cry me a river. Maybe don't attach the snowflake sword to the only halfway profitable grind in game and then you wont see dime-a-dozen Sealed Swords and Antiguas. There's a design tip for free. Or here's an idea, how about you do something about the gaping balance problems with tier 3 shock dungeons, chainstunning ice mobs, useless armor stats (seriously, piercing resist is the mark of a noob), and the million other problems that have existed since beta that have gone unaddressed. Not a word from the devs has been shared about the myriad design issues that may have contributed to all these players somehow messing up their enjoyment of the game by 'undervaluing' items. Seriously, your actions on this patch have generated much more dissatisfaction than any amount of regret over how 'easy' it was to get a glowy sword. What's more important, people paying money to you to have an item that they care about, or people getting a spanking over daddy's knee and a character-building lesson on the value of hard work? Please...

The biggest tragedy is that the money lost from this disastrous patch might have been spent on something that would have saved the game: more items, more monsters, more dungeons, more stuff to do. Sure that costs development time and art assets need to be created, but do you actually care about making a good game, or do you care about bilking money from suckers and chiding them when they try to do things you didn't think of?

So this is too little, too late in my opinion. I'm not going to be jerked around by some company that doesn't know what they're doing, and worse, won't even admit it. All this "Well you need to understand..." stuff is patronizing and insulting, and doing it after the fact is laughable. If this patch was given a week or two of warning, I could marvel at how inept it was, then take steps to guard myself against the brunt of it's negative effects. But the fact that it was dumped on me with no warning really just makes me shake my head in amazement.

So your post revealing your design dilemma between crafting-to-trade and maintaining the ~specialness~ of 'rare' items is cute and all, but your comments don't have any actionable information at this point. It's either misdirected and pointless consternation about theoretical game design or an attempt to appear 'in-touch' with the community, neither of which I find compelling. Again, it might have been good to know this a week before the patch that your game was having an identity crisis.

It's pointless now. Nothing will change, the game will tailspin, and I'll be long gone. What a shame.

Legacy Username
I think it would be more

I think it would be more effective if you implemented a system that destroyed or prevented more 5* items from entering the market than to implement an unbinding system. The whole point of a bind system is to drive the price of rare goods up, especially those with UVs, which would be the main focus of the unbind system. This only further devalues end-game trading or atleast sets the market price to what the developers believe to be fair(?).

My suggestions on what you should've done this patch: (italics is the long drawn out explanation)

Increasing the heat requirement for 5* gear
- Increasing the heat requirement would've done nearly the same thing as upping ce craft costs... it takes x amount of ce to lvl any item to 10 but doing this is much less obvious and garners a lot less flak. Maybe a combination of both a heat increase / ce increase would be the best route, as for people sharing heat using the revive system, that's neglible because it still takes x ce for x heat (you could however make it 20% heat gain / 30% heat loss).

Reduce the rate of 5* mat drops or increase the mat requirements:
- Crest of Almire is a prime example of how rare a rare item can be... reducing the drop rates or limiting it to rare encounters like danger rooms or adding mini-bosses (maybe non vandauke tiers could have a designated Danger Room depth for 5* mats or something) would effectively drive up the prices. Increasing the mat requirements of 4* item to be the same as 5* items and 5* items requiring 3x the mats would also work because binding all 4/5* items will probaly drive down the rate at which they are crafted yielding lower mat prices... effectively weakening the economy you are trying to strengthen. You should also add Jelly Tokens to the craft recipe of Faust / Avenger lines to make them harder to obtain (15 sealed sword / 20 for 4*/ 25 for 5*)

Item Destruction/Gambling:
- Make it crown based with a chance to gain a uv (elminiate very high or maximum tier UVs from 2* items, honestly why do those UVs even show up on 2* crafts). 5* items revert back to their 4* form (destruction aspect) and cost could be something like 10-15% of cost to craft with a 5% chance to gain Vhigh/max or revert the item, 10% chance for high, 15% chance for med, 25% chance for low, and an option to not have your item destroyed but dropping all the chaces down 1-2 tiers. Chances could be changed using ce or something (tried and true method used in other games)

- You guys wrecked crafting... the crafting system is now craft for yourself, that's really pathetic. I have no positive comments on how badly you botched this or how you could possibly fix the situation without making 4/5* not bound on craft.

If you really want good advice on how to fix the economy you could always try the bazaar, I'm pretty sure a lot of the senior members in that forum would have great ideas on how to create a more stable market without using ce markups. Ce markups are blatantly obvious and will get you a lot of negative feedback, whereas the ideas mentioned above get the same results without as many players crying "OOO just wants my money!" These aren't all meant to be implemented either, just different routes that could be used.

Legacy Username
Seriously I do not think

Seriously I do not think raising crafting costs and adding an unbinding cost is is the correct way to go about fixing a rarity issue. I know devs don't like the fact that tier 5 gears were becoming more common, but seriously what difference does it make if people are running around in tier 5 gears. Its not like it is end game once you have 5 star items, people will continue paying and attempting to craft other equipment to test out different play styles like bombing or gunning, elemental weaknesses etc. The problem right now with the game is its lack of content, for example (only two bosses), floors that seem semi repetitive, and rare items that only drop from boxes and not monsters themselves (for whatever reason I don't know). Your patches should be focused more on implementing more items like the recent brandish series, giving people more incentive to continue crafting and Pay you for CE. I'm pretty sure your company made plenty from the recent rose regalia promo along with flourishes. Why fix whats not broken.

Nick, good to see you're

Nick, good to see you're looking at the crafters trade, it's a very exciting part of the game. My feedback is right now people are selling equips cheaper than the crafting costs. Before update I could sell a 3* piece and profit 50% above the crafting costs, and it sold pretty frequently. Recipe costs were never a problem because you could dilute it over the first sales.

Really impressive game you guys made, AH was a great touch too.

Legacy Username
"Over the next month, we plan

"Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the CUMULATIVE cost of crafting that item."

Wait so the fee you're going to impose is going to be cumulative..? So unbinding a 5* item is going to cost relatively to crafting it through the 0-5* too? I hope you're kidding.

Either way it's painfully obvious this is all for Three Rings to make a much bigger profit than they were before. There were many ways to get people to buy more CE without completely slapping us all in the face and increasing the prices of alchemy by tons.

Don't want people to just buy items from crafters? Give them an incentive to craft it themselves rather than make it COMPLETELY mandatory to craft themselves. Figure out a bonus that you can only get if you craft it yourself and make the bonus disappear if you were to trade it. Another MMO I've played gives a 10% stat bonus to any item you find yourself with the bonus going away once it changes hands which adds a pretty good incentive to acquire items yourself rather than buy them.

Want to make certain items rarer to get? Make materials that are necessary for rare crafts that much rarer to find. Or make recipes RARE recipes which crafts a Rare item that can't be traded. The recipe would still be able to be traded and would still appeal to the base of players who enjoy doing business and you still win by having people need CE to spend on the alchemy of that recipe. You could make these drop very sparingly from monsters or have them on Basil (very very low chance). This would make finding a rare recipe feel very satisfying as you would have something that most other players will not have and can't have without finding one of their own. This gives people who are already in Full 5* armor something new to do (and spend CE on) and more people buy CE because they want to craft that item badly. The rares could even have a higher cost to them CE and crown-wise (in my head they would look close to what current alchemy prices are...).

ANYWAY the point is there was a ton of way you could've handled this patch and had the fans of this game love you to death AND still end up with more money for your company. There are so many ways you could bring in extra CE purchases without doing this it's unbelievable that you expect us to believe you're doing this for us when it's obvious that you just want to force us to pay more to have a chance at playing this game at all.

Instead of thinking of ideas to please your current players and attract more with more content and giving players an incentive to buy more CE, you've created nothing of value and increased the price of playing the way we were all before. This is rightfully angering all of your current players and giving us no reason to recommend playing your game to anyone because we already know they will face the crafting crisis of needing TONS of CE to advance anywhere in the game.

Legacy Username
Wow, I think I have

Wow, I think I have completely lost all my faith in this steaming pile of fail that used to be Spiral Knights.

Good job on delivering so much fail within such a short time span.

You can see what I think about this update in the feedback thread on page 7 (it's like the 308th post or so).

As far as your ideas about game play and what not addressed in this fail message are laughable at best. You can't give people something a certain way for so long and then step on everyone's toes. Thats pure stupidity. You're forcing something on players that they don't want. It makes players turn into quitters, for greener pastures.

All this unbinding crap is, is another grab at people's wallets when the items in the first place shouldn't be auto bound in the first place. As a developer you have to understand that some players don't care about your vision of what the game is supposed to be. Some players want the easy fast route and will do anything in their power to cheapen their playing experience. More power to them, because the people who liked the game wont be doing that, so forcing your ideals of gameplay on people is, at best, a laughable notion.

You might want to consider actually going back to the feed back thread, and READING. Especially the longer well crafted posts (such as mine) and responding to the points brought up instead of spewing this nonsense out that basically tells people

We messed the game up intentionally, and then we messed it up more in an attempt to get you to NEED/BUY more cash currency (Energy), and if you dont like it thats cool we'll add in a way for you to circumvent that by spending EVEN MORE CASH.

Why dont you just shut the game down and trash can it now and stick to puzzle pirates because obviously no one in Three Rings is intelligent enough to run anything with a resemblance to a real game at all.

Imagen de Vicarious
The more I read about all

The more I read about all this, the more pissed off I get.

I enjoyed playing this game, a lot. I spent a lot of time, and decent chunk of change, for a game anyway, on this game. I had every intention of spending more money on this game. The only updates you should have done was add more content. Now it seems to enjoy this game to the fullest, you either have to grind for years to save up enough crowns to buy enough CE, or you're forced to spend money on it. I can't imagine how new players feel coming into this. It'd be a horrible experience. I can see paying a large sum of crowns to unbind items, but not CE. The first thing I thought of when I started reading this was, "Man this sounds too good to be true. I bet my ass they make it to where you can unbind items and a ridiculous amount of CE instead of crowns." Guess I was right.

Hell, why even have crowns in the game if you're going to make everything cost CE? I understand so you can buy CE with them. However, at the current crown to CE cost, which is 4900 for 100, you'd have to do at least three Jelly King runs to get enough crowns to buy a spare 100 CE with. This isn't including reviving cost. You're screwed if you have to revive. So in the end, you're looking at somewhere over 100 Jelly King runs to even make ONE piece of five star equipment, if you're starting with at a one star piece.

Why you guys had to screw this up is beyond me. Why you had to drop this huge "F U 2" bomb on us without warning or gradually introducing it is beyond me. You should really consider what to do about this before it's too late. Sure you'll keep a couple people who have more money than brain cells. But for the most part you're going to lose a lot of your player base. And they won't be replaced by new players. New players will play for about two weeks, realize how hopeless it is without spending money, and instead of doing what YOU want them to do, which is to buy CE, they will leave.

I'm giving you guys a week before I uninstall. It's no longer fun, or worth my time and money. You have effectively driven away at least one PAYING costumer and if you think others won't leave, you're really ignorant.

Really hope this game recovers.

Legacy Username
Oh, and just wanted to

Oh, and just wanted to add...

    Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items.

Be very careful about implementing this. There is huge potential for long-term damage to the economy if this isn't designed properly.

Legacy Username
@iamah Actually, we were

@iamah Actually, we were always there. I've been pure F2P my entire time here, and I'd craft for UVs and then sell at a loss (or semi-loss). Crafting off mist is also a factor here - if you're a relatively rare player, then converting mist energy to CE-equivalent (by crafting and then selling) is actually something of a win. The average price for 2* gear was actually about 2kcr a bit ago - which is to say, enough to recoup the energy costs (at the time) and nothing else. Of course, these people were limited by the fact that they were, by nature, not crafters, and they didnt' want to spend much time in chat - so any individual one of them/us would only be selling for a little while at a time - leaving the more dedicated crafters/merchants plenty of time in which to make a profit. Now, of course, we have an auction house, and so all of the people who want to sell in a no-hassle way are flocking there - and since it doesn't really require effort from anyone, you no longer have any competitive advantage from being willing to put in more effort.

As for where it all boils out... well, that depends on how much people want UVs, and how many people there are to soak up extra no-UV (or cruddy-UV) 2* gear.

Imagen de Rusvul
All I can say at this point:
Legacy Username
You people are silly.

Gah, This whole thing reminds me of when another of OOO's games, Whirled, changed it's look from black to white. People bitched CONSTANTLY for about a week or so. They had petitions to change it back and almost everything that is going on now here in SK. What about now? No one really cares anymore, they got over it, I think it's time you angry players do also.

Come on guys, Give the Dev's a chance. |:


What Churgethoth said.

Legacy Username

Post 56 is spot on.

To recap: don't punish us for playing the game "wrong". We're the customers, and we're always right. If the way we're playing isn't the way you think we should play, then you're thinking about it wrong.

Or a third version: Were any players complaining about rare items becoming common, or was it just you guys?

Legacy Username
That still doesn't solve the

That still doesn't solve the problem of it costing WAY more to craft something. I was perfectly fine crafting and finding most of my recipes even when people offered. Now it needs to be even worse?!

I am happy to see you are offering an alternative to unbind items though I wonder if this cost is going to be in the form of crowns or CE?

Legacy Username
@Cobalt Thats what the Devs


Thats what the Devs want, they are PERFECTLY aware they're screwing their own players over, They're just gonna wait out the people that are not moronic masochist to quit the game, and then milk out money from the rest of the masochist that have become to attached/addicted that stay in the game.

This is a COMMON occurrence in MMOs, please stop trying to make it sound like the dissatisfied costumers are in the wrong cause we're not.There just a very limited things we can actually do at the end of the day the Company that owns the game is effectively GOD.

Legacy Username
Sounds to me like the

Sounds to me like the community has already given up on the game already and are going to badmouth the game no matter what.

Shame on you all. I am vehemently DISGUSTED at the attitude of the community.

As for the unbinding store: No more than 200CE (USD$0.75) per unbind, preferably at 5CE per unbind. Or better yet, shift the cost to Crowns. It makes little sense to price unbinds that high, even if I do understand the rationale behind the high-level binding. It doesn't make sense to punish the guilds who are doing it for their guildies and friends.

Or you could have a special rate for Guilds, but then again, this could only make the problem worse.

Imagen de Betrael
post #56

What Churgethoth said +1

Imagen de Masterfang
Just disappointed

I am just disappointed in how this response was handled, not to retread what has been said, but I feel that the elephant in the room was explained while they totally ignored the jaguar. I have been playing for just under two weeks, and in that time I was able to get to tier 3 and join a guild I rather enjoy. Over this time I spent about 20 bucks, it was a bit much, but it in my opinion was my way of catching up to the rest of the community, so I could enjoy new content to the fullest when it came out. However I don't think I bought my way into t3, I used nearly every single bit of ce to do runs, trade for crowns to buy recipes, and to craft my effing gear. I played like an effing madman, this is the only time this summer I had a lot of free time before my job started up, so I wanted to play in a fashion that I won't be able to later on. With these new prices for crafting, I barely see the point anymore, it is just too expensive per piece.

Today I bought a final chunk of CE, I don't plan to buy anymore, it just makes me sad, as I have never been this into a game since LoL. This is just too expensive to play now, as some have said, we depend way way too much on ce for it to be used this way. I think I am just going to go back to League till I see a dev team that is more communicative to its players

Legacy Username
So we get to pay double for

So we get to pay double for our items? SWEET!

Money. Grubbing.

Imagen de Gwenyvier
"Over the next month, we plan

"Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the cumulative cost of crafting that item."

So... what you're saying in the ORIGINAL patch update was that you wanted items to be rare, and the blatant selling of them wasn't matching your vision of the game, by making them not rare. So you made any 4* and 5* items now created be bound upon creation. Good job, way to go. Problem solved. And to go along with it, to entice people to craft their own items(which they have to do now) you doubled the energy cost of 3* and 4* gear, and almost tripled the energy cost of 5* gear (or when we take in the added CE cost of 3* and 4* you quadrupled the cost of 5* gear).

Oh wait, the players still want to sell their high level gear. Oh! I know, lets make them pay the cumulative cost of crafting the item to unbind it! Yea that'll work!

So what you're saying as long as you get a nice big cut you don't actually care about rarity at all. I see how it is. It costs 1460 energy (not including revives and elevators for leveling) to create an Ash of Agni. Cumulative cost is 1460 energy. So to craft and unbind it will (assumably) cost 2920 energy. That is before the markup to sell it, or the very upped price of good UVs (which is all that will be sold as 5* now due to the insane assumed price of creating an unbound one).

You got a little bit of money out of me already. You won't be receiving anymore, nor any from my friends. And many players are already leaving the game, old beta players. I know a few personally.

*bends over* Do me a favor and use something you named a monster after, dunno what I might catch otherwise


Legacy Username
Wrong approach.

Item rarity is something you messed up a few patches ago by implementing rarer materials into the token shop. Do not complain about that now. Rare materials meant rare equipment and variable prices, a true market.

Getting others to craft it for a price is simply how an economy works. Some people prefer dishing out money over spending time grinding/earning in-game currency, you should be happy about that since it finances your bloody company! This is not wrong on their part, it is your fault for not having anything else to work towards in this game.

The only point in the end-game is crafting high tier sets for others. The most important point for new players is getting a high tier set. That is not going to change. No matter how many silly additions to the pricing schemes you make you will not be able to change that. If your game had character progression rather than just item progression you wouldn't have this problem.

Legacy Username
I wanted to take a moment to

I wanted to take a moment to respond to the recent RAGE about our first production update to Spiral Knights and tell you HOW WE PLAN TO GET MORE $ FROM IT.

First, I think it's important to talk a little about the AMOUNTS OF MONEY WE GET FROM Spiral Knights.

Items and crafting are WHAT EARNS US MONEY. REAL MONEY in the game ARE tied to finding and exploring the unique items it is possible to make. For that MONEY to FILL OUR WALLETS, ALL of those items, the most interesting and satisfying to own, need to INCREASE IN COST.

After launch, it became increasingly clear that several items that we thought EXPENSIVE ENOUGH with and which we expected to GIVE US 2X MONEY in the game were GIVING US X MONEY. As a result, their value to players was diminished. It was hard for us not to think that this DIMINISHED the game.

This was the result of an oversight in our design, one we sought to GET MORE MONEY in our most recent update. The change was intended to DISABLE THE PLAYERS FROM GETTING rare and common items WITHOUT US DELVING INTO THEIR WALLETS.

Reading the forums, it is clear that some players FELT CHEATED, WHEN CE THEY BOUGHT DROPPED TWICE IN VALUE.

We do plan to GET EVEN MORE $ FROM THE impact this change has created.

In considering this problem, we've had to balance two conflicting goals:



Ultimately, it's important for us that players that choose PAY US do not feel their experience can be easily matched by a player that decides instead to PLAY THE GAME AND USE CROWNS TO BUY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. The progression of BUYING CE and crafting items is the core SOURCE OF INCOME we built the game to provide US CASH and we will not see it devalue.

So: the question comes down to how we can ensure that traded items GIVE US MORE $ rather than being devalued as was occurring before the update.

Over the next month, we plan to implement a new store that will allow players to "unbind" items. There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the COST OF YOUR SOUL + TAX.

This action will change the nature of the market for crafted items into one for premium goods. A market, we hope, that will still be interesting to players focused on GIVING US MONEY and OH NOES, GETTING MORE MONEY FROM OTHER PLAYERS THAT DIDN'T GIVE US MONEY. It is better to GIVE US 2X MONEY than GIVE US 2X MONEY AND GET TWICE MORE.

More importantly, however, by making traded high end items a premium good, we are DIGGING DEEPER INTO WALLETS of players that choose to GIVE US MONEY.


Thank you.

P.S.2 Before I could pay 5$, and get Wise Owlite, Divine Avenger, Leviathan Blade, Final Flourish, Shivermist Buster and a piece of 4* costume (assuming I used 100 ME + earnt cr for each craft from 2* to 5*), Now I can get Wise Owlite and half of Leviathan Blade. While I could pay 5$ for 6 equips, I won't for 1,5.

Imagen de Cactuscat
I'm sorry, Khaim. This is

I'm sorry, Khaim. This is completely wrong - ESPECIALLY when it comes to games.

I'm going to bring up a quote that a WoW CM said "Game design is not a service industry." After saying this, he got a ton of community backlash - until people actually listened and understood it.

"Game design is not a service industry." This is 100% true. Customers do not go to a game development company and ask them to create x game to y specifications. Games are designed and created around the vision of the developers - sure they want to make it appealing, and will use techniques and design choices that will drive customers to both enjoy the game, and buy it. However, that doesn't change the fact that there is a set vision for a game. If you don't like how something is played... then you don't play it. If you don't like First Person Shooters, you won't like Call of Duty, and if you go and complain about how its a first person shooter to the company, then that is just being ridiculous.

MMO's are a bit different grounds (seeing as how they are ever evolving), but still share the same concept: The developers have a vision for the game and how it is played, even going forward. It is COMPLETELY in their rights to change things up to get people to play the game how they envisioned it - hell, you probably agreed to a ToS or EULA that allowed them to change it at anytime without your direct consent.

Obviously community involvement and communication is NEVER a bad thing. It is incredibly useful, so that you don't see upsets like this, and so that they can see what players like. However, if they choose to listen to players and add or change things to what customers like about it - then that is their prerogative (be they loving intentions or greedy ones, it matters not); they have no obligation whatsoever!

The entire "I'm the customer and I'm always right" mantra needs to go away. It is so selfish and entitled in this day and age. You pay for what you get, and if you don't like what you get because you don't fully understand it, it is not the seller/producers obligation to change it to how you like (unless of course they didn't fulfill what they said they would).

I'm not saying these changes aren't bad or anything - I'm just saying that demanding it to be reverted because "you don't like it" is a bad reason. They don't owe you anything, and the least you can do is point out why it is a bad change or why you don't like it, especially without being hostile.

OT: I agree that there should have been a lot more communication - specifically letting us know in advance that a patch such as this was going to be occurring. Most large MMO's out there always release patch changes early on, sometimes months in advance, so that players know what to expect, and so that they can see how players feel about it. This is something I believe you guys should consider.

Cost of your soul+Tax

Cost of your soul+Tax AHAHAHAHAHAHA

That was funny!

Imagen de Ageatii
Well said, Cactuscat.

Well said, Cactuscat.

Legacy Username

Sounds about right.

Good heavens, anything but

Good heavens, anything but character progression! If I want leveling [bullcrap], I'll play WoW. Or RO. Most likely RO.

But anyway, I'll add to the people speaking before me:

You messed up when you made items easy to get. Basically, if Faust was actually hard to get/rare, the market wouldn't be flooded with it in the first place.

The first step would be to remove the non-boss token stuff and replace them with random mat drops. Why would I need to craft stratas when I can pinpoint anything by running arenas all day erry day?

Alternatively, you could make the weapons you want to keep rare suck. You know, like about 80% of the equips noone is using. I bet cautery sword and the scale mail line are rarer than anything else in this game, save probably for blackened crest and fang of vog and some other drop only stuff.

Or wait, I had a better idea! Make other items worthwhile, so that rarity actually factors into the decision making process and you aren't forced to pick one of the top 5 swords/2 armors/1shield if you want to play without gimping yourself!

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. It's my natural reaction when I'm hurt. You hurt me OOO! You broke my heart with this stupid update :'(

PS.: I'm still happy you took the time to write this out, even if I consider the decision making process bad.

Imagen de Cactuscat
And to clarify - I'm not

And to clarify - I'm not saying you aren't allowed to be upset or asking them to revert the changes.

I'm just saying, do it in a non-hostile way. There isn't a need to call the developers morons or other mean words. Do you honestly believe developers go into making a game to purposefully upset players? To make a game people don't like? That would NEVER get them anywhere, and to believe that Three Rings Design is out to get you because they feel like pissing people off or stealing their money is just radical thinking without any evidence or support. OOO has a long history of online games, which are loved by thousands. If that doesn't count for anything, I don't know what does...

However, all I see is a bunch of people unwilling to believe a single word of what Nick had to say. For what reason do you have to not believe him, or to believe he is just out for the money? Jumping to such conclusions without any prior knowledge or evidence is just hurtful - to both you and to nick and OOO. I'm asking - just TRY to empathize with Nick and OOO. Try to see it from their point of view; why did they do this? (Nick has an excellent announcement regarding this very thought).

You are insulting both of your intelligences - yours by being unable to imagine any other possibility than a demonizing one, and theirs by saying they are only capable of evil intentions when making such decisions. What point is there of trying to have a dialogue with people if they already are so firm set in their beliefs that they won't listen to you? I mean, look at half the posts in the feedback thread - so angry and full of contempt, without any reason other than they were upset. They didn't even try to understand nick and just went straight for the worst possible reason. Why would anyone want to communicate with those who are unwilling to believe what you say, before you even say it?

At least OOO is trying, and maybe they'll step it up a notch - but in the meantime, you can be helpful and encouraging of them by not being overtly hostile and trying to see things from beyond a tinfoil hat. Seeing things from their perspective don't mean that the choices they made were right - it just means you'll know what they are facing and thinking, and why they reacted that way. You can still say it was a bad decision, but at least you can do so from an informed position.

I know many already have, and for that, I applaud you and hope you continue to be a shining star in a sky full of darkness.

Legacy Username
But cactuscat, your words are

But cactuscat, your words are probably falling on deaf ears.

The community has already ploughed it's furrow and are not looking back. They are going to seed with their anger and hate, and sooner or later, the community is gonna resemble a schist quarry than a blooming wheatfield.

The battle lines are drawn, and it's too late for the community as a hole. They will Larch towards a most fernicious fate, and it's all their befriending fault for missing the cave for the granite. Or waas it the granite for the cave.

In any case, it's a bit too late to stop the inevitable. The only thing we can do is sit back and sling puns.

Legacy Username
What seriously bothered me...

For me, the major crux of enjoyment has been the trading aspect of the game. I collected over 100 recipes and was having a great deal of fun educating new players and helping them move forward into the game.

I was providing service to other players, and as a result advancing my character/equipment. By craft binding equipment my enjoyment of the game has been dropped to near ZERO.

IF the intent of the DEVs was to create a dungeon bashing grindfest... why add the complexity of making it an MMO?

I still don't follow the reasoning for the Craft Binding.

As has been stated earlier in this thread, if its about keeping 5* gear 'rare' why not just limit 5* material drops, or implement the recipe as a required component of a 5* recipe? These are two solutions that address the issue, but steer well clear of FORCING a narrow and limited style of play onto people that have other entertainment options.

Legacy Username
Honestly, I don't think I can

Honestly, I don't think I can say anything more which has already been written here, but I just want to make sure that whomever from the developer side is reading this topic, please, PLEASE read and actually listen to what Vitek and Churgethoth have written with an open mind.

Cactuscat222, I respectfully disagree with your position. Though I am in complete agreement that the customer should not be in a position of absolute power over the course of the game, I think you're looking at our concerns in a wrong way. The entire reason we're complaining is because we are deeply concerned for it. We're not complaining about the nature of the game, we're complaining about a change which has drastically made it neigh impossible to progress through the game without either a substantial injection of money to reach even the first set of completed 5* gear or a pious devotion which is completely unseen in most games today. To expand upon your analogy, we're not complaining about an Italian Restaurant because it's Italian, we're complaining about how they're cooking all their dishes next to a giant vial of rat poison.

I, too, am tired of players thinking that they have the god-given right to dictate the terms of the game, but these concerns should not be scoffed at. These are real problems. And they are affecting a larger population than the developers are admitting. I've been with this game for a long time and have gladly invested significant funds towards this game. I've been appreciative of their service (countless times where GMs have rescued me from non-loading load screens) and supportive of the game which I have considered to be my favorite since I first saw it back in Fall 2009. I disagreed with some of the choices that were made, but I still played.

However, I have grown weary of the fact that instead of embracing that the game has become and expanding upon it, they're violently jerking it back towards their initial vision. Yes, it may be right to do so at times (I personally approve of their solution of to the black-market tickets to Basil), but completely blasting crafting and purely murdering the current game system is by no means the right way.

I feared something like this would happen, but after they made the Jelly King easier, I thought this was an intentional design to make Sealed Swords and Antiguas more attainable. Yes, UVs were virtually everywhere, but I think that's what made it great. No two people would have the exact same variants and it is because of this that there was actual variety. I fondly remember times when although my friend and I had the same pieces of gear, we had different UVs which allowed us to divide the battlefield and completely conquer before joining together on the large threats. I fashioned myself around anti-Constructs and boy, was I ever efficient at it. With the new system, two people with the exact same gear will be just that. Exactly the same, no "variety", as they so claim. Whereas before, two speedy swordsmen could specialize within their own groups, now they'll be nearly the same now.

As I said before, I hope the developers take the time to read all the feedback with an open mind. Criticism is often what gives way to perfection and I hope our cries fall not on deaf ears. But for now, these changes have spurned me from what I considered to be my love. I'm not a big name, I haven't made a new topic screaming about how I'm leaving and demanding others to feel sorry, I'm just another humble player. One among many whom rarely speak up and are seldom noticed among a throng of far more vocal participants. It's been grand, but I'm afraid until something is done, I'm simply going to elect to stay out of this game as so many "defenders" of these changes have so demanded.

Fare thee well, and I sincerely hope that our grievances and suggestions of my fellow brethren are seriously considered in due time.

Legacy Username
Ok, now seriously - I was

Ok, now seriously - I was trying to show the worst possible way to understand nick's post, I hope they aren't really that greedy (but I take them as intelligent people, so I doubt that they didn't think it through carefully) and really ONLY wanted to really address the issues he wrote about.

I agree that this patch will help balance the game etc. But it also seems that they discussed many ways of addressing it, and chose the one that will supposedly generate them most money, instead of the one that would increase the rarity of items most, for example : multiplying the amount of materials needed now by the number of stars ( it wouldn't hurt 2* much, but would definitely stop the mass crafting of 4-5* that they fear, but it would on the other hand slightly decrease the amount of money they recieve.

I agree, that hight tier equipment was too common, but I think it was expensive enough in real money, and too cheap in "game currencies" like cr and mats and that was the real reason for their devaluation. And now they are even more available to players with unlimited CE, but much harder to get for players that won't dump more that 5$ a month. So it addresses only half of the issue - that low-paying players were able to access top-tier equipment easily, and what we hated was that someone could buy 10-30 CE and buy full 5* set. Surprise - they still can.

And OOO likes that - I guess that for example - losing 33% paying playerbase (mainly the cheaper ones), another 33% stops paying, and having the rest pay three times more more equals to the same amount of money as before, only from less players and lowers server maintenance costs (less players). I belong to the second 33%, so I'm angry about it. I wanted to pay OOO, but for the amount of content I expected before, not what I get now.

Make UVs a crafter-only benefit.

"In considering this problem, we've had to balance two conflicting goals:

a) how can we retain the excitement of owning a relatively unique item that was a challenge to make and craft while;

b) allowing players to explore the option to make and trade items?"

Make Unique Variants the realm of crafters, and crafters only. Rather than being a random chance at a random bonus of a random magnitude, create special materials that will set the type and degree of the bonus (two categories: type like "Damage Bonus - Construct" and degree like "Low"). Have it so that you add the UV onto the item after it's been crafted, and doing so makes it bound (so only crafters can have UVs). Makes the UV items themselves expensive: lots of mats and lots of crowns (maybe a moderate energy cost, but the game has enough of those). A "Maximum" degree item could cost 500,000 crowns, 5 five-star mats, 10 four-star mats, 20 three-star mats, 40 two-star mats, and 80 one-star mats. Make adding a UV to an item require the recipe and cost the same as crafting that item - except the lower level item - materials and all, (this is in addition to the materials and crowns spent getting the UV item). Make it so that upgrading a UV item removes the UV.

That would make crafting provide a special bonus to the crafter. It also removes the ridiculous lottery that is UV farming. And it sinks mats and crowns like a boss.

The energy cost increase on crafting is somewhat preposterous, as energy is already highly in demand (the cost change discourages people from crafting their own gear). An increase in materials needed (to help deal with the flood of materials), and crown costs (because this game needs more crown sinks) would be much better.

Imagen de Cactuscat
@Thunderslam: No need to

@Thunderslam: No need to disagree with me then, because I am in agreement with you. :) As I clarified, I'm not saying that what they have done wasn't bad, nor that it doesn't deserve criticism. I was saying that players should approach how you did - you and others clearly explained the ways it affected the game negatively, and possible solutions.

I also completely agree that sometimes it just makes sense for them to shift their vision towards what the players/conditions brought about. Of course, it all ends up being a judgement call on the developers part and, more than likely, a business decision as well.

My critique was towards the people who were offering nothing other than hate and the same bland conspiracy that OOO is just a thieving company that have no good intentions, whatsoever. They have a vision and they are trying to conform it to that - its well within their means to do so. Whether it was for better or for worse is up to you - but at least try to explain how it is worse, without being so hasty and angry~!

Imagen de Eruzei
Mats for 4 and 5 star items

Mats for 4 and 5 star items should be made much more rarer or else the recipes should require something like double what they already do. Problem of 'high tier item glut' would be solved right there, without this very unfair CE-gouging of crafters with this binding/unbinding business. Also, make tokens able to buy fewer rare mats (or make the amount you can buy with them limited, for instance make Brinks only have one or two at a time of each mat every 24 hr period per player.

CE gouging and punishing crafters is not the answer to rare items not being rare enough. Control the rarity of the MATS instead -- make 4 and 5 star recipes require rare, untradeable, boss-drop-only items or something (and then add some more bosses).

Legacy Username
how can you honestly expect

how can you honestly expect anything from jelly king to even be uncommon when you've made every other possible gate a complete waste of time for anyone trying to get crowns?

Imagen de Dogrock
I find Nick's statement

I find Nick's statement echoing the sentiments of some of the players back in this thread from December. The main topic there is that you shouldn't just be able to waltz into the game and be able to arm yourself to the teeth with top gear. Somehow a player should have to earn the item or prove their mettle somehow to have the privilege of accessing the powerful gear. Some more cruising though the old threads will reveal lots of changes that make it so that you have to actually play the game instead of dropping a wad of cash and being at the Core entrance all to quickly.

(Please don't revive that thread. If you want a discussion that topic I recommended you create a new one that is up to date with the current game.)

I think that even putting weapons like the Sealed Sword or the Antigua up for token swap on a medium difficulty boss character was a mistake. Inevitably you end up with someone grinding out for the tokens, making (token) price increases fairly irrelevant. Heck, knights were soloing Vanaduke for fun long before the well known Magnus ever picked up this game. These items used to be very prestigious because they could only be found as rare chest drops; on top of that the crafting materials for them were really hard to find (once they finally started dropping). If we could once again have those upgradable items that require luck and skill to acquire it could really bring back some of that flair from the past days.

Though the general commentary on crafting costs will take another few days in the least to see the actual impact. This is not the first time there has been a major price swing on things. The most recent one was when Recipe and Item costs were increased from what people had come to expect from the later weeks of the Preview Event. There were cries of bloody murder in the forum, yet no one bothered to acknowledge that the Crown drop rate was much higher than it was in Preview.
In a couple days the Clockworks was turning again as if nothing ever happened. My point is that the Dev team does not just arbitrarily change the cost of things in game without tweaking other things that help maintain the overall balance. These things may be a few pokes here or there that the vast majority of players may not notice, as such behavior must be observed as there's an obvious lack of verbal feedback on there tweaks.

As always, with the other times things were "broken," the Clockworks will keep turning. Tweaks and fixes will be made, but they will likely be what the game needs and not what everyone wants. Plenty of people have left of "poor decisions" and "unfair changes" but the population of Cradle keeps growing.

@nick It's obvious you


It's obvious you haven't tried to craft a UV: very high attack speed Divine Avenger. There's your rarity. Even the old ass Calibur with high/very high CTR is hard as hell to craft one.

As for Jelly King, he's easy mode when your in 4* to 5* or with a competent group.

And the unbind cost... LOL what a joke. With your statement, it would cost double just to make it. Way to milk that money from CE buyers.

Legacy Username
@d0gr0ck, I remember the

@d0gr0ck, I remember the initial Release price hike on recipes/items. I thought that one mostly disappeared because, for most MMORPGs, preview prices are fractions of release prices, so there was plenty of "this is just how it is, sorry," and that seemed rather reasonable. And it was crowns, which can be earned, rather than Crystal Energy, which more directly hits the pocket book of a paying player.

The current changes made me think last night, well, what if Spiral Knights always had this high of a cost for crafting? Or rather, if the cost had been raised to this post-Preview, along with the item/recipe crown price increase? What if people were never allowed to unbind crafted items on Release day?

Well, there wouldn't be a bait-and-switch feeling amongst some of the paying players. The expectations would have been properly set, and people wouldn't have been caught off-guard with the crafting of 4* and 5* items. Indeed, that would have been gone, and would probably have been accepted as "that's the difference between Preview and Release."

I think this patch was essentially a new Release Day—in fact, Nick referred to it as the game's first production patch. But this time, players were under the impression that Release had already passed and only incremental changes would come by, an assumption most rudely uprooted.

This isn't the last of changes, probably not even the last of radical changes. It's never stopped being Preview, it's never stopped being Release Day. It's always Release Day, and the game's byways and rules perhaps should be treated as volatile: here one day, gone the next patch.

Legacy Username
i like how the dev team

i like how the dev team responded to the 10 that complained about the Jelly King being too strong, and nerfed Jelly King to the ground

However, when 50% of the SK population is complaining about how this patch is screwing the whole gameplay dynamic they don't do anything to amend the problem.

Here's a suggestion, instead of manually handling the tickets for transering 1 binded equipment, you can spend sometime undoing this patch

Legacy Username
@ajericho this isn't an issue


this isn't an issue of things just changing some and that's it.

this is an issue of materials being virtually worthless, crafting being useless for profit, and even the stuff you do manage to sell on the auction house, guess what, you have to put up a huge listing fee which you get back if you're lucky enough to actually sell the thing, but no even then you're still going to lose 10% off the top anyway.

this game had a pretty major issue with crowns and materials being pretty useless, particularly materials and instead of doing anything about that they actually managed to go in the opposite direction and make it worse somehow.

virtually the only way to advance in the game outside of buying CE for $$ is to run jelly king until you die of boredom, due to the fact that the worthlessness of materials makes it mostly pointless to do T3, and the fact that the two jelly king levels before the boss fight are the most lucrative in the game crowns and heat wise wipes out the other gate options unless you magically get a gate that's almost nothing but graveyards and arenas.

Legacy Username
So what, basically this

So what, basically this change was to make it so that everybody and their dog isn't carrying around a Divine Avenger? That isn't going to change.

Look, you guys fundamentally designed this game so that anybody could get pretty much get any piece of gear they wanted given enough time and effort. Mats are easy to get, and things like recipes and energy/crown costs is just a matter of playing the game. The only way you would ever revert the game back to a point where there's only a couple of the top items in the game, you'd have to switch to random loot. Or you'd have to add a new item tier like 6* or something.

Imagen de Dogrock
ajericho Interestingly enough

Interestingly enough the original crafting cost for 5-star items was 500ce and halved per star downwards. People were very happy to drop to 250ce in the Preview. I was somewhat surprised to see that it did not go back up again when the game was released. It made many of those neat little low star items effectively useless since you could easily skip over them because the meatier items were in reach the moment you start.

You have a good point with Preview vs Release. I think in Preview people were much more open to large changes since the event and state of the game catered to possibility radical changes. People now largely expect a more static game, which they likely now know, isn't what's necessarily going to happen.

Imagen de Majikos
Sirrocco pretty much hits it

Sirrocco pretty much hits it on the head in #47. The new binding system is intended to give a lot of incentive to do your own crafting rather than just shopping for your items. Levying a fee for unbinding top-grade items is a good compromise - it makes those top-grade items available, but at a pretty spectacularly huge price, for those who value their time more than they value their IRL money.

I'm not sure about the extent of the CE price-hike (mostly because I am poor), but I can see what OOO are aiming for and this seems like a pretty reasonable way to go about it. Having a full set of 5-star gear cost the CE equivalent of $10 doesn't seem especially extortionate - other MMOs charge more than that every month, just for the privilege of being able to play the game.

Legacy Username
grinding for mats vs. grinding for currency

I have to echo the comments about making materials/recipes more rare and difficult to obtain (think Diablo 2 ZOD). There's a certain amount of excitement when I find a new recipe from Vatel or Basil, the joy of discovering a gem. Or when I'm running a level and some random monster drops a material I've never seen before, I immediately go onto the wiki to see what my new mat can eventually bring me. That makes me want to come back and play more, discovering new materials and buying new recipes. I'm a relatively new player, still working on 2* gear, and every night at 3am EST I log on to see what special new recipes Vatel has to sell. Some nights he has nothing I want, ho hum. Other nights it's a new Alchemer or Bomb, and buying the recipe means I want to craft it NOW, so I scrounge up the mats and crowns to make it. This is fun. Grinding to discover new things is fun.

Simply increasing the crafting cost is... less fun. It's not about discovering new items or rare mats. It's now about grinding for currency. If you made the mats more rare, I would have to play through multiple times to "find" that mat, and crafting my item is more rewarding. By increasing CE costs, I still have to grind through multiple levels, but not for the joy of unexpectedly getting a rare drop, but for the sake of accumulating currency.

I would pay $10 for the CE to do more runs and maybe, MAYBE stumble across the mat I'm looking for, b/c the rewarding feeling of finding it is worth it. I wouldn't pay $1 to simply have the currency to craft an item. Where's the reward in that?? It's not about HAVING the item, it's about FINDING the item.

Legacy Username
I WAS a paying customer,

I WAS a paying customer, However I refuse to be bilked, and that is what this is, take all the stupid CE monopoly money pretext away, you are trying to bilk me for double the money, for the exact same service.
And then you have the stones to tell me you plan on fixing it by adding a new shop that is essentially going to be an even greater CE sink?

Yeah, no, I already see where this is going to go, "oh you want to unbind that Faust eh? that'll just be 1200CE!"

Here is how it's going to go down Nick;

I'm not paying.

Until you fix this, FIX IT; not exploit it further to try and trick a few dumb teenagers with no concept of the value of money to swipe their parents credit cards, You get no more money from me.

Dropping ten dollars a month was not good enough for your little BROWSER GAME?
Well now you get no dollars a month.


*Logs into Minecraft*